#undef DEBUG
module cldwat 5,7
! Purpose: Prognostic cloud water data and methods.
! Public interfaces:
! inimc -- Initialize constants
! pcond -- Calculate prognostic condensate
! cldwat_fice -- calculate fraction of condensate in ice phase (radiation partitioning)
! Author: P. Rasch, with Modifications by Minghua Zhang
use shr_kind_mod
, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
use spmd_utils
, only: masterproc
use ppgrid
, only: pcols, pver, pverp
use wv_saturation
, only: estblf, hlatv, tmin, hlatf, rgasv, pcf, &
cp, epsqs, ttrice
use physconst
, only: tmelt
use abortutils
, only: endrun
use cam_logfile
, only: iulog
implicit none
! PUBLIC: Make default data and interfaces private
public inimc, pcond ! Public interfaces
public cldwat_fice ! Public interfaces
public cldwat_readnl
integer, public:: ktop ! Level above 10 hPa
real(r8),public :: icritc ! threshold for autoconversion of cold ice
real(r8),public :: icritw ! threshold for autoconversion of warm ice
!!$ real(r8),public,parameter:: conke = 1.e-6 ! tunable constant for evaporation of precip
!!$ real(r8),public,parameter:: conke = 2.e-6 ! tunable constant for evaporation of precip
real(r8),public :: conke ! tunable constant for evaporation of precip
! PRIVATE: Everything else is private to this module
real(r8), private, parameter :: tmax_fice = tmelt - 10._r8 ! max temperature for cloud ice formation
!!$ real(r8), private, parameter :: tmax_fice = tmelt ! max temperature for cloud ice formation
!!$ real(r8), private, parameter :: tmin_fice = tmax_fice - 20.! min temperature for cloud ice formation
real(r8), private, parameter :: tmin_fice = tmax_fice - 30._r8 ! min temperature for cloud ice formation
! pjr
real(r8), private, parameter :: tmax_fsnow = tmelt ! max temperature for transition to convective snow
real(r8), private, parameter :: tmin_fsnow = tmelt-5._r8 ! min temperature for transition to convective snow
real(r8), private:: rhonot ! air density at surface
real(r8), private:: t0 ! Freezing temperature
real(r8), private:: cldmin ! assumed minimum cloud amount
real(r8), private:: small ! small number compared to unity
real(r8), private:: c ! constant for graupel like snow cm**(1-d)/s
real(r8), private:: d ! constant for graupel like snow
real(r8), private:: esi ! collection efficient for ice by snow
real(r8), private:: esw ! collection efficient for water by snow
real(r8), private:: nos ! particles snow / cm**4
real(r8), private:: pi ! Mathematical constant
real(r8), private:: gravit ! Gravitational acceleration at surface
real(r8), private:: rh2o
real(r8), private:: prhonos
real(r8), private:: thrpd ! numerical three added to d
real(r8), private:: gam3pd ! gamma function on (3+d)
real(r8), private:: gam4pd ! gamma function on (4+d)
real(r8), private:: rhoi ! ice density
real(r8), private:: rhos ! snow density
real(r8), private:: rhow ! water density
real(r8), private:: mcon01 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon02 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon03 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon04 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon05 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon06 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon07 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
real(r8), private:: mcon08 ! constants used in cloud microphysics
integer, private :: k1mb ! index of the eta level near 1 mb
! Parameters used in findmcnew
real(r8) :: r3lcrit ! critical radius at which autoconversion become efficient
real(r8) :: capnsi ! sea ice cloud particles / cm3
real(r8) :: capnc ! cold and oceanic cloud particles / cm3
real(r8) :: capnw ! warm continental cloud particles / cm3
real(r8) :: kconst ! const for terminal velocity (stokes regime)
real(r8) :: effc ! collection efficiency
real(r8) :: alpha ! ratio of 3rd moment radius to 2nd
real(r8) :: capc ! constant for autoconversion
real(r8) :: convfw ! constant used for fall velocity calculation
real(r8) :: cracw ! constant used for rain accreting water
real(r8) :: critpr ! critical precip rate collection efficiency changes
real(r8) :: ciautb ! coefficient of autoconversion of ice (1/s)
#ifdef DEBUG
integer, private,parameter :: nlook = 1 ! Number of points to examine
integer, private :: ilook(nlook) ! Longitude index to examine
integer, private :: latlook(nlook) ! Latitude index to examine
integer, private :: lchnklook(nlook) ! Chunk index to examine
integer, private :: icollook(nlook) ! Column index to examine
! Private data
real(r8), parameter :: unset_r8 = huge(1.0_r8)
subroutine cldwat_readnl(nlfile) 1,10
use namelist_utils
, only: find_group_name
use units
, only: getunit, freeunit
use mpishorthand
character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile ! filepath for file containing namelist input
! Namelist variables
real(r8) :: cldwat_icritw = unset_r8 ! icritw = threshold for autoconversion of warm ice
real(r8) :: cldwat_icritc = unset_r8 ! icritc = threshold for autoconversion of cold ice
real(r8) :: cldwat_conke = unset_r8 ! conke = tunable constant for evaporation of precip
! Local variables
integer :: unitn, ierr
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'cldwat_readnl'
namelist /cldwat_nl/ cldwat_icritw, cldwat_icritc, cldwat_conke
if (masterproc) then
unitn = getunit
open( unitn, file=trim(nlfile), status='old' )
call find_group_name
(unitn, 'cldwat_nl', status=ierr)
if (ierr == 0) then
read(unitn, cldwat_nl, iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun
(subname // ':: ERROR reading namelist')
end if
end if
call freeunit
! set local variables
icritw = cldwat_icritw
icritc = cldwat_icritc
conke = cldwat_conke
end if
#ifdef SPMD
! Broadcast namelist variables
call mpibcast
(icritw, 1, mpir8, 0, mpicom)
call mpibcast
(icritc, 1, mpir8, 0, mpicom)
call mpibcast
(conke, 1, mpir8, 0, mpicom)
end subroutine cldwat_readnl
subroutine cldwat_fice(ncol, t, fice, fsnow) 2
! Compute the fraction of the total cloud water which is in ice phase.
! The fraction depends on temperature only.
