!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module movie 5,14 !BOP ! !MODULE: movie ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains data types and routines for computing running ! time-averages of selected fields and writing this data to files. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! CVS:$Id: movie.F90 21830 2010-03-19 23:24:01Z njn01 $ ! CVS:$Name: $ ! !USES: use POP_IOUnitsMod use kinds_mod use blocks use distribution use domain use constants use prognostic use grid use time_management use registry use global_reductions use broadcast use io use exit_mod implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_movie, & define_movie_field, & update_movie_field, & movie_requested, & write_movie ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: logical (log_kind), public :: & lmovie_on = .false. ! movie file output wanted !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! movie field descriptor data type and array of such types ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type :: movie_field_desc character(char_len) :: short_name ! short name for field character(char_len) :: long_name ! long descriptive name character(char_len) :: units ! units character(4) :: grid_loc ! location in grid real (r4) :: missing_value ! value on land pts real (r4), dimension(2) :: valid_range ! min/max integer (int_kind) :: buf_loc ! location in buffer integer (int_kind) :: field_loc ! grid location and field integer (int_kind) :: field_type ! type for io, ghost cells integer (r4) :: field_depth_index ! depth index of 2d slice end type integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_avail_movie_fields = (4+nt)*km+50 ! limit on available fields - can ! be pushed as high as necessary integer (int_kind) :: & num_avail_movie_fields = 0, &! current number of defined fields num_requested_movie_fields, &! number of fields requested movie_flag ! time flag for writing movie files type (movie_field_desc), dimension(max_avail_movie_fields) :: & avail_movie_fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! buffers for holding running movie variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & movie_bufsize_2d ! size of buffer for 2d fields real (r4), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & MOVIE_BUF_2D ! buffer for holding movie fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! variables for writing data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & movie_freq_iopt, &! frequency option for writing movie movie_freq ! frequency of movie output character (char_len) :: & movie_outfile, & ! root filename for movie output movie_fmt ! format (nc or bin) for writing type (datafile) :: movie_file_desc ! IO file descriptor type (io_field_desc), target :: & MOVIE_iodesc ! io descriptor for movie fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ccsm variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (log_kind) :: & lccsm !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !EOP ! !IROUTINE: init_movie ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_movie 1,20 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine initializes movie options and reads in contents file to ! determine which fields for which the user wants 2D snapshot data. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! dummy index k, &! depth index iblock, &! local block index loc, &! location of field in buffer nu, &! unit for contents input file cindex, &! character index for manipulating strings nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag contents_error ! error flag for contents file read character (char_len) :: & movie_freq_opt, &! choice for frequency of movie output movie_contents, &! filename for choosing fields for output char_temp ! temporary for manipulating fields character (34), parameter :: & freq_fmt = "('movie diagnostics every ',i6,a8)" namelist /movie_nml/ movie_freq_opt, movie_freq, & movie_outfile, movie_contents, movie_fmt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read movie file output frequency and filenames from namelist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a12)') 'Movie options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) endif movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never movie_freq = 100000 movie_outfile = 't' movie_contents = 'unknown_movie_contents' if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=movie_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading movie_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Movie:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' movie_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,movie_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif if (my_task == master_task) then select case (movie_freq_opt) case ('never') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never write(stdout,'(a21)') 'movie diagnostics off' case ('nyear') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nyear write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' years ' case ('nmonth') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nmonth write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' months ' case ('nday') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nday write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' days ' case ('nhour') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nhour write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' hours ' case ('nsecond') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nsecond write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' seconds' case ('nstep') movie_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nstep write(stdout,freq_fmt) movie_freq,' steps ' case default movie_freq_iopt = -1000 end select endif call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) call broadcast_scalar(movie_freq_iopt, master_task) if (movie_freq_iopt == -1000) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'unknown option for movie file frequency') else if (movie_freq_iopt /= freq_opt_never) then call broadcast_scalar(movie_freq, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(movie_outfile, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(movie_contents, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(movie_fmt , master_task) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize time flag for writing movie files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_time_flag('movie',movie_flag, default=.false., & owner = 'init_movie', & freq_opt = movie_freq_iopt, & freq = movie_freq) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read contents file to determine which fields to dump ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (movie_freq_iopt /= freq_opt_never) then movie_bufsize_2d = 0 call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu, file=movie_contents, status='old') read(nu,*) num_requested_movie_fields write(stdout,'(a38)') 'movie diagnostics requested for fields:' endif call broadcast_scalar(num_requested_movie_fields, master_task) contents_error = 0 do n=1,num_requested_movie_fields if (my_task == master_task) then read(nu,'(i3,a80)',iostat=contents_error) k, char_temp char_temp = adjustl(char_temp) cindex = index(char_temp,' ') char_temp(cindex:) = ' ' write(stdout,*) ' ',trim(char_temp),' at level ',k endif call broadcast_scalar(contents_error, master_task) if (contents_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'error reading movie contents') endif call broadcast_scalar(char_temp, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(k , master_task) call request_movie_field(trim(char_temp), k) end do call release_unit(nu) !*** allocate and initialize running movie buffers allocate( & MOVIE_BUF_2D(nx_block,ny_block, nblocks_clinic,movie_bufsize_2d) ) lmovie_on = .true. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine if this is a ccsm coupled run ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lccsm = registry_match('lcoupled') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_movie !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_movie ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_movie 1,18 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes requested movie fields to a file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & nu, &! i/o unit for output file iblock, &! dummy block index nfield, &! dummy field index loc, &! buffer location for field io_phase !'define' or 'write' character (char_len) :: & file_suffix, &! suffix to append to movie file name hist_string, &! string containing file history movie_filename ! filename for movie data character (8) :: & date_created ! string with (real) date this file created character (10) :: & time_created ! string with (real) date this file created type (io_field_desc), dimension(:), allocatable :: & movie_fields type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim ! dimension descriptors for horiz dims logical (log_kind) :: & lmovie_write ! time to write a file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is it time to write a file - if yes, create a file suffix ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lmovie_write = .false. if (lmovie_on) then lmovie_write = check_time_flag(movie_flag) endif if (lmovie_write) then file_suffix = char_blank if (lccsm) then call create_suffix_movie_ccsm(file_suffix) else call create_suffix_movie(file_suffix) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create data file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call date_and_time(date=date_created, time=time_created) hist_string = char_blank write(hist_string,'(a24,a8,1x,a10)') & 'POP MOVIE file created: ',date_created,time_created movie_file_desc = construct_file(movie_fmt, & root_name = trim(movie_outfile), & file_suffix= trim(file_suffix), & title ='POP MOVIE file', & conventions='POP MOVIE conventions', & history = trim(hist_string), & record_length = rec_type_real, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add scalar fields to file as file attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call add_attrib_file(movie_file_desc, 'nsteps_total', nsteps_total) call add_attrib_file(movie_file_desc, 'tday' , tday) call add_attrib_file(movie_file_desc, 'iyear' , iyear) call add_attrib_file(movie_file_desc, 'imonth' , imonth) call add_attrib_file(movie_file_desc, 'iday' , iday) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open output file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (movie_file_desc, 'open') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write fields to file - this requires two phases ! in this first phase, we define all the fields to be written ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions i_dim = construct_io_dim('i',nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j',ny_global) allocate(movie_fields(num_avail_movie_fields)) do nfield = 1,num_avail_movie_fields ! check all available fields loc = avail_movie_fields(nfield)%buf_loc ! locate field in buffer if (loc > 0) then ! field is actually requested and in buffer !*** construct io_field descriptors for each field movie_fields(nfield) = construct_io_field( & avail_movie_fields(nfield)%short_name, & i_dim, j_dim, & long_name=avail_movie_fields(nfield)%long_name, & units =avail_movie_fields(nfield)%units , & grid_loc =avail_movie_fields(nfield)%grid_loc , & field_loc =avail_movie_fields(nfield)%field_loc, & field_type =avail_movie_fields(nfield)%field_type, & missing_value=avail_movie_fields(nfield)%missing_value, & valid_range=avail_movie_fields(nfield)%valid_range, & r2d_array =MOVIE_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) ) call data_set (movie_file_desc, 'define', movie_fields(nfield)) endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write fields to file ! in this second phase, we actually write the data for all the fields ! after writing a field, the field descriptor is destroyed and the ! file can be closed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do nfield = 1,num_avail_movie_fields ! check all available fields loc = avail_movie_fields(nfield)%buf_loc ! locate field in buffer if (loc > 0) then ! field is actually requested and in buffer call data_set (movie_file_desc, 'write', movie_fields(nfield)) call destroy_io_field(movie_fields(nfield)) endif end do deallocate(movie_fields) call data_set (movie_file_desc, 'close') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) 'Wrote file: ', trim(movie_file_desc%full_name) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get rid of file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call destroy_file(movie_file_desc) endif ! lwrite_movie !