2019 CESM Workshop

The 2019 CESM Workshop presentations have been posted below, view here

The 2019 CESM Workshop will take place 17 - 19 June 2019 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, CO.

This year's workshop will be a combination of plenary presentations, special interest presentations by the CESM working groups, and a poster session for participants to highlight their work.

Registration will once again be opened in three phases:

  • Phase I: General attendees who need travel assistance
  • Phase II: CAB, SSC members, and external co-chairs
  • Phase III: Non-CGD NCAR staff, and general attendees traveling with their own funds

Dates for when these phases open and close are sent out to the CESM Participant email list Subscribe Here

Workshop Details

  • Dates: 17 - 19 June 2019
  • Location: NCAR Center Green Auditorium, Boulder, CO [More info]
  • Registration: *Closed 23 March 2019
  • Main Agenda: PDF

Workshop Webcast

View the webcast at the link below


Workshop Participants

View the participants in PDF format here

Workshop Posters

View the poster locations in PDF format here

Workshop Agendas

View the main workshop agenda in PDF format here

Working Group Agendas

  • Joint Chemistry Climate & Whole Atmosphere [PDF]
  • Joint Land Ice & Polar Climate [PDF]
  • Atmosphere [PDF]
  • Atmosphere Modeling Across Scales and Applications [PDF]
  • Biogeochemical Model [PDF]
  • CESM Software Engineering [PDF]
  • Climate Variability & Change [PDF]
  • Coupling/Navigating the New Artic [PDF]
  • Earth System Prediction [PDF]
  • Extremes [PDF]
  • Land Model [PDF]
  • Long Transient Simulations of Glacial, Interlacial, and Future Climates [PDF]
  • Ocean Model [PDF]
  • Paleo [PDF]

Workshop Presentations

Main workshop (Plenary) Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
State of the CESM Gokhan Danabasoglu
CESM Distinguished Achievement Award - Keith Lindsay Keith Lindsay
CESM Graduate Student Award - Marysa Laguë Marysa Laguë
CESM Graduate Student Award - Adam Herrington Adam Herrington
Land Ice: Observations and updates from the front lines Twila Moon
What is the niche for CESM? What should CESM do/focus on for the next five years? What are the needs? Gokhan Danabasoglu

Joint Chemistry Climate & Whole Atmosphere Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Status of WACCM Rolando Garcia
CMIP6 simulations Mike Mills
Disentangling QBO and ENSO impacts on stratospheric circulation and tracer transport Jessica Neu
Improving the representation of stratospheric upwelling trends in Specified Dynamics WACCM Nick Davis
How waviness in the circulation changes surface ozone: A viewpoint using local finite-amplitude wave activity Peter Hess
Status of CAM-chem Louisa Emmons
Updates of aerosol developments on convective wet scavenging, brown carbon, dust, and nitrates Xiaohong Liu
Land-atmosphere coupling in ammonia volatilization: Impacts on atmospheric chemistry Julius Vira
Impacts of droughts on atmospheric composition and chemistry feedbacks Yuxuan Wang
Reaching temperature targets using solar geoengineering applied to 2 different baseline scenarios in WACCM6 Simone Tilmes
Working group discussion -

Joint Land Ice & Polar Climate Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Land Ice Working Group overview Bill Lipscomb
Polar Climate Working Group overview Marika Holland
Arctic amplification in large initial condition large ensembles Jen Kay
Snow accumulation and properties in polar regions Nander Wever
Modeling tensile and shear fracture in ice using damage mechanics Ravindra Duddu
Isolating the influence of cloud radiative feedback on Arctic amplification through cloud-locking Eleanor Middlemas
Amplified Antarctic precipitation response to ozone in a cloud-modified version of CESM David Schneider
Investigation the importance of cloud-aerosol interactions on the equilibrium Arctic and Antarctic sea ice state in the CESM2 Alice DuVivier
Working group discussion -

