!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module diags_on_lat_aux_grid 1,14 !BOP ! !MODULE: diags_on_lat_aux_grid ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines to compute some diagnostics ! on an auxilary latitudinal grid. These diagnostics include ! the meridional overturning circulation, northward T and S ! transports, and zonal averages. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id$ ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use domain use blocks use io use io_tools use exit_mod use grid use global_reductions use gather_scatter use constants use registry use timers implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: & init_lat_aux_grid, & init_moc_ts_transport_arrays, & compute_moc, & compute_tracer_transports ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: real (r8), dimension(:),public,allocatable :: & lat_aux_center, &! cell center latitude values (degrees north) lat_aux_edge ! cell edge latitude values (degrees north) integer (int_kind),public :: & n_lat_aux_grid, &! auxilary grid dimension n_transport_reg, &! number of regions for all transport diagnostics n_moc_comp, &! number of MOC components n_transport_comp, &! number of T & S transport components ! (see init_moc_ts_transport_arrays for region ! and component details/definitions) nreg2_transport ! number of basins in transports region 2 integer(int_kind), private :: & timer_moc, timer_tracer_transports integer (int_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: & lat_aux_region_start ! starting latitude indices for ! regions (not used for "global" region) real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & TLATD_G ! latitude of T points in degrees (global array) real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), public, allocatable :: & TAVG_MOC_G ! meridional overturning circulation (master_task only) real (r4), dimension(:,:,:), public, allocatable :: & TR_TRANS_G, &! tracer transports; used to compute both heat & salt TAVG_N_HEAT_TRANS_G, &! northward heat transport (master_task only) TAVG_N_SALT_TRANS_G ! northward salt transport (master_task only) real (r8),dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & trans_s ! southern boundary transports integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX ! latitude-longitude region mask ! for these diagnostics (master_task only) logical (log_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & MASK_LAT_DEPTH ! latitude-depth mask for these diagnostics ! (master_task only) type (regions), dimension(max_regions),public :: & transport_region_info logical (log_kind), public :: & moc_requested, &! true if meridional overturning circulation ! output is requested n_heat_trans_requested, &! true if northward heat transport output is ! requested n_salt_trans_requested ! true if northward salt transport output is ! requested character (char_len),dimension(max_regions),public :: & transport_reg2_names !EOP !BOC !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_lat_aux_grid ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_lat_aux_grid 1,33 ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine initialize the auxilary latitudinal grid. The grid choices are ! (i.e. lat_aux_grid_type =) ! ! 'southern' assumes that the model grid is regular lat-lon in the ! Southern Hemisphere only and uses it identically in ! the Southern Hemisphere. it is flipped across the ! Equator and padded at northern high latitudes if ! necessary. ! 'full' assumes that the entire model grid is regular ! lat-lon. simply copies this grid into the axilary ! grid arrays. ! 'user' allows the user to specify an equally-spaced grid, ! starting at lat_aux_begin and ending at lat_aux_end. ! the grid dimension/resolution is specified with ! n_lat_aux_grid. lat_aux_begin and lat_aux_end specify ! the egde coordinates in degrees north. ! ! the default namelist choice is 'southern'. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag grid_error, &! auxilary grid choice error j, jj, &! loop indices lat_aux_grid, &! index for the chosen grid type i_copy, &! TLATD_G(i_copy,*) and ULATD_G(i_copy,*) ! (global arrays) are used to create ! the auxilary grid j_dim_sh ! number of southern hemisphere TLATD_G(i_copy,*) ! grid points real (r8) :: & dlat, &! work variable for auxilary grid spacing (degrees) southern_edge, &! latitude of the southern-most edge point np_minus_northern_edge, &! latitudinal range for padding eps_grid = 1.0e-7 ! epsilon difference allowed in regular grid integer (int_kind), parameter :: & lat_aux_grid_sh = 1, & lat_aux_grid_full = 2, & lat_aux_grid_user = 3 real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & ULATD_G ! latitude of U points in degrees (global array) character (char_len) :: string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input namelist ! ! input values for lat_aux_begin, lat_aux_end, and n_lat_aux_grid ! are used only when a user defined auxilary grid is requested. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & lat_aux_grid_type ! type of the auxilary latitudinal grid, ! i.e. how it is generated real (r8) :: & lat_aux_begin, &! beginning latitude for the auxilary ! grid (degrees north) lat_aux_end ! ending latitude for the auxilary ! grid (degrees north) namelist /transports_nml/ lat_aux_grid_type, lat_aux_begin, & lat_aux_end, n_lat_aux_grid, & moc_requested, n_heat_trans_requested, n_salt_trans_requested, & transport_reg2_names, & n_transport_reg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set defaults and then read the namelist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lat_aux_grid_type = 'southern' lat_aux_begin = -90.0_r8 lat_aux_end = 90.0_r8 n_lat_aux_grid = 180 moc_requested = .false. n_heat_trans_requested = .false. n_salt_trans_requested = .false. transport_reg2_names = char_blank n_transport_reg = 2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read options from namelist input file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=transports_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading transports_nml') endif call broadcast_scalar (lat_aux_grid_type, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (lat_aux_begin, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (lat_aux_end, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (n_lat_aux_grid, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (moc_requested, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (n_heat_trans_requested, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (n_salt_trans_requested, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (n_transport_reg, master_task) call broadcast_array (transport_reg2_names, master_task) if ( nml_error /= 0 ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_lat_aux_grid) reading transports_nml') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! document namelist parameters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Transport Diagnostics:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' transports_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,transports_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine if transport diagnostics need to be computed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. (moc_requested .or. n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) ) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! document transport diagnostics selections ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( my_task == master_task ) then write (stdout,*) write (stdout,'(a) ') 'Transport Diagnostics Information' write (stdout,'(a,/)') '_________________________________' write (stdout,'(a) ') 'Latitudinal Auxiliary Grid Choice is:' select case (lat_aux_grid_type(1:3)) case ('sou') lat_aux_grid = lat_aux_grid_sh write (stdout,'(a)') & ' ... based on flipped Southern Hemisphere latititude grid' case ('ful') lat_aux_grid = lat_aux_grid_full write (stdout,'(a)') ' ... full model latitudinal grid' case ('use') lat_aux_grid = lat_aux_grid_user write (stdout,'(a)') ' ... user-specified w/ equal spacing ' case default lat_aux_grid = -1000 end select endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! test -- is lat_aux_grid defined properly? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call broadcast_scalar (lat_aux_grid, master_task) if ( lat_aux_grid == -1000 ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort, & '(init_lat_aux_grid) unknown auxilary latitudinal grid choice') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! continue documenting transport diagnostics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( my_task == master_task ) then write (stdout,*) write (stdout,'(a) ') 'Transport diagnostics include:' if (moc_requested) write (stdout,'(a)') 'MOC' if (n_heat_trans_requested) write (stdout,'(a)') 'N_HEAT' if (n_salt_trans_requested) write (stdout,'(a)') 'N_SALT' write (stdout,*) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! more error checking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (partial_bottom_cells) then string ='if (partial_bottom_cells), then 1st modify ' /& &/' subroutines compute_moc and compute_tracer_transports' call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_lat_aux_grid): '// trim(string)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( TLATD_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) WORK = TLAT * radian call gather_global (TLATD_G, WORK, master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_sh .or. & lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_full ) then allocate ( ULATD_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) WORK = ULAT * radian call gather_global (ULATD_G, WORK, master_task,distrb_clinic) i_copy = 1 if ( my_task == master_task ) then dlat = c2 * (ULATD_G(i_copy,1)-TLATD_G(i_copy,1)) southern_edge = ULATD_G(i_copy,1) - dlat endif call broadcast_scalar (dlat, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (southern_edge, master_task) endif if ( lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_sh ) then if ( my_task == master_task ) & j_dim_sh = count( TLATD_G(i_copy,:) < c0 ) call broadcast_scalar (j_dim_sh, master_task) if ( j_dim_sh == 0 ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort, & '(init_lat_aux_grid) there are no Southern