! This is the form that was used for radiation, the code came from cldefr originally
! Author: B. A. Boville Sept 10, 2002
! modified: PJR 3/13/03 (added fsnow to ascribe snow production for convection )
implicit none
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of active columns
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! temperature
real(r8), intent(out) :: fice(pcols,pver) ! Fractional ice content within cloud
real(r8), intent(out) :: fsnow(pcols,pver) ! Fractional snow content for convection
! Local variables
integer :: i,k ! loop indexes
! Define fractional amount of cloud that is ice
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
! If warmer than tmax then water phase
if (t(i,k) > tmax_fice) then
fice(i,k) = 0.0_r8
! If colder than tmin then ice phase
else if (t(i,k) < tmin_fice) then
fice(i,k) = 1.0_r8
! Otherwise mixed phase, with ice fraction decreasing linearly from tmin to tmax
fice(i,k) =(tmax_fice - t(i,k)) / (tmax_fice - tmin_fice)
end if
! snow fraction partitioning
! If warmer than tmax then water phase
if (t(i,k) > tmax_fsnow) then
fsnow(i,k) = 0.0_r8
! If colder than tmin then ice phase
else if (t(i,k) < tmin_fsnow) then
fsnow(i,k) = 1.0_r8
! Otherwise mixed phase, with ice fraction decreasing linearly from tmin to tmax
fsnow(i,k) =(tmax_fsnow - t(i,k)) / (tmax_fsnow - tmin_fsnow)
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine cldwat_fice
subroutine inimc( tmeltx, rhonotx, gravitx, rh2ox) 1,7
! Purpose:
! initialize constants for the prognostic condensate
! Author: P. Rasch, April 1997
use pmgrid
, only: plev, plevp
use dycore
, only: dycore_is, get_resolution
use hycoef
, only: hypm
integer k
real(r8), intent(in) :: tmeltx
real(r8), intent(in) :: rhonotx
real(r8), intent(in) :: gravitx
real(r8), intent(in) :: rh2ox
real(r8) signgam ! variable required by cray gamma function
external gamma
rhonot = rhonotx ! air density at surface (gm/cm3)
gravit = gravitx
rh2o = rh2ox
rhos = .1_r8 ! assumed snow density (gm/cm3)
rhow = 1._r8 ! water density
rhoi = 1._r8 ! ice density
esi = 1.0_r8 ! collection efficient for ice by snow
esw = 0.1_r8 ! collection efficient for water by snow
t0 = tmeltx ! approximate freezing temp
cldmin = 0.02_r8 ! assumed minimum cloud amount
small = 1.e-22_r8 ! a small number compared to unity
c = 152.93_r8 ! constant for graupel like snow cm**(1-d)/s
d = 0.25_r8 ! constant for graupel like snow
nos = 3.e-2_r8 ! particles snow / cm**4
pi = 4._r8*atan(1.0_r8)
prhonos = pi*rhos*nos
thrpd = 3._r8 + d
if (d==0.25_r8) then
gam3pd = 2.549256966718531_r8 ! only right for d = 0.25
gam4pd = 8.285085141835282_r8
call gamma
(3._r8+d, signgam, gam3pd)
gam3pd = sign(exp(gam3pd),signgam)
call gamma
(4._r8+d, signgam, gam4pd)
gam4pd = sign(exp(gam4pd),signgam)
write(iulog,*) ' d, gamma
(3+d), gamma
(4+d) =', gam3pd, gam4pd
write(iulog,*) ' can only use d ne 0.25 on a cray '
mcon01 = pi*nos*c*gam3pd/4._r8
mcon02 = 1._r8/(c*gam4pd*sqrt(rhonot)/(6*prhonos**(d/4._r8)))
mcon03 = -(0.5_r8+d/4._r8)
mcon04 = 4._r8/(4._r8+d)
mcon05 = (3+d)/(4+d)
mcon06 = (3+d)/4._r8
mcon07 = mcon01*sqrt(rhonot)*mcon02**mcon05/prhonos**mcon06
mcon08 = -0.5_r8/(4._r8+d)
! find the level about 1mb, we wont do the microphysics above this level
k1mb = 1
do k=1,pver-1
if (hypm(k) < 1.e2_r8 .and. hypm(k+1) >= 1.e2_r8) then
if (1.e2_r8-hypm(k) < hypm(k+1)-1.e2_r8) then
k1mb = k
k1mb = k + 1
end if
goto 20
end if
end do
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*)'inimc: model levels bracketing 1 mb not found'
end if
! call endrun
k1mb = 1
20 if( masterproc ) write(iulog,*)'inimc: model level nearest 1 mb is',k1mb,'which is',hypm(k1mb),'pascals'
if( masterproc ) write(iulog,*) 'cloud water initialization by inimc complete '
! Initialize parameters used by findmcnew
capnw = 400._r8 ! warm continental cloud particles / cm3
capnc = 150._r8 ! cold and oceanic cloud particles / cm3
! capnsi = 40._r8 ! sea ice cloud particles density / cm3
capnsi = 75._r8 ! sea ice cloud particles density / cm3
kconst = 1.18e6_r8 ! const for terminal velocity
! effc = 1._r8 ! autoconv collection efficiency following boucher 96
! effc = .55*0.05_r8 ! autoconv collection efficiency following baker 93
effc = 0.55_r8 ! autoconv collection efficiency following tripoli and cotton
! effc = 0._r8 ! turn off warm-cloud autoconv
alpha = 1.1_r8**4
capc = pi**(-.333_r8)*kconst*effc *(0.75_r8)**(1.333_r8)*alpha ! constant for autoconversion
!r3lcrit: critical radius where liq conversion begins (10.0 micron)
r3lcrit = 10.0e-6_r8
! critical precip rate at which we assume the collector drops can change the
! drop size enough to enhance the auto-conversion process (mm/day)
critpr = 0.5_r8
convfw = 1.94_r8*2.13_r8*sqrt(rhow*1000._r8*9.81_r8*2.7e-4_r8)
! liquid microphysics
! cracw = 6_r8 ! beheng
cracw = .884_r8*sqrt(9.81_r8/(rhow*1000._r8*2.7e-4_r8)) ! tripoli and cotton
! ice microphysics
ciautb = 5.e-4_r8
if ( masterproc ) then
write(iulog,*)'tuning parameters cldwat: icritw',icritw,'icritc',icritc,'conke',conke
write(iulog,*)'tuning parameters cldwat: capnw',capnw,'capnc',capnc,'capnsi',capnsi,'kconst',kconst
write(iulog,*)'tuning parameters cldwat: effc',effc,'alpha',alpha,'capc',capc,'r3lcrit',r3lcrit
write(iulog,*)'tuning parameters cldwat: critpr',critpr,'convfw',convfw,'cracw',cracw,'ciautb',ciautb
end subroutine inimc
subroutine pcond (lchnk ,ncol , & 1,14
tn ,ttend ,qn ,qtend ,omega , &
cwat ,p ,pdel ,cldn ,fice , fsnow, &
cme ,prodprec,prodsnow,evapprec,evapsnow,evapheat, prfzheat, &
meltheat,precip ,snowab ,deltat ,fwaut , &
fsaut ,fracw ,fsacw ,fsaci ,lctend , &
rhdfda ,rhu00 ,seaicef, zi ,ice2pr, liq2pr, liq2snow, snowh)
! Purpose:
! The public interface to the cloud water parameterization
! returns tendencies to water vapor, temperature and cloud water variables
! For basic method
! See: Rasch, P. J, and J. E. Kristjansson, A Comparison of the CCM3
! model climate using diagnosed and
! predicted condensate parameterizations, 1998, J. Clim., 11,
! pp1587---1614.
