! This module is used to diagnose the location of the tropopause. Multiple
! algorithms are provided, some of which may not be able to identify a
! tropopause in all situations. To handle these cases, an analytic
! defintion and a climatology are provided that can be used to fill in
! when the original algorithm fails. The troppause temperature and
! pressure are determined and can be output to the history file.
! These routines are based upon code in the WACCM chemistry module
! including mo_tropoause.F90 and llnl_set_chem_trop.F90. The code
! for the Reichler et al. [2003] algorithm is from:
!   http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~tjr/TROPO/tropocode.htm
! Author: Charles Bardeen
! Created: April, 2009

module tropopause 4,8
  ! ... variables for the tropopause module

  use shr_kind_mod,  only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use ppgrid,        only : pcols, pver, begchunk, endchunk
  use abortutils,    only : endrun
  use cam_logfile,   only : iulog
  use cam_history,   only : fillvalue
  use physics_types, only : physics_state
  use physconst,     only : cappa, rair, gravit
  use spmd_utils,    only : masterproc

  implicit none

  public  :: tropopause_readnl, tropopause_init, tropopause_find, tropopause_output


  ! These parameters define and enumeration to be used to define the primary
  ! and backup algorithms to be used with the tropopause_find() method. The
  ! backup algorithm is meant to provide a solution when the primary algorithm
  ! fail. The algorithms that can't fail are: TROP_ALG_ANALYTIC, TROP_ALG_CLIMATE
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_NONE      = 1    ! Don't evaluate
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_ANALYTIC  = 2    ! Analytic Expression
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_CLIMATE   = 3    ! Climatology
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_STOBIE    = 4    ! Stobie Algorithm
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_TWMO      = 5    ! WMO Defintion, Reichler et al. [2003]
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_WMO       = 6    ! WMO Defintion
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_ALG_HYBSTOB   = 7    ! Hybrid Stobie Algorithm
  integer, parameter    :: TROP_NALG          = 7    ! Number of Algorithms  
  character,parameter   :: TROP_LETTER(TROP_NALG) = (/ ' ', 'A', 'C', 'S', 'T', 'W', 'H' /)  ! unique identifier for output, don't use P

  ! These variables should probably be controlled by namelist entries.
  logical ,parameter    :: output_all         = .False.              ! output tropopause infro from all algorithms
  integer ,parameter    :: default_primary    = TROP_ALG_TWMO        ! defalut primary algorithm
  integer ,parameter    :: default_backup     = TROP_ALG_CLIMATE     ! default backup algorithm

  ! Namelist variables
  character(len=256)    :: tropopause_climo_file = 'trop_climo'      ! absolute filepath of climatology file

  ! These variables are used to store the climatology data.
  real(r8)              :: days(12)                                  ! days in the climatology
  real(r8), pointer     :: tropp_p_loc(:,:,:)                        ! climatological tropopause pressures

  integer, parameter :: NOTFOUND = -1

  real(r8),parameter :: ALPHA  = 0.03_r8
  ! physical constants
  ! These constants are set in module variables rather than as parameters 
  ! to support the aquaplanet mode in which the constants have values determined
  ! by the experiment protocol
  real(r8) :: cnst_kap     ! = cappa
  real(r8) :: cnst_faktor  ! = -gravit/rair
  real(r8) :: cnst_ka1     ! = cnst_kap - 1._r8


   ! Read namelist variables.

   subroutine tropopause_readnl(nlfile) 1,8

      use namelist_utils,  only: find_group_name
      use units,           only: getunit, freeunit
      use mpishorthand

      character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile  ! filepath for file containing namelist input

      ! Local variables
      integer :: unitn, ierr
      character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'tropopause_readnl'

      namelist /tropopause_nl/ tropopause_climo_file

      if (masterproc) then
         unitn = getunit()
         open( unitn, file=trim(nlfile), status='old' )
         call find_group_name(unitn, 'tropopause_nl', status=ierr)
         if (ierr == 0) then
            read(unitn, tropopause_nl, iostat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) then
               call endrun(subname // ':: ERROR reading namelist')
            end if
         end if
         call freeunit(unitn)
      end if

#ifdef SPMD
      ! Broadcast namelist variables
      call mpibcast(tropopause_climo_file, len(tropopause_climo_file), mpichar, 0, mpicom)

   end subroutine tropopause_readnl

  ! This routine is called during intialization and must be called before the
  ! other methods in this module can be used. Its main tasks are to read in the
  ! climatology from a file and to define the output fields. Much of this code
  ! is taken from mo_tropopause.

  subroutine tropopause_init() 1,55

    use ppgrid,        only: pver
    use cam_pio_utils, only: phys_decomp
    use cam_history,   only: addfld, add_default

    implicit none

    ! define physical constants
    cnst_kap    = cappa
    cnst_faktor = -gravit/rair
    cnst_ka1    = cnst_kap - 1._r8

