module ndepStreamMod 2,14

! !MODULE: ndepStreamMod
! Contains methods for reading in nitrogen deposition data file
! Also includes functions for dynamic ndep file handling and 
! interpolation.
  use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, CL => shr_kind_cl
  use shr_strdata_mod
  use shr_stream_mod
  use shr_string_mod
  use shr_sys_mod
  use shr_mct_mod
  use mct_mod

  use spmdMod     , only: mpicom, masterproc, comp_id, iam
  use clm_varpar  , only: lsmlon, lsmlat
  use clm_varctl  , only: iulog
  use controlMod  , only: NLFilename
  use abortutils  , only: endrun
  use fileutils   , only: getavu, relavu
  use decompMod   , only : get_proc_bounds, ldecomp, gsmap_lnd_gdc2glo 

  implicit none
  integer, public :: stream_year_first_ndep   ! first year in stream to use
  integer, public :: stream_year_last_ndep    ! last year in stream to use
  integer, public :: model_year_align_ndep    ! align stream_year_firstndep with 

  public :: ndep_init   ! position datasets for dynamic ndep
  public :: ndep_interp ! interpolates between two years of ndep file data


  type(shr_strdata_type)  :: sdat         ! input data stream


  subroutine ndep_init( ) 1,6

   ! Initialize data stream information.  
   ! arguments
   implicit none

   ! local variables
   integer            :: nu_nml    ! unit for namelist file
   integer            :: nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag
   type(mct_ggrid)    :: dom_clm   ! domain information 
   character(len=CL)  :: stream_fldFileName_ndep
   character(*), parameter :: shr_strdata_unset = 'NOT_SET'
   character(*), parameter :: subName = "('ndepdyn_init')"
   character(*), parameter :: F00 = "('(ndepdyn_init) ',4a)"

   namelist /ndepdyn_nml/        &
        stream_year_first_ndep,  &
	stream_year_last_ndep,   &
        model_year_align_ndep,   &

   ! Default values for namelist
    stream_year_first_ndep  = 1                ! first year in stream to use
    stream_year_last_ndep   = 1                ! last  year in stream to use
    model_year_align_ndep   = 1                ! align stream_year_first_ndep with this model year
    stream_fldFileName_ndep = ' '

   ! Read ndepdyn_nml namelist
   if (masterproc) then
      nu_nml = getavu()
      open( nu_nml, file=trim(NLFilename), status='old', iostat=nml_error )
      if (nml_error /= 0) then
         nml_error = -1
         nml_error =  1
      do while (nml_error > 0)
         read(nu_nml, nml=ndepdyn_nml,iostat=nml_error)
         if (nml_error > 0) read(nu_nml,*)  ! for Nagware compiler
      end do
      if (nml_error == 0) close(nu_nml)
      call relavu( nu_nml )
   call shr_mpi_bcast(nml_error, mpicom)
   if (nml_error /= 0) then
      call endrun ('Namelist read error in ndepStreamMod')

   call shr_mpi_bcast(stream_year_first_ndep, mpicom)
   call shr_mpi_bcast(stream_year_last_ndep, mpicom)
   call shr_mpi_bcast(model_year_align_ndep, mpicom)
   call shr_mpi_bcast(stream_fldFileName_ndep, mpicom)

   if (masterproc) then
      write(iulog,*) ' '
      write(iulog,*) 'ndepdyn stream settings:'
      write(iulog,*) '  stream_year_first_ndep  = ',stream_year_first_ndep  
      write(iulog,*) '  stream_year_last_ndep   = ',stream_year_last_ndep   
      write(iulog,*) '  model_year_align_ndep   = ',model_year_align_ndep   
      write(iulog,*) '  stream_fldFileName_ndep = ',stream_fldFileName_ndep
      write(iulog,*) ' '

   call clm_domain_mct (dom_clm)

   call shr_strdata_create(sdat,name="clmndep",    &
        mpicom=mpicom, compid=comp_id,             &
        gsmap=gsmap_lnd_gdc2glo, ggrid=dom_clm,    &
        nxg=lsmlon, nyg=lsmlat,                    &
        yearFirst=stream_year_first_ndep,          &
        yearLast=stream_year_last_ndep,            &
        yearAlign=model_year_align_ndep,           &
        offset=0,                                  &
        domFilePath='',                            &
        domFileName=trim(stream_fldFileName_ndep), &
        domTvarName='time',                        &
        domXvarName='lon' ,                        &
        domYvarName='lat' ,                        &  
        domAreaName='area',                        &
        domMaskName='mask',                        &
        filePath='',                               &
        fldListFile='NDEP_year',                   &
        fldListModel='NDEP_year',                  &
        fillalgo='none',                           &
	taxmode='extend'                           )

   if (masterproc) then
      call shr_strdata_print(sdat,'CLMNDEP data')

 end subroutine ndep_init

 subroutine ndep_interp( ) 2,7

   use decompMod       , only : get_proc_bounds
   use clm_time_manager, only : get_curr_date, get_days_per_year
   use clm_atmlnd      , only : clm_a2l

