CESM1.0 Release Notes
The CESM1.0 Release Notes page contains summary information for each release in the CESM1.0 series, where notable new features are highlighted and known problems are documented as they are discovered.
The CESM1.0 was originally released in June 2010. Since that time, a series of updated versions has been released to the community to provide additional features, bug fixes, and updated machine support. All releases are summarized on this page, with the most recent version listed at the top. To date, the following versions have been released:
- cesm1_0_6 1 May 2014
- cesm1_0_5 1 February 2013
- cesm1_0_4 21 February 2012
- cesm1_0_3 June 2011
- cesm1_0_2 December 2010
- cesm1_0_1 September 2010
- cesm1_0 Original Release: June 2010
There are handful of backwards compatability issues and general features that will hold true for all CESM1.0 Release Tags. Users should be aware of these potentially unexpected behaviors of the CESM1.0 system, so please take a look.
Also, it is important to note that all versions of CESM1.0 supersede CCSM4.0. However, users can run all CCSM4 experiments from the CESM1 code base. In addition, the CCSM4.0 code base is frozen and all future model updates will occur from the CESM1.0 code base.
For complete information about CESM1.0, see the CESM Code Release page, where you will find a scientific discussion of the CESM1.0's notable improvements, model output and diagnostics, complete model documentation, and model inputdata information.
Please note that updates on issues, including bugs, associate with this model release, will be posted on the Known Issues (see below) and through the CESM Bulletin Board. It is the users responsibility to continually keep informed of these issues.
Release Summary for cesm1_0_6
CESM1.0.6 offers five new WACCM compsets and three new BGC compsets as well as updates to supported machines and bug fixes. It is also the code base we recommend you use for running simulations that are scientifically supported as part of the CESM1.0 - CESM1.0.z series scientific validation and accompanying diagnostics.
** IMPORTANT NOTE ** Starting with CESM1.0.6, the Subversion repository path has changed. All documentation for downloading the most current version of the model has been updated in the CESM User's Guide to reflect this change and older version differences are noted.
To download the CESM1.0.6 release code, use this command:
> svn co --username guestuser --password [password] https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/cesm1/release_tags/cesm1_0_6 cesm1_0_6
You may be prompted up to 3 times for the username and password when checking out the code for the first time from this new Subversion path. This is because the code is distributed across a number of different Subversion repositories and each repository requires authentication.
- 1 May 2014
- What's New
- Machines
- Known Problems
- "Affected Releases CESM1.0.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.0.z (z > 5) release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.1.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.1.z release series
- "Affected Releases CESM1.2.z" - to find all bug topics associated with the CESM1.2.z release series
Beginning in March 2014, all the CESM supported releases known problems (except CESM1.0.5 and prior releases) will be reported and updated using the DiscussCESM Forums
CESM General -> Known Issues -> [sub forum topic]
Please be sure you are subscribed to the CESM General -> Known Issues sub-forum topic(s) of interest by logging into the forums and select options
My Account -> Subscriptions -> Categories
Check all sub-forum topics that you would like to keep informed about and the frequency of notifications.
These particular sub-forums are only accessible for posting by forum moderators and are intended to be used as an avenue for CESM developers to communicate known problems and fixes to the general CESM user community.
CESM users should continue to post their issues either as a topic in the main Bug Reporting forum and/or as a topic in the individual component models' Software and Run-time issues forums.
In addition to the organization of the sub-forums, some hints for searching the new sub-forum known issues topics include searching on phrases such as:
Thank you.
CESM Software Engineering Group
Release Summary for cesm1_0_5
CESM1.0.5 offers out of the box support for the new NCAR machine Yellowstone and the new ORNL machine Titan. It is also the code base we recommend you use for running simulations that are scientifically supported as part of the CESM1.0 - CESM1.0.5 series scientific validation and accompanying diagnostics.
- 1 February 2013
- What's New (same as cesm1_0_4)
- Answer-Changing Features (same as cesm1_0_4)
- Machines (same as cesm1_0_4 with added support for Yellowstone and Titan)
- Known Problems (same as cesm1_0_4 in addition to the following:)
- (Bugzilla #1875) Major problem when running any scripts in the $DOUT_S_ROOT directory while the short term archiver is active.
- (Bugzilla #1910) Intermittent Problem on Yellowstone with MPI_Wtime calls.