! For important modifications to improve the method of determining
! condensation/evaporation see Zhang et al (2001, in preparation)
! Authors: M. Zhang, W. Lin, P. Rasch and J.E. Kristjansson
! B. A. Boville (latent heat of fusion)
use wv_saturation
, only: vqsatd
use cam_control_mod
, only: nlvdry
! Input Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk identifier
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
real(r8), intent(in) :: fice(pcols,pver) ! fraction of cwat that is ice
real(r8), intent(in) :: fsnow(pcols,pver) ! fraction of rain that freezes to snow
real(r8), intent(in) :: cldn(pcols,pver) ! new value of cloud fraction (fraction)
real(r8), intent(in) :: cwat(pcols,pver) ! cloud water (kg/kg)
real(r8), intent(in) :: omega(pcols,pver) ! vert pressure vel (Pa/s)
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(pcols,pver) ! pressure (K)
real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel(pcols,pver) ! pressure thickness (Pa)
real(r8), intent(in) :: qn(pcols,pver) ! new water vapor (kg/kg)
real(r8), intent(in) :: qtend(pcols,pver) ! mixing ratio tend (kg/kg/s)
real(r8), intent(in) :: tn(pcols,pver) ! new temperature (K)
real(r8), intent(in) :: ttend(pcols,pver) ! temp tendencies (K/s)
real(r8), intent(in) :: deltat ! time step to advance solution over
real(r8), intent(in) :: lctend(pcols,pver) ! cloud liquid water tendencies ====wlin
real(r8), intent(in) :: rhdfda(pcols,pver) ! dG(a)/da, rh=G(a), when rh>u00 ====wlin
real(r8), intent(in) :: rhu00 (pcols,pver) ! Rhlim for cloud ====wlin
real(r8), intent(in) :: seaicef(pcols) ! sea ice fraction (fraction)
real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pverp) ! layer interfaces (m)
real(r8), intent(in) :: snowh(pcols) ! Snow depth over land, water equivalent (m)
! Output Arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: cme (pcols,pver) ! rate of cond-evap of condensate (1/s)
real(r8), intent(out) :: prodprec(pcols,pver) ! rate of conversion of condensate to precip (1/s)
real(r8), intent(out) :: evapprec(pcols,pver) ! rate of evaporation of falling precip (1/s)
real(r8), intent(out) :: evapsnow(pcols,pver) ! rate of evaporation of falling snow (1/s)
real(r8), intent(out) :: evapheat(pcols,pver) ! heating rate due to evaporation of precip (W/kg)
real(r8), intent(out) :: prfzheat(pcols,pver) ! heating rate due to freezing of precip (W/kg)
real(r8), intent(out) :: meltheat(pcols,pver) ! heating rate due to snow melt (W/kg)
real(r8), intent(out) :: precip(pcols) ! rate of precipitation (kg / (m**2 * s))
real(r8), intent(out) :: snowab(pcols) ! rate of snow (kg / (m**2 * s))
real(r8), intent(out) :: ice2pr(pcols,pver) ! rate of conversion of ice to precip
real(r8), intent(out) :: liq2pr(pcols,pver) ! rate of conversion of liquid to precip
real(r8), intent(out) :: liq2snow(pcols,pver) ! rate of conversion of liquid to snow
real(r8) nice2pr ! rate of conversion of ice to snow
real(r8) nliq2pr ! rate of conversion of liquid to precip
real(r8) nliq2snow ! rate of conversion of liquid to snow
real(r8) prodsnow(pcols,pver) ! rate of production of snow
! Local workspace
real(r8) :: precab(pcols) ! rate of precipitation (kg / (m**2 * s))
integer i ! work variable
integer iter ! #iterations for precipitation calculation
integer k ! work variable
integer l ! work variable
real(r8) cldm(pcols) ! mean cloud fraction over the time step
real(r8) cldmax(pcols) ! max cloud fraction above
real(r8) coef(pcols) ! conversion time scale for condensate to rain
real(r8) cwm(pcols) ! cwat mixing ratio at midpoint of time step
real(r8) cwn(pcols) ! cwat mixing ratio at end
real(r8) denom ! work variable
real(r8) dqsdt ! change in sat spec. hum. wrt temperature
real(r8) es(pcols) ! sat. vapor pressure
real(r8) fracw(pcols,pver) ! relative importance of collection of liquid by rain
real(r8) fsaci(pcols,pver) ! relative importance of collection of ice by snow
real(r8) fsacw(pcols,pver) ! relative importance of collection of liquid by snow
real(r8) fsaut(pcols,pver) ! relative importance of ice auto conversion
real(r8) fwaut(pcols,pver) ! relative importance of warm cloud autoconversion
real(r8) gamma
(pcols) ! d qs / dT
real(r8) icwc(pcols) ! in-cloud water content (kg/kg)
real(r8) mincld ! a small cloud fraction to avoid / zero
real(r8) omeps ! 1 minus epsilon
real(r8),parameter ::omsm=0.99999_r8 ! a number just less than unity (for rounding)
real(r8) prprov(pcols) ! provisional value of precip at btm of layer
real(r8) prtmp ! work variable
real(r8) q(pcols,pver) ! mixing ratio before time step ignoring condensate
real(r8) qs(pcols) ! spec. hum. of water vapor
real(r8) qsn, esn ! work variable
real(r8) qsp(pcols,pver) ! sat pt mixing ratio
real(r8) qtl(pcols) ! tendency which would saturate the grid box in deltat
real(r8) qtmp, ttmp ! work variable
real(r8) relhum1(pcols) ! relative humidity
real(r8) relhum(pcols) ! relative humidity
!!$ real(r8) tc ! crit temp of transition to ice
real(r8) t(pcols,pver) ! temp before time step ignoring condensate
real(r8) tsp(pcols,pver) ! sat pt temperature
real(r8) pol ! work variable
real(r8) cdt ! work variable
real(r8) wtthick ! work variable
! Extra local work space for cloud scheme modification
real(r8) cpohl !Cp/Hlatv
real(r8) hlocp !Hlatv/Cp
real(r8) dto2 !0.5*deltat (delta=2.0*dt)
real(r8) calpha(pcols) !alpha of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cbeta (pcols) !beta of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cbetah(pcols) !beta_hat at saturation portion
real(r8) cgamma(pcols) !gamma of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cgamah(pcols) !gamma_hat at saturation portion
real(r8) rcgama(pcols) !gamma/gamma_hat
real(r8) csigma(pcols) !sigma of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cmec1 (pcols) !c1 of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cmec2 (pcols) !c2 of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cmec3 (pcols) !c3 of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cmec4 (pcols) !c4 of new C - E scheme formulation
real(r8) cmeres(pcols) !residual cond of over-sat after cme and evapprec
real(r8) ctmp !a scalar representation of cmeres
real(r8) clrh2o ! Ratio of latvap to water vapor gas const
real(r8) ice(pcols,pver) ! ice mixing ratio
real(r8) liq(pcols,pver) ! liquid mixing ratio
real(r8) rcwn(pcols,2,pver), rliq(pcols,2,pver), rice(pcols,2,pver)
real(r8) cwnsave(pcols,2,pver), cmesave(pcols,2,pver)
real(r8) prodprecsave(pcols,2,pver)
logical error_found
clrh2o = hlatv/rh2o ! Ratio of latvap to water vapor gas const
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
#ifdef PERGRO
mincld = 1.e-4_r8
iter = 1 ! number of times to iterate the precipitation calculation
mincld = 1.e-4_r8
iter = 2
! omsm = 0.99999
cpohl = cp/hlatv
hlocp = hlatv/cp
! Constant for computing rate of evaporation of precipitation:
!!$ conke = 1.e-5
!!$ conke = 1.e-6
! initialize a few single level fields
do i = 1,ncol
precip(i) = 0.0_r8
precab(i) = 0.0_r8
snowab(i) = 0.0_r8
cldmax(i) = 0.0_r8
end do
! initialize multi-level fields
do k = 1,pver
do i = 1,ncol
q(i,k) = qn(i,k)
t(i,k) = tn(i,k)
! q(i,k)=qn(i,k)-qtend(i,k)*deltat
! t(i,k)=tn(i,k)-ttend(i,k)*deltat
end do
end do
cme (:ncol,:) = 0._r8
evapprec(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
prodprec(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
evapsnow(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
prodsnow(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
evapheat(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
meltheat(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
prfzheat(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
ice2pr(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
liq2pr(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
liq2snow(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
fwaut(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
fsaut(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
fracw(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
fsacw(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
fsaci(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
! find the wet bulb temp and saturation value
! for the provisional t and q without condensation
call findsp
(lchnk, ncol, qn, tn, p, tsp, qsp)
do 800 k = k1mb,pver
call vqsatd
(t(1,k), p(1,k), es, qs, gamma, ncol)
do i = 1,ncol
relhum(i) = q(i,k)/qs(i)
cldm(i) = max(cldn(i,k),mincld)
! the max cloud fraction above this level
cldmax(i) = max(cldmax(i), cldm(i))
! define the coefficients for C - E calculation
calpha(i) = 1.0_r8/qs(i)
cbeta (i) = q(i,k)/qs(i)**2*gamma
cbetah(i) = 1.0_r8/qs(i)*gamma
cgamma(i) = calpha(i)+hlatv*cbeta(i)/cp
cgamah(i) = calpha(i)+hlatv*cbetah(i)/cp
rcgama(i) = cgamma(i)/cgamah(i)
if(cldm(i) > mincld) then
icwc(i) = max(0._r8,cwat(i,k)/cldm(i))
icwc(i) = 0.0_r8
!PJR the above logic give zero icwc with nonzero cwat, dont like it!
