CESM Models

CCSM1.4 Public Release

Documentation, Source Code, and Input Data

The Climate System Model (CSM) software is based on a framework that divides the complete climate system into component models connected by a coupler. Individual component models, atmosphere, land, ocean, and sea-ice, can be exchanged for alternate models, thus allowing different configurations appropriate for different applications.

CSM 1.4, released July 11, 2000, is the fourth major release of the CSM, a comprehensive coupled model of the Earth's climate system. Both active and data models are available. Standard resolutions are T31 & T42 for the atmosphere and land components, and a nominal 3x3 and 2x2 degree resolution for the sea-ice and ocean components. Other resolutions are also possible.

This model and the resulting science are documented in a special issue of the Journal of Climate, June 1998.

Download Source Code, Input Data, and Run Scripts

This code is no longer supported and is no longer available for download.

Model Documentation

Following are links to documentation home pages for the various CCSM1.4 component models that were part of this official release.

Although this code is no longer supported and is no longer available for download, these related artifacts are left here for historical puposes. Note that there may be broken links or references to data that is no longer availalble.

The Complete Coupled System

Atmosphere Models

Ice Models

Land Models

Ocean Models


Model Output Data

Output data from CSM.1.4 experiments is made available on CSM's Experiments and Data page.

More Information

To subscribe to the ccsm-users mailing list follow the link, or email your request to ccsm @ ucar.edu. These are low volume mailing lists that allow the community to stay up to date with new releases, important bugs, and development procedures. Or if you have any problems or additional questions, please email ccsm @ ucar.edu. If you'd like to report a bug, email ccsm @ ucar.edu. Finally, feel free to provide us with feedback at ccsm @ ucar.edu about anything related to the CCSM documentation, source code, or release process.