- (Bugzilla #1624) CAM stand alone builds are not working. There is a work around in the Bugzilla report.
- (Bugzilla #1263) Data model stream restarts overwrite namelist settings. There is a work around in the Bugzilla report.
- (Bugzilla #1791) The esmf library path for yellowstone is incorrect. There is a work around in the Bugzilla report.
- (Bugzilla #1793) The pgi compiler is currently failing in calls to mpi_init on yellowstone. There is a work around in the Bugzilla report.
- (Known Issue) the namelist description of "do_circulation_diags" in CAM's namelist_definition.xml should include the following:
do_circulation_diags MUST be .true. in all cases with WACCM's QBO forcing enabled. Cases with qbo_use_forcing = .true. and do_circulation_diags = .false. will produce invalid output.
Release Summary for cesm1_0_4
The main purpose of the CESM1.0.4 release is to provide the community a version of CESM1 that supports the Thermosphere/Ionosphere extension of WACCM (WACCMX) and the the capability to configure cases using interannual forcing component sets (CIAF, DIAF, and GIAF). CESM1.0.4 also includes a "patch" to MPI_RSEND that improves cray-gemini interconnect performance on Cray XT6 machines, and it contains other enhancements, machine updates, and bug fixes, as noted in this section. Aside from these new features, the CESM1.0.4 release is an incremental release beyond CESM1.0.3.
- 21 February 2012
- What's New
- Major Features FAQ
- Answer-Changing Features
- Machines
- Known Problems
- The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
- "Claim exceeds reservation's resources" error message in ccsm.log on Crays
- WACCM compsets and use of ESMF library
- Scripts don't support ESMF serial code
- Problem running I1850SPINUPCN with more than 82 years of data
- exact restart test on janus (cprnc)
- Compset F_1850-2000*** is using the incorrect SST data
- List of minor issues for CLM in cesm1_0_4
- B_1850_CAM5_CN and B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN: problem with initialization datsets. (fixed in CESM1_1_1)
- CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs (fixed in CESM1_1_1)
- Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT (fixed in CESM1_1_1)
- (Bugzilla #1678) WACCM-X hits a floating point exception with threading enabled (fixed in CESM1_2)
- (Bugzilla 1740) Limitations with different coupling frequencies for different models.
- Error when building the code DV active - bugzilla ID=1745 provides fix.
- Summary Information Page (printer friendly)
Release Summary for cesm1_0_3
- Created 2011-06-15
- What's New
- Answer-Changing Features
- Known Problems
- The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
- Gregorian calendar in CICE (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- WACCM compsets and use of ESMF library
- Use non-default compiler for ne240_f02_t12 on jaguarpf or hopper
- D, G, and I compsets have dust wet/dry deposition mislabeled for bin 4 -- no change to answers (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- List of minor issues for CLM in CESM1.0.3 (17 of which are fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- Scripts don't support ESMF serial code
- "Claim exceeds reservation's resources" error message in ccsm.log on Crays
- ESMF library path on bluefire points to a temproray area. (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- Problem running I1850SPINUPCN with more than 82 years of data
- I1850SPINUPCN compset points to a transient case rather than a fixed 1850 case (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- On machine Lynx env_build.xml and env_run.xml references to /ptmp must be changed to /glade/scratch (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- B_1850_CAM5_CN and B_1850-2000_CAM5_CN: problem with initialization datsets. (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- compsets: E_2000_CN_GLC, E_1850_CN_GLC, F_AMIP_CAM5_CN, F_1850_CN_GLC, do NOT have CN turned on as they should! (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- WACCM gravity wave breaking bug (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- F_1850_chem and F_2000_chem compsets should not be used (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- coupler input_data_list may be incomplete (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- I compsets hang at configure step with a bad user_nl_clm file that has double quotes (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- Problem running PST.f09_g16.I.jaguarpf
- CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Summary Information Page (printer-friendly version)
Release Summary for cesm1_0_2
- Created 2010-12-08
- What's New
- Answer-Changing Features
- Known Problems
- Module changes needed on jaguar/jaguarpf (early February 2011 only)
- Scripts changes needed to run CESM on NERSC hopper2 (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- POP2 overflow-parameterization constants (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Incorrect initial conditions file used as default for cam5 at fv 0.47x0.63