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_movie !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: movie_global ! !INTERFACE: subroutine movie_global ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates and print global integrals of time average fields ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & k, & ! vertical level index ifield, & ! field identifier iblock, & ! block index nfield, & ! dummy field index field_loc, & ! field location (center,Nface,Eface,NEcorner) field_type ! field type (scalar, vector, angle) real (r8) :: & movie_field_sum, & ! sum of movie field movie_norm ! normalization for average real (r8), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK ! temp for holding area_weighted field real (r8), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: & RMASK ! topography mask for global sum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate globally-integrated time average of each chosen 2d field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (RMASK(nx_block,ny_block), & WORK (nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,blank_fmt) write (stdout,'(a22)') 'Global Time Averages: ' endif do nfield=1,num_avail_movie_fields ifield = avail_movie_fields(nfield)%buf_loc if (ifield > 0) then field_loc = avail_movie_fields(nfield)%field_loc field_type = avail_movie_fields(nfield)%field_type !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) WORK(:,:,iblock) = MOVIE_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & TAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCT(:,:,iblock) case(field_loc_NEcorner) WORK(:,:,iblock) = MOVIE_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases WORK(:,:,iblock) = MOVIE_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) end select end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO movie_field_sum = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc) select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) movie_field_sum = movie_field_sum/(area_t) case(field_loc_NEcorner) movie_field_sum = movie_field_sum/(area_u) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases movie_field_sum = movie_field_sum/(area_u) end select if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,*) trim(avail_movie_fields(nfield)%short_name), & ': ', movie_field_sum endif endif end do deallocate (RMASK, WORK) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine movie_global !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: update_movie_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine update_movie_field(ARRAY,field_id,block,k) 12,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates a movie field to the current value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & block, &! local block address (in baroclinic distribution) k, &! vertical level field_id ! index into available fields for movie field info real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & ARRAY ! array of data for this block update movie buffer !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & bufloc ! location of field in movie buffer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get buffer location and field info from avail_movie_field array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- bufloc = avail_movie_fields(field_id)%buf_loc if (bufloc <= 0) & call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'movie: attempt to update bad movie field') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! update the field into the movie buffer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVIE_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = ARRAY !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine update_movie_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: define_movie_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine define_movie_field(id, short_name, depth_index, & 12,1 long_name, units, & grid_loc, missing_value, valid_range, & field_loc, field_type) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes description of an available field and returns location ! in the available fields array for use in later movie calls. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: & id ! location in avail_fields array for use in ! later movie routines ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character(*), intent(in) :: & short_name ! short name for field integer (int_kind), intent(in), optional :: & field_loc, &! location in grid field_type, &! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) depth_index ! depth index of 2d slice character(*), intent(in), optional :: & long_name, &! long descriptive name for field units ! physical units for field character(4), intent(in), optional :: & grid_loc ! location in grid (in 4-digit code) real (r4), intent(in), optional :: & missing_value ! value on land pts real (r4), dimension(2), intent(in), optional :: & valid_range ! min/max !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & appended_long_name, & ! long name with depth appended appended_short_name ! short name with depth appended character (len = 5) :: char_depth ! character version of the depth of a 2d slice integer (int_kind) :: & cbegin, clen, cindx, & ! character indices nearest_integer_depth ! integer version of the depth of a 2d slice real (r4) :: & field_depth ! floating point version of the depth of a 2d slice !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! increment the number of defined fields and make sure it does not ! exceed the maximum ! return the id as the current number ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- num_avail_movie_fields = num_avail_movie_fields + 1 if (num_avail_movie_fields > max_avail_movie_fields) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, & 'movie: defined movie fields > max allowed') endif id = num_avail_movie_fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now fill the field descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- avail_movie_fields(id)%buf_loc = 0 ! will be reset later !