subroutine srfxfer(state,cam_out,prec_zmc,snow_zmc, & 1,13
prec_cmf,snow_cmf,prec_sed,snow_sed, &
! Purpose:
! Transfer atmospheric fields into necessary surface data structures
! Author: L. Bath CMS Contact: M. Vertenstein
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use physics_types
, only: physics_state
use ppgrid
, only: pver, pcols
use cam_history
, only: outfld
use comsrf
, only: psm1, srfrpdel, prcsnw
use camsrfexch_types
, only: surface_state
use chem_surfvals
, only: chem_surfvals_get
use co2_cycle
, only: co2_transport, c_i
use physconst
, only: mwdry, mwco2
use constituents
, only: pcnst
use cam_control_mod
, only: rair
implicit none
! Input arguments
type(physics_state) , intent(in) :: state
type (surface_state), intent(inout) :: cam_out
real(r8), intent(in) :: prec_zmc(pcols) ! total precipitation from ZM convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: snow_zmc(pcols) ! snow from ZM convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: prec_cmf(pcols) ! total precipitation from Hack convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: snow_cmf(pcols) ! snow from Hack convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: prec_sed(pcols) ! total precipitation from ZM convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: snow_sed(pcols) ! snow from ZM convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: prec_pcw(pcols) ! total precipitation from Hack convection
real(r8), intent(in) :: snow_pcw(pcols) ! snow from Hack convection
!---------------------------Local variables-----------------------------
integer :: i ! Longitude index
integer :: m ! constituent index
integer :: lchnk ! Chunk index
integer :: ncol
lchnk = state%lchnk
ncol = state%ncol
do i=1,ncol
cam_out%tbot(i) = state%t(i,pver)
cam_out%thbot(i) = state%t(i,pver) * state%exner(i,pver)
cam_out%zbot(i) = state%zm(i,pver)
cam_out%ubot(i) = state%u(i,pver)
cam_out%vbot(i) = state%v(i,pver)
cam_out%pbot(i) = state%pmid(i,pver)
cam_out%rho(i) = cam_out%pbot(i)/(rair*cam_out%tbot(i))
cam_out%netsw(i) = cam_out%srfrad(i) - cam_out%flwds(i)
psm1(i,lchnk) = state%ps(i)
srfrpdel(i,lchnk)= state%rpdel(i,pver)
end do
do m = 1, pcnst
do i = 1, ncol
cam_out%qbot(i,m) = state%q(i,pver,m)
end do
end do
cam_out%co2diag(:ncol) = chem_surfvals_get
('CO2VMR') * 1.0e+6_r8
if (co2_transport
()) then
do i=1,ncol
cam_out%co2prog(i) = state%q(i,pver,c_i(4)) * 1.0e+6_r8 *mwdry/mwco2
end do
end if
! Precipation and snow rates from shallow convection, deep convection and stratiform processes.
! Compute total convective and stratiform precipitation and snow rates
do i=1,ncol
cam_out%precc (i) = prec_zmc(i) + prec_cmf(i)
cam_out%precl (i) = prec_sed(i) + prec_pcw(i)
cam_out%precsc(i) = snow_zmc(i) + snow_cmf(i)
cam_out%precsl(i) = snow_sed(i) + snow_pcw(i)
! jrm These checks should not be necessary if they exist in the parameterizations
if (cam_out%precc(i) .lt.0._r8) cam_out%precc(i)=0._r8
if (cam_out%precl(i) .lt.0._r8) cam_out%precl(i)=0._r8
if (cam_out%precsc(i).lt.0._r8) cam_out%precsc(i)=0._r8
if (cam_out%precsl(i).lt.0._r8) cam_out%precsl(i)=0._r8
if (cam_out%precsc(i).gt.cam_out%precc(i)) cam_out%precsc(i)=cam_out%precc(i)
if (cam_out%precsl(i).gt.cam_out%precl(i)) cam_out%precsl(i)=cam_out%precl(i)
! end jrm
end do
! total snowfall rate: needed by slab ocean model
prcsnw(:ncol,lchnk) = cam_out%precsc(:ncol) + cam_out%precsl(:ncol)
end subroutine srfxfer