    ! Define the output fields.
    call addfld('TROP_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure',    phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROP_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature', phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROP_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height',      phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROP_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Probabilty',  phys_decomp)
    call addfld('TROP_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found',       phys_decomp)
    ! Make the tropopause pressure and temperature from the default algorithm(s) default
    ! output fields.
    call add_default ('TROP_P', 1, ' ')
    call add_default ('TROP_T', 1, ' ')
    call add_default ('TROP_Z', 1, ' ')
    call addfld('TROPP_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (primary)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROPP_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (primary)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROPP_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (primary)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
    call addfld('TROPP_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (primary)', phys_decomp)
    call addfld('TROPP_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (primary)',        phys_decomp)
#if ( defined TROPCHEM )
    call addfld( 'chem_trop', 'fraction of model time', pver, 'I', 'Lowest level with stratospheric chemsitry', phys_decomp )
    call addfld( 'chem_trop_linoz', 'fraction of model time', pver, 'I', 'Lowest possible Linoz level', phys_decomp )
    call addfld( 'chem_trop_tropop', 'fraction of model time', pver, 'I', 'Troposphere boundary calculated in chemistry', phys_decomp )

    call add_default ('chem_trop',1, ' ')
    call add_default ('chem_trop_tropop',1, ' ')
    call add_default ('TROP_PD',1, ' ')
    call add_default ('TROP_FD',1, ' ')

    ! If requested, be prepared to output results from all of the methods.
    if (output_all) then
      call addfld('TROPA_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (analytic)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPA_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (analytic)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPA_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (analytic)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPA_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (analytic)', phys_decomp)
      call addfld('TROPA_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (analytic)',        phys_decomp)

      call addfld('TROPC_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (climatology)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPC_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (climatology)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPC_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (climatology)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPC_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (climatology)', phys_decomp)
      call addfld('TROPC_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (climatology)',        phys_decomp)

      call addfld('TROPS_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (stobie)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPS_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (stobie)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPS_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (stobie)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPS_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (stobie)', phys_decomp)
      call addfld('TROPS_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (stobie)',        phys_decomp)

      call addfld('TROPT_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (twmo)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPT_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (twmo)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPT_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (twmo)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPT_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (twmo)', phys_decomp)
      call addfld('TROPT_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (twmo)',        phys_decomp)

      call addfld('TROPW_P',  'Pa',          1,    'A', 'Tropopause Pressure (WMO)',     phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPW_T',  'K',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Temperature (WMO)',  phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPW_Z',  'm',           1,    'A', 'Tropopause Height (WMO)',       phys_decomp, flag_xyfill=.True.)
      call addfld('TROPW_PD', 'probability', pver, 'A', 'Tropopause Distribution (WMO)', phys_decomp)
      call addfld('TROPW_FD', 'probability', 1,    'A', 'Tropopause Found (WMO)',        phys_decomp)
    end if

    call tropopause_read_file()

  end subroutine tropopause_init

  subroutine tropopause_read_file 1,25
    ! ... initialize upper boundary values
    use interpolate_data,  only : lininterp_init, lininterp, interp_type, lininterp_finish
    use dyn_grid,     only : get_dyn_grid_parm
    use phys_grid,    only : get_ncols_p, get_rlat_all_p, get_rlon_all_p	
    use ioFileMod,    only : getfil
    use time_manager, only : get_calday
    use physconst,    only : pi
    use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_openfile
    use pio,          only : file_desc_t, var_desc_t, pio_inq_dimid, pio_inq_dimlen, &
         pio_inq_varid, pio_get_var, pio_closefile, pio_nowrite

    ! ... local variables
    integer :: i, j, n
    integer :: ierr
    type(file_desc_t) :: pio_id
    integer :: dimid
    type(var_desc_t) :: vid
    integer :: nlon, nlat, ntimes
    integer :: start(3)
    integer :: count(3)
    integer, parameter :: dates(12) = (/ 116, 214, 316, 415,  516,  615, &
         716, 816, 915, 1016, 1115, 1216 /)
    integer :: plon, plat
    type(interp_type) :: lon_wgts, lat_wgts
    real(r8), allocatable :: tropp_p_in(:,:,:)
    real(r8), allocatable :: lat(:)
    real(r8), allocatable :: lon(:)
    real(r8) :: to_lats(pcols), to_lons(pcols)
    real(r8), parameter :: d2r=pi/180._r8, zero=0._r8, twopi=pi*2._r8
    character(len=256) :: locfn
    integer  :: c, ncols

    plon = get_dyn_grid_parm('plon')
    plat = get_dyn_grid_parm('plat')

    !       ... open netcdf file
    call getfil (tropopause_climo_file, locfn, 0)
    call cam_pio_openfile(pio_id, trim(locfn), PIO_NOWRITE)

