! !MODULE: stepon -- FV Dynamics specific time-stepping
module stepon 5,14
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use shr_sys_mod
, only: shr_sys_flush
use pmgrid
, only: plev, plevp, plat
use spmd_utils
, only: iam, masterproc
use dyn_internal_state
, only: get_dyn_state, get_dyn_state_grid
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use ppgrid
, only: begchunk, endchunk
use physconst
, only: zvir, cappa
use physics_types
, only: physics_state, physics_tend
use dyn_comp
, only: dyn_import_t, dyn_export_t
use dynamics_vars
use cam_control_mod
, only: nsrest, moist_physics
#if defined ( SPMD )
use mpishorthand
, only: mpicom
use perf_mod
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
public stepon_init ! Initialization
public stepon_run1 ! run method phase 1
public stepon_run2 ! run method phase 2
public stepon_run3 ! run method phase 3
public stepon_final ! Finalization
! !DESCRIPTION: Module for FV dynamics specific time-stepping.
! 2005.06.10 Sawyer Adapted from FVdycore_GridCompMod
! 2005.09.16 Kluzek Creation from stepon subroutine.
! 2005.09.23 Kluzek Create multiple run methods.
! 2005.11.10 Sawyer Now using dyn_import/export_t containers
! 2006.04.13 Sawyer Removed dependencies on prognostics
! 2006.06.29 Sawyer Changed t3 to IJK; removed use_eta option
! 2006.07.01 Sawyer Transitioned q3 to T_TRACERS
! Magic numbers used in this module
real(r8), parameter :: D0_0 = 0.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D1_0 = 1.0_r8
real(r8), parameter :: D1E5 = 1.0e5_r8
integer :: pdt ! Physics time step
real(r8) :: dtime ! Physics time step
real(r8) :: te0 ! Total energy before dynamics
! for fv_out
integer :: freq_diag ! Output frequency in seconds
logical fv_monitor ! Monitor Mean/Max/Min fields every time step
data freq_diag / 21600 / ! time interval (sec) for calling fv_out
data fv_monitor / .true. / ! This is CPU-time comsuming; set it to false for
! production runs
! Pointers to variables in dyn_state%grid (for convenience)
integer :: ks
real (r8) :: ptop
real (r8), pointer :: ak(:)
real (r8), pointer :: bk(:)
integer :: im, jm, km, mq
integer :: jfirst, kfirst, jlast, klast, klastp
integer :: ifirstxy, ilastxy, jfirstxy, jlastxy
! !ROUTINE: stepon_init --- Time stepping initialization
subroutine stepon_init( gw, etamid, dyn_in, dyn_out ) 1,11
! !USES:
use constituents
, only: pcnst, cnst_get_type_byind
use time_manager
, only: get_step_size
use pmgrid
, only: myid_z, npr_z, twod_decomp
use hycoef
, only: hyai, hybi, hyam, hybm
use commap
, only: w
real(r8), intent(out) :: gw(plat) ! Gaussian weights
real(r8), intent(out) :: etamid(plev) ! vertical coords at midpoints
type (dyn_import_t) :: dyn_in ! Dynamics import container
type (dyn_export_t) :: dyn_out ! Dynamics export container
! Allocate data, initialize values, setup grid locations and other
! work needed to prepare the FV dynamics to run. Return weights and
! vertical coords to atmosphere calling program.
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), pointer :: grid
integer i,k,j,m ! longitude, level, latitude and tracer indices
logical :: nlres = .false. ! true => restart or branch run
!delta pressure dry
real(r8), allocatable :: delpdryxy(:,:,:)
if (nsrest/=0) nlres=.true.