Hemisphere grid points') endif grid_error = 0 if ( my_task == master_task ) then do j=1,j_dim_sh if(any(abs(TLATD_G(:,j)-TLATD_G(i_copy,j)) > eps_grid))then grid_error = -1000 endif enddo endif call broadcast_scalar (grid_error, master_task) if ( grid_error /= 0 ) then string = 'SH is not a regular at-lon grid. ' /& &/'Use a different choice for lat_aux_grid_type.' call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_lat_aux_grid): '// trim(string)) endif np_minus_northern_edge = 90.0_r8 + southern_edge if ( np_minus_northern_edge >= p5*dlat ) then n_lat_aux_grid = nint( np_minus_northern_edge / dlat ) if ( n_lat_aux_grid == 0 ) & call exit_POP (SigAbort, & '(init_lat_aux_grid) n_lat_aux_grid is zero') dlat = np_minus_northern_edge / dble(n_lat_aux_grid) n_lat_aux_grid = 2 * j_dim_sh + n_lat_aux_grid else n_lat_aux_grid = 2 * j_dim_sh endif endif if ( lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_full ) then n_lat_aux_grid = ny_global grid_error = 0 if ( my_task == master_task ) then do j=1,n_lat_aux_grid if ( any(TLATD_G(:,j) /= TLATD_G(i_copy,j) ) ) grid_error = -1000 enddo endif call broadcast_scalar (grid_error, master_task) if ( grid_error /= 0 ) then string = 'The model grid is not a regular lat-lon grid. ' /& &/'Use a different choice for lat_aux_grid_type.' call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_lat_aux_grid): '// trim(string)) endif endif if ( lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_user ) then if ( lat_aux_end <= lat_aux_begin ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort, & '(init_lat_aux_grid) lat_aux_end should be > lat_aux_begin') endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( lat_aux_edge (n_lat_aux_grid+1), & lat_aux_center(n_lat_aux_grid ) ) if ( my_task == master_task ) then select case (lat_aux_grid) case (lat_aux_grid_sh) lat_aux_edge(1) = southern_edge lat_aux_edge(2:j_dim_sh+1) = ULATD_G(i_copy,1:j_dim_sh) jj = j_dim_sh do j=j_dim_sh+2,2*j_dim_sh+1 lat_aux_edge(j) = - lat_aux_edge(jj) jj = jj - 1 enddo lat_aux_center(1:j_dim_sh) = TLATD_G(i_copy,1:j_dim_sh) jj = j_dim_sh do j=j_dim_sh+1,2*j_dim_sh lat_aux_center(j) = - lat_aux_center(jj) jj = jj - 1 enddo if ( n_lat_aux_grid == 2 * j_dim_sh ) then lat_aux_edge(n_lat_aux_grid+1) = 90.0_r8 else do j=2*j_dim_sh+2,n_lat_aux_grid+1 lat_aux_edge(j) = lat_aux_edge(2*j_dim_sh+1)+(j-2*j_dim_sh-1)*dlat enddo do j=2*j_dim_sh+1,n_lat_aux_grid lat_aux_center(j) = lat_aux_edge(2*j_dim_sh+1)+(j-2*j_dim_sh-p5)*dlat enddo endif case (lat_aux_grid_full) lat_aux_edge(1) = southern_edge lat_aux_edge(2:n_lat_aux_grid+1) = ULATD_G(i_copy,:) lat_aux_center = TLATD_G(i_copy,:) case (lat_aux_grid_user) dlat = (lat_aux_end - lat_aux_begin) / dble(n_lat_aux_grid) do j=1,n_lat_aux_grid+1 lat_aux_edge(j) = lat_aux_begin + dble(j-1)*dlat enddo do j=1,n_lat_aux_grid lat_aux_center(j) = lat_aux_begin + p5*dlat + dble(j-1)*dlat enddo end select endif call broadcast_array (lat_aux_edge, master_task) call broadcast_array (lat_aux_center, master_task) if ( lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_sh .or. & lat_aux_grid == lat_aux_grid_full ) deallocate ( ULATD_G ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize timers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (moc_requested) & call get_timer(timer_moc,'MOC', & nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) if (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) & call get_timer(timer_tracer_transports,'TRACER_TRANSPORTS', & nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_lat_aux_grid !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_moc_ts_transport_arrays ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_moc_ts_transport_arrays 1,17 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine allocates necessary arrays for the meridional overturning ! circulation and northward T & S transports, define the ! associated region masks, and find the "Atlantic" region ! starting latitude. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8) :: & eps_grid = 1.0e-7 ! epsilon difference allowed in regular grid integer (int_kind) :: & nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag i, j, k, n, m, &! loop indices j_southern, &! loop indices nrtr, &! loop index grid_error ! grid error integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & WORK_G ! global work array if (.not. (moc_requested .or. n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) ) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for now we consider only 2 lat-lon regions for these diagnostics: ! ! n_transport_reg = 1 ----> global minus marginal seas ! n_transport_reg = 2 ----> REGION_MASK = Atlantic + Mediterranean ! (optional) (if not a marginal sea) + Labrador + ! + GIN + Arctic + Hudson ! (if not a marginal sea) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (n_transport_reg < 1 ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_moc_ts_transport_arrays) ' /& &/ ' n_transport_reg must be > 0 -- ' /& &/ ' check namelist transports_nml') elseif (n_transport_reg > 2) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_moc_ts_transport_arrays) ' /& &/ ' n_transport_reg must be < 3 -- ' /& &/ ' check namelist transports_nml') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the region numbers associated with the selected input ! region names, transport_reg2_names, which are defined when ! n_transport_reg = 2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nreg2_transport = 0 transport_region_info(:)%name = char_blank transport_region_info(:)%number = 9999 if (n_transport_reg > 1) then do n=1,max_regions do nrtr = 1, max_regions if (len_trim(transport_reg2_names(nrtr)) > 0 ) then if ( trim(transport_reg2_names(nrtr)) == & trim(region_info(n)%name) .and. & .not.region_info(n)%marginal_sea) then nreg2_transport = nreg2_transport + 1 transport_region_info(nreg2_transport)%name = region_info(n)%name transport_region_info(nreg2_transport)%number = region_info(n)%number transport_region_info(nreg2_transport)%marginal_sea = region_info(n)% & marginal_sea endif endif enddo enddo if (nreg2_transport <= 0) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_moc_ts_transport_arrays) ' /& &/ ' no transport regions have been detected -- ' /& &/ ' check namelist transports_nml') endif if ( my_task == master_task ) then write(stdout,*) 'The following ',nreg2_transport, & ' regions will be included in the n_transport_reg = 2 transports:' do nrtr = 1, nreg2_transport write(stdout,1000) transport_region_info(nrtr)%name, & transport_region_info(nrtr)%number enddo 1000 format (2x, a35, '(',i2,')') call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif endif ! n_transport_reg > 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate lat_aux_region_start, REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (lat_aux_region_start(n_transport_reg) ) allocate (REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(nx_global,ny_global,n_transport_reg) ) lat_aux_region_start = 0 call gather_global (REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,1),REGION_MASK, & master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( my_task == master_task ) then if (n_transport_reg > 1) then REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,2) = REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,1) endif REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,1) = & merge( 1, 0, REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,1) > 0 ) if (n_transport_reg > 1) then do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if (any(abs(REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,2)) == & transport_region_info(:)%number)) then REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,2) = 1 else REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,2) = 0 endif enddo enddo j_southern = ny_global do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,2) == 1 ) then j_southern = j goto 100 endif enddo enddo 100 continue grid_error = 0 do i=1,nx_global if ( any(abs(TLATD_G(:,j_southern)-TLATD_G(i,j_southern)) > eps_grid))then grid_error = -1000 endif enddo lat_aux_region_start(2) = j_southern - 1 endif ! n_transport_reg endif ! master_task if (n_transport_reg > 1) then call broadcast_scalar (grid_error, master_task) call broadcast_array (lat_aux_region_start, master_task) if ( grid_error /= 0 ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(init_moc_ts_transport_arrays) SH is' /& &/ ' not a regular lat-lon grid. The' /& &/ ' southern boundary for region 2' /& &/ ' ("Atlantic") cannot be specified.') endif endif ! n_transport_reg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the latitude-depth mask ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( WORK_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) call gather_global (WORK_G, KMT, master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( my_task == master_task ) then allocate ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,km,n_transport_reg) ) MASK_LAT_DEPTH = .true. do k=1,km do n=2,n_lat_aux_grid+1 do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if ( TLATD_G(i,j) >= lat_aux_edge(n-1) .and. & TLATD_G(i,j) < lat_aux_edge(n ) .and. & k <= WORK_G(i,j) ) then do m=1,n_transport_reg if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,m) == 1 ) & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n-1,k,m) = .false. enddo endif enddo enddo enddo enddo endif deallocate ( WORK_G ) if ( moc_requested ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! MOC may have 3 components: ! ! n_moc_comp = 1 ----> Eulerian-mean ! n_moc_comp = 2 ----> Eddy-induced (bolus) if diag_gm_bolus is true ! and GM is on ! n_moc_comp = 3 ----> Submesoscale contribution if GM is on and ! submesoscale_mixing is true ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- n_moc_comp = 1 if ( registry_match('diag_gm_bolus') ) n_moc_comp = 2 if ( registry_match('init_submeso') ) n_moc_comp = 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate TAVG_MOC_G on master_task only ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( my_task == master_task ) then allocate (TAVG_MOC_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,km+1,n_moc_comp,n_transport_reg)) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! T and S transports may have 5 components: ! !