module cam_restart 4,16
! module to handle reading and writing of the master restart files.
   use shr_kind_mod,     only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, cl=>shr_kind_cl
   use shr_sys_mod,      only: shr_sys_getenv
   use spmd_utils,       only: masterproc
   use ppgrid,           only: begchunk, endchunk
   use pmgrid,           only: plev, plevp, plat
   use rgrid,            only: nlon, wnummax, fullgrid
   use ioFileMod,        only: getfil, opnfil
   use abortutils,       only: endrun
   use camsrfexch_types, only: surface_state
   use dyn_comp,         only: dyn_import_t, dyn_export_t

#ifdef SPMD
   use mpishorthand,     only: mpicom, mpir8, mpiint, mpilog
   use units,            only: getunit
   use shr_kind_mod,     only: shr_kind_cs
   use hycoef,           only: hyai, hybi, hyam, hybm
   use cam_control_mod,  only: eps
   use cam_logfile,      only: iulog
   use pio,              only: file_desc_t, pio_global, pio_noerr, &
                               pio_seterrorhandling, pio_bcast_error, pio_internal_error, &
                               pio_inq_att, pio_def_dim, pio_enddef, &
                               pio_get_att, pio_put_att, pio_closefile

   implicit none

   ! Public interfaces

   public restart_defaultopts    ! initialize namelist variables
   public restart_setopts        ! set values of namelist variables
   public restart_printopts      ! print module options to log
   public cam_write_restart      ! Write the master restart file out
   public cam_read_restart       ! Read the master restart file in
   public get_restcase           ! Get the caseid of the restart file being read in
   public get_restartdir         ! Get the directory name of the restart file being read in

   ! Private data

   integer, parameter :: uninit_int = -999999999

   integer, parameter :: nlen = 256       ! Length of character strings
   character(len=nlen):: pname = ' '      ! Full restart pathname
   character(shr_kind_cs) :: tcase = ' '  ! Read in previous case name

   ! Type of restart run
   logical :: nlres                       ! true => restart or branch run
   logical :: lbrnch                      ! true => branch run

   ! Filename specifiers for master restart filename
   ! (%c = caseid, $y = year, $m = month, $d = day, $s = seconds in day, %t = number)
   character(len=nlen) :: rfilename_spec = ''

   logical :: aeres                ! true => write absorptivities/emissivities to restart file
   integer :: nsds = -1            ! Logical unit number for restart pointer file

   ! Filenames used for restart or branch
   character(len=nlen) :: rest_pfile = './rpointer.atm' ! Restart pointer file contains name of most recently
                                                        ! written restart file
   character(len=nlen) :: cam_branch_file = ' '         ! Filepath of primary restart file for a branch run



subroutine restart_defaultopts( & 1
   cam_branch_file_out            )
! Purpose: Return default runtime options

   character(len=nlen), intent(out), optional :: cam_branch_file_out

   if ( present(cam_branch_file_out) ) then
      cam_branch_file_out = cam_branch_file

end subroutine restart_defaultopts


subroutine restart_setopts( nsrest, & 1,2
   cam_branch_file_in            )
! Purpose: Set runtime options

   integer,             intent(in)           :: nsrest
   character(len=nlen), intent(in), optional :: cam_branch_file_in

   integer :: numset=0
   integer :: rcode

   ! Set continuation run flags
   if (nsrest==0) then
      nlres  = .false.
      lbrnch = .false.
   else if (nsrest==1) then
      nlres  = .true.
      lbrnch = .false.
   else if (nsrest==3) then
      nlres  = .true.
      lbrnch = .true.
      call endrun ('restart_setopts: not a valid option for nsrest (should be 0, 1 or 3)')

   if ( present(cam_branch_file_in) ) then
      cam_branch_file = cam_branch_file_in

   ! If branch set restart filepath to path given on namelist
   if ( lbrnch ) call set_restart_filepath( cam_branch_file )

end subroutine restart_setopts


subroutine restart_printopts 1

   write(iulog,*)'Summary of restart module options:'
   write(iulog,*)'  Restart pointer file is: ',trim(rest_pfile)
   if (lbrnch) then
      write(iulog,*)'  Branch run will start from: ',trim(cam_branch_file)
   end if
end subroutine restart_printopts


   subroutine cam_write_restart( cam_out, dyn_out, & 2,35
	                         yr_spec, mon_spec, day_spec, sec_spec )