   ! Local variables
   implicit none
   integer :: g, ig, begg, endg
   integer :: year    ! year (0, ...) for nstep+1
   integer :: mon     ! month (1, ..., 12) for nstep+1
   integer :: day     ! day of month (1, ..., 31) for nstep+1
   integer :: sec     ! seconds into current date for nstep+1
   integer :: mcdate  ! Current model date (yyyymmdd)
   integer :: dayspyr ! days per year

   call get_curr_date(year, mon, day, sec)
   mcdate = year*10000 + mon*100 + day

   call shr_strdata_advance(sdat, mcdate, sec, mpicom, 'ndepdyn')

   call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg)
   ig = 0
   dayspyr = get_days_per_year( )
   do g = begg,endg
      ig = ig+1
      clm_a2l%forc_ndep(g) = sdat%avs(1)%rAttr(1,ig) / (86400._r8 * dayspyr)
   end do
 end subroutine ndep_interp


  subroutine clm_domain_mct( dom_clm ) 1,4

    ! Set domain data type for internal clm grid
    use clm_varcon  , only : re
    use domainMod   , only : ldomain
    use seq_flds_mod
    implicit none
    ! arguments
    type(mct_ggrid), intent(out)   :: dom_clm     ! Output domain information for land model
    ! local variables
    integer :: g,i,j              ! index
    integer :: begg, endg         ! beginning and ending gridcell indices
    integer :: lsize              ! land model domain data size
    real(r8), pointer :: data(:)  ! temporary
    integer , pointer :: idata(:) ! temporary
    ! Initialize mct domain type
    ! lat/lon in degrees,  area in radians^2, mask is 1 (land), 0 (non-land)
    ! Note that in addition land carries around landfrac for the purposes of domain checking
    lsize = mct_gsMap_lsize(gsmap_lnd_gdc2glo, mpicom)
    call mct_gGrid_init( GGrid=dom_clm, CoordChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_coord), &
                         OtherChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_other), lsize=lsize )
    ! Allocate memory
    ! Determine global gridpoint number attribute, GlobGridNum, which is set automatically by MCT
    call mct_gsMap_orderedPoints(gsmap_lnd_gdc2glo, iam, idata)
    call mct_gGrid_importIAttr(dom_clm,'GlobGridNum',idata,lsize)
    ! Determine domain (numbering scheme is: West to East and South to North to South pole)
    ! Initialize attribute vector with special value
    data(:) = -9999.0_R8 
    call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_clm,"lat"  ,data,lsize) 
    call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_clm,"lon"  ,data,lsize) 
    call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_clm,"area" ,data,lsize) 
    call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_clm,"aream",data,lsize) 
    data(:) = 0.0_R8     
    call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_clm,"mask" ,data,lsize) 
    ! Determine bounds
    call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg)
    ! Fill in correct values for domain components
    ! Note aream will be filled in in the atm-lnd mapper
    do g = begg,endg
       i = 1 + (g - begg)
       data(i) = ldomain%lonc(g)
    end do
    call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_clm,"lon",data,lsize) 

    do g = begg,endg
       i = 1 + (g - begg)
       data(i) = ldomain%latc(g)
    end do
    call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_clm,"lat",data,lsize) 

    do g = begg,endg
       i = 1 + (g - begg)
       data(i) = ldomain%area(g)/(re*re)
    end do
    call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_clm,"area",data,lsize) 

    do g = begg,endg
       i = 1 + (g - begg)
       data(i) = real(ldomain%mask(g), r8)
    end do
    call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_clm,"mask",data,lsize) 

    do g = begg,endg
       i = 1 + (g - begg)
       data(i) = real(ldomain%frac(g), r8)
    end do
    call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_clm,"frac",data,lsize) 


  end subroutine clm_domain_mct
end module ndepStreamMod