    !       ... get time dimension
    ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'time', dimid )
    ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, ntimes )
    if( ntimes /= 12 )then
       write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init: number of months = ',ntimes,'; expecting 12'
       call endrun
    end if
    !       ... get latitudes
    ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'lat', dimid )
    ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, nlat )
    allocate( lat(nlat), stat=ierr )
    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
       write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init: lat allocation error = ',ierr
       call endrun
    end if
    ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'lat', vid )
    ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, lat )
    lat(:nlat) = lat(:nlat) * d2r
    !       ... get longitudes
    ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'lon', dimid )
    ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, nlon )
    allocate( lon(nlon), stat=ierr )
    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
       write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init: lon allocation error = ',ierr
       call endrun
    end if
    ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'lon', vid )
    ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, lon )
    lon(:nlon) = lon(:nlon) * d2r

    !  ... allocate arrays
    allocate( tropp_p_in(nlon,nlat,ntimes), stat=ierr )
    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
       write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init: tropp_p_in allocation error = ',ierr
       call endrun
    end if
    !  ... read in the tropopause pressure
    ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'trop_p', vid )
    start = (/ 1, 1, 1 /)
    count = (/ nlon, nlat, ntimes /)
    ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, start, count, tropp_p_in )

    !  ... close the netcdf file
    call pio_closefile( pio_id )

    !  ... regrid

    allocate( tropp_p_loc(pcols,begchunk:endchunk,ntimes), stat=ierr )

    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
      write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init: tropp_p_loc allocation error = ',ierr
      call endrun
    end if

    do c=begchunk,endchunk
       ncols = get_ncols_p(c)
       call get_rlat_all_p(c, pcols, to_lats)
       call get_rlon_all_p(c, pcols, to_lons)
       call lininterp_init(lon, nlon, to_lons, ncols, 2, lon_wgts, zero, twopi)
       call lininterp_init(lat, nlat, to_lats, ncols, 1, lat_wgts)
       do n=1,ntimes
          call lininterp(tropp_p_in(:,:,n), nlon, nlat, tropp_p_loc(1:ncols,c,n), ncols, lon_wgts, lat_wgts)    
       end do
       call lininterp_finish(lon_wgts)
       call lininterp_finish(lat_wgts)
    end do

    ! ... initialize the monthly day of year times

    do n = 1,12
       days(n) = get_calday( dates(n), 0 )
    end do
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_init : days'
       write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.8)') days(:)

  end subroutine tropopause_read_file

  ! This analytic expression closely matches the mean tropoause determined
  ! by the NCEP reanalysis and has been used by the radiation code.

  subroutine tropopause_analytic(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,2

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate
    integer,            intent(inout)   :: tropLev(pcols)             ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropP(pcols)               ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropT(pcols)               ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropZ(pcols)               ! tropopause height (m)
    ! Local Variables
    integer       :: i
    integer       :: k
    integer       :: ncol                     ! number of columns in the chunk
    integer       :: lchnk                    ! chunk identifier
    real(r8)      :: tP                       ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol

    ! Iterate over all of the columns.
    do i = 1, ncol
      ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
      if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then
        ! Calculate the pressure of the tropopause.
        tP = (25000.0_r8 - 15000.0_r8 * (cos(pstate%lat(i)))**2)
        ! Find the level that contains the tropopause.
        do k = pver, 2, -1
          if (tP >= pstate%pint(i, k)) then
            tropLev(i) = k
          end if
        end do
        ! Return the optional outputs
        if (present(tropP)) tropP(i) = tP
        if (present(tropT)) then
          tropT(i) = tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
        end if

        if (present(tropZ)) then
          tropZ(i) = tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
        end if
      end if
    end do
  end subroutine tropopause_analytic

  ! Read the tropopause pressure in from a file containging a climatology. The
  ! data is interpolated to the current dat of year and latitude.
  ! NOTE: The data is read in during tropopause_init and stored in the module
  ! variable trop

  subroutine tropopause_climate(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,4
     use time_manager, only : get_curr_calday

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)    :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(inout)  :: tropLev(pcols)            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropP(pcols)              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropT(pcols)              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropZ(pcols)              ! tropopause height (m)
    ! Local Variables
    integer       :: i
    integer       :: k
    integer       :: m
    integer       :: ncol                     ! number of columns in the chunk
    integer       :: lchnk                    ! chunk identifier
    real(r8)      :: tP                       ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    real(r8)      :: calday                   ! day of year including fraction
    real(r8)      :: dels
    integer       :: last
    integer       :: next

    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol
    ! If any columns remain to be indentified, the nget the current
    ! day from the calendar.
    if (any(tropLev == NOTFOUND)) then
      ! Determine the calendar day.
      calday = get_curr_calday()
      ! ... setup the time interpolation
      if( calday < days(1) ) then
        next = 1
        last = 12
        dels = (365. + calday - days(12)) / (365. + days(1) - days(12))
      else if( calday >= days(12) ) then
        next = 1
        last = 12
        dels = (calday - days(12)) / (365. + days(1) - days(12))
        do m = 11,1,-1
           if( calday >= days(m) ) then
           end if
        end do
        last = m
        next = m + 1
        dels = (calday - days(m)) / (days(m+1) - days(m))
      end if
      dels = max( min( 1._r8,dels ),0._r8 )