! Purpose: 
! Write the primary, secondary, and history buffer regeneration files.
! Method: 
! The cpp SPMD definition provides for the funnelling of all program i/o
! through the master processor. Processor 0 either reads restart/history
! data from the disk and distributes it to all processors, or collects
! data from all processors and writes it to disk.
! Author: 
      use cam_history,      only: write_restart_history, init_restart_history
      use radiation,        only: radiation_do
      use time_manager,     only: timemgr_write_restart
      use filenames,        only: caseid, interpret_filename_spec
      use dycore,           only: dycore_is

      use time_manager,     only: timemgr_write_restart, timemgr_init_restart
      use restart_dynamics, only: write_restart_dynamics, init_restart_dynamics
      use restart_physics,  only: write_restart_physics, init_restart_physics
      use hycoef,           only: init_restart_hycoef, write_restart_hycoef
      use cam_pio_utils,    only: cam_pio_createfile
      use spmd_utils,       only: iam, mpicom
      use infnan,           only: bigint

! Arguments
      type(surface_state), intent(in) :: cam_out(begchunk:endchunk)

      type(dyn_export_t) , intent(in) :: dyn_out

      integer            , intent(in), optional :: yr_spec         ! Simulation year
      integer            , intent(in), optional :: mon_spec        ! Simulation month
      integer            , intent(in), optional :: day_spec        ! Simulation day
      integer            , intent(in), optional :: sec_spec        ! Seconds into current simulation day
! Local workspace
      integer ioerr                 ! write error status
      character(len=nlen) :: fname  ! Restart filename
      integer :: aeres_int = 0

      integer :: ierr
      type(file_desc_t) :: File
      integer :: vdimids(2)
      integer, pointer :: hdimids(:)

      call print_memusage('before write restart')

! Write the primary restart datasets
#ifdef DEBUG
      write(iulog,*)'Entered CAM_WRITE_RESTART: writing nstep+1=',nstep+1, ' data to restart file'
      aeres = radiation_do('aeres')
      if ( aeres ) aeres_int = 1
      ! Everything inside the following "if" is from the obsolete RGNFLS
      ! Write the master restart dataset

      if (present(yr_spec).and.present(mon_spec).and.present(day_spec).and.present(sec_spec)) then
         fname = interpret_filename_spec( rfilename_spec, &
              yr_spec=yr_spec, mon_spec=mon_spec, day_spec=day_spec, sec_spec= sec_spec )
         fname = interpret_filename_spec( rfilename_spec )
      end if

      call cam_pio_createfile(File, trim(fname), 0)
      call timemgr_init_restart(File)
      call init_restart_hycoef(File, vdimids)
      call init_restart_dynamics(File, hdimids, vdimids, dyn_out)
      call init_restart_physics(File, cam_out, hdimids)
      call init_restart_history(File)

      ierr = PIO_Put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'caseid', caseid)
      ierr = PIO_Put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'EPS', eps)
      ierr = PIO_Put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'aeres', aeres_int)
      if(.not.fullgrid) then
         ierr = PIO_Put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'NLON', nlon)
         ierr = PIO_Put_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'WNUMMAX', wnummax)
      end if
      ierr = pio_enddef(File)

      call print_memusage('restart init')

      ! Dynamics, physics, History
      call timemgr_write_restart(File)
      call write_restart_hycoef(File)
      call print_memusage('restart hycoef')
      call write_restart_dynamics(File, dyn_out)
      call print_memusage('restart dynamics')
      call write_restart_physics(File, cam_out)
      call print_memusage('restart physics')

      if (present(yr_spec).and.present(mon_spec).and.&
           present(day_spec).and.present(sec_spec)) then
         call write_restart_history ( File, &
              yr_spec=yr_spec, mon_spec=mon_spec, day_spec=day_spec, sec_spec= sec_spec )
         call write_restart_history( File )
      end if
      call print_memusage('restart history')
      call pio_closefile(File)
      ! Close the master restart file

      if (masterproc) then
	 pname = fname
         call write_rest_pfile()
      end if

      call print_memusage('after write restart')

   end subroutine cam_write_restart


   subroutine cam_read_restart( cam_out, dyn_in, dyn_out, stop_ymd, stop_tod, NLFileName ) 1,31

