2013 SEWG Workshop Presentations

Next steps in CESM workflows
John Dennis

A new CESM testing and porting database
Alice Bertini, NCAR-CGD

PIO update
Jim Edwards, NCAR-CGD

A new CESM validation procedure
Michael Levy, NCAR-CGD

CESM/DART: An ensemble data assimilation system for fully coupled models
Nancy Collins

Sub-columns in CAM physics
Steve Goldhaber, NCAR-CGD, Cheryl Craig, NCAR-CGD

Heurestic static load balancing applied to CESM
Yury Alekseev

Migrating CESM to many-core architectures: Science and software challenges
John Dennis

ParVis and MCT update
Robert Jacob

CSEG update
Mariana Vertenstein, NCAR-CGD