      ! Iterate over all of the columns.
      do i = 1, ncol
        ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
        if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then
        ! ... get tropopause level from climatology
          ! Interpolate the tropopause pressure.
          tP = tropp_p_loc(i,lchnk,last) &
            + dels * (tropp_p_loc(i,lchnk,next) - tropp_p_loc(i,lchnk,last))
          ! Find the associated level.
          do k = pver, 2, -1
            if (tP >= pstate%pint(i, k)) then
              tropLev(i) = k
            end if
          end do
          ! Return the optional outputs
          if (present(tropP)) tropP(i) = tP
          if (present(tropT)) then
            tropT(i) = tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if

          if (present(tropZ)) then
            tropZ(i) = tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if
        end if
      end do
    end if        

  end subroutine tropopause_climate

  subroutine tropopause_hybridstobie(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,4
    use cam_history,  only : outfld
    ! Originally written by Philip Cameron-Smith, LLNL
    !   Stobie-Linoz hybrid: the highest altitude of 
    !          a) Stobie algorithm, or 
    !          b) minimum Linoz pressure.
    ! NOTE: the ltrop(i) gridbox itself is assumed to be a STRATOSPHERIC gridbox.
    !        ... Local variables
    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(inout)   :: tropLev(pcols)             ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropP(pcols)               ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropT(pcols)               ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropZ(pcols)               ! tropopause height (m)
    real(r8),parameter  ::  min_Stobie_Pressure= 40.E2_r8 !For case 2 & 4.  [Pa]
    real(r8),parameter  ::  max_Linoz_Pressure =208.E2_r8 !For case     4.  [Pa]

    integer      :: i, k, ncol
    real(r8)     :: stobie_min, shybrid_temp      !temporary variable for case 2 & 3.
    integer      :: ltrop_linoz(pcols)            !Lowest possible Linoz vertical level
    integer      :: ltrop_trop(pcols)             !Tropopause level for hybrid case.
    logical      :: ltrop_linoz_set               !Flag that lowest linoz level already found.
#if ( defined TROPCHEM )
    real(r8)     :: chem_trop_output(pcols,pver)        !For output purposes only.
    real(r8)     :: chem_trop_linoz_output(pcols,pver)  !For output purposes only.
    real(r8)     :: chem_trop_trop_output(pcols,pver)   !For output purposes only.

    !    write(iulog,*) 'In set_chem_trop, o3_ndx =',o3_ndx
    ltrop_linoz(:) = 1  ! Initialize to default value.
    ltrop_trop(:) = 1   ! Initialize to default value.
    ncol = pstate%ncol

    LOOP_COL4: do i=1,ncol

       ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
       not_found: if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then

          stobie_min = 1.e10_r8    ! An impossibly large number
          ltrop_linoz_set = .FALSE.
          LOOP_LEV: do k=pver,1,-1
             IF (pstate%pmid(i,k) < min_stobie_pressure) cycle
             shybrid_temp = ALPHA * pstate%t(i,k) - Log10(pstate%pmid(i,k)) !PJC_NOTE: the units of pmid won't matter, because it is just an additive offset.
             IF (shybrid_temp<stobie_min) then 
                stobie_min = shybrid_temp
             IF (pstate%pmid(i,k) < max_Linoz_pressure .AND. .NOT. ltrop_linoz_set) THEN
                ltrop_linoz(i) = k
                ltrop_linoz_set = .TRUE.
          enddo LOOP_LEV

          tropLev(i) = MIN(ltrop_trop(i),ltrop_linoz(i))

          if (present(tropP)) then
             tropP(i) = pstate%pmid(i,tropLev(i))
          if (present(tropT)) then
             tropT(i) = pstate%   t(i,tropLev(i))
          if (present(tropZ)) then
             tropZ(i) = pstate%  zm(i,tropLev(i))

       endif not_found

    enddo LOOP_COL4

#if ( defined TROPCHEM )
    do i=1,ncol

    call outfld( 'chem_trop', chem_trop_output(:ncol,:), ncol, pstate%lchnk )
    call outfld( 'chem_trop_linoz', chem_trop_linoz_output(:ncol,:), ncol, pstate%lchnk )
    call outfld( 'chem_trop_tropop', chem_trop_trop_output(:ncol,:), ncol, pstate%lchnk )

  endsubroutine tropopause_hybridstobie
  ! This routine originates with Stobie at NASA Goddard, but does not have a
  ! known reference. It was supplied by Philip Cameron-Smith of LLNL.

  subroutine tropopause_stobie(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,2

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(inout)   :: tropLev(pcols)             ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropP(pcols)               ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropT(pcols)               ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropZ(pcols)               ! tropopause height (m)
    ! Local Variables
    integer       :: i
    integer       :: k
    integer       :: ncol                     ! number of columns in the chunk
    integer       :: lchnk                    ! chunk identifier
    integer       :: tLev                     ! tropopause level
    real(r8)      :: tP                       ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    real(r8)      :: stobie(pver)             ! stobie weighted temperature
    real(r8)      :: sTrop                    ! stobie value at the tropopause
    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol

    ! Iterate over all of the columns.
    do i = 1, ncol
      ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
      if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then
        ! Caclulate a pressure weighted temperature.
        stobie(:) = ALPHA * pstate%t(i,:) - log10(pstate%pmid(i, :))

        ! Search from the bottom up, looking for the first minimum.
        tLev  = -1
        do k = pver-1, 1, -1
          if (pstate%pmid(i, k) <= 4000._r8) then
          end if
          if (pstate%pmid(i, k) >= 55000._r8) then
          end if
          if ((tLev == -1) .or. (stobie(k) < sTrop)) then
            tLev  = k
            tP    = pstate%pmid(i, k)
            sTrop = stobie(k)
          end if
        end do
        if (tLev /= -1) then
          tropLev(i) = tLev
          ! Return the optional outputs
          if (present(tropP)) tropP(i) = tP
          if (present(tropT)) then
            tropT(i) = tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if

          if (present(tropZ)) then
            tropZ(i) = tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end do
  end subroutine tropopause_stobie

  ! This routine is an implementation of Reichler et al. [2003] done by
  ! Reichler and downloaded from his web site. Minimal modifications were
  ! made to have the routine work within the CAM framework (i.e. using
  ! CAM constants and types).
  ! NOTE: I am not a big fan of the goto's and multiple returns in this
  ! code, but for the moment I have left them to preserve as much of the
  ! original and presumably well tested code as possible.
  ! determination of tropopause height from gridded temperature data
  ! reference: Reichler, T., M. Dameris, and R. Sausen (2003)

  subroutine twmo(level, t, p, plimu, pliml, gamma, trp) 1

    integer, intent(in)                     :: level
    real(r8), intent(in), dimension(level)  :: t, p
    real(r8), intent(in)                    :: plimu, pliml, gamma
    real(r8), intent(out)                   :: trp
    real(r8), parameter                     :: deltaz = 2000.0_r8

    real(r8)                                :: pmk, pm, a, b, tm, dtdp, dtdz
    real(r8)                                :: ag, bg, ptph
    real(r8)                                :: pm0, pmk0, dtdz0
    real(r8)                                :: p2km, asum, aquer
    real(r8)                                :: pmk2, pm2, a2, b2, tm2, dtdp2, dtdz2
    integer                                 :: icount, jj
    integer                                 :: j

    trp=-99.0_r8                           ! negative means not valid

    do j=level,2,-1
      ! dt/dz
      pmk= .5_r8 * (p(j-1)**cnst_kap+p(j)**cnst_kap)
      pm = pmk**(1/cnst_kap)               
      a = (t(j-1)-t(j))/(p(j-1)**cnst_kap-p(j)**cnst_kap)
      b = t(j)-(a*p(j)**cnst_kap)
      tm = a * pmk + b               
      dtdp = a * cnst_kap * (pm**cnst_ka1)
      dtdz = cnst_faktor*dtdp*pm/tm
      ! dt/dz valid?
      if (j.eq.level)    go to 999     ! no, start level, initialize first
      if (dtdz.le.gamma) go to 999     ! no, dt/dz < -2 K/km
      if (pm.gt.plimu)   go to 999     ! no, too low
      ! dtdz is valid, calculate tropopause pressure
      if (dtdz0.lt.gamma) then
        ag = (dtdz-dtdz0) / (pmk-pmk0)     
        bg = dtdz0 - (ag * pmk0)          
        ptph = exp(log((gamma-bg)/ag)/cnst_kap)
        ptph = pm
      if (ptph.lt.pliml) go to 999     
      if (ptph.gt.plimu) go to 999           
      ! 2nd test: dtdz above 2 km must not exceed gamma
      p2km = ptph + deltaz*(pm/tm)*cnst_faktor     ! p at ptph + 2km
      asum = 0.0_r8                                ! dtdz above
      icount = 0                                   ! number of levels above
      ! test until apm < p2km
      do jj=j,2,-1
        pmk2 = .5_r8 * (p(jj-1)**cnst_kap+p(jj)**cnst_kap) ! p mean ^kappa
        pm2 = pmk2**(1/cnst_kap)                           ! p mean
        if(pm2.gt.ptph) go to 110                ! doesn't happen
        if(pm2.lt.p2km) go to 888                ! ptropo is valid

        a2 = (t(jj-1)-t(jj))                     ! a
        a2 = a2/(p(jj-1)**cnst_kap-p(jj)**cnst_kap)
        b2 = t(jj)-(a2*p(jj)**cnst_kap)          ! b
        tm2 = a2 * pmk2 + b2                     ! T mean
        dtdp2 = a2 * cnst_kap * (pm2**(cnst_kap-1))  ! dt/dp
        dtdz2 = cnst_faktor*dtdp2*pm2/tm2
        asum = asum+dtdz2
        icount = icount+1
        aquer = asum/float(icount)               ! dt/dz mean
        ! discard ptropo ?
        if (aquer.le.gamma) go to 999           ! dt/dz above < gamma
110     continue 
      enddo                           ! test next level
888   continue                        ! ptph is valid
      trp = ptph
999   continue                        ! continue search at next higher level 
      pm0 = pm
      pmk0 = pmk
      dtdz0  = dtdz
    ! no tropopouse found
  end subroutine twmo