gw(:) = w(:)
grid => get_dyn_state_grid
im = grid%im
jm = grid%jm
km = grid%km
jfirst = grid%jfirst
jlast = grid%jlast
kfirst = grid%kfirst
klast = grid%klast
klastp = grid%klastp
ifirstxy = grid%ifirstxy
ilastxy = grid%ilastxy
jfirstxy = grid%jfirstxy
jlastxy = grid%jlastxy
ks = grid%ks
ptop = grid%ptop
ak => grid%ak
bk => grid%bk
! Use ak and bk as specified by CAM IC
do k = 1, km+1
ak(k) = hyai(k) * D1E5
bk(k) = hybi(k)
if( bk(k) == D0_0 ) ks = k-1
end do
ptop = ak(1)
if ( iam == 0 ) then
write(iulog,*) 'Using hyai & hybi from IC:', 'KS=',ks,' PTOP=',ptop
grid%ks = ks
grid%ptop = ptop
etamid(:) = hyam(:) + hybm(:)
! Lin-Rood dynamical core initialization
pdt = get_step_size
() ! Physics time step
dtime = pdt
#if (!defined STAGGERED)
write(iulog,*) "STEPON: pre-processor variable STAGGERED must be set"
write(iulog,*) "Then recompile CAM. Quitting."
call endrun
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i=ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%pe(i,1,j) = ptop
if ( nlres) then ! restart or branch run
! read_restart_dynamics delivers phis, ps, u3s, v3s, delp, pt
! in XY decomposition
! Do not recalculate delta pressure (delp) if this is a restart run.
! Re. SJ Lin: The variable "delp" (pressure thikness for a Lagrangian
! layer) must be in the restart file. This is because delp will be
! modified "after" the physics update (to account for changes in water
! vapor), and it can not be reproduced by surface pressure and the
! ETA coordinate's a's and b's.
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do k=1, km
do i=ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%pe(i,k+1,j) = dyn_in%pe(i,k,j) + dyn_in%delp(i,j,k)
! Initial run --> generate pe and delp from the surface pressure
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do k=1,km+1
do i=ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%pe(i,k,j) = ak(k) + bk(k) * dyn_in%ps(i,j)
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k = 1, km
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i= ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%delp(i,j,k) = dyn_in%pe(i,k+1,j) - dyn_in%pe(i,k,j)
! Check total dry air mass; set to 982.22 mb if initial run
! Print out diagnostic message if restart run
if ( moist_physics ) then
call dryairm
( grid, .true., dyn_in%ps, dyn_in%tracer, &
dyn_in%delp, dyn_in%pe, nlres )
! Initialize pk, edge pressure to the cappa power.
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k = 1, km+1
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i = ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%pk(i,j,k) = dyn_in%pe(i,k,j)**cappa
! Generate pkz, the conversion factor betw pt and t3
call pkez
(1, im, km, jfirstxy, jlastxy, &
1, km, ifirstxy, ilastxy, dyn_in%pe, &
dyn_in%pk, cappa, ks, dyn_out%peln, dyn_out%pkz, .false. )
if ( .not. nlres ) then
! Compute pt for initial run: scaled virtual potential temperature
! defined as (virtual temp deg K)/pkz. pt will be written to restart (SJL)
!$omp parallel do private(i,j,k)
do k = 1, km
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i = ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%pt(i,j,k) = dyn_in%t3(i,j,k)* &
(D1_0+zvir*dyn_in%tracer(i,j,k,1)) &
! Convert mixing ratios initialized as dry to moist for dynamics
if ( .not. nlres ) then
! on initial time step, dry mixing ratio advected constituents have been
! initialized to dry mixing ratios. dynpkg expects moist m.r. so convert here.
! first calculate delpdry. The set_pdel_state subroutine
! is called after the dynamics in d_p_coupling to set more variables.
! This is not in tracers.F90 because it is only used by LR dynamics.
allocate (delpdryxy(ifirstxy:ilastxy,jfirstxy:jlastxy,1:km))
do k = 1, km
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i = ifirstxy, ilastxy
delpdryxy(i,j,k) = dyn_in%delp(i,j,k)* &
do m = 1,pcnst
if (cnst_get_type_byind
(m).eq.'dry') then
do k=1, km
do j = jfirstxy, jlastxy
do i = ifirstxy, ilastxy
dyn_in%tracer(i,j,k,m) = &
dyn_in%tracer(i,j,k,m)* &
end do
end do
end do
end if
end do
deallocate (delpdryxy)
end if ! .not. nlres
end subroutine stepon_init
! !ROUTINE: stepon_run1 -- Phase 1 of dynamics run method.
subroutine stepon_run1( dtime_out, phys_state, phys_tend, & 1,13
dyn_in, dyn_out )
! A 2D xy decomposition is used for handling the Lagrangian surface
! remapping, the ideal physics, and (optionally) the geopotential
! calculation.