! Purpose: 
! Acquire and position the restart, master, primary and secondary
! datasets for a continuation run
! Method: 
! Author: 
      use restart_physics,  only: read_restart_physics
      use restart_dynamics, only: read_restart_dynamics
      use chem_surfvals,    only: chem_surfvals_init
      use phys_grid,        only: phys_grid_init
      use camsrfexch_types, only: atm2hub_alloc
#if (defined SPMD)
      use spmd_dyn,         only: spmdbuf
      use cam_history,      only: read_restart_history
      use dycore,           only: dycore_is

      use cam_pio_utils,    only: cam_pio_openfile, clean_iodesc_list
      use spmd_utils,       only: iam, mpicom
      use hycoef,           only: read_restart_hycoef
      use time_manager,     only: timemgr_read_restart, timemgr_restart
      use filenames,        only: caseid, brnch_retain_casename

! Arguments
   type(surface_state), pointer :: cam_out(:)
   type(dyn_import_t), intent(out) :: dyn_in
   type(dyn_export_t), intent(out) :: dyn_out
   character(len=*),   intent(in)  :: NLFileName
   integer,            intent(IN)  :: stop_ymd       ! Stop date (YYYYMMDD)
   integer,            intent(IN)  :: stop_tod       ! Stop time of day (sec)
! Local workspace
   character(len=nlen) :: locfn          ! Local filename
   character(len=nlen+40) :: errstr
   real(r8) :: tmp_rgrid(plat)
   integer :: ierr, aeres_int, slen, xtype
   type(file_desc_t) :: File
   logical :: filefound

      ! lbrnch is false for a restart run (nsrest=1), and true for a 
      ! branch run (nsrest=3).  Only read the restart pointer file for
      ! a restart run.
   aeres = .false.
   if (.not.lbrnch) then
      call read_rest_pfile
! Obtain and read the master restart dataset 
#ifdef DEBUG
   if(masterproc) write(iulog,*)'READ_RESTART_MASTER: Reading master resart dataset'

! Obtain master restart dataset
   call getfil (pname, locfn)
   ! Master restart dataset
   inquire(FILE=trim(locfn), exist=filefound)

   if(.not.filefound) then
      write(errstr,*) 'Could not find restart file ', trim(locfn)
      call endrun(errstr)
   end if

   call cam_pio_openfile(File, trim(locfn), 0)
   ierr = pio_inq_att(File, pio_global, 'caseid', xtype, slen)
   ierr = PIO_Get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'caseid', tcase)
   ierr = PIO_Get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'EPS', eps)
   ierr = PIO_Get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'aeres', aeres_int)
   if(aeres_int==1) aeres=.true.
! If these variables are not in the file the call will give an error 
!       which we can safely ignore
   call PIO_SetErrorHandling(File, PIO_BCAST_ERROR)
   ierr = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'NLON', tmp_rgrid)
   if(ierr==PIO_NOERR) nlon=tmp_rgrid
   ierr = pio_get_att(File, PIO_GLOBAL, 'WNUMMAX', tmp_rgrid)
   if(ierr==PIO_NOERR) wnummax=tmp_rgrid
   call PIO_SetErrorHandling(File, PIO_INTERNAL_ERROR)
   call timemgr_read_restart(File)
   call read_restart_hycoef(File)

   if(masterproc) then

      if (lbrnch .and. tcase==caseid .and. .not.brnch_retain_casename) then
         write(iulog,*) 'READ_RESTART_MASTER: Must change case name on branch run'
         write(iulog,*) 'Prev case = ',tcase,' current case = ',caseid
         call endrun
      end if

      write(iulog,*) 'MASTER RESTART DATASET READ. EPS= ',eps
      write(iulog,*) 'Files for restart:'

   endif  ! end of if-masterproc

#if ( defined SPMD ) 
! Initialize SPMD decompositions

   call decompinit ()
   ! Restart the time manager.
   call timemgr_restart( stop_ymd=stop_ymd, stop_tod=stop_tod )