  ! This routine uses an implementation of Reichler et al. [2003] done by
  ! Reichler and downloaded from his web site. This is similar to the WMO
  ! routines, but is designed for GCMs with a coarse vertical grid.

  subroutine tropopause_twmo(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,3

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)    :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(inout)  :: tropLev(pcols)            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropP(pcols)              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropT(pcols)              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropZ(pcols)              ! tropopause height (m)

    ! Local Variables 
    real(r8), parameter     :: gamma    = -0.002_r8         ! K/m
    real(r8), parameter     :: plimu    = 45000._r8         ! Pa
    real(r8), parameter     :: pliml    = 7500._r8          ! Pa
    integer                 :: i
    integer                 :: k
    integer                 :: ncol                         ! number of columns in the chunk
    integer                 :: lchnk                        ! chunk identifier
    real(r8)                :: tP                       ! tropopause pressure (Pa)

    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol

    ! Iterate over all of the columns.
    do i = 1, ncol
      ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
      if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then

        ! Use the routine from Reichler.
        call twmo(pver, pstate%t(i, :), pstate%pmid(i, :), plimu, pliml, gamma, tP)
        ! if successful, store of the results and find the level and temperature.
        if (tP > 0) then
          ! Find the associated level.
          do k = pver, 2, -1
            if (tP >= pstate%pint(i, k)) then
              tropLev(i) = k
            end if
          end do
          ! Return the optional outputs
          if (present(tropP)) tropP(i) = tP
          if (present(tropT)) then
            tropT(i) = tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if

          if (present(tropZ)) then
            tropZ(i) = tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
          end if
        end if
      end if
    end do
  end subroutine tropopause_twmo
  ! This routine implements the WMO defintion of the tropopause (reference???)
  ! This requires that the lapse rate be less than 2 K/km for an altitude range
  ! of 2 km. The search starts at the surface and stops the first time this
  ! criteria is met.
  ! NOTE: This code was modeled after the code in mo_tropopause; however, the
  ! requirement that dt be greater than 0 was removed and the check to make
  ! sure that the lapse rate is maintained for 2 km was added.

  subroutine tropopause_wmo(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 1,2

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)    :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(inout)  :: tropLev(pcols)            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropP(pcols)              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropT(pcols)              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)  :: tropZ(pcols)              ! tropopause height (m)

    ! Local Variables 
    real(r8), parameter    :: ztrop_low   = 5000._r8        ! lowest tropopause level allowed (m)
    real(r8), parameter    :: ztrop_high  = 20000._r8       ! highest tropopause level allowed (m)
    real(r8), parameter    :: max_dtdz    = 0.002_r8        ! max dt/dz for tropopause level (K/m)
    real(r8), parameter    :: min_trop_dz = 2000._r8        ! min tropopause thickness (m)

    integer                 :: i
    integer                 :: k
    integer                 :: k2
    integer                 :: ncol                         ! number of columns in the chunk
    integer                 :: lchnk                        ! chunk identifier
    real(r8)                :: tP                           ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    real(r8)                :: dt

    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol

    ! Iterate over all of the columns.
    do i = 1, ncol
      ! Skip column in which the tropopause has already been found.
      if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then

         do k = pver-1, 2, -1
          ! Skip levels below the minimum and stop if nothing is found
          ! before the maximum.
          if (pstate%zm(i, k) < ztrop_low) then
          else if (pstate%zm(i, k) > ztrop_high) then
          end if
          ! Compare the actual lapse rate to the threshold
          dt = pstate%t(i, k) - pstate%t(i, k-1)
          if (dt <= (max_dtdz * (pstate%zm(i, k-1) - pstate%zm(i, k)))) then
            ! Make sure that the lapse rate stays below the threshold for the
            ! specified range.
            do k2 = k-1, 2, -1
              if ((pstate%zm(i, k2) - pstate%zm(i, k)) >= min_trop_dz) then
                tP = pstate%pmid(i, k)
                tropLev(i) = k
              end if
              if (dt > (max_dtdz * (pstate%zm(i, k-1) - pstate%zm(i, k)))) then
              end if
            end do
            if (tropLev(i) == NOTFOUND) then
              ! Return the optional outputs
              if (present(tropP)) tropP(i) = tP
              if (present(tropT)) then
                tropT(i) = tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
              end if
              if (present(tropZ)) then
                tropZ(i) = tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, i, tropLev(i), tP)
              end if

            end if
          end if
        end do
      end if
    end do
  end subroutine tropopause_wmo
  ! Searches all the columns in the chunk and attempts to identify the tropopause.
  ! Two routines can be specifed, a primary routine which is tried first and a
  ! backup routine which will be tried only if the first routine fails. If the
  ! tropopause can not be identified by either routine, then a NOTFOUND is returned
  ! for the tropopause level, temperature and pressure.

