
 module vmix_rich 1,11

! !MODULE: vmix_rich
!  This module contains routines for initializing and computing
!  vertical mixing coefficients for the Richardson number
!  parameterization (e.g. Pacanowski-Philander).
!  SVN:$Id: vmix_rich.F90 808 2006-04-28 17:06:38Z njn01 $


   use kinds_mod
   use blocks
   use distribution
   use domain
   use constants
   use grid
   use broadcast
   use io
   use state_mod
   use time_management
   use exit_mod

   implicit none


   public :: init_vmix_rich,  &

!  scalar mixing constants

   real (r8) ::        &
      bckgrnd_vvc,     &! background value for viscosity
      bckgrnd_vdc,     &! background value for diffusivity
      rich_mix          ! coefficient for rich number term

   real (r8), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
      critnuk           ! for min diffusion based on local stability

!  average velocities to be saved to avoid re-computing at next
!  k level

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
      UTK, VTK            ! average velocities at T points level k



! !IROUTINE: init_vmix_rich

 subroutine init_vmix_rich(VDC,VVC) 1,5

!  Initializes parameters for Richardson number vertical mixing by
!  reading from namelist input.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
      VDC                 ! vertical tracer diffusivity

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
      VVC                 ! vertical momentum viscosity

!  input namelist

   integer (int_kind) :: & 
      k,                  &! vertical level index
      nml_error            ! namelist i/o error flag

   namelist /vmix_rich_nml/bckgrnd_vvc, bckgrnd_vdc, rich_mix

!  set defaults for mixing coefficients, then read them from namelist

   bckgrnd_vvc = 1.0
   bckgrnd_vdc = 0.1
   rich_mix    = 50.0
   if (my_task == master_task) then
      open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error)
      if (nml_error /= 0) then
         nml_error = -1
         nml_error =  1
      do while (nml_error > 0)
         read(nml_in, nml=vmix_rich_nml,iostat=nml_error)
      end do
      if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in)

   call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task)
   if (nml_error /= 0) then
      call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading vmix_rich_nml')

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(stdout,'(a17,2x,1pe12.5)') '  bckgrnd_vvc   =',bckgrnd_vvc
      write(stdout,'(a17,2x,1pe12.5)') '  bckgrnd_vdc   =',bckgrnd_vdc
      write(stdout,'(a17,2x,1pe12.5)') '  rich_mix      =',rich_mix

   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vvc, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(rich_mix,    master_task)

!  set part of minimum diffusion coefficient based on stability
!  (divide by c2dtt later for full critical number)

   do k=1,km
      critnuk(k) = p25*dz(k)*dzw(k)
   end do

!  initialize VVC, VDC

   VVC = c0
   VDC = c0

   allocate(UTK(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), &


 end subroutine init_vmix_rich

! !IROUTINE: vmix_coeffs_rich

 subroutine vmix_coeffs_rich(k,VDC,VVC,TMIX,UMIX,VMIX,RHOMIX,  & 2,8
                               this_block, convect_diff, convect_visc)

!  Computes vertical diffusion coefficients for Richardson number
!  mixing parameterization.
!  \begin{itemize}
!   \item This routine must be called successively with k = 1,2,3,...
!   \item Richardson numbers at T-points are first calculated
!         and the richardson number at U points is taken to be
!         the average of the Richardson number at surrounding T points.
!  \end{itemize}
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k  ! vertical level index

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
      TMIX                 ! tracers at mix time level

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      UMIX, VMIX,         &! U,V velocities at mix time level
      RHOMIX               ! density at mix time level

   real (r8), intent(in), optional :: &
      convect_diff,       &! diffusivity to mimic convection
      convect_visc         ! viscosity   to mimic convection

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block           ! block info for current block


   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
      VDC                 ! vertical tracer diffusivity

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
      VVC                 ! vertical momentum viscosity

!  local or common variables:

   integer (int_kind) :: & 
      i,j,       &! loop indices
      kp1,       &! k+1 for k < km, km otherwise
      kdc,       &! k index into VDC array (to handle 2-d or 3-d cases)
      kvc,       &! k index into VVC array (to handle 2-d or 3-d cases)
      bid         ! local block address

   real (r8) ::          &
      critnu              ! minimum diffusion based on local stability

