!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module hydro_sections,1 !BOP ! !MODULE: hydro_sections ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module computes data along hydrographic sections to compare ! with cruise data. ! NOTE: currently does not work. routines appended below are from old ! CM-5 version and must be re-done. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: hydro_sections.F90 808 2006-04-28 17:06:38Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use kinds_mod implicit none private save !EOP !BOC !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_hydro_sections ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_hydro_sections ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes all variables to be used for hydrographic sections. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_hydro_sections !*********************************************************************** end module hydro_sections !||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #ifdef hydrographic_stations integer num_cruises_max, num_stations_max, num_cruises parameter ( num_cruises_max = 100, num_stations_max = 300) integer nnbr_stations, num_fields parameter ( nnbr_stations = 4 , num_fields = 5) integer station_nday(num_stations_max,num_cruises_max) integer num_stations(num_cruises_max) TYPE station_xy(num_stations_max,num_cruises_max,2) character*80 cruise_file(num_cruises_max) common/hydro_stations_scalar/ num_cruises, station_nday & , num_stations, station_xy common/hydro_stations_char/ cruise_file integer, dimension(num_stations_max, num_cruises_max & , nnbr_stations, 2) :: ADDR_STATIONS TYPE, dimension(num_stations_max, num_cruises_max & , nnbr_stations) :: DIST_STATIONS common/hydro_stations_array/ ADDR_STATIONS, DIST_STATIONS integer num_slices_max, num_columns_max, num_slices parameter ( num_slices_max = 1, num_columns_max = 500) integer nnbr_columns, mum_fields parameter ( nnbr_columns = 1, mum_fields = 5 ) integer num_columns(num_slices_max) TYPE column_xy(num_columns_max,num_slices_max,2) character*80 slice_file(num_slices_max) common/hydro_columns_scalar/ num_slices , num_columns, column_xy common/hydro_columns_char/ slice_file integer, dimension(num_columns_max, num_slices_max & , nnbr_columns, 2) :: ADDR_COLUMNS TYPE, dimension(num_columns_max, num_slices_max & , nnbr_columns) :: DIST_COLUMNS common/hydro_columns_array/ ADDR_COLUMNS, DIST_COLUMNS c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c begin file station.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| subroutine init_stations,3 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize everything necessary for writing data for comparison c with hydrographic sections. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- use grid use time_management implicit none integer day_sum(12) data day_sum / 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, & 243, 273, 304, 334 / integer syear, smonth, sday, start_year, cruise, station, nlen integer lenc, i, i_long_max external lenc real lat,lon,long_max character*80 temp_file real pos_stations(num_stations_max,2) integer, dimension(num_stations_max,nnbr_stations,2) :: ADDR_TEMP real, dimension(num_stations_max,nnbr_stations) :: DIST_TEMP c**************************************************************** c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in names of the cruise files used to get times and positions. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- open(31,file = in_cruises, status = 'old') num_cruises = 0 10 continue if(num_cruises .gt. num_cruises_max) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Too many cruise files listed in file ',in_cruises write(*,*)' Increase the value of num_cruises_max' stop endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in_cruises file until an error (or end-of-file) occurs c so the user does not have to specify the number of files to c be read in. The file name goes into the cruise_file array. c Also note that if we encounter 'none' anywhere, c then no files are read in. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- read(31,'(a)',err = 20) temp_file if(temp_file .eq. 