2021 CESM Climate Variability & Change Working Group Meeting

The goals of the Climate Variability and Change Working Group are to understand and quantify contributions of natural and anthropogenically-forced patterns of climate variability and change. Towards that end, the CVCWG coordinates, conducts and archives simulations with CESM that are of broad interest to the national and international climate research communities. These simulations are designed to enable researchers to evaluate and understand mechanisms of internal variability and externally-forced change due to natural and anthropogenic factors, detection and attribution of past climate change, and projections and predictions of future change. These simulations can also serve as baselines for users who wish to perform their own pertubation experiments using the same model version. A complete list of CVCWG simulations available for public download via the Climate Data Gateway at NCAR.
We welcome abstract submissions for presentations on any topics related to climate variability and change for this one day meeting of the working group.
* Meeting agenda, participant list, and presentations will be posted here at a later date.
Meeting Agenda
View the agenda in PDF format here
Meeting Contact
For questions agout the meeting, contact Elizabeth Faircloth [ fair@ucar.edu ]