2022 CESM Tutorial Coursework

View the sciences presentations and the lab exercises grouped by day with the links below
* Videos will be added after the tutorial
Monday, August 08 2022
Topic: Introduction to the coupled system
Speaker: Gokhan Danabasoglu
Speaker: Gokhan Danabasoglu
Topic: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics
Speaker: Peter Lauritzen
Speaker: Peter Lauritzen
Topic: Atmosphere Modeling II: Physics
Speaker: Rich Neale
Speaker: Rich Neale
Topic: Introduction to NCAR HPC Systems
Speaker: Rory Kelly
Speaker: Rory Kelly
Topic: Run CESM2: Introduction
Speakers: Kate Thayer-Calder and Chris Fisher
Speakers: Kate Thayer-Calder and Chris Fisher
Tuesday, August 9 2022
Topic: Land Modeling I: Biogeophysics
Speaker: Dave Lawrence
Speaker: Dave Lawrence
Topic: Land Modeling II: Biogeochemistry: Ecosystem Modeling
Speaker: Will Wieder
Speaker: Will Wieder
Topic: Defining the internal component of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in a changing climate: Insights from Large Ensembles
Speaker: Clara Deser
Speaker: Clara Deser
Specialized Talk
Topic: Simpler Models
Speaker: Isla Simpson
Speaker: Isla Simpson
Wednesday, August 10 2022
Topic: Atmosphere Modeling III: WACCM
Speaker: Mike Mills
Speaker: Mike Mills
Topic: Atmos. Modeling IV: Chemistry, Aerosols
Speaker: Simone Tilmes
Speaker: Simone Tilmes
Topic: Ocean Modeling I
Speaker: Gustavo Marques
Speaker: Gustavo Marques
Topic: Tropical Cyclones and climate
Speaker: Hui Li
Speaker: Hui Li
Topic: Land Use and Land Cover Change
Speaker: Peter Lawrence
Speaker: Peter Lawrence
Topic: Ecosystem Dynamics and Fire
Speaker: Jacquelyn Shuman
Speaker: Jacquelyn Shuman
Meet a Scientist
Sign up to meet one of our CESM Scientists
Specialized Talk
Topic: Model development: Coupling/Tuning
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Topic: Diagnostics and Output
Speaker: Jesse Nusbaumer
Speaker: Jesse Nusbaumer
Thursday, August 11 2022
Topic: Ocean Modeling II
Speaker: Peter Gent
Speaker: Peter Gent
Topic: Ocean Biogeochemistry
Speaker: Keith Lindsay
Speaker: Keith Lindsay
Topic: Sea Ice Modeling
Speaker: Dave Bailey
Speaker: Dave Bailey
Meet a Scientist
Sign up to meet one of our CESM Scientists
Specialized Talk
Topic: Porting CESM and New Features
Speaker: Jim Edwards, Brian Dobbins, Mariana Vertenstein
Speaker: Jim Edwards, Brian Dobbins, Mariana Vertenstein
Topic: Namelist and Code Modificatioms
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Speaker: Cecile Hannay
Friday, August 12 2022
Topic: Land Ice Modeling
Speaker: Bill Lipscomb
Speaker: Bill Lipscomb
Topic: Isotopes
Speaker: Bette Otto-Bliesner and Jiang Zhu
Speaker: Bette Otto-Bliesner and Jiang Zhu
Topic: Geoengineering
Speaker: Simone Tilmes
Speaker: Simone Tilmes
Topic: Earth System Prediction
Speaker: Stephen Yeager
Speaker: Stephen Yeager
Topic: Closing remarks and Photo
Speaker: Peter Lawrence
Speaker: Peter Lawrence
Breakout Topic: Ocean/Sea Ice/ Land Ice
Speakers: Alper Altunas, Dave Bailey, Kate Thayer-Calder
Speakers: Alper Altunas, Dave Bailey, Kate Thayer-Calder
Breakout Topic: Land / Biogeochemistry
Speakers: Peter Lawrence, Erik Kluzek, Keith Lindsay
Speakers: Peter Lawrence, Erik Kluzek, Keith Lindsay
Breakout Topic: Atmosphere / Chemistry / WACCM
Speakers: Hannay, Mike Mills
Speakers: Hannay, Mike Mills
Tutorial Links
- Home: Main page for the 2022 CESM tutorial
- Shuttle Schedule: View the UCAR shuttle schedule in pdf format
- Agenda: View the agenda in pdf format
- Announcement: Information about the event and how to apply to the tutorial
- Meet A Scientist: Information about the scientists and their area of focus.
- Participants: Participants of the 2022 CESM Tutorial
- Prerequisites: Please complete the following activities to ensure you are prepared for the tutorial
- Coursework: View the sciences presentations and the labs exercises.
- Video recordings: View all the recorded sessions in one YouTube Playlist
* Note the complete list of tutorial videos can be found on the coursework page