'none') then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' No cruise files will be read' num_cruises = 0 goto 99 endif num_cruises = num_cruises + 1 nlen = lenc(temp_file) cruise_file(num_cruises) = temp_file(1:nlen) goto 10 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,"(' Attempting to read in ',i4,' cruise files')") & num_cruises close(31) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now read in data from each cruise file. Give warning if there are c more stations on a given cruise than allocated space. c c We assume that the run started on Jan 1 of the year 'start_year'. c With this assumption, the array 'station_nday' gives the model c day on which the data should be gathered. If start_year = -999, c then we want all sections to be done this year. that is, the c specific year is not important, but the time of year is. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- start_year = 85 write(*,*)' ' do cruise = 1,num_cruises temp_file = '/home/ocean/data/cruises/'/ /cruise_file(cruise) open(31,file = temp_file, status = 'old') write(*,*)' Reading file: ',cruise_file(cruise) read(31,*)num_stations(cruise) if(num_stations(cruise) .gt. num_stations_max) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' *** Warning ***' write(*,*)' More stations on this cruise than allowed' write(*,"(' Proceeding with first ',i4,' stations')") & num_stations_max num_stations(cruise) = num_stations_max endif do station = 1,num_stations(cruise) read(31,11)lat,lon,syear,smonth,sday station_xy(station,cruise,1) = lon/radian station_xy(station,cruise,2) = lat/radian if(start_year .eq. -999) then station_nday(station,cruise) = & tyear*365 + day_sum(smonth) + sday + 1 else station_nday(station,cruise) = & (syear - start_year)*365 + day_sum(smonth) + sday + 1 endif enddo close(31) enddo 11 format(f7.3,1x,f8.3,3(1x,i2),1x,3(1x,i2),1x,a1,1x,a) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Create output files if necessary. c c First check to see if the output file already exists (from a c previous portion of the run, for example). This is done by c checking to see if the number of stations for the particular cruise c is on the first line of the file. If it is, then the file is left c alone. Otherwise, it writes the number of stations on the first c line. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,*)' ' do cruise = 1,num_cruises nlen = lenc(cruise_file(cruise)) temp_file = cruise_file(cruise)(1:nlen)/ /'.model' open(31,file = temp_file, status = 'unknown') read(31,*,err = 30)nlen goto 40 30 continue close(31) write(*,*)' Creating file ',temp_file open(31,file = temp_file, status = 'unknown') write(31,*)num_stations(cruise) 40 continue close(31) enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Compute the neighbor addresses for each station. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do cruise = 1,num_cruises do station = 1,num_stations(cruise) pos_stations(station,1) = station_xy(station,cruise,1) pos_stations(station,2) = station_xy(station,cruise,2) enddo call gather_set(ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, num_stations(cruise), & num_stations_max, TLAT, TLONG, CALCT, pos_stations, DIST_TEMP) ADDR_STATIONS(:,cruise,:,:) = ADDR_TEMP DIST_STATIONS(:,cruise,: ) = DIST_TEMP enddo 99 continue return end subroutine init_stations c************************************************** subroutine data_stations,10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Gather neighboring data and dump to file for all stations that c are due for such action on model day 'iday' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- use grid use time_management use prognostic implicit none integer cruise, station, nlen, lenc, k, n, nf external lenc character*80 temp_file integer, dimension(1,nnbr_stations,2) :: ADDR_TEMP real, dimension(1,nnbr_stations,km) :: WORK1, WORK2, WORK3 real, dimension(1,nnbr_stations,km,num_fields) :: FIELDS_STATIONS real, dimension(imt,jmt,km) :: FIELD c********************************************* c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Loop over all stations and check to see where data is needed. c Then append data to the appropriate file. c c Note that we are dumping U,V using T-point indices. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do cruise = 1,num_cruises do station = 1,num_stations(cruise) if(station_nday(station,cruise).eq.iday) then ADDR_TEMP(1,:,:) = ADDR_STATIONS(station,cruise,:,:) WORK1 = c0 ! initialize FIELD = TRACER(:,:,:,1) call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) FIELDS_STATIONS(:,:,:,1) = WORK1 FIELD = TRACER(:,:,:,2) call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) FIELDS_STATIONS(:,:,:,2) = WORK1 FIELD = U call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) FIELD = V call gather(WORK2, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) do k = 1,km FIELD(:,:,k) = ANGLE ! redundant but easy enddo call gather(WORK3, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Rotate horizontal velocity vector to lat-long grid. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELDS_STATIONS(:,:,:,3) = & WORK1*cos(WORK3) + WORK2*sin(-WORK3) FIELDS_STATIONS(:,:,:,4) = & WORK2*cos(WORK3) - WORK1*sin(-WORK3) call wcalc(FIELD,U,V,this_block) ! FIELD contains W call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_stations, 1) FIELDS_STATIONS(:,:,:,5) = WORK1 nlen = lenc(cruise_file(cruise)) temp_file = cruise_file(cruise)(1:nlen)/ /'.model' open(31,file=temp_file, status='unknown',access='append') write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Appending file: ',temp_file c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c First write long, lat, time and number of neighbors of station data. c Then loop over neighboring points, first dumping the distance c from the model point to the true station point, then dumping data c at all depths. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(31,'(3f12.3,1x,i4)') & station_xy(station,cruise,1)*radian, & station_xy(station,cruise,2)*radian, & tday, nnbr_stations do n = 1,nnbr_stations write(31,*)DIST_STATIONS(station,cruise,n) do k = 1,km write(31,'(5e15.6)') & (FIELDS_STATIONS(1,n,k,nf),nf=1,num_fields) enddo enddo close(31) endif enddo enddo end subroutine data_stations c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c end file station.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c begin file slices.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| subroutine init_slices,3 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Initialize everything necessary for writing data for comparison c with hydrographic sections. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- use grid use time_management implicit none integer slice, column, nlen integer lenc, i, i_long_max external lenc real lat,lon,long_max character*80 temp_file, in_slices double precision pos_columns(num_columns_max,2) integer, dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns,2) :: ADDR_TEMP double precision, & dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns) :: DIST_TEMP c**************************************************************** c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in names of the slice files used to get times and positions. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- in_slices = 'in_slices.dat' open(31,file = in_slices, status = 'old') num_slices = 0 10 continue if(num_slices .gt. num_slices_max) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Too many slice files listed in file ',in_slices write(*,*)' Increase the value of num_slices_max' stop endif c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Read in_slices file until an error (or end-of-file) occurs c so the user does not have to specify the number of files to c be read in. The file name goes into the slice_file array. c Also note that if we encounter 'none' anywhere, c then no files are read in. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- read(31,'(a)',err = 20) temp_file if(temp_file .eq. 'none') then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' No slice files will be read' num_slices = 0 goto 99 endif num_slices = num_slices + 1 nlen = lenc(temp_file) slice_file(num_slices) = temp_file(1:nlen) goto 10 20 continue write(*,*)' ' write(*,"(' Attempting to read in ',i4,' slice files')") & num_slices close(31) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now read in data from each slice file. Give warning if there are c more columns on a given slice than allocated space. c c We assume that the run started on Jan 1 of the year 'start_year'. c With this assumption, the array 'column_nday' gives the model c day on which the data should be gathered. If start_year = -999, c then we want all sections to be done this year. that is, the c specific year is not important, but the time of year is. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,*)' ' do slice = 1,num_slices temp_file = '/home/ocean/data/slices/'/ /slice_file(slice) open(31,file = temp_file, status = 'old') write(*,*)' Reading file: ',slice_file(slice) read(31,*)num_columns(slice) if(num_columns(slice) .gt. num_columns_max) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' *** Warning ***' write(*,*)' More columns on this slice than allowed' write(*,'(i4)')' Proceeding with first ',num_columns_max, & ' columns ' num_columns(slice) = num_columns_max endif do column = 1,num_columns(slice) read(31,*)lat,lon column_xy(column,slice,1) = lon/radian column_xy(column,slice,2) = lat/radian enddo close(31) enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Compute the neighbor addresses for each columns. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do slice = 1,num_slices do column = 1,num_columns(slice) pos_columns(column,1) = column_xy(column,slice,1) pos_columns(column,2) = column_xy(column,slice,2) enddo call gather_set(ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns, num_columns(slice), & num_columns_max, TLAT, TLONG, CALCT, pos_columns, DIST_TEMP) ADDR_COLUMNS(:,slice,:,:) = ADDR_TEMP DIST_COLUMNS(:,slice,: ) = DIST_TEMP enddo 99 continue return end subroutine init_slices c************************************************** subroutine data_slices,10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Gather neighboring data and dump to file for all slices that c are due for such action on model day 'iday' c----------------------------------------------------------------------- use grid use time_management use prognostic implicit none integer slice, column, nlen, lenc, k, n, nf, iml, imr, iostat, nu external lenc character*80 temp_file, out_slices character*10 cday integer, dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns,2) :: ADDR_TEMP double precision, dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns,km) & :: WORK1, WORK2, WORK3 real, dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns,km,mum_fields) & :: FIELDS_COLUMNS double precision, dimension(imt,jmt,km) :: FIELD integer, dimension(512) :: ITEMP real, dimension(num_columns_max,nnbr_columns) :: DIST_TEMP real, dimension(num_columns_max,2) :: XY_TEMP c********************************************* c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Loop over all slices. c c Note that we are dumping U,V using T-point indices. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- out_slices = '/sda/sda2/maltrud/Sixth_Barnier/slices/' do slice = 1,num_slices ADDR_TEMP(:,:,:) = ADDR_COLUMNS(:,slice,:,:) WORK1 = c0 ! initialize FIELD = TRACER(:,:,:,1) call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,1) = WORK1 FIELD = TRACER(:,:,:,2) call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,2) = WORK1 FIELD = U call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) FIELD = V call gather(WORK2, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) #if polar_grid FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,3) = WORK1 FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,4) = WORK2 #else do k = 1,km FIELD(:,:,k) = ANGLE ! redundant but easy enddo call gather(WORK3, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Rotate horizontal velocity vector to lat-long grid for non-polar grids. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,3) = WORK1*cos(WORK3) + WORK2*sin(-WORK3) FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,4) = WORK2*cos(WORK3) - WORK1*sin(-WORK3) #endif call wcalc(FIELD,U,V,this_block) ! FIELD contains W call gather(WORK1, FIELD, ADDR_TEMP, nnbr_columns & , num_columns(slice)) FIELDS_COLUMNS(:,:,:,5) = WORK1 write (cday,'(i10)') iday + 1000000000 ! allows 2.7 million years nlen = lenc(slice_file(slice)) iml = 10 - movie_digits + 1 imr = lenc(out_slices) temp_file = out_slices(1:imr)/ /slice_file(slice)(1:nlen) & / /'.'/ /cday(iml:10) nu = 31 call CMF_file_open(nu,temp_file,iostat) write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' Writing file: ',temp_file ITEMP(1) = num_columns_max ITEMP(2) = num_columns(slice) ITEMP(3) = nnbr_columns ITEMP(4) = km DIST_TEMP = -999. do k = 1,nnbr_columns do n = 1,num_columns(slice) DIST_TEMP(n,k) = DIST_COLUMNS(n,slice,k) enddo enddo XY_TEMP = -999. do n = 1,num_columns(slice) XY_TEMP(n,1) = column_xy(n,slice,1) XY_TEMP(n,2) = column_xy(n,slice,2) enddo call CMF_cm_array_to_file(nu,ITEMP,iostat) if (iostat.eq.-1) then if(my_task.eq.master_task) & write(*,*) ' i/o error writing ',ITEMP call write_status(iostat) stop endif call CMF_cm_array_to_file(nu,DIST_TEMP,iostat) if (iostat.eq.-1) then if(my_task.eq.master_task) & write(*,*) ' i/o error writing ',DIST_TEMP call write_status(iostat) stop endif call CMF_cm_array_to_file(nu,XY_TEMP,iostat) if (iostat.eq.-1) then if(my_task.eq.master_task) & write(*,*) ' i/o error writing ',XY_TEMP call write_status(iostat) stop endif call CMF_cm_array_to_file(nu,FIELDS_COLUMNS,iostat) if (iostat.eq.-1) then if(my_task.eq.master_task) & write(*,*) ' i/o error writing ',FIELDS_COLUMNS call write_status(iostat) stop endif call CMF_file_close(nu,temp_file,iostat) enddo end subroutine data_slices c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c end file slices.