      ! Dynamics, physics, History

   call read_restart_dynamics(File, dyn_in, dyn_out, NLFileName)   

   call initcom ()
   call phys_grid_init
   call atm2hub_alloc( cam_out )

   call read_restart_physics( File, cam_out )

   if (nlres .and. .not.lbrnch) then
      call read_restart_history ( File )
   end if

   call pio_closefile(File)
   ! Allocate communication buffers for collective communications
   ! between physics and dynamics, if necessary

#if (defined SPMD)
   call spmdbuf ()

   ! Initialize ghg surface values.

   call chem_surfvals_init()
   call clean_iodesc_list()

 end subroutine cam_read_restart


   subroutine write_rest_pfile 1,8
! Purpose: 
! Write out the restart pointer file
   use restart_physics, only: get_abs_restart_filepath
   use cam_history,     only: get_mtapes, get_hist_restart_filepath, &
                              hstwr, get_hfilepath, nfils, mfilt
   integer t      ! Tape number
   integer mtapes ! Number of tapes that are active

   if ( nsds == -1 ) nsds = getunit()
   call opnfil(rest_pfile, nsds, 'f')
   rewind nsds
   write (nsds,'(a)') trim(pname)
   write (nsds,'(//a,a)') '# The following lists the other files needed for restarts', &
                        ' (cam only reads the first line of this file).'
   write (nsds,'(a,a)') '# The files below refer to the files needed for the master restart file:', &
   if ( aeres )then
      write (nsds,'(a,a)') '# ', trim(get_abs_restart_filepath())
   end if
! History files: Need restart history files when not a time-step to write history info
! Need: history files if they are not full
   mtapes = get_mtapes( )
   do t=1,mtapes
      if ( .not. hstwr(t) ) then
         write (nsds,'(a,a)') '# ', trim(get_hist_restart_filepath( t ))
      end if
      if ( nfils(t) > 0 .and. nfils(t) < mfilt(t) ) then
         write (nsds,'(a,a)') '# ', trim(get_hfilepath( t ))
      end if
   end do
   close (nsds)
   write(iulog,*)'(WRITE_REST_PFILE): successfully wrote local restart pointer file ',trim(rest_pfile)
   end subroutine write_rest_pfile


   subroutine read_rest_pfile 1,2
! Purpose: 
! Read the master restart file from the restart pointer file

   character(len=nlen) :: locfn        ! Local pathname for restart pointer file

   nsds = getunit()
   call opnfil (rest_pfile, nsds, 'f', status="old")
   read (nsds,'(a)') pname

   end subroutine read_rest_pfile


! !ROUTINE: set_restart_filepath
! !DESCRIPTION: Set the filepath of the specific type of restart file.

subroutine set_restart_filepath( rgpath ) 1,3
  character(len=*), intent(in)  :: rgpath ! Full pathname to restart file
  if ( trim(rgpath) == '' )then
     call endrun ('set_restart_filepath: rgpath sent into subroutine is empty')
  end if
  if ( rgpath(1:1) /= '/' )then
     call endrun ('set_restart_filepath: rgpath sent into subroutine is not an absolute pathname')
  end if
  if ( len_trim(rgpath) > nlen )then
     call endrun ('set_restart_filepath: rgpath is too long :'//rgpath)
  end if
  pname = trim(rgpath)
end subroutine set_restart_filepath


! !FUNCTION: get_restcase
! !DESCRIPTION: Get the caseid of the case being read in

character(len=nlen) function get_restcase() 1
  if ( trim(tcase) == '' )then
     call endrun ('GET_RESTCASE: caseid read in is empty, is this call after cam_read_restart?')
  end if
  get_restcase = tcase
end function get_restcase


! !FUNCTION: get_restartdir
! !DESCRIPTION: Get the directory of the restart file being read in

character(len=nlen) function get_restartdir() 1,2
  use filenames,   only: get_dir
  ! Uses pname, so will be updated after a restart file is written out
  if ( trim(pname) == '' )then
     call endrun ('GET_RESTDIR: restart filename is empty, is this call after cam_read_restart?')
  end if
  get_restartdir = get_dir(pname)
end function get_restartdir


end module cam_restart