Atmosphere Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Introduction and Update Julio Bacmeister
High CESM2 equilibrium climate sensitivity and how we got there Andrew Gettelman
An evaluation of the large scale atmospheric circulation and its variability in CESM2 Isla Simpson
An improved dust emission parameterization for CESM Longlei Li
Bayesian calibration of central plains shallow cumulus within SCAM using the CASS observational ensemble Charles Jackson
Clouds and convection in RCEMIP simulations with CAM and a hierarchy of models Kevin Reed
Idealized experiments to explore aerosol effects in CESM2 Brian Medeiros
In-Situ and ground-based observations of clouds over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and comparisions with NCAR CAM Model Minghui Diao
Effect of tropical large-scale condensation on uncertainty in modeled projections of rainfall Ben Stephens

Atmosphere Modeling Across Scales and Applications Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Unified Atmospheric Modeling Across Scales B. Skamarock, M. Barth, A. Gettelman, H. Liu
Simulating atmospheric composition with regional refinement Louisa Emmons
Dynamical cores across scales in CESM Peter Lauritzen
Land modeling across scales Peter Lawrence
Physical parameterizations across scales A. Gettleman, J. Bacmeister

Biogeochemistry Model Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Benchmarking and testing of FATES at Barro COlorado Island, Panama Charlie Koven
Understanding PFT coexistence with CLM-FATEs in California Polly Buotte
Carbon cycle sensitivities to microtopographical parameters in ELM_SPRUCE Jake Graham
Effects of climatic and anthropogenic changes on riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen transport Yan Wang
Leveraging the signature of heterotrophic respiration on atmospheric CO2 for model benchmarking Gretchen Keppel-Aleks
Decadal prediction of marine net primary production: Potential predictability and drivers Kristen Krumhardt
Modeling the effect of clouds on the Southern ocean carbon sink Matthew Gentry
Update on BGCWG Activities Keith Lindsay
Working Group discussion -

CESM Software Engineering Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
CSEG Update Mariana Vertenstein
Update on the Earth System Modeling Framework Rocky Dunlap
Status of CESM CMIP6 Simulations Sheri Mickelson
Clouds, containers, and CESM Brian Dobbins
IO Performance with comperession enabled Hiaying Xu
Community physics framework update Steve Goldhaber
Reduced precision in CAM John Dennis
E3SM Infrastructure Group Update Rob Jacob
Working Group discussion -

Climate Variability & Change Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
How does ENSO variability and regularity change in a warming climate? Results from the CESM large ensemble Judith Berner
Model bias on simulating the North Pacific ENSO teleconnections durning spring Ruyan Chen
CMIP5 model-analong seasonal forecast skill: A metric for model evaluation of ENSO Hui Ding
Extreme El Nino of March 2017: Coastal ocean-atmosphere coupling Shang-Ping Xie
CESM insights into drivers of regional sea level rise in recent decades John Fasullo
Multi-decadal trend patterns of the Indian Ocean regional sea level since the 1950s: Contribution from external forcing Weiqing Han
Indian Ocean warming trend reduces Pacific warming response to anthropogenic greenhouse gases: An interbasin thermostat mechanism Lei Zhang
New insights into variability and anthropogenic forcing of global/regional climate evolution Aixue Hu
Development and evaluation of the FGOALS-g3 Lijuan Li
Mass transportation of CESM Wei Huang
Thermodynamic and dynamic responses to deforestation in the maritime continent: A modeling study Chu-Chun Chen
Earth system prediction with The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) Kathy Pegion
Nonlinear drought response to anthropogenic forcing in CESM Flavio Lehner
Tropical cyclone sensitivity to CO2 doubling: Roles of atmospheric resolution and background climate changes Gabriel Vecchi
Arctic sea ice and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a warming climate Wei Liu
CVCWG plans and discussion of the future of CESM -

Coupling/Navigating the New Artic Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Introduction: Navigating the New Arctic Marika Holland
CESM Directions: Where are we now in the Arctic, Where are we going? -

Earth System Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Decadal predictability of late winter precipitation in Western Europe through an ocean-jet stream connection Isla Simpson
Was the 2015 subpolar North Atlantic cold blob predictable Elizabeth Maroon
Skullful multiyear predictions of pH variability in the California current system Riley Brady
An ensemble reanalysis with CAM6: initial conditions for ensemble ESP and realistic forcing for CESM models Lndergrass
A commercial-product perspective on climate prediction Alicia Karspeck

Extremes Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Introduction L. Landrum, A. Pendergrass
Extremes in the Arctic Marika Holland
Impact of land processes on extremes Dave Lawrence
Extremes in the Midlatitude Storm Track: Atmospheric Rivers Christine Shields