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c begin file gather.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c*********************************************************************** c this set of routines searches for and gathers the nnbr closest c points on an ocean grid to a given set of target points. c c written by: Phil Jones, T-3, Los Alamos National Laboratory c date last revised: 6 December 1994 c*********************************************************************** subroutine gather(DSTARR, SRCARR, IADDR, nnbr, nlist) 16,4 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine gathers nnbr values from srcarr and places the c result in dstarr given a list of addresses computed in a c previous setup routine (gather_set). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c intent (in): c c nlist = number of search points c c nnbr = number of neighboring points to gather for each c target point c c SRCARR = the ocean variable to gather c c IADDR = the list of gather addresses computed in c a previous setup routine c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nlist, nnbr, k integer, dimension(nlist, nnbr, 2) :: IADDR real, dimension(imt, jmt, km) :: SRCARR c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c intent(out): c c DSTARR = values at all the neighboring ocean points c----------------------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(nlist, nnbr, km) :: DSTARR c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c local variables: c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, n c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c gather up the nnbr neighbors for all model levels. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- DSTARR = 0.0 do k = 1,km forall (n=1:nlist, i=1:nnbr) & DSTARR(n,i,k) = SRCARR(IADDR(n,i,1),IADDR(n,i,2),k) enddo c----------------------------------------------------------------------- return end subroutine gather c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** subroutine gather_set(IADDR, nnbr, nlist, nlmax, OLAT, OLON, OMSK, 3 & plist, NBR_DIST) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this subroutine sets up address arrays for the nnbr closests c points to a set of target points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c intent(in): c c nlist = number of points in list of search points c c nnbr = number of neighboring points to gather for c each target point c c OLAT, OLON = array of latitudes and longitudes on the c ocean grid c c OMSK = ocean mask c c plist = list of points for which neighboring ocean c points are desired c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nlist, nnbr, nlmax logical, dimension(imt, jmt) :: OMSK real, dimension(imt, jmt) :: OLAT, OLON real, dimension(nlmax, 2) :: plist c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c intent(out): c c IADDR = the addresses of the nnbr closest ocean points to the c list of search points c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(nlmax, nnbr, 2) :: IADDR real, dimension(nlmax, nnbr) :: NBR_DIST c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c local variables: c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, j, n real *8 rlat, rlon, fac1, fac2, fac3, dmin, wttmp, dsum real, dimension(imt, jmt) :: OARC1, OARC2, OARC3, DIST c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c set up some arc-length constants and initialize some stuff. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- OARC3 = COS(OLAT) OARC1 = COS(OLON)*OARC3 OARC2 = SIN(OLON)*OARC3 OARC3 = SIN(OLAT) IADDR = 0 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c loop through the list of destination points. compute the c arclength from this point to all the ocean grid points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,nlist rlon = plist(n, 1) rlat = plist(n, 2) fac3 = COS(rlat) fac1 = COS(rlon)*fac3 fac2 = SIN(rlon)*fac3 fac3 = SIN(rlat) DIST = ACOS(OARC1*fac1 + OARC2*fac2 + OARC3*fac3) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c find the closest nnbr points. eliminate land points. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (.NOT. OMSK) DIST = 10.0 do i=1,nnbr IADDR(n,i,:) = MINLOC(DIST) NBR_DIST(n,i) = DIST(IADDR(n,i,1),IADDR(n,i,2)) DIST(IADDR(n,i,1),IADDR(n,i,2)) = 10.0 end do end do c----------------------------------------------------------------------- return end subroutine gather_set c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| c end file gather.F c||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| #endif