!PJR generates problems with csigma
!PJR set the icwc to a very small number, so we can start from zero cloud cover and make some clouds
! icwc(i) = max(1.e-8_r8,cwat(i,k)/cldm(i))
! initial guess of evaporation, will be updated within iteration
evapprec(i,k) = conke*(1._r8 - cldm(i))*sqrt(precab(i)) &
*(1._r8 - min(relhum(i),1._r8))
! zero cmeres before iteration for each level
end do
do i = 1,ncol
! fractions of ice at this level
!!$ tc = t(i,k) - t0
!!$ fice(i,k) = max(0._r8,min(-tc*0.05,1.0_r8))
! calculate the cooling due to a phase change of the rainwater
! from above
if (t(i,k) >= t0) then
meltheat(i,k) = -hlatf * snowab(i) * gravit/pdel(i,k)
snowab(i) = 0._r8
meltheat(i,k) = 0._r8
end do
! calculate cme and formation of precip.
! The cloud microphysics is highly nonlinear and coupled with cme
! Both rain processes and cme are calculated iteratively.
do 100 l = 1,iter
do i = 1,ncol
! calculation of cme has 4 scenarios
! ==================================
if(relhum(i) > rhu00(i,k)) then
! 1. whole grid saturation
! ========================
if(relhum(i) >= 0.999_r8 .or. cldm(i) >= 0.999_r8 ) then
! 2. fractional saturation
! ========================
if (rhdfda(i,k) .eq. 0. .and. icwc(i).eq.0.) then
write (iulog,*) ' cldwat.F90: empty rh cloud ', i, k, lchnk
write (iulog,*) ' relhum, iter ', relhum(i), l, rhu00(i,k), cldm(i), cldn(i,k)
call endrun
csigma(i) = 1.0_r8/(rhdfda(i,k)+cgamma(i)*icwc(i))
cmec1(i) = (1.0_r8-cldm(i))*csigma(i)*rhdfda(i,k)
cmec2(i) = cldm(i)*calpha(i)/cgamah(i)+(1.0_r8-rcgama(i)*cldm(i))* &
cmec3(i) = cldm(i)*cbetah(i)/cgamah(i) + &
cmec4(i) = csigma(i)*cgamma(i)*icwc(i)
! Q=C-E=-C1*Al + C2*Aq - C3* At + C4*Er
cme(i,k) = -cmec1(i)*lctend(i,k) + cmec2(i)*qtend(i,k) &
-cmec3(i)*ttend(i,k) + cmec4(i)*evapprec(i,k)
! 3. when rh < rhu00, evaporate existing cloud water
! ==================================================
else if(cwat(i,k) > 0.0_r8)then
! liquid water should be evaporated but not to exceed
! saturation point. if qn > qsp, not to evaporate cwat
! 4. no condensation nor evaporation
! ==================================
end do !end loop for cme update
! Because of the finite time step,
! place a bound here not to exceed wet bulb point
! and not to evaporate more than available water
do i = 1, ncol
qtmp = qn(i,k) - cme(i,k)*deltat
! possibilities to have qtmp > qsp
! 1. if qn > qs(tn), it condenses;
! if after applying cme, qtmp > qsp, more condensation is applied.
! 2. if qn < qs, evaporation should not exceed qsp,
if(qtmp > qsp(i,k)) then
cme(i,k) = cme(i,k) + (qtmp-qsp(i,k))/deltat
! if net evaporation, it should not exceed available cwat
if(cme(i,k) < -cwat(i,k)/deltat) &
cme(i,k) = -cwat(i,k)/deltat
! addition of residual condensation from previous step of iteration
cme(i,k) = cme(i,k) + cmeres(i)
end do
! limit cme for roundoff errors
do i = 1, ncol
cme(i,k) = cme(i,k)*omsm
end do
do i = 1,ncol
! as a safe limit, condensation should not reduce grid mean rh below rhu00
if(cme(i,k) > 0.0_r8 .and. relhum(i) > rhu00(i,k) ) &
cme(i,k) = min(cme(i,k), (qn(i,k)-qs(i)*rhu00(i,k))/deltat)
! initial guess for cwm (mean cloud water over time step) if 1st iteration
if(l < 2) then
cwm(i) = max(cwat(i,k)+cme(i,k)*dto2, 0._r8)
! provisional precipitation falling through model layer
do i = 1,ncol
!!$ prprov(i) = precab(i) + prodprec(i,k)*pdel(i,k)/gravit
! rain produced in this layer not too effective in collection process
wtthick = max(0._r8,min(0.5_r8,((zi(i,k)-zi(i,k+1))/1000._r8)**2))
prprov(i) = precab(i) + wtthick*prodprec(i,k)*pdel(i,k)/gravit
end do
! calculate conversion of condensate to precipitation by cloud microphysics
call findmcnew
(lchnk ,ncol , &
k ,prprov ,snowab, t ,p , &
cwm ,cldm ,cldmax ,fice(1,k),coef , &
fwaut(1,k),fsaut(1,k),fracw(1,k),fsacw(1,k),fsaci(1,k), &
seaicef, snowh)
! calculate the precip rate
error_found = .false.
do i = 1,ncol
if (cldm(i) > 0) then
! first predict the cloud water
cdt = coef(i)*deltat
if (cdt > 0.01_r8) then
pol = cme(i,k)/coef(i) ! production over loss
cwn(i) = max(0._r8,(cwat(i,k)-pol)*exp(-cdt)+ pol)
cwn(i) = max(0._r8,(cwat(i,k) + cme(i,k)*deltat)/(1+cdt))
! now back out the tendency of net rain production
prodprec(i,k) = max(0._r8,cme(i,k)-(cwn(i)-cwat(i,k))/deltat)
prodprec(i,k) = 0.0_r8
cwn(i) = 0._r8
! provisional calculation of conversion terms
ice2pr(i,k) = prodprec(i,k)*(fsaut(i,k)+fsaci(i,k))
liq2pr(i,k) = prodprec(i,k)*(fwaut(i,k)+fsacw(i,k)+fracw(i,k))
!old liq2snow(i,k) = prodprec(i,k)*fsacw(i,k)
! revision suggested by Jim McCaa
! it controls the amount of snow hitting the sfc
! by forcing a lot of conversion of cloud liquid to snow phase
! it might be better done later by an explicit representation of
! rain accreting ice (and freezing), or by an explicit freezing of raindrops
liq2snow(i,k) = max(prodprec(i,k)*fsacw(i,k), fsnow(i,k)*liq2pr(i,k))
! bounds
nice2pr = min(ice2pr(i,k),(cwat(i,k)+cme(i,k)*deltat)*fice(i,k)/deltat)
nliq2pr = min(liq2pr(i,k),(cwat(i,k)+cme(i,k)*deltat)*(1._r8-fice(i,k))/deltat)
! write(iulog,*) ' prodprec ', i, k, prodprec(i,k)
! write(iulog,*) ' nliq2pr, nice2pr ', nliq2pr, nice2pr
if (liq2pr(i,k).ne.0._r8) then
nliq2snow = liq2snow(i,k)*nliq2pr/liq2pr(i,k) ! correction
nliq2snow = liq2snow(i,k)
! avoid roundoff problems generating negatives
nliq2snow = nliq2snow*omsm
nliq2pr = nliq2pr*omsm
nice2pr = nice2pr*omsm
! final estimates of conversion to precip and snow
prodprec(i,k) = (nliq2pr + nice2pr)
prodsnow(i,k) = (nice2pr + nliq2snow)
rcwn(i,l,k) = cwat(i,k) + (cme(i,k)- prodprec(i,k))*deltat
rliq(i,l,k) = (cwat(i,k) + cme(i,k)*deltat)*(1._r8-fice(i,k)) - nliq2pr * deltat
rice(i,l,k) = (cwat(i,k) + cme(i,k)*deltat)* fice(i,k) - nice2pr *deltat
! Save for sanity check later...