Land Model Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Runoff sensitivities in Earth System Models and their importance for regional hydrologic change projections Flavio Lehner
Current capability of data assimilation with CTSM and DART Tim Hoar
Using the CTSM to evaluate land carbon mitigation potentials through global afforestation and reforestation Peter Lawrence
Linking LULC to four hydrological soil groups from 850 to 2015 Pei-Ling Wang
The GLACE-Hydrology Experiment - Investigating the remote and local responses of the land-atmosphere coupling on soil moisture predictability Sanjiv Kumar
Global variability of vegetation season in land surface models Daniele Peano
Modeling the impacts of urban green and cool roofs on surface climate Linying Wang
Impact of soil texture on simulated hydrology in ORCHIDEE land surface model Salma Tafasca
Evaluating the spatial and temporal variability of plant traits in a desert watershed using a data-conditioned stochastic parameterization method Shaoqing Lu
A high-resolution land model with groundwater lateral flow, water use, and soil freeze-thaw front dynamics and its applications in an endorheic basin Zhenghui Xie
CLM Update Dave Lawrence

Long Transient Simulations of Glacial, Interlacial, and Future Climates Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Welcome and overview -
Coupled climate - ice sheet simulations of the Greenland ice sheet from an intermediate complexity perspective Alexander Robinson
Evolution of the Greenland ice sheet during the Last Interglacial: Considerations in designing a long transient CESN simulation Aleah Sommers
Simulating the last deglaciation of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets with CESM/CISM: Interactive ice/ocean interaction Michele Petrini

Ocean Model Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Mesoscale-resolving simulations of marine climate change in the RCP8.5 scenario Dan Whitt
Biological impacts of physics through idealized tracers Jay Brett
Impact of climate change on the Gulf Stream and US East coast warming in CESM: An Update Justin Small
The impacts of satellite wind correction in the CORE-II reanalysis on modeling NECC Zhukuo Sun
A stochasticmodel of the isopycnal slope for use in GM parameterizations Zofia Stanley
Early results from coupling backscatter with an eddy energy budget in MOM6 Scott Bachman
Mixing in wind, wave and buoyancy driven Southern Ocean boundary layers Bill Large
Comparing ocean boundary vertical mixing schemes with Langmuir turbulence Baylog Fox-Kemper
Developing MOM6 towards CESM3 Gustavo Marques
OMWG science and development priorities for the next five years -

Paleo Presentations

Presentation Title Presenter
Model-proxy comparison of precipitation and hydrogen stable isotopes in the global tropics: A case study in Mid-Holocene Northern Africa with iCESM Alexander Thompson
Simulating hydrological changes in the Western US at the LGM with CESM Clay Tabor
Late Paleozoic Glacial-interglacial variability and dynamics in iCESM Sophia Macarewich
Simulating the Northern hemisphere climate and ice sheets during the last deglaciation with CESM2.1/CISM2.1 Michele Petrini
From PlioMIP1 to PlioMIP2: forcings and feedbacks contributing to a better match with proxy records Ran Feng
High-resolution reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 in deep time using plant stomata Garland Upchurch
Climate change at the onset of early Eocene hyperthermals - climate sensitivity in response to DeepMIP forcing boundary conditions Arne Winguth
Initial results from DT-CESM 1.0 for the PETM Mark Synder
Year in review, plans for next year(s) Bette Otto-Bliesner
Working Group discussion Esther Brady
  • Joint Chemistry Climate & Whole Atmosphere [Agenda]
  • Joint Land Ice & Polar Climate [Agenda]
  • Atmosphere [Agenda]
  • Atmosphere Modeling Across Scales and Applications [Agenda]
  • Biogeochemical Model [Agenda]
  • CESM Software Engineering [Agenda]
  • Climate Variability & Change [Agenda]
  • Coupling/Navigating the New Artic [Agenda]
  • Earth System Prediction [Agenda]
  • Extremes [Agenda]
  • Land Model [Agenda]
  • Long Transient Simulations of Glacial, Interlacial, and Future Climates [Agenda]
  • Ocean Model [Agenda]
  • Paleo [Agenda]