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now check the depth index since we will modify short and long field ! names if not at surface (depth_index = 0) ! ! for example, if we want TEMP for k=5 which corresponds to, say, 63 meters ! depth, then the short_name becomes TEMP_63m ! if long_name is defined, do a similar thing except replace _ with at ! and m with meters ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(depth_index)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_depth_index = depth_index else avail_movie_fields(id)%field_depth_index = 0 endif if (present(long_name) .and. avail_movie_fields(id)%field_depth_index <= 0) then avail_movie_fields(id)%long_name = long_name else avail_movie_fields(id)%long_name = char_blank endif if (avail_movie_fields(id)%field_depth_index > 0) then field_depth = zt(depth_index)*mpercm ! assume mid-cell and convert to meters nearest_integer_depth = nint(field_depth) write(char_depth,'(i5)') 10000 + nearest_integer_depth if (nearest_integer_depth < 10) then cbegin = 5 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 10 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 100) then cbegin = 4 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 100 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 1000) then cbegin = 3 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 1000 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 10000) then cbegin = 2 else cbegin = 1 endif clen = 6 - cbegin appended_short_name = short_name cindx = len_trim(appended_short_name) cindx = cindx + 1 appended_short_name(cindx:cindx) = '_' cindx = cindx + 1 appended_short_name(cindx:cindx+clen-1) = & char_depth(cbegin:cbegin+clen-1) cindx = cindx + clen appended_short_name(cindx:cindx) = 'm' ! meters avail_movie_fields(id)%short_name = appended_short_name if (present(long_name)) then appended_long_name = long_name cindx = len_trim(appended_long_name) cindx = cindx + 1 appended_long_name(cindx:cindx+3) = ' at ' cindx = cindx + 4 appended_long_name(cindx:cindx+clen-1) = & char_depth(cbegin:cbegin+clen-1) cindx = cindx + clen appended_long_name(cindx:cindx+6) = ' meters' ! meters avail_movie_fields(id)%long_name = appended_long_name endif ! long_name is present else avail_movie_fields(id)%short_name = short_name endif if (present(units)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%units = units else avail_movie_fields(id)%units = char_blank endif if (present(grid_loc)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%grid_loc = grid_loc else avail_movie_fields(id)%grid_loc = ' ' endif if (present(missing_value)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%missing_value = missing_value else avail_movie_fields(id)%missing_value = undefined endif if (present(valid_range)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%valid_range = valid_range else avail_movie_fields(id)%valid_range = undefined endif !*** set field location, field type used by i/o, ghost cell update !*** and other communication routines. because ghost cells for movie !*** fields are not typically used, the default is field_xxx_noupdate if (present(field_loc)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc else !*** try to decode field location from grid_loc if (grid_loc(2:2) == '1' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '1') then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc_center else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '2' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '2') then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '1' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '2') then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc_Nface else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '2' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '1') then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc_Eface else avail_movie_fields(id)%field_loc = field_loc_noupdate endif endif if (present(field_type)) then avail_movie_fields(id)%field_type = field_type else avail_movie_fields(id)%field_type = field_type_noupdate endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine define_movie_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: request_movie_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine request_movie_field(short_name,k) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This field marks an available field as requested and computes ! the location in the movie buffer array. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & short_name ! the short name of the field integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & k ! depth index !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! loop index id ! location of field in avail_fields array character (char_len) :: & appended_short_name ! short name with depth appended character (len = 5) :: char_depth ! character version of the depth of a 2d slice integer (int_kind) :: & cbegin, clen, cindx, & ! character indices nearest_integer_depth ! integer version of the depth of a 2d slice real (r4) :: & field_depth ! floating point version of the depth of a 2d slice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! search for field with same name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( k > 0 .and. k <= km) then field_depth = zt(k)*mpercm ! assume mid-cell and convert to meters nearest_integer_depth = nint(field_depth) write(char_depth,'(i5)') 10000 + nearest_integer_depth if (nearest_integer_depth < 10) then cbegin = 5 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 10 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 100) then cbegin = 4 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 100 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 1000) then cbegin = 3 else if (nearest_integer_depth >= 1000 .and. nearest_integer_depth < 10000) then cbegin = 2 else cbegin = 1 endif clen = 6 - cbegin appended_short_name = short_name cindx = len_trim(appended_short_name) cindx = cindx + 1 appended_short_name(cindx:cindx) = '_' cindx = cindx + 1 appended_short_name(cindx:cindx+clen-1) = & char_depth(cbegin:cbegin+clen-1) cindx = cindx + clen appended_short_name(cindx:cindx) = 'm' ! meters else appended_short_name = short_name endif id = 0 srch_loop: do n=1,num_avail_movie_fields if (trim(avail_movie_fields(n)%short_name) == trim(appended_short_name)) then id = n exit srch_loop endif end do srch_loop if (id == 0) then if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,*) 'Requested ', & trim(appended_short_name) call exit_POP(sigAbort,'movie: requested field unknown') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set the position in the buffer and advance the buffer position ! for the next field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- movie_bufsize_2d = movie_bufsize_2d + 1 avail_movie_fields(id)%buf_loc = movie_bufsize_2d !