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & 
      UTKP,VTKP,         &! avg velocities at T point at k+1 level
      RHOK,              &! level k density after adiab displ to k+1
      RICH,RICHU          ! richardson number at T,U points

!  set up k+1 index and k-index for VVC,VDC arrays

   kp1 = min(k+1, km)

   kdc = min(k,size(VDC,DIM=3)) ! defaults to 1 if VDC 2-d array
   kvc = min(k,size(VVC,DIM=3)) ! defaults to 1 if VVC 2-d array

   bid = this_block%local_id

!  average either velocities at k=1, k+1 T points
!  or vertical shear for partial bottom cells

   if (partial_bottom_cells) then

      UTK(:,:,bid) = (UMIX(:,:,k)-UMIX(:,:,kp1))/ &
      VTK(:,:,bid) = (VMIX(:,:,k)-VMIX(:,:,kp1))/ &

      call ugrid_to_tgrid(UTKP,UTK(:,:,bid),bid)
      call ugrid_to_tgrid(VTKP,VTK(:,:,bid),bid)


      if (k == 1) then
         call ugrid_to_tgrid(UTK(:,:,bid),UMIX(:,:,k),bid)
         call ugrid_to_tgrid(VTK(:,:,bid),VMIX(:,:,k),bid)

      call ugrid_to_tgrid(UTKP,UMIX(:,:,kp1),bid)
      call ugrid_to_tgrid(VTKP,VMIX(:,:,kp1),bid)

   endif ! partial bottom cells

!  density at level k after adiabatic displacement to k+1
!  for use in vertical gradient of potential density for
!  richardson number calculation

   call state(k,kp1,TMIX(:,:,k,1),TMIX(:,:,k,2),this_block, &

!  richardson number and vertical diffusivity at bottom of
!  T box, level k 

   if (present(convect_diff)) then
      critnu = convect_diff
      critnu = critnuk(k)/c2dtt(k)

   if (partial_bottom_cells) then

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (k < KMT(i,j,bid)) then

            RICH(i,j) =  -grav*(RHOK(i,j) - RHOMIX(i,j,kp1))/   &
                        (p5*(DZT(i,j,k,bid)+DZT(i,j,kp1,bid)))/ &
                           (UTKP(i,j)**2 + VTKP(i,j)**2 + eps/  &

            VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = min(critnu,                        &
                              bckgrnd_vdc + (bckgrnd_vvc +      &
                              rich_mix/(c1 + c5*RICH(i,j))**2)/ &
                                       (c1 + c5*RICH(i,j)))

            RICH(i,j) = c0
            VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = c0
         if (RICH(i,j) < c0) VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = critnu
      end do
      end do

   else ! no partial bottom cells

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (k < KMT(i,j,bid)) then

            RICH(i,j) =  -grav*dzw(k)*(RHOK(i,j) - RHOMIX(i,j,kp1))/ &
                          ((UTK(i,j,bid) - UTKP(i,j))**2 +           &
                           (VTK(i,j,bid) - VTKP(i,j))**2 + eps)
            VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = min(critnu,                             &
                                 bckgrnd_vdc + (bckgrnd_vvc +        &
                                 rich_mix/(c1 + c5*RICH(i,j))**2)/   &
                                          (c1 + c5*RICH(i,j)))

            RICH(i,j) = c0
            VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = c0
         if (RICH(i,j) < c0) VDC(i,j,kdc,1) = critnu
      end do
      end do

   endif ! partial bottom cells

!  richardson number at bottom of U box, level k 
!  (average of richardson number at surrounding T points) 

   call tgrid_to_ugrid(RICHU,RICH,bid)

!  vertical viscosity at bottom of U box, level k 
   if (present(convect_visc)) critnu = convect_visc

   do j=1,ny_block
   do i=1,nx_block
      if (k < KMU(i,j,bid)) then

         VVC(i,j,kvc)  = min(critnu, bckgrnd_vvc + &
                                     rich_mix/(c1 + c5*RICHU(i,j))**2)


         RICHU(i,j) = c0
         VVC(i,j,kvc)  = c0


      if (RICHU(i,j) < c0) VVC(i,j,kvc) = critnu

   end do
   end do

!  bottom values become top values for next pass

   if (.not. partial_bottom_cells) then
      UTK(:,:,bid) = UTKP
      VTK(:,:,bid) = VTKP 


 end subroutine vmix_coeffs_rich


 end module vmix_rich
