2013 PCWG Workshop Presentations High-resolution CESM simulations Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD MPAS-CICE development Adrian Turner Multi-column ocean grid for ocean mixing under sea ice in CESM Meibing Jing High-resolution CESM: A 40-year CORE-forced coupled ocean/ice simulation Julie McClean Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) project: Progress to-date and future plans Wieslaw Maslowski Analysis of altimetry and imagery data from the Arctic Basin Brian McDonald, Ute Herzfeld Impacts of CAM5 cloud microphysics on Arctic clouds and radiation Jason English, NCAR-CGD Interpreting observed Northern Hemisphere snow trends with large ensembles of climate simulations Paul Kushner Diagnosing model land snow and sea ice radiative effect Justin Perket Processes controlling 21st century southern ocean climate-cloud feedbacks Jen Kay, NCAR-CGD A new look at the double ITCZ problem: Connections to cloud biases over southern ocean Ting Hwang Sea ice prediction network Cecilia Bitz Discussion