(1) n_transport_comp = 1 ----> total [i.e. (2) + (3)] ! !(2) n_transport_comp = 2 ----> Eulerian-mean advection ! !(3) n_transport_comp = 3 ----> Eddy-induced advection plus diffusion ! if GM is on ! OR ! Eddy-induced advection plus submesoscale advection ! plus diffusion if GM is on and ! submesoscale_mixing is true ! OR ! diffusion if hmix_tracer_choice is not GM ! !(4) n_transport_comp = 4 ----> Eddy-induced advection if diag_gm_bolus ! is true and GM is on (diagnostic computation) ! !(5) n_transport_comp = 5 ----> Submesoscale advection if GM is on and ! submesoscale_mixing is true (diagnostic ! computation) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested ) then n_transport_comp = 3 if ( registry_match('diag_gm_bolus') ) n_transport_comp = 4 if ( registry_match('init_submeso') ) n_transport_comp = 5 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate TAVG_N_HEAT_TRANS_G, TAVG_N_SALT_TRANS_G, and TR_TRANS_G, on master_task only ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( n_heat_trans_requested .and. my_task == master_task ) then allocate ( & TAVG_N_HEAT_TRANS_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1, n_transport_comp,n_transport_reg)) endif if ( n_salt_trans_requested .and. my_task == master_task ) then allocate ( & TAVG_N_SALT_TRANS_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,n_transport_comp,n_transport_reg)) endif if ((n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) ) then allocate (trans_s (n_transport_comp,n_transport_reg) ) if (my_task == master_task ) then allocate ( & TR_TRANS_G (n_lat_aux_grid+1,n_transport_comp,n_transport_reg)) endif call document ('init_moc_ts_transport_arrays','allocate TR_TRANS_G') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) 'End of transport regions initialization' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_moc_ts_transport_arrays !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: compute_moc ! !INTERFACE: subroutine compute_moc ( W_E, V_E, W_I, V_I, W_SM, V_SM ) 4,10 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine computes meridional overturning circulation ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! input variables. the present design assumes that these are ! time-averaged inputs from tavg.F. ! real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: & W_E, &! Eulerian-mean vertical velocity component V_E ! Eulerian-mean velocity component in the grid-y direction real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:), optional, intent(in) :: & W_I, &! Eddy-induced (bolus) vertical velocity component V_I, &! Eddy-induced (bolus) velocity component in the ! grid-y direction W_SM, &! Submeso vertical velocity component V_SM ! Submeso velocity component in the grid-y direction !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i, j, k, m, n, iblock ! loop indices real (r8), dimension(km,n_moc_comp,n_transport_reg) :: & moc_s ! southern boundary values of moc real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK1, WORK2 ! work arrays real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK1_G, WORK2_G, WORK3_G ! global work arrays logical (log_kind) :: & ldiag_gm_bolus, & ! local logical for diag_gm_bolus lsubmeso ! local logical for submesoscale_mixing if (.not. moc_requested) return if ( ( present(W_I) .and. .not.present(V_I)) .or. & ( .not.present(W_I) .and. present(V_I)) ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(compute_moc) both W_I and V_I' & // ' are necessary fields for the eddy-induced' & // ' transport computations, but one is missing.') endif if ( ( present(W_SM) .and. .not.present(V_SM)) .or. & ( .not.present(W_SM) .and. present(V_SM)) ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(compute_moc) both W_SM and V_SM' & // ' are necessary fields for the submeso' & // ' transport computations, but one is missing.') endif ldiag_gm_bolus = .false. if ( present(W_I) ) ldiag_gm_bolus = .true. lsubmeso = .false. if ( present(W_SM) ) lsubmeso = .true. call timer_start (timer_moc) allocate ( WORK1(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & WORK2(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic) ) allocate ( WORK1_G(nx_global,ny_global,km) ) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) allocate ( WORK2_G(nx_global,ny_global,km) ) if ( lsubmeso ) allocate ( WORK3_G(nx_global,ny_global,km) ) do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = merge(W_E(:,:,k,iblock)*TAREA(:,:,iblock), c0, k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK1_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = merge(W_I(:,:,k,iblock)*TAREA(:,:,iblock), c0, k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK2_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif if ( lsubmeso ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = merge(W_SM(:,:,k,iblock)*TAREA(:,:,iblock), c0, k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK3_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif enddo if ( my_task == master_task ) then TAVG_MOC_G = c0 do n=2,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TAVG_MOC_G(n,:,:,:) = TAVG_MOC_G(n-1,:,:,:) do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if ( TLATD_G(i,j) >= lat_aux_edge(n-1) .and. & TLATD_G(i,j) < lat_aux_edge(n ) ) then do m=1,n_transport_reg if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,m) == 1 ) then do k=1,km TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,1,m)=TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,1,m)+WORK1_G(i,j,k) enddo if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then do k=1,km TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,2,m)=TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,2,m)+WORK2_G(i,j,k) enddo endif if ( lsubmeso ) then do k=1,km TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,3,m)=TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,3,m)+WORK3_G(i,j,k) enddo endif endif enddo ! m endif ! n enddo ! i enddo ! j enddo ! n endif ! master_task !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the southern boundary transports for all regional mocs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moc_s = c0 do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,i,j) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = p5 * V_E(:,:,k,iblock) * DXU(:,:,iblock) do j=1,ny_block do i=2,nx_block WORK2(i,j,iblock)=WORK1(i-1,j,iblock) enddo enddo WORK2(1,:,iblock)=c0 WORK1(:,:,iblock) = WORK1(:,:,iblock) + WORK2(:,:,iblock) enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK1_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) enddo if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = V_I(:,:,k,iblock) * HTN(:,:,iblock) enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK2_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) enddo endif if ( lsubmeso ) then do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = V_SM(:,:,k,iblock) * HTN(:,:,iblock) enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK3_G(:,:,k), WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) enddo endif if ( my_task == master_task ) then do m=2,n_transport_reg j = lat_aux_region_start(m) do i=1,nx_global if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j+1,m) == 1 ) then do k=1,km moc_s(k,1,m) = moc_s(k,1,m) + WORK1_G(i,j,k) enddo ! k if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then do k=1,km moc_s(k,2,m) = moc_s(k,2,m) + WORK2_G(i,j,k) enddo ! k endif if ( lsubmeso ) then do k=1,km moc_s(k,3,m) = moc_s(k,3,m) + WORK3_G(i,j,k) enddo ! k endif endif ! REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX enddo ! i enddo ! m moc_s(km,:,:) = - dz(km) * moc_s(km,:,:) do k=km-1,1,-1 moc_s(k,:,:) = moc_s(k+1,:,:) - dz(k) * moc_s(k,:,:) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add the southern boundary transports for all regional mocs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do m=2,n_transport_reg do k=1,km do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,1,m) = TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,1,m) + moc_s(k,1,m) enddo if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,2,m) = TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,2,m) + moc_s(k,2,m) enddo endif if ( lsubmeso ) then do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,3,m) = TAVG_MOC_G(n,k,3,m) + moc_s(k,3,m) enddo endif enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! convert MOC to Sverdrups, prior to masking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- TAVG_MOC_G = TAVG_MOC_G*1.0e-12_r8 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! use masks to determine 0 and missing transport values ! not used in pop version; not translated to pop2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! interior ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! do k=1,km-1 ! do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid-1 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,k ,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,k ,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,k+1,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,k+1,:,m) = c0 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,k ,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,k ,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,k+1,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,k+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! ! top and bottom boundaries ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid-1 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,1,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,1,:,m) = c0 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,1,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,km,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,km,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,km+1,:,m) = c0 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,km,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,km,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n+1,km+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! enddo ! ! southern boundary ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! do k=1,km-1 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,k ,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(1,k+1,:,m) = c0 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,k ,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(1,k+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! enddo ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,1 ,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(1,1 ,:,m) = undefined_nf ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,km,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(1,km+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! ! northern boundary ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! do k=1,km-1 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,k ,m) .or. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,k+1,:,m) = c0 ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,k ,m) .and. ! & MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,k+1,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,k+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! enddo ! ! do m=1,n_transport_reg ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,1 ,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,1 ,:,m) = undefined_nf ! if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,km,m) ) ! & TAVG_MOC_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,km+1,:,m) = undefined_nf ! enddo ! endif ! master_task deallocate ( WORK1, WORK2, WORK1_G ) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) deallocate ( WORK2_G ) if ( lsubmeso ) deallocate ( WORK3_G ) call timer_stop (timer_moc) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine compute_moc !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: compute_tracer_transports ! !INTERFACE: subroutine compute_tracer_transports (tracer_index, ADV, HDIF, FN, & 4,12 ADV_I, FN_I, ADV_SM, FN_SM ) ! !DESCRIPTION ! This subroutine computes northward tracer (T and S) transports ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: ! input variables. the present design assumes that these are ! time-averaged inputs from tavg.F. real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: & ADV, &! vertically-integrated tracer Eulerian-mean advection tendency HDIF ! vertically-integrated horz diff tracer tendency (when GM ! and submesoscale mixing are on, it includes eddy-induced and ! submeso velocity contributions, respectively) real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: & FN ! flux of tracer in grid-y direction due to the Eulerian-mean ! transport velocity integer (int_kind), optional, intent(in) :: & tracer_index real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:), optional, intent(in) :: & ADV_I, &! vertically-integrated tracer eddy-induced advection ! tendency (diagnostic) ADV_SM ! vertically-integrated tracer submeso advection tendency ! (diagnostic) real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:), optional, intent(in) :: & FN_I, &! flux of tracer in grid-y direction due to the ! eddy-induced velocity (diagnostic) FN_SM ! flux of tracer in grid-y direction due to the ! submeso velocity (diagnostic) !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i, j, k, m, n, iblock ! loop indices real (r8) :: conversion real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK1 ! work arrays real (r8), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & WORK1_G, WORK2_G, &! global work arrays WORK3_G, WORK4_G logical (log_kind) :: & ldiag_gm_bolus, & ! local logical for diag_gm_bolus lsubmeso ! local logical for submesoscale_mixing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine if this subroutine needs to be executed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) ) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! error checking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tracer_index == 1 .and. n_heat_trans_requested ) then ! ok, continue else if (tracer_index == 2 .and. n_salt_trans_requested ) then ! ok, continue else call document('compute_tracer_transports','return upon entry ') return endif if ( ( present(ADV_I) .and. .not.present(FN_I)) .or. & (.not.present(ADV_I) .and. present(FN_I)) ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(compute_tracer_transports)' & // ' both ADV_I and FN_I are necessary fields for' & // ' the related transport computations, but one is missing.') endif if ( ( present(ADV_SM) .and. .not.present(FN_SM)) .or. & (.not.present(ADV_SM) .and. present(FN_SM)) ) then call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(compute_tracer_transports)' & // ' both ADV_SM and FN_SM are necessary fields for' & // ' the related transport computations, but one is missing.') endif ldiag_gm_bolus = .false. if ( present(ADV_I) ) ldiag_gm_bolus = .true. lsubmeso = .false. if ( present(ADV_SM) ) lsubmeso = .true. call timer_start (timer_tracer_transports) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate WORK arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( WORK1(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic) ) allocate ( WORK1_G(nx_global,ny_global), WORK2_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = - ADV(:,:,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) enddo call gather_global (WORK1_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = - HDIF(:,:,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) enddo call gather_global (WORK2_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then allocate ( WORK3_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = - ADV_I(:,:,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) enddo call gather_global (WORK3_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif if ( lsubmeso ) then allocate ( WORK4_G(nx_global,ny_global) ) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = - ADV_SM(:,:,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) enddo call gather_global (WORK4_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif if ( my_task == master_task ) then TR_TRANS_G = c0 do n=2,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TR_TRANS_G(n,:,:) = TR_TRANS_G(n-1,:,:) do m=1,n_transport_reg do j=1,ny_global do i=1,nx_global if ( TLATD_G(i,j) >= lat_aux_edge(n-1) .and. & TLATD_G(i,j) < lat_aux_edge(n ) ) then if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j,m) == 1 ) then TR_TRANS_G(n,1,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,1,m) + WORK1_G(i,j) + WORK2_G(i,j) TR_TRANS_G(n,2,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,2,m) + WORK1_G(i,j) TR_TRANS_G(n,3,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,3,m) + WORK2_G(i,j) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then TR_TRANS_G(n,4,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,4,m) + WORK3_G(i,j) endif if ( lsubmeso ) then TR_TRANS_G(n,5,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,5,m) + WORK4_G(i,j) endif endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine the southern boundary transports for all regional ! transports ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- trans_s = c0 do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = FN(:,:,k,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) * dz(k) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK1_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = FN_I(:,:,k,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) * dz(k) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK3_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif if ( lsubmeso ) then !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK1(:,:,iblock) = FN_SM(:,:,k,iblock) * TAREA(:,:,iblock) * dz(k) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call gather_global (WORK4_G, WORK1, master_task,distrb_clinic) endif if ( my_task == master_task ) then do m=2,n_transport_reg j = lat_aux_region_start(m) do i=1,nx_global if ( REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(i,j+1,m) == 1 ) then trans_s(2,m) = trans_s(2,m) + WORK1_G(i,j) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) trans_s(4,m) = trans_s(4,m) & + WORK3_G(i,j) if ( lsubmeso ) trans_s(5,m) = trans_s(5,m) & + WORK4_G(i,j) endif enddo enddo endif enddo if ( my_task == master_task ) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add the southern boundary transports for all regional transports ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do m=2,n_transport_reg do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid+1 TR_TRANS_G(n,2,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,2,m) + trans_s(2,m) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) TR_TRANS_G(n,4,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,4,m) & + trans_s(4,m) if ( lsubmeso ) TR_TRANS_G(n,5,m) = TR_TRANS_G(n,5,m) & + trans_s(5,m) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! apply conversion factor to heat transport, prior to masking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- conversion = 1.0e-19_r8/hflux_factor if (tracer_index == 1) TR_TRANS_G = TR_TRANS_G*conversion !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! mask the transports ! ! - any missing component is filled with undefined_nf. ! - because southern boundary diffusive transports are not available, ! the total and diffusive transport components are not computed ! for regions. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do m=1,n_transport_reg do n=1,n_lat_aux_grid-1 if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n ,1,m) .and. MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n+1,1,m) ) then TR_TRANS_G(n+1,:,m) = undefined_nf endif enddo if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(1,1,m) ) TR_TRANS_G(1,:,m) = undefined_nf if ( MASK_LAT_DEPTH(n_lat_aux_grid,1,m) ) then TR_TRANS_G(n_lat_aux_grid+1,:,m) = undefined_nf endif enddo do m=2,n_transport_reg TR_TRANS_G(:,1,m) = undefined_nf TR_TRANS_G(:,3,m) = undefined_nf enddo if (tracer_index == 1) TAVG_N_HEAT_TRANS_G = TR_TRANS_G if (tracer_index == 2) TAVG_N_SALT_TRANS_G = TR_TRANS_G endif deallocate ( WORK1, WORK1_G, WORK2_G) if ( ldiag_gm_bolus ) deallocate ( WORK3_G ) if ( lsubmeso ) deallocate ( WORK4_G ) call timer_stop (timer_tracer_transports) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine compute_tracer_transports !*********************************************************************** end module diags_on_lat_aux_grid !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||