- List of minor issues for CLM for CESM1.0.2 (nine of which fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Scripts don't support ESMF serial code
- GLIMMER-CISM (ice sheet) not set up for ESMF
- Directions for spinup use a single year of forcing (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
- B1850BDRD compset has incorrect CCSM_CO2_PPMV value (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Gregorian calendar in CICE (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- D, G, and I compsets have dust wet/dry deposition mislabeled for bin 4 -- no change to answers
- WACCM gravity wave breaking bug (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- I compsets hang at configure step with a bad user_nl_clm file that has double quotes
- CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Summary Information Page (printer friendly)
Release Summary for cesm1_0_1
- Created 2010-09-17
- What's New
- Answer-Changing Features
- Known Problems
- All T31 configurations are not scientifcally validated (fixed in cesm1_0_2)
- Module changes needed on jaguar/jaguarpf (early February 2011 only)
- Scripts changes needed to run CESM on NERSC hopper2 (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Scripts don't support ESMF serial code
- GLIMMER-CISM (ice sheet) not set up for ESMF
- List of minor issues for CLM in CESM1.0.1 (one fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Problems compiling share code (shr_scam_mod.F90) with intel compilers (fixed in cesm1_0_2)
- POP2 overflow-parameterization constants (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Directions for spinup use a single year of forcing (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
- B1850BDRD compset has incorrect CCSM_CO2_PPMV value (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Gregorian calendar in CICE (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- D, G, and I compsets have dust wet/dry deposition mislabeled for bin 4 -- no change to answers
- WACCM gravity wave breaking bug (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- I compsets hang at configure step with a bad user_nl_clm file that has double quotes
- CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Summary Information Page (printer friendly)
Release Summary for cesm1_0
- Created 2010-06-25
- Known Problems
- F_1850_CN_CHEM compset has invalid settings (fixed in cesm1_0_1)
- Incorrect CCSM_CO2_PPMV value set for WACCM (FW and F1850W) (fixed in cesm1_0_1)
- F_AMIP_CAM5 compset problems: can only be run for 1.9x2.5_1.9x2.5 and a problem for ocn coupling interval (fixed in cesm1_0_1)
- All T31 configurations are not scientifcally validated (fixed in cesm1_0_2)
- Module changes needed on jaguar/jaguarpf (early February 2011 only)
- Scripts changes needed to run CESM on NERSC hopper2 (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- ESMF doesn't support serial code
- ESMF T62_t12.C.jaguar fails (pop 1/10 deg tripole) (fixed in cesm1_0_1)
- GLIMMER-CISM (ice sheet) not set up for ESMF
- List of minor issues for CLM for CESM1.0(two fixed in cesm1_0_1, one in cesm1_0_3)
- The units reported in the POP2 tavg output files for DON_prod are incorrect (fixed in cesm1_0_2)
- Problems compiling share code (shr_scam_mod.F90) with intel compilers (fixed in cesm1_0_2)
- POP2 overflow-parameterization constants (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Directions for spinup use a single year of forcing (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- The CICE history files have some incorrect history fields (albpnd, albice, albsno). These should not be used.
- B1850BDRD compset has incorrect CCSM_CO2_PPMV value (fixed in cesm1_0_3)
- Gregorian calendar in CICE (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- D, G, and I compsets have dust wet/dry deposition mislabeled for bin 4 -- no change to answers
- WACCM gravity wave breaking bug (fixed in cesm1_0_4)
- I compsets hang at configure step with a bad user_nl_clm file that has double quotes
- CFC initialization in POP is incorrect for 20th century branch and hybrid runs (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Incorrect diagnostic output for POP2 variable RHO_VINT (fixed in cesm1_1_1)
- Summary Information Page (printer friendly)
CESM1.0 Backwards Compatability Issues and General Features
There are handful of universal CESM1.0 backwards compatability issues and general features that will hold true for all tags in the CESM1.0 Release sequence. Users should be aware of these potentially unexpected behaviors of the CESM1.0 system:
- CESM1.0 is not completely backwards compatible with CCSM4.0 restart files. As a result, CESM1.0 branch-start cases cannot be initialized with CCSM4 restart datasets, such as those located in the inputdata/ccsm4_init directory. However, CESM hybrid-start cases can be initialized with CCSM4 restart datasets.
- The ice-sheet component model, Glimmer-CISM, doesn't support ESMF; it fails to compile.
- Changing the year for climatological runs using prescribed forcing will yield round-off level changes.