  subroutine tropopause_find(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ, primary, backup) 4,2

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer, optional, intent(in)       :: primary                   ! primary detection algorithm
    integer, optional, intent(in)       :: backup                    ! backup detection algorithm
    integer,            intent(out)     :: tropLev(pcols)            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(out)     :: tropP(pcols)              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8), optional, intent(out)     :: tropT(pcols)              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(out)     :: tropZ(pcols)              ! tropopause height (m)
    ! Local Variable
    integer       :: primAlg            ! Primary algorithm  
    integer       :: backAlg            ! Backup algorithm  
    ! Initialize the results to a missing value, so that the algorithms will
    ! attempt to find the tropopause for all of them.
    tropLev(:) = NOTFOUND
    if (present(tropP)) tropP(:) = fillvalue
    if (present(tropT)) tropT(:) = fillvalue
    if (present(tropZ)) tropZ(:) = fillvalue
    ! Set the algorithms to be used, either the ones provided or the defaults.
    if (present(primary)) then
      primAlg = primary
      primAlg = default_primary
    end if
    if (present(backup)) then
      backAlg = backup
      backAlg = default_backup
    end if
    ! Try to find the tropopause using the primary algorithm.
    if (primAlg /= TROP_ALG_NONE) then
      call tropopause_findUsing(pstate, primAlg, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)
    end if
    if ((backAlg /= TROP_ALG_NONE) .and. any(tropLev(:) == NOTFOUND)) then
      call tropopause_findUsing(pstate, backAlg, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)
    end if
  end subroutine tropopause_find
  ! Call the appropriate tropopause detection routine based upon the algorithm
  ! specifed.
  ! NOTE: It is assumed that the output fields have been initialized by the
  ! caller, and only output values set to fillvalue will be detected.

  subroutine tropopause_findUsing(pstate, algorithm, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ) 2,7

    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer,            intent(in)      :: algorithm                 ! detection algorithm
    integer,            intent(inout)   :: tropLev(pcols)            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropP(pcols)              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropT(pcols)              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8), optional, intent(inout)   :: tropZ(pcols)              ! tropopause height (m)

    ! Dispatch the request to the appropriate routine.
    select case(algorithm)
        call tropopause_analytic(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

        call tropopause_climate(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

        call tropopause_stobie(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

        call tropopause_hybridstobie(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

        call tropopause_twmo(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

        call tropopause_wmo(pstate, tropLev, tropP, tropT, tropZ)

      case default
        write(iulog, *) 'tropopause: Invalid detection algorithm (',  algorithm, ') specified.'
        call endrun
    end select
  end subroutine tropopause_findUsing

  ! This routine interpolates the temperatures in the physics state to
  ! find the temperature at the specified tropopause pressure.

  function tropopause_interpolateT(pstate, icol, tropLev, tropP) 5
    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer, intent(in)                 :: icol               ! column being processed
    integer, intent(in)                 :: tropLev            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(in)      :: tropP              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    real(r8)                            :: tropopause_interpolateT
    ! Local Variables
    real(r8)   :: tropT              ! tropopause temperature (K)
    real(r8)   :: dTdlogP            ! dT/dlog(P)
    ! Intrepolate the temperature linearly against log(P)
    ! Is the tropoause at the midpoint?
    if (tropP == pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) then
      tropT = pstate%t(icol, tropLev)
    else if (tropP < pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) then
      ! It is above the midpoint? Make sure we aren't at the top.
      if (tropLev > 1) then
        dTdlogP = (pstate%t(icol, tropLev) - pstate%t(icol, tropLev - 1)) / & 
          (log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev - 1)))
        tropT = pstate%t(icol, tropLev) + (log(tropP) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev))) * dTdlogP
      end if
      ! It is below the midpoint. Make sure we aren't at the bottom.
      if (tropLev < pver) then
        dTdlogP = (pstate%t(icol, tropLev + 1) - pstate%t(icol, tropLev)) / &
          (log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev + 1)) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)))
        tropT = pstate%t(icol, tropLev) + (log(tropP) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev))) * dTdlogP
      end if
    end if
    tropopause_interpolateT = tropT
  end function tropopause_interpolateT

  ! This routine interpolates the geopotential height in the physics state to
  ! find the geopotential height at the specified tropopause pressure.

