!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module budget_diagnostics 2,16 !BOP ! !MODULE: budget_diagnostics ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines for tracers budget diagnostics. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id$ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use diagnostics use domain use constants use prognostic use io use global_reductions use grid use exit_mod use ice use qflux_mod use tavg use time_management use forcing_sfwf implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_budget_diagnostics, & diag_for_tracer_budgets, & tracer_budgets logical (kind=log_kind),public :: & ldiag_global_tracer_budgets ! global budget diagnostics for tracers !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_id_SHF, & tavg_id_SFWF, & tavg_id_RESID_T, & tavg_id_RESID_S, & tavg_id_FW, & tavg_id_TFW_T, & tavg_id_TFW_S, & tavg_id_QFLUX integer (int_kind) :: & budget_stream ! number of the stream containing budget TAVG fields logical (kind=log_kind) :: & budget_warning_1st_step ! warning flag for budget diagnostics !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_budget_diagnostics ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_budget_diagnostics 1,38 ! !DESCRIPTION: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This subroutine checks if the necessary TAVG_2D fields are ! specified in the tavg_contents file if the volume/tracer ! budget diagnostics are on. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC integer (kind=int_kind) :: & budget_error_flag, &! error flag for the missing TAVG_2D fields, etc. nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag tavg_flag ! flag to access tavg frequencies character (char_len) :: exit_string namelist /budget_diagnostics_nml/ldiag_global_tracer_budgets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set budget warning flag if this is the first step of a new run ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first_step) then budget_warning_1st_step = .true. else budget_warning_1st_step = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read budget_diagnostics namelist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ldiag_global_tracer_budgets = .false. if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old', iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif !*** keep reading until find right namelist do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=budget_diagnostics_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) end if call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading budget_diagnostics_nml namelist' call document ('init_budget_diagnostics', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Budget Diagnostics:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' budget_diagnostics_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,budget_diagnostics_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif call broadcast_scalar(ldiag_global_tracer_budgets, master_task) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,delim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a)') 'Budget Diagnostic Options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) if ( ldiag_global_tracer_budgets ) then write (stdout,*) 'Global tracer budgets diagnostics will be computed' else write (stdout,*) 'Global tracer budgets diagnostics will not be computed' endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! nothing more to do here ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. ldiag_global_tracer_budgets) return budget_error_flag = 0 !*** determine the tavg ids for tavg fields required by this module tavg_id_SHF = tavg_id('SHF') tavg_id_SFWF = tavg_id('SFWF') tavg_id_RESID_T = tavg_id('RESID_T') tavg_id_RESID_S = tavg_id('RESID_S') tavg_id_FW = tavg_id('FW') tavg_id_TFW_T = tavg_id('TFW_T') tavg_id_TFW_S = tavg_id('TFW_S') tavg_id_QFLUX = tavg_id('QFLUX') !*** determine in which stream the budget diagnostics fields reside ! (see also the test below) budget_stream = tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_SHF) tavg_flag = tavg_streams(budget_stream)%field_flag if (check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq_opt=.true.) == freq_opt_never) then budget_error_flag = -1000 else !*** determine if required fields are activated in the tavg_contents file if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_SHF)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_SFWF)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_RESID_T)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_RESID_S)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_FW)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_TFW_T)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_TFW_S)) budget_error_flag = -2000 if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id_QFLUX)) budget_error_flag = -2000 endif if ( budget_error_flag == -1000 ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: you cannot select both ' /& &/ 'tavg_freq_opt == freq_opt_never and ldiag_global_tracer_budgets = .true. ' call document ('init_budget_diagnostics', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) elseif ( budget_error_flag == -2000 ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: SHF SFWF RESID_T RESID_S ' /& &/ 'FW TFW_T TFW_S and QFLUX must be included in the tavg_contents file.' call document ('init_budget_diagnostics', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif !*** determine if all required fields are activated in the *the same* tavg_contents file if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_SFWF ,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_RESID_T,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_RESID_S,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_FW ,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_TFW_T ,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_TFW_S ,budget_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_QFLUX ,budget_stream) ) then ! ok -- all fields are in the same stream else budget_error_flag = -3000 endif if ( budget_error_flag == -3000 ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: you must select all budget diagnostics' /& &/ ' fields in the same stream: SFWF,RESID_T,RESID_S,FW,TFW_T,TFW_S,QFLUX' call document ('init_budget_diagnostics', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif budget_error_flag = 0 if ( my_task == master_task ) then select case (check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq_opt=.true.)) case ( freq_opt_never ) write(stdout,1100) 'no budget interval specified' budget_error_flag = -1000 case ( freq_opt_nyear ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' years' case ( freq_opt_nmonth ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' months' case ( freq_opt_nday ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' days' case ( freq_opt_nhour ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' hours' case ( freq_opt_nsecond ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' seconds' case ( freq_opt_nstep ) write(stdout,1101) check_time_flag_int(tavg_flag,freq=.true.),' steps' end select endif call broadcast_scalar (budget_error_flag, master_task) if ( budget_error_flag == -1000 ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: no budget interval is specified.' call document ('init_budget_diagnostics', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif call flushm (stdout) 1100 format ('(init_budget_diagnostics): ',a) 1101 format ('(init_budget_diagnostics): tracer budgets are for every ',i4,a) !EOC end subroutine init_budget_diagnostics !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: diag_for_tracer_budgets ! !INTERFACE: subroutine diag_for_tracer_budgets (tracer_mean, modified_volume_t, & 2,4 step_call) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! This subroutine computes the global sum of volume * tracer ! (returned in tracer_mean) and the global ocean volume at T points ! at curtime (returned in modified_volume_t). ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical (kind=log_kind), optional, intent(in) :: step_call ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nt), intent(out) :: tracer_mean real (r8), intent(out) :: modified_volume_t !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK1, WORK2, WORK3, WORK4 ! work arrays real (r8) :: & sum_tmp, & srf_volume integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, & k, & n, & tavg_TEMP logical (log_kind), save :: & first_global_budget = .true. ! flag for initializing budget diagnostics tavg_id_SHF = tavg_id('SHF') if (present(step_call)) then if (step_call) then tavg_TEMP = tavg_id('TEMP') if ( first_global_budget .and. ldiag_global_tracer_budgets .and. tavg_requested(tavg_TEMP) ) then if (ltavg_on(tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_TEMP))) then ! continue with diagnostics computation endif else return endif endif ! step_call endif ! present(step_call) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute the ocean volume based on oldtime and curtime ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- k = 1 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick ) then WORK2(:,:,iblock) = TAREA(:,:,iblock) * (dz(k) + PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock) / grav ) WORK4(:,:,iblock) = TAREA(:,:,iblock) * (dz(k) + PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock) / grav ) else WORK2(:,:,iblock) = TAREA(:,:,iblock) * dz(k) WORK4(:,:,iblock) = TAREA(:,:,iblock) * dz(k) endif WORK2(:,:,iblock) = merge(WORK2(:,:,iblock), c0, CALCT(:,:,iblock)) WORK4(:,:,iblock) = merge(WORK4(:,:,iblock), c0, CALCT(:,:,iblock)) enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO srf_volume = global_sum(WORK2,distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) modified_volume_t = volume_t if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick ) then modified_volume_t = volume_t - area_t_k(k) * dz(k) & + srf_volume endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute the sum of volume * tracers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,nt do k=1,km !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic if ( tmix_iopt == tmix_matsuno ) then if ( k == 1 ) then WORK1(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) * WORK2(:,:,iblock) else WORK1(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) endif else if ( k == 1 ) then WORK1(:,:,iblock) = p5 * (TRACER(:,:,k,n,oldtime,iblock) * WORK4(:,:,iblock) & + TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) * WORK2(:,:,iblock)) else WORK1(:,:,iblock) = p5 * (TRACER(:,:,k,n,oldtime,iblock) & + TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock)) endif endif enddo ! iblock !$OMP END PARALLEL DO if ( k == 1 ) then sum_tmp = global_sum(WORK1, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) tracer_mean(n) = sum_tmp else WORK3(:,:,:) = merge (WORK1(:,:,:)*TAREA(:,:,:), c0, KMT(:,:,:) >= k) sum_tmp = global_sum(WORK3, distrb_clinic, field_loc_center) tracer_mean(n) = tracer_mean(n) + sum_tmp * dz(k) endif enddo ! k enddo ! n if (present(step_call)) then if (step_call) then if ( first_global_budget .and. ldiag_global_tracer_budgets .and. tavg_requested(tavg_TEMP) ) then if (ltavg_on(tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_TEMP))) then if ( my_task == master_task ) then write (stdout,1001) volume_t_initial,tracer_mean_initial(1), & salt_to_ppt*tracer_mean_initial(2) endif endif first_global_budget = .false. endif ! first_global_budget endif ! step_call endif ! present