module startup_initialconds 3,2
! Purpose: 
! Module to set the initial conditions for model startup.
! $Id$
   use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
   use spmd_utils,   only: masterproc
   use pio,     only: file_desc_t
   implicit none
! Public methods
   public setup_initial         ! Initial setup to prepare to read in initial conditions
   public initial_conds         ! Read in initial conditions
   public initial_file_get_id
   public topo_file_get_id
   public close_initial_file
   type(file_desc_t), pointer :: ncid_ini, ncid_topo


function initial_file_get_id()
  type(file_desc_t), pointer :: initial_file_get_id
  initial_file_get_id => ncid_ini
end function initial_file_get_id

function topo_file_get_id()
  type(file_desc_t), pointer :: topo_file_get_id
  topo_file_get_id => ncid_topo
end function topo_file_get_id


subroutine setup_initial( ) 1,10
! Purpose:  Do initial setup needed for startup initial conditions. Open
! files and start time-manager.
   use phys_grid,        only: phys_grid_init
   use filenames,        only: ncdata, bnd_topo
   use ioFileMod,        only: getfil

   use cam_pio_utils,    only: cam_pio_openfile
   use pio,              only: pio_nowrite

   use readinitial,      only: read_initial
! Input arguments
   include ''

   character(len=256) :: ncdata_loc     ! filepath of initial file on local disk
   character(len=256) :: bnd_topo_loc   ! filepath of topo file on local disk
   ! Open initial, topography, and landfrac datasets
   call getfil (ncdata, ncdata_loc)

   call cam_pio_openfile(ncid_ini, ncdata_loc, PIO_NOWRITE, .TRUE.)
   ! Backward compatibility: look for topography data on initial file if topo file name not provided.
   if (trim(bnd_topo) /= 'bnd_topo' .and. len_trim(bnd_topo) > 0) then
      call getfil(bnd_topo, bnd_topo_loc)
      call cam_pio_openfile(ncid_topo, bnd_topo_loc, PIO_NOWRITE)
      ncid_topo => ncid_ini
   end if

   ! Check for consistent settings on initial dataset
   call read_initial (ncid_ini)
end subroutine setup_initial


subroutine initial_conds( dyn_in ) 1,16
! Purpose: 
! Convert from inital to startup_initialconds module. Define initial 
! conditions for first run of case
! Method: 
! Author: 
! Original version:  CCM1
! Standardized:      L. Bath, June 1992
!                    T. Acker, March 1996
! Reviewed:          B. Boville, April 1996
   use inidat,        only: read_inidat
   use buffer,        only: initialize_buffer
   use comsrf,        only: initialize_comsrf
   use radae,         only: initialize_radbuffer
   use phys_buffer,   only: pbuf_allocate
   use dyn_comp,      only: dyn_import_t
   use cam_pio_utils, only: clean_iodesc_list
#if (defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP )
   use history_defaults, only: initialize_iop_history

   implicit none
   type(dyn_import_t),  intent(inout) :: dyn_in

!---------------------------Local variables-----------------------------

   ! Initialize buffer, comsrf, and radbuffer variables 
   ! (which must occur after the call to phys_grid_init)
   call pbuf_allocate('global')
   call initialize_buffer
   call initialize_comsrf
   call initialize_radbuffer

#if (defined BFB_CAM_SCAM_IOP )
   call initialize_iop_history
   ! Read in initial data

   call read_inidat( ncid_ini, ncid_topo, dyn_in )

   call clean_iodesc_list()

   call print_memusage ('post-inidat')

end subroutine initial_conds

subroutine close_initial_file 1
  use pio,          only: pio_closefile

  if(associated(ncid_ini)) then
     if(.not. associated(ncid_ini, target=ncid_topo)) then
        call pio_closefile(ncid_topo)
     end if
     call pio_closefile(ncid_ini)
  end if
end subroutine close_initial_file

end module startup_initialconds