CESM1.1 Series Public Release
About CESM 1.1 Series
- CESM1.1.2 (July 2013) is now available.
- CESM1.1.1 is now supported on machines Yellowstone and Titan.
Important Information about CESM1.1.z Scientific Validation
Scientific validation consists of a multi-decadal model run of the given component set at the target resolution, followed by scientific review of the model output diagnostics. All scientifically supported component sets are also accompanied by diagnostic and model output data.
CESM1.1.z has the flexibility to configure cases with many different combinations of component models, grids, and models settings. We are in the process of scientifically validating more resolutions and component sets, primarily targeted to CAM5 component sets. Validated CESM1.1.z model results and diagnostics are posted under Experiments & Diagnostics.
Important Information about CESM1.1.0 Scientific Validation
CESM1.1.0 contains NO scientifically validated component sets and as such is not to be used for scientific simulations. The purpose of this release is to make available to the CESM user community model functionality and infrastructure improvements. It is to be used as a code base for new model developments that require this new infrastructure.
- Notable Infrastructure and Functionality Improvements
- CESM1.1 Series Release Notes
- includes What's New, Answer-Changing Features, and Known Problems - CESM1.1.z Scientifically Supported Model Configurations
Diagnostic Packages and Naming Conventions
- Experiments & Diagnostics
- Post Processing Utilities
- Model File Naming Conventions
- Experiment Case Naming Conventions
Model Documentation

External Library Documentation
- Parallel I/O Library (PIO)
- Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT)
- Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)
Model Input Data
The input data necessary to run all supported component sets is made available from a public Subversion input data repository. Note that the inputdata repository has much more data in it than you need to run CESM1.1 ---- DO NOT attempt to svn checkout the whole input data repository. The CESM1.1 User's Guide explains how to obtain the subset of input data required for your needs.
Performance and Load Balancing Data
The CESM1.1 Timing Table provides performance data that will continue to evolve due to changes in the model, machine hardware and input from the user community.
CESM Project
The Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a fully-coupled, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states.
CESM is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
Model Source Code
Copyright and Terms of Use
All CESM source code is subject to the following Copyright Notice and Disclaimer.
Acquiring the Release Code
The source code for CESM releases is distributed through a public Subversion code repository. This code can be checked out using Subversion client software, such as the command tool svn, or simply view the latest version with a web browser.
A short registration is required to access the repository. After registering, you will receive an email containing a user name and password that is necessary to gain access to the repository.
Acquistion of the code is more fully described in the most recent version of the CESM1.1 User's Guide.
Reporting a Problem
If you have any problems, please first read the User's Guide including the sections on FAQs and Use Cases. Please also refer to the CESM Bulletin Board, which is in place to facilitate communication within the CESM community. Finally, please also refer to the Release Notes entries that are provided with every release and release update.
CESM Support Policy
CESM Data Management & Distribution Plan
The Community Earth System Model (CESM) Data Management and Data Distribution Plan documents the procedures for the storage and distribution of data associated with the CESM project.