! The transpose from yz to xy decomposition takes place within dynpkg.
! The xy decomposed variables are then transposed directly to the
! physics decomposition within d_p_coupling.
! The xy decomposed variables have names corresponding to the
! yz decomposed variables: simply append "xy". Thus, "uxy" is the
! xy decomposed version of "u".
! To assure that the latitudinal decomposition operates
! as efficiently as before, a separate parameter "twod_decomp" has
! been defined; a value of 1 refers to the multi-2D decomposition with
! transposes; a value of 0 means that the decomposition is effectively
! one-dimensional, thereby enabling the transpose logic to be skipped;
! there is an option to force computation of transposes even for case
! where decomposition is effectively 1-D.
! For questions/comments, contact Art Mirin, mirin@llnl.gov
! !USES:
use dp_coupling
, only: d_p_coupling
use dyn_comp
, only: dyn_run
use phys_buffer
, only: pbuf
use pmgrid
, only: twod_decomp
use advect_tend
, only: compute_adv_tends_xyz
use fv_control_mod
, only: nsplit, nspltrac
real(r8), intent(out) :: dtime_out ! Time-step
type(physics_state), intent(inout) :: phys_state(begchunk:endchunk)
type(physics_tend), intent(out) :: phys_tend(begchunk:endchunk)
type(dyn_import_t) :: dyn_in ! Dynamics import container
type(dyn_export_t) :: dyn_out ! Dynamics export container
type(T_FVDYCORE_STATE), pointer :: dyn_state
! Phase 1 run of FV dynamics. Run the dynamics, and couple to physics.
integer :: rc
#if (! defined SPMD)
integer :: mpicom = 0
dtime_out = dtime
dyn_state => get_dyn_state
! Dump state variables to IC file
call t_barrierf('sync_diag_dynvar_ic', mpicom)
call t_startf ('diag_dynvar_ic')
call diag_dynvar_ic
(dyn_state%grid, dyn_out%phis, dyn_out%ps, &
dyn_out%t3, dyn_out%u3s, dyn_out%v3s, dyn_out%tracer )
call t_stopf ('diag_dynvar_ic')
call t_startf ('comp_adv_tends1')
call compute_adv_tends_xyz
(dyn_state%grid, dyn_in%tracer )
call t_stopf ('comp_adv_tends1')
! Perform finite-volume dynamics -- this dynamical core contains some
! yet to be published algorithms. Its use in the CAM is
! for software development purposes only.
! Please contact S.-J. Lin (Shian-Jiann.Lin@noaa.gov)
! if you plan to use this mudule for scientific purposes. Contact S.-J. Lin
! or Will Sawyer (sawyer@gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov) if you plan to modify the
! software.
! For 2-D decomposition, phisxy is input to dynpkg, and the other
! xy variables are output. Some are computed through direct
! transposes, and others are derived.
call t_barrierf('sync_dyn_run', mpicom)
call t_startf ('dyn_run')
call dyn_run
(ptop, pdt, te0, &
dyn_state, dyn_in, dyn_out, rc )
if ( rc /= 0 ) then
write(iulog,*) "STEPON_RUN: dyn_run returned bad error code", rc
write(iulog,*) "Quitting."
call endrun
call t_stopf ('dyn_run')
call t_startf ('comp_adv_tends2')
call compute_adv_tends_xyz
(dyn_state%grid, dyn_out%tracer )
call t_stopf ('comp_adv_tends2')
! Move data into phys_state structure.
call t_barrierf('sync_d_p_coupling', mpicom)
call t_startf('d_p_coupling')
call d_p_coupling
(dyn_state%grid, phys_state, phys_tend, pbuf, dyn_out)
call t_stopf('d_p_coupling')
end subroutine stepon_run1
! !ROUTINE: stepon_run2 -- second phase run method
subroutine stepon_run2( phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out ) 1,3
! !USES:
use dp_coupling
, only: p_d_coupling
type(physics_state), intent(inout):: phys_state(begchunk:endchunk)
type(physics_tend), intent(inout):: phys_tend(begchunk:endchunk)
type (dyn_import_t), intent(out) :: dyn_in ! Dynamics import container
type (dyn_export_t), intent(out) :: dyn_out ! Dynamics export container
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), pointer :: grid
! Second phase run method. Couple from physics to dynamics.