! Putting sanity checks inside loops 100 and 800 screws up the
! IBM compiler for reasons as yet unknown. TBH
cwnsave(i,l,k) = cwn(i)
cmesave(i,l,k) = cme(i,k)
prodprecsave(i,l,k) = prodprec(i,k)
! End of save for sanity check later...
! final version of condensate to precip terms
liq2pr(i,k) = nliq2pr
liq2snow(i,k) = nliq2snow
ice2pr(i,k) = nice2pr
cwn(i) = rcwn(i,l,k)
! update any remaining provisional values
cwm(i) = (cwn(i) + cwat(i,k))*0.5_r8
! update in cloud water
if(cldm(i) > mincld) then
icwc(i) = cwm(i)/cldm(i)
icwc(i) = 0.0_r8
!PJR the above logic give zero icwc with nonzero cwat, dont like it!
!PJR generates problems with csigma
!PJR set the icwc to a very small number, so we can start from zero cloud cover and make some clouds
! icwc(i) = max(1.e-8_r8,cwm(i)/cldm(i))
end do ! end of do i = 1,ncol
! calculate provisional value of cloud water for
! evaporation of precipitate (evapprec) calculation
do i = 1,ncol
qtmp = qn(i,k) - cme(i,k)*deltat
ttmp = tn(i,k) + deltat/cp * ( meltheat(i,k) &
+ (hlatv + hlatf*fice(i,k)) * cme(i,k) )
esn = estblf
qsn = min(epsqs*esn/(p(i,k) - omeps*esn),1._r8)
qtl(i) = max((qsn - qtmp)/deltat,0._r8)
relhum1(i) = qtmp/qsn
end do
do i = 1,ncol
#ifdef PERGRO
evapprec(i,k) = conke*(1._r8 - max(cldm(i),mincld))* &
sqrt(precab(i))*(1._r8 - min(relhum1(i),1._r8))
evapprec(i,k) = conke*(1._r8 - cldm(i))*sqrt(precab(i)) &
*(1._r8 - min(relhum1(i),1._r8))
! limit the evaporation to the amount which is entering the box
! or saturates the box
prtmp = precab(i)*gravit/pdel(i,k)
evapprec(i,k) = min(evapprec(i,k), prtmp, qtl(i))*omsm
#ifdef PERGRO
! zeroing needed for pert growth
evapprec(i,k) = 0._r8
! Partition evaporation of precipitate between rain and snow using
! the fraction of snow falling into the box. Determine the heating
! due to evaporation. Note that evaporation is positive (loss of precip,
! gain of vapor) and that heating is negative.
if (evapprec(i,k) > 0._r8) then
evapsnow(i,k) = evapprec(i,k) * snowab(i) / precab(i)
evapheat(i,k) = -hlatv * evapprec(i,k) - hlatf * evapsnow(i,k)
evapsnow(i,k) = 0._r8
evapheat(i,k) = 0._r8
end if
! Account for the latent heat of fusion for liquid drops collected by falling snow
prfzheat(i,k) = hlatf * liq2snow(i,k)
end do
! now remove the residual of any over-saturation. Normally,
! the oversaturated water vapor should have been removed by
! cme formulation plus constraints by wet bulb tsp/qsp
! as computed above. However, because of non-linearity,
! addition of (cme-evapprec) to update t and q may still cause
! a very small amount of over saturation. It is called a
! residual of over-saturation because theoretically, cme
! should have taken care of all of large scale condensation.
do i = 1,ncol
qtmp = qn(i,k)-(cme(i,k)-evapprec(i,k))*deltat
ttmp = tn(i,k) + deltat/cp * ( meltheat(i,k) + evapheat(i,k) + prfzheat(i,k) &
+ (hlatv + hlatf*fice(i,k)) * cme(i,k) )
esn = estblf
qsn = min(epsqs*esn/(p(i,k) - omeps*esn),1._r8)
!Upper stratosphere and mesosphere, qsn calculated
!above may be negative. Here just to skip it instead
!of resetting it to 1 as in aqsat
if(qtmp > qsn .and. qsn > 0) then
!calculate dqsdt, a more precise calculation
!which taking into account different range of T
!can be found in aqsatd.F. Here follows
!cond.F to calculate it.
denom = (p(i,k)-omeps*esn)*ttmp*ttmp
dqsdt = clrh2o*qsn*p(i,k)/denom
!now extra condensation to bring air to just saturation
ctmp = (qtmp-qsn)/(1._r8+hlocp*dqsdt)/deltat
cme(i,k) = cme(i,k)+ctmp
! save residual on cmeres to addtion to cme on entering next iteration
! cme exit here contain the residual but overrided if back to iteration
cmeres(i) = ctmp
cmeres(i) = 0.0_r8
end do
100 continue ! end of do l = 1,iter
! precipitation
do i = 1,ncol
precip(i) = precip(i) + pdel(i,k)/gravit * (prodprec(i,k) - evapprec(i,k))
precab(i) = precab(i) + pdel(i,k)/gravit * (prodprec(i,k) - evapprec(i,k))
if(precab(i).lt.0._r8) precab(i)=0._r8
! snowab(i) = snowab(i) + pdel(i,k)/gravit * (prodprec(i,k)*fice(i,k) - evapsnow(i,k))
snowab(i) = snowab(i) + pdel(i,k)/gravit * (prodsnow(i,k) - evapsnow(i,k))
!!$ if ((precab(i)) < 1.e-10) then
!!$ precab(i) = 0.
!!$ snowab(i) = 0.
!!$ endif
end do
800 continue ! level loop (k=1,pver)
! begin sanity checks
error_found = .false.
do k = k1mb,pver
do l = 1,iter
do i = 1,ncol
if (abs(rcwn(i,l,k)).lt.1.e-300_r8) rcwn(i,l,k) = 0._r8
if (abs(rliq(i,l,k)).lt.1.e-300_r8) rliq(i,l,k) = 0._r8
if (abs(rice(i,l,k)).lt.1.e-300_r8) rice(i,l,k) = 0._r8
if (rcwn(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) error_found = .true.
if (rliq(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) error_found = .true.
if (rice(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) error_found = .true.
if (error_found) then
do k = k1mb,pver
do l = 1,iter
do i = 1,ncol
if (rcwn(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) then
write(iulog,*) ' prob with neg rcwn1 ', rcwn(i,l,k), &
write(iulog,*) ' cwat, cme*deltat, prodprec*deltat ', &
cwat(i,k), cmesave(i,l,k)*deltat, &
prodprecsave(i,l,k)*deltat, &
call endrun
if (rliq(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) then
write(iulog,*) ' prob with neg rliq1 ', rliq(i,l,k)
call endrun
if (rice(i,l,k).lt.0._r8) then
write(iulog,*) ' prob with neg rice ', rice(i,l,k)
call endrun
end if
! end sanity checks
end subroutine pcond
subroutine findmcnew (lchnk ,ncol , & 1,3
k ,precab ,snowab, t ,p , &
cwm ,cldm ,cldmax ,fice ,coef , &
fwaut ,fsaut ,fracw ,fsacw ,fsaci , &
seaicef ,snowh )
! Purpose:
! calculate the conversion of condensate to precipitate
! Method:
! See: Rasch, P. J, and J. E. Kristjansson, A Comparison of the CCM3
! model climate using diagnosed and
! predicted condensate parameterizations, 1998, J. Clim., 11,
! pp1587---1614.