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine request_movie_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: movie_requested ! !INTERFACE: function movie_requested(id) 12,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This function determines whether an available (defined) movie field ! has been requested by a user (through the input contents file) and ! returns true if it has. Note that if movie has been turned off, ! the function will always return false. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & id ! id returned by the define function which ! gives the location of the field ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind) :: & movie_requested ! result of checking whether the field has ! been requested !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check the buffer location - if zero, the field has not been ! requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id < 1 .or. id > num_avail_movie_fields) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'movie_requested: invalid movie id') endif if (avail_movie_fields(id)%buf_loc > 0) then movie_requested = .true. else movie_requested = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function movie_requested !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: create_suffix_movie ! !INTERFACE: subroutine create_suffix_movie(file_suffix) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates a suffix to append to output filename based on frequency ! option and averaging interval. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variable ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & cindx1, cindx2, &! indices into character strings len_date ! length of date string character (char_len) :: & char_temp ! temp character space (for removing spaces) character (10) :: & cstep_beg, &! beginning step of this particular average cstep_end, &! ending step of this particular average cdate ! character string with yyyymmdd and optional ! separator (eg yyyy-mm-dd) character (4) :: & cyear_beg, &! beginning year of this particular average cyear_end ! end year of this particular average character (2) :: & cmonth_beg, &! beginning month of this particular average cmonth_end, &! end month of this particular average cday_beg, &! beginning day of this particular average cday_end ! end day of this particular average !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! start suffix with runid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank cindx2 = len_trim(runid) + 1 file_suffix(1:cindx2) = trim(runid)/& &/'.' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract beginning year, month, day or time step from beg_date ! and determine end date ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** !*** use step numbers if movie freq option is nstep !*** write(cstep_end,'(i10)') nsteps_total - 1 cdate = adjustl(cstep_end) cstep_end = trim(cdate) call time_stamp('last', 'ymd', date_string=cdate) ! last date if (date_separator == ' ') then ! no date separator cyear_end = cdate(1:4) cmonth_end = cdate(5:6) cday_end = cdate(7:8) else cyear_end = cdate(1:4) cmonth_end = cdate(6:7) cday_end = cdate(9:10) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create time portion of suffix based on frequency option ! note that concatenation operator split across lines to avoid ! problems with some cpp preprocessors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (movie_freq_iopt) case (freq_opt_nyear, freq_opt_nmonth, freq_opt_nday) cindx2 = cindx1 + 7 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_end/& &/cmonth_end/& &/cday_end case (freq_opt_nstep) cindx2 = cindx1 + len_trim(cstep_end) - 1 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = trim(cstep_end) case default ! use nstep for other options cindx2 = cindx1 + len_trim(cstep_end) - 1 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = trim(cstep_end) end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine create_suffix_movie !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: create_suffix_movie_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine create_suffix_movie_ccsm(file_suffix) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates a suffix to append to output filename based on frequency ! option and averaging interval. Suffix conforms to CCSM output ! file file-naming conventions. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & char_temp, &! temp character space ccsm_date_string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! clear character strings ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank char_temp = char_blank !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for a ccsm movie file, append a date/time string to the root name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (movie_freq_iopt) case (freq_opt_nyear) char_temp = 'y' case (freq_opt_nmonth) char_temp = 'ym' case (freq_opt_nday) char_temp = 'ymd' case (freq_opt_nhour) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nsecond) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nstep) char_temp = 'ymds' case default char_temp = 'ymds' end select call ccsm_date_stamp (ccsm_date_string, char_temp) file_suffix = trim(ccsm_date_string) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine create_suffix_movie_ccsm !*********************************************************************** end module movie !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||