#if (! defined SPMD)
integer :: mpicom = 0
! Update dynamics variables using phys_state & phys_tend.
! 2-D decomposition: Compute ptxy and q3xy; for ideal
! physics, scale ptxy by (old) pkzxy; then transpose to yz variables
! 1-D decomposition: Compute dudt, dvdt, pt and q3; for ideal physics,
! scale pt by old pkz.
! Call uv3s_update to update u3s and v3s from dudt and dvdt.
! Call p_d_adjust to update pt, q3, pe, delp, ps, piln, pkz and pk.
! For adiabatic case, transpose to yz variables.
grid => get_dyn_state_grid
call t_barrierf('sync_p_d_coupling', mpicom)
call t_startf ('p_d_coupling')
call p_d_coupling
(grid, phys_state, phys_tend, &
dyn_in, dtime, zvir, cappa, ptop)
call t_stopf ('p_d_coupling')
end subroutine stepon_run2
subroutine stepon_run3( dtime, etamid, cam_out, phys_state, & 1,7
dyn_in, dyn_out )
! !USES:
use time_manager
, only: get_curr_date
use fv_prints
, only: fv_out
use camsrfexch_types
, only: surface_state
use pmgrid
, only: twod_decomp
type(physics_state), intent(in):: phys_state(begchunk:endchunk)
real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime ! Time-step
real(r8), intent(in) :: etamid(plev) ! vertical coords at midpoints
type (dyn_import_t), intent(out) :: dyn_in ! Dynamics import container
type (dyn_export_t), intent(inout) :: dyn_out ! Dynamics export container
type(surface_state), intent(inout) :: cam_out(begchunk:endchunk)
! Final run phase of dynamics. Some printout and time index updates.
! 2005.09.16 Kluzek Creation
! 2006.04.13 Sawyer Removed shift_time_indices (not needed in FV)
type (T_FVDYCORE_GRID), pointer :: grid
integer :: ncdate ! current date in integer format [yyyymmdd]
integer :: ncsec ! time of day relative to current date [seconds]
integer :: yr, mon, day ! year, month, day components of a date
integer :: ncsecp
#if (! defined SPMD)
integer :: mpicom = 0
! Monitor max/min/mean of selected fields
! Beware that fv_out uses both dynamics and physics instantiations.
! However, I think that they are used independently, so that the
! answers are correct. Still, this violates the notion that the
! physics state is no longer active after p_d_coupling.
call get_curr_date
(yr, mon, day, ncsec)
ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day
ncsecp = pdt + ncsec ! step complete, but nstep not incremented yet
if ( fv_monitor .and. mod(ncsecp, freq_diag) == 0 ) then
grid => get_dyn_state_grid
call t_barrierf('sync_fv_out', mpicom)
call t_startf('fv_out')
call fv_out
(grid, dyn_out%pk, dyn_out%pt, &
ptop, dyn_out%ps, dyn_out%tracer, &
dyn_out%delp, dyn_out%pe, cam_out, &
phys_state, ncdate, ncsecp, moist_physics)
call t_stopf('fv_out')
end subroutine stepon_run3
! !ROUTINE: stepon_final --- Dynamics finalization
subroutine stepon_final(dyn_in, dyn_out) 1,1
type (dyn_import_t), intent(out) :: dyn_in ! Dynamics import container
type (dyn_export_t), intent(out) :: dyn_out ! Dynamics export container
! Deallocate data needed for dynamics. Finalize any dynamics specific
! files or subroutines.
!!! Not yet ready for the call to dyn_final
!!! call dyn_final( RESTART_FILE, dyn_state, dyn_in, dyn_out )
call print_memusage
('End stepon')
end subroutine stepon_final
end module stepon