Testing new features to include in CESM1.5 (development before mini -breck)
These are the runs we did in the fall 2015 before coupling all the components together in preparation of cesm1.5.
These include:
- New topography
- Convective scavenging
- Aerosol tuning
- Dust: assessing dust change seen in cesm1.5
- Turbulent mountain stress parameters
- CAM5.5 + CLM4.5
- Autoconversion (SB2001 runs)
AMWG simulations with CESM1.5
These are the AMWG runs that were done for the mini-breck. This includes the coupled run but also standalone simulations.
- CESM1.5 simulations (all development simulations)
- Diagnostics for "28" (this the AMWG runs for the mini-Breck)
- Diagnostics for "36" (this is the modern version of the mini-breck runs)
- Instructions to run CESM1.5 (Reproducing 28 and 36)
CAM6 development following mini-breck
- Tuning parameters for CAM6
- Initial coupled simulations specific to AMWG development (SB2011, gust, ridge)
- Convection modifications to improve cesm1.5 variability
- Subgrid Orographic Drag Development
- Surface Flux Modifications
- New solar dataset
- Background volcano
- Methane oxidation
- Sanity checks (testing cice4/cice5, 1850 fsurdat vs 2000 fsurdat)
Post breckenridge standalone simulations
- Reproducing 36 with newer tags
- Standalone runs with ga7.66 configuration and sensitivity studies
- Standalone runs with 114 configuration and sensitivity studies
- Standalone runs with 119 configuration and sensitivity studies
- Standalone runs with 125 configuration and sensitivity studies
- Standalone runs with 143 configuration and sensitivity studies (this is the configuration for the standalone papers)
Post CESM workshop (June 2017-Now)
Reducing Indirect effectSimulations with clubb off
Labrador sea freeze in 215
CAM6 runs (with release tag)