! Author: P. Rasch
use phys_grid
, only: get_rlat_all_p
use comsrf
, only: landm
! input args
integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk identifier
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
integer, intent(in) :: k ! level index
real(r8), intent(in) :: precab(pcols) ! rate of precipitation from above (kg / (m**2 * s))
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! temperature (K)
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(pcols,pver) ! pressure (Pa)
real(r8), intent(in) :: cldm(pcols) ! cloud fraction
real(r8), intent(in) :: cldmax(pcols) ! max cloud fraction above this level
real(r8), intent(in) :: cwm(pcols) ! condensate mixing ratio (kg/kg)
real(r8), intent(in) :: fice(pcols) ! fraction of cwat that is ice
real(r8), intent(in) :: seaicef(pcols) ! sea ice fraction
real(r8), intent(in) :: snowab(pcols) ! rate of snow from above (kg / (m**2 * s))
real(r8), intent(in) :: snowh(pcols) ! Snow depth over land, water equivalent (m)
! output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: coef(pcols) ! conversion rate (1/s)
real(r8), intent(out) :: fwaut(pcols) ! relative importance of liquid autoconversion (a diagnostic)
real(r8), intent(out) :: fsaut(pcols) ! relative importance of ice autoconversion (a diagnostic)
real(r8), intent(out) :: fracw(pcols) ! relative importance of rain accreting liquid (a diagnostic)
real(r8), intent(out) :: fsacw(pcols) ! relative importance of snow accreting liquid (a diagnostic)
real(r8), intent(out) :: fsaci(pcols) ! relative importance of snow accreting ice (a diagnostic)
! work variables
integer i
integer ii
integer ind(pcols)
integer ncols
real(r8), parameter :: degrad = 57.296_r8 ! divide by this to convert degrees to radians
real(r8) capn ! local cloud particles / cm3
real(r8) capnoice ! local cloud particles when not over sea ice / cm3
real(r8) ciaut ! coefficient of autoconversion of ice (1/s)
real(r8) cldloc(pcols) ! non-zero amount of cloud
real(r8) cldpr(pcols) ! assumed cloudy volume occupied by rain and cloud
real(r8) con1 ! work constant
real(r8) con2 ! work constant
real(r8) csacx ! constant used for snow accreting liquid or ice
!!$ real(r8) dtice ! interval for transition from liquid to ice
real(r8) icemr(pcols) ! in-cloud ice mixing ratio
real(r8) icrit ! threshold for autoconversion of ice
real(r8) liqmr(pcols) ! in-cloud liquid water mixing ratio
real(r8) pracw ! rate of rain accreting water
real(r8) prlloc(pcols) ! local rain flux in mm/day
real(r8) prscgs(pcols) ! local snow amount in cgs units
real(r8) psaci ! rate of collection of ice by snow (lin et al 1983)
real(r8) psacw ! rate of collection of liquid by snow (lin et al 1983)
real(r8) psaut ! rate of autoconversion of ice condensate
real(r8) ptot ! total rate of conversion
real(r8) pwaut ! rate of autoconversion of liquid condensate
real(r8) r3l ! volume radius
real(r8) rainmr(pcols) ! in-cloud rain mixing ratio
real(r8) rat1 ! work constant
real(r8) rat2 ! work constant
!!$ real(r8) rdtice ! recipricol of dtice
real(r8) rho(pcols) ! density (mks units)
real(r8) rhocgs ! density (cgs units)
real(r8) rlat(pcols) ! latitude (radians)
real(r8) snowfr ! fraction of precipate existing as snow
real(r8) totmr(pcols) ! in-cloud total condensate mixing ratio
real(r8) vfallw ! fall speed of precipitate as liquid
real(r8) wp ! weight factor used in calculating pressure dep of autoconversion
real(r8) wsi ! weight factor for sea ice
real(r8) wt ! fraction of ice
real(r8) wland ! fraction of land
! real(r8) csaci
! real(r8) csacw
! real(r8) cwaut
! real(r8) efact
! real(r8) lamdas
! real(r8) lcrit
! real(r8) rcwm
! real(r8) r3lc2
! real(r8) snowmr(pcols)
! real(r8) vfalls
real(8) ftot
! inline statement functions
real(r8) heavy, heavym, a1, a2, heavyp, heavymp
heavy(a1,a2) = max(0._r8,sign(1._r8,a1-a2)) ! heavyside function
heavym(a1,a2) = max(0.01_r8,sign(1._r8,a1-a2)) ! modified heavyside function
! New heavyside functions to perhaps address error growth problems
heavyp(a1,a2) = a1/(a2+a1+1.e-36_r8)
heavymp(a1,a2) = (a1+0.01_r8*a2)/(a2+a1+1.e-36_r8)
! find all the points where we need to do the microphysics
! and set the output variables to zero
ncols = 0
do i = 1,ncol
coef(i) = 0._r8
fwaut(i) = 0._r8
fsaut(i) = 0._r8
fracw(i) = 0._r8
fsacw(i) = 0._r8
fsaci(i) = 0._r8
liqmr(i) = 0._r8
rainmr(i) = 0._r8
if (cwm(i) > 1.e-20_r8) then
ncols = ncols + 1
ind(ncols) = i
end do
!cdir nodep
do ii = 1,ncols
i = ind(ii)
! the local cloudiness at this level
cldloc(i) = max(cldmin,cldm(i))
! a weighted mean between max cloudiness above, and this layer
cldpr(i) = max(cldmin,(cldmax(i)+cldm(i))*0.5_r8)
! decompose the suspended condensate into
! an incloud liquid and ice phase component
totmr(i) = cwm(i)/cldloc(i)
icemr(i) = totmr(i)*fice(i)
liqmr(i) = totmr(i)*(1._r8-fice(i))
! density
rho(i) = p(i,k)/(287._r8*t(i,k))
rhocgs = rho(i)*1.e-3_r8 ! density in cgs units
! decompose the precipitate into a liquid and ice phase
if (t(i,k) > t0) then
vfallw = convfw/sqrt(rho(i))
rainmr(i) = precab(i)/(rho(i)*vfallw*cldpr(i))
snowfr = 0
! snowmr(i)
snowfr = 1
rainmr(i) = 0._r8
! rainmr(i) = (precab(i)-snowab(i))/(rho(i)*vfallw*cldpr(i))
! local snow amount in cgs units
prscgs(i) = precab(i)/cldpr(i)*0.1_r8*snowfr
! prscgs(i) = snowab(i)/cldpr(i)*0.1
! local rain amount in mm/day
prlloc(i) = precab(i)*86400._r8/cldpr(i)
end do
con1 = 1._r8/(1.333_r8*pi)**0.333_r8 * 0.01_r8 ! meters
! calculate the conversion terms
call get_rlat_all_p
(lchnk, ncol, rlat)
!cdir nodep
do ii = 1,ncols
i = ind(ii)
rhocgs = rho(i)*1.e-3_r8 ! density in cgs units
! exponential temperature factor
! efact = exp(0.025*(t(i,k)-t0))
! some temperature dependent constants
!!$ wt = min(1._r8,max(0._r8,(t0-t(i,k))*rdtice))
wt = fice(i)
icrit = icritc*wt + icritw*(1-wt)
! jrm Reworked droplet number concentration algorithm
! Start with pressure-dependent value appropriate for continental air
! Note: reltab has a temperature dependence here
capn = capnw + (capnc-capnw) * min(1._r8,max(0._r8,1.0_r8-(p(i,k)-0.8_r8*p(i,pver))/(0.2_r8*p(i,pver))))
! Modify for snow depth over land
capn = capn + (capnc-capn) * min(1.0_r8,max(0.0_r8,snowh(i)*10._r8))
! Ramp between polluted value over land to clean value over ocean.
capn = capn + (capnc-capn) * min(1.0_r8,max(0.0_r8,1.0_r8-landm(i,lchnk)))
! Ramp between the resultant value and a sea ice value in the presence of ice.
