2011 WAWG Workshop Presentations The CARMA 3.0 microphysics package in CESM C. Bardeen Solar Effects in WACCM WACCM5 Update Andrew Conley Stratospheric sulfate geoengineering has limited efficacy and increases tropospheric burdens Jason English On the estimation of Age of Air Trends from Atmospheric Tracers Rolando Garcia Polar Heterogeneous Processes in WACCM: A new approach Doug Kinnison Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in WACCM: Parameterization and Evaluation Han-Li Liu WAWG Dan Marsh Comparing Whole Atmosphere Models to Assess Thermospheric Characteristics of Higher Order (s=4,5,6) Migrating Tides Joe McInerney The CESM1.0.3 public release: What's new in WACCM? Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM Global LIDAR Remote Sensing of Stratospheric Aerosols and Comparison with WACCM/CARMA Ryan Neely WACCM Applications for the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere Cora Randall