  function tropopause_interpolateZ(pstate, icol, tropLev, tropP) 5
    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate 
    integer, intent(in)                 :: icol               ! column being processed
    integer, intent(in)                 :: tropLev            ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8), optional, intent(in)      :: tropP              ! tropopause pressure (Pa)
    real(r8)                            :: tropopause_interpolateZ
    ! Local Variables
    real(r8)   :: tropZ              ! tropopause geopotential height (m)
    real(r8)   :: dZdlogP            ! dZ/dlog(P)
    ! Intrepolate the geopotential height linearly against log(P)
    ! Is the tropoause at the midpoint?
    if (tropP == pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) then
      tropZ = pstate%zm(icol, tropLev)
    else if (tropP < pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) then
      ! It is above the midpoint? Make sure we aren't at the top.
      dZdlogP = (pstate%zm(icol, tropLev) - pstate%zi(icol, tropLev)) / &
        (log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) - log(pstate%pint(icol, tropLev)))
      tropZ = pstate%zm(icol, tropLev) + (log(tropP) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev))) * dZdlogP
      ! It is below the midpoint. Make sure we aren't at the bottom.
      dZdlogP = (pstate%zm(icol, tropLev) - pstate%zi(icol, tropLev+1)) / &
        (log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev)) - log(pstate%pint(icol, tropLev+1)))
      tropZ = pstate%zm(icol, tropLev) + (log(tropP) - log(pstate%pmid(icol, tropLev))) * dZdlogP
    end if
    tropopause_interpolateZ = tropZ
  end function tropopause_interpolateZ

  ! Output the tropopause pressure and temperature to the history files. Two sets
  ! of output will be generated, one for the default algorithm and another one
  ! using the default routine, but backed by a climatology when the default
  ! algorithm fails.

  subroutine tropopause_output(pstate) 1,19
    use cam_history,  only : outfld
    implicit none

    type(physics_state), intent(in)     :: pstate
    ! Local Variables
    integer       :: i
    integer       :: alg
    integer       :: ncol                     ! number of cloumns in the chunk
    integer       :: lchnk                    ! chunk identifier
    integer       :: tropLev(pcols)           ! tropopause level index   
    real(r8)      :: tropP(pcols)             ! tropopause pressure (Pa)  
    real(r8)      :: tropT(pcols)             ! tropopause temperature (K) 
    real(r8)      :: tropZ(pcols)             ! tropopause height (m) 
    real(r8)      :: tropFound(pcols)         ! tropopause found  
    real(r8)      :: tropPdf(pcols, pver)     ! tropopause probability distribution  

    ! Information about the chunk.  
    lchnk = pstate%lchnk
    ncol  = pstate%ncol

    ! Find the tropopause using the default algorithm backed by the climatology.
    call tropopause_find(pstate, tropLev, tropP=tropP, tropT=tropT, tropZ=tropZ)
    tropPdf(:,:) = 0._r8
    tropFound(:) = 0._r8
    do i = 1, ncol
      if (tropLev(i) /= NOTFOUND) then
        tropPdf(i, tropLev(i)) = 1._r8
        tropFound(i) = 1._r8
      end if
    end do

    call outfld('TROP_P',   tropP(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROP_T',   tropT(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROP_Z',   tropZ(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROP_PD',  tropPdf(:ncol, :), ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROP_FD',  tropFound(:ncol),  ncol, lchnk)
    ! Find the tropopause using just the primary algorithm.
    call tropopause_find(pstate, tropLev, tropP=tropP, tropT=tropT, tropZ=tropZ, backup=TROP_ALG_NONE)

    tropPdf(:,:) = 0._r8
    tropFound(:) = 0._r8
    do i = 1, ncol
      if (tropLev(i) /= NOTFOUND) then
        tropPdf(i, tropLev(i)) = 1._r8
        tropFound(i) = 1._r8
      end if
    end do

    call outfld('TROPP_P',   tropP(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROPP_T',   tropT(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROPP_Z',   tropZ(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROPP_PD',  tropPdf(:ncol, :), ncol, lchnk)
    call outfld('TROPP_FD',  tropFound(:ncol),  ncol, lchnk)
    ! If requested, do all of the algorithms.
    if (output_all) then
      do alg = 2, TROP_NALG
        ! Find the tropopause using just the analytic algorithm.
        call tropopause_find(pstate, tropLev, tropP=tropP, tropT=tropT, tropZ=tropZ, primary=alg, backup=TROP_ALG_NONE)
        tropPdf(:,:) = 0._r8
        tropFound(:) = 0._r8
        do i = 1, ncol
          if (tropLev(i) /= NOTFOUND) then
            tropPdf(i, tropLev(i)) = 1._r8
            tropFound(i) = 1._r8
          end if
        end do
        call outfld('TROP' // TROP_LETTER(alg) // '_P',   tropP(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
        call outfld('TROP' // TROP_LETTER(alg) // '_T',   tropT(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
        call outfld('TROP' // TROP_LETTER(alg) // '_Z',   tropZ(:ncol),      ncol, lchnk)
        call outfld('TROP' // TROP_LETTER(alg) // '_PD',  tropPdf(:ncol, :), ncol, lchnk)
        call outfld('TROP' // TROP_LETTER(alg) // '_FD',  tropFound(:ncol),  ncol, lchnk)
      end do
    end if
  end subroutine tropopause_output
end module tropopause