capn = capn + (capnsi-capn) * min(1.0_r8,max(0.0_r8,seaicef(i)))
! end jrm
#ifdef DEBUG2
if ( (lat(i) == latlook(1)) .or. (lat(i) == latlook(2)) ) then
if (i == ilook(1)) then
write(iulog,*) ' findmcnew: lat, k, seaicef, landm, wp, capnoice, capn ', &
lat(i), k, seaicef(i), landm(i,lat(i)), wp, capnoice, capn
! useful terms in following calculations
rat1 = rhocgs/rhow
rat2 = liqmr(i)/capn
con2 = (rat1*rat2)**0.333_r8
! volume radius
! r3l = (rhocgs*liqmr(i)/(1.333*pi*capn*rhow))**0.333 * 0.01 ! meters
r3l = con1*con2
! critical threshold for autoconversion if modified for mixed phase
! clouds to mimic a bergeron findeisen process
! r3lc2 = r3lcrit*(1.-0.5*fice(i)*(1-fice(i)))
! autoconversion of liquid
! cwaut = 2.e-4
! cwaut = 1.e-3
! lcrit = 2.e-4
! lcrit = 5.e-4
! pwaut = max(0._r8,liqmr(i)-lcrit)*cwaut
! pwaut is following tripoli and cotton (and many others)
! we reduce the autoconversion below critpr, because these are regions where
! the drop size distribution is likely to imply much smaller collector drops than
! those relevant for a cloud distribution corresponding to the value of effc = 0.55
! suggested by cotton (see austin 1995 JAS, baker 1993)
! easy to follow form
! pwaut = capc*liqmr(i)**2*rhocgs/rhow
! $ *(liqmr(i)*rhocgs/(rhow*capn))**(.333)
! $ *heavy(r3l,r3lcrit)
! $ *max(0.10_r8,min(1._r8,prlloc(i)/critpr))
! somewhat faster form
#define HEAVYNEW
!#ifdef PERGRO
pwaut = capc*liqmr(i)**2*rat1*con2*heavymp(r3l,r3lcrit) * &
pwaut = capc*liqmr(i)**2*rat1*con2*heavym(r3l,r3lcrit)* &
! autoconversion of ice
! ciaut = ciautb*efact
ciaut = ciautb
! psaut = capc*totmr(i)**2*rhocgs/rhoi
! $ *(totmr(i)*rhocgs/(rhoi*capn))**(.333)
! autoconversion of ice condensate
#ifdef PERGRO
psaut = heavyp(icemr(i),icrit)*icemr(i)*ciaut
psaut = max(0._r8,icemr(i)-icrit)*ciaut
! collection of liquid by rain
! pracw = cracw*rho(i)*liqmr(i)*rainmr(i) !(beheng 1994)
pracw = cracw*rho(i)*sqrt(rho(i))*liqmr(i)*rainmr(i) !(tripoli and cotton)
!! pracw = 0.
! the following lines calculate the slope parameter and snow mixing ratio
! from the precip rate using the equations found in lin et al 83
! in the most natural form, but it is expensive, so after some tedious
! algebraic manipulation you can use the cheaper form found below
! vfalls = c*gam4pd/(6*lamdas**d)*sqrt(rhonot/rhocgs)
! $ *0.01 ! convert from cm/s to m/s
! snowmr(i) = snowfr*precab(i)/(rho(i)*vfalls*cldpr(i))
! snowmr(i) = ( prscgs(i)*mcon02 * (rhocgs**mcon03) )**mcon04
! lamdas = (prhonos/max(rhocgs*snowmr(i),small))**0.25
! csacw = mcon01*sqrt(rhonot/rhocgs)/(lamdas**thrpd)
! coefficient for collection by snow independent of phase
csacx = mcon07*rhocgs**mcon08*prscgs(i)**mcon05
! collection of liquid by snow (lin et al 1983)
psacw = csacx*liqmr(i)*esw
#ifdef PERGRO
! this is necessary for pergro
psacw = 0._r8
! collection of ice by snow (lin et al 1983)
psaci = csacx*icemr(i)*esi
! total conversion of condensate to precipitate
ptot = pwaut + psaut + pracw + psacw + psaci
! the recipricol of cloud water amnt (or zero if no cloud water)
! rcwm = totmr(i)/(max(totmr(i),small)**2)
! turn the tendency back into a loss rate (1/seconds)
if (totmr(i) > 0._r8) then
coef(i) = ptot/totmr(i)
coef(i) = 0._r8
if (ptot.gt.0._r8) then
fwaut(i) = pwaut/ptot
fsaut(i) = psaut/ptot
fracw(i) = pracw/ptot
fsacw(i) = psacw/ptot
fsaci(i) = psaci/ptot
fwaut(i) = 0._r8
fsaut(i) = 0._r8
fracw(i) = 0._r8
fsacw(i) = 0._r8
fsaci(i) = 0._r8
ftot = fwaut(i)+fsaut(i)+fracw(i)+fsacw(i)+fsaci(i)
! if (abs(ftot-1._r8).gt.1.e-14_r8.and.ftot.ne.0._r8) then
! write(iulog,*) ' something is wrong in findmcnew ', ftot, &
! fwaut(i),fsaut(i),fracw(i),fsacw(i),fsaci(i)
! write(iulog,*) ' unscaled ', ptot, &
! pwaut,psaut,pracw,psacw,psaci
! write(iulog,*) ' totmr, liqmr, icemr ', totmr(i), liqmr(i), icemr(i)
! call endrun()
! endif
end do
#ifdef DEBUG
i = icollook(nlook)
if (lchnk == lchnklook(nlook) ) then
write(iulog,*) '------', k, i, lchnk
write(iulog,*) ' liqmr, rainmr,precab ', liqmr(i), rainmr(i), precab(i)*8.64e4_r8
write(iulog,*) ' frac: waut,saut,racw,sacw,saci ', &
fwaut(i), fsaut(i), fracw(i), fsacw(i), fsaci(i)
end subroutine findmcnew
subroutine findsp (lchnk, ncol, q, t, p, tsp, qsp) 2,13
! Purpose:
! find the wet bulb temperature for a given t and q
! in a longitude height section
! wet bulb temp is the temperature and spec humidity that is
! just saturated and has the same enthalpy
! if q > qs(t) then tsp > t and qsp = qs(tsp) < q
! if q < qs(t) then tsp < t and qsp = qs(tsp) > q
! Method:
! a Newton method is used
! first guess uses an algorithm provided by John Petch from the UKMO
! we exclude points where the physical situation is unrealistic
! e.g. where the temperature is outside the range of validity for the
! saturation vapor pressure, or where the water vapor pressure
! exceeds the ambient pressure, or the saturation specific humidity is
! unrealistic
! Author: P. Rasch
! input arguments
integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! chunk identifier
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
real(r8), intent(in) :: q(pcols,pver) ! water vapor (kg/kg)
real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! temperature (K)
real(r8), intent(in) :: p(pcols,pver) ! pressure (Pa)
! output arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: tsp(pcols,pver) ! saturation temp (K)
real(r8), intent(out) :: qsp(pcols,pver) ! saturation mixing ratio (kg/kg)
! local variables
integer i ! work variable
integer k ! work variable
logical lflg ! work variable
integer iter ! work variable
integer l ! work variable
logical :: error_found
real(r8) omeps ! 1 minus epsilon
real(r8) trinv ! work variable
real(r8) es ! sat. vapor pressure
real(r8) desdt ! change in sat vap pressure wrt temperature
! real(r8) desdp ! change in sat vap pressure wrt pressure
real(r8) dqsdt ! change in sat spec. hum. wrt temperature
real(r8) dgdt ! work variable
real(r8) g ! work variable
real(r8) weight(pcols) ! work variable
real(r8) hlatsb ! (sublimation)
real(r8) hlatvp ! (vaporization)
real(r8) hltalt(pcols,pver) ! lat. heat. of vap.
real(r8) tterm ! work var.
real(r8) qs ! spec. hum. of water vapor
real(r8) tc ! crit temp of transition to ice
! work variables
real(r8) t1, q1, dt, dq
real(r8) dtm, dqm
real(r8) qvd, a1, tmp
real(r8) rair
real(r8) r1b, c1, c2, c3
real(r8) denom
real(r8) dttol
real(r8) dqtol
integer doit(pcols)
real(r8) enin(pcols), enout(pcols)
real(r8) tlim(pcols)
omeps = 1.0_r8 - epsqs
trinv = 1.0_r8/ttrice
a1 = 7.5_r8*log(10._r8)
rair = 287.04_r8
c3 = rair*a1/cp
dtm = 0._r8 ! needed for iter=0 blowup with f90 -ei
dqm = 0._r8 ! needed for iter=0 blowup with f90 -ei
dttol = 1.e-4_r8 ! the relative temp error tolerance required to quit the iteration
dqtol = 1.e-4_r8 ! the relative moisture error tolerance required to quit the iteration
! tmin = 173.16 ! the coldest temperature we can deal with
! max number of times to iterate the calculation
iter = 8
do k = k1mb,pver
! first guess on the wet bulb temperature
do i = 1,ncol
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( (lchnk == lchnklook(nlook) ) .and. (i == icollook(nlook) ) ) then
write(iulog,*) ' '
write(iulog,*) ' level, t, q, p', k, t(i,k), q(i,k), p(i,k)
! limit the temperature range to that relevant to the sat vap pres tables
#if ( ! defined WACCM_PHYS )
tlim(i) = min(max(t(i,k),173._r8),373._r8)
tlim(i) = min(max(t(i,k),128._r8),373._r8)
es = estblf
denom = p(i,k) - omeps*es
qs = epsqs*es/denom
doit(i) = 0
enout(i) = 1._r8
! make sure a meaningful calculation is possible
if (p(i,k) > 5._r8*es .and. qs > 0._r8 .and. qs < 0.5_r8) then
! Saturation specific humidity
qs = min(epsqs*es/denom,1._r8)
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where const slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
tc = tlim(i) - t0
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight(i) = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight(i)*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (tlim(i) < t0) then
hltalt(i,k) = hlatsb
hltalt(i,k) = hlatvp
end if
enin(i) = cp*tlim(i) + hltalt(i,k)*q(i,k)
! make a guess at the wet bulb temp using a UKMO algorithm (from J. Petch)
tmp = q(i,k) - qs
c1 = hltalt(i,k)*c3
c2 = (tlim(i) + 36._r8)**2
r1b = c2/(c2 + c1*qs)
qvd = r1b*tmp
tsp(i,k) = tlim(i) + ((hltalt(i,k)/cp)*qvd)
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( (lchnk == lchnklook(nlook) ) .and. (i == icollook(nlook) ) ) then
write(iulog,*) ' relative humidity ', q(i,k)/qs
write(iulog,*) ' first guess ', tsp(i,k)
es = estblf
qsp(i,k) = min(epsqs*es/(p(i,k) - omeps*es),1._r8)
doit(i) = 1
tsp(i,k) = tlim(i)
qsp(i,k) = q(i,k)
enin(i) = 1._r8
end do ! end do i
! now iterate on first guess
do l = 1, iter
dtm = 0
dqm = 0
do i = 1,ncol
if (doit(i) == 0) then
es = estblf
! Saturation specific humidity
qs = min(epsqs*es/(p(i,k) - omeps*es),1._r8)
! "generalized" analytic expression for t derivative of es
! accurate to within 1 percent for 173.16 < t < 373.16
! Weighting of hlat accounts for transition from water to ice
! polynomial expression approximates difference between es over
! water and es over ice from 0 to -ttrice (C) (min of ttrice is
! -40): required for accurate estimate of es derivative in transition
! range from ice to water also accounting for change of hlatv with t
! above freezing where const slope is given by -2369 j/(kg c) = cpv - cw
tc = tsp(i,k) - t0
lflg = (tc >= -ttrice .and. tc < 0.0_r8)
weight(i) = min(-tc*trinv,1.0_r8)
hlatsb = hlatv + weight(i)*hlatf
hlatvp = hlatv - 2369.0_r8*tc
if (tsp(i,k) < t0) then
hltalt(i,k) = hlatsb
hltalt(i,k) = hlatvp
end if
if (lflg) then
tterm = pcf(1) + tc*(pcf(2) + tc*(pcf(3)+tc*(pcf(4) + tc*pcf(5))))
tterm = 0.0_r8
end if
desdt = hltalt(i,k)*es/(rgasv*tsp(i,k)*tsp(i,k)) + tterm*trinv
dqsdt = (epsqs + omeps*qs)/(p(i,k) - omeps*es)*desdt
! g = cp*(tlim(i)-tsp(i,k)) + hltalt(i,k)*q(i,k)- hltalt(i,k)*qsp(i,k)
g = enin(i) - (cp*tsp(i,k) + hltalt(i,k)*qsp(i,k))
dgdt = -(cp + hltalt(i,k)*dqsdt)
t1 = tsp(i,k) - g/dgdt
dt = abs(t1 - tsp(i,k))/t1
tsp(i,k) = max(t1,tmin)
es = estblf
q1 = min(epsqs*es/(p(i,k) - omeps*es),1._r8)
dq = abs(q1 - qsp(i,k))/max(q1,1.e-12_r8)
qsp(i,k) = q1
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( (lchnk == lchnklook(nlook) ) .and. (i == icollook(nlook) ) ) then
write(iulog,*) ' rel chg lev, iter, t, q ', k, l, dt, dq, g
dtm = max(dtm,dt)
dqm = max(dqm,dq)
! if converged at this point, exclude it from more iterations
if (dt < dttol .and. dq < dqtol) then
doit(i) = 2
enout(i) = cp*tsp(i,k) + hltalt(i,k)*qsp(i,k)
! bail out if we are too near the end of temp range
#if ( ! defined WACCM_PHYS )
if (tsp(i,k) < 174.16_r8) then
if (tsp(i,k) < 130.16_r8) then
doit(i) = 4
end do ! do i = 1,ncol
if (dtm < dttol .and. dqm < dqtol) then
go to 10
end do ! do l = 1,iter
10 continue
error_found = .false.
if (dtm > dttol .or. dqm > dqtol) then
do i = 1,ncol
if (doit(i) == 0) error_found = .true.
end do
if (error_found) then
do i = 1,ncol
if (doit(i) == 0) then
write(iulog,*) ' findsp not converging at point i, k ', i, k
write(iulog,*) ' t, q, p, enin ', t(i,k), q(i,k), p(i,k), enin(i)
write(iulog,*) ' tsp, qsp, enout ', tsp(i,k), qsp(i,k), enout(i)
call endrun
end do
do i = 1,ncol
if (doit(i) == 2 .and. abs((enin(i)-enout(i))/(enin(i)+enout(i))) > 1.e-4_r8) then
error_found = .true.
end do
if (error_found) then
do i = 1,ncol
if (doit(i) == 2 .and. abs((enin(i)-enout(i))/(enin(i)+enout(i))) > 1.e-4_r8) then
write(iulog,*) ' the enthalpy is not conserved for point ', &
i, k, enin(i), enout(i)
write(iulog,*) ' t, q, p, enin ', t(i,k), q(i,k), p(i,k), enin(i)
write(iulog,*) ' tsp, qsp, enout ', tsp(i,k), qsp(i,k), enout(i)
call endrun
end do
end do ! level loop (k=1,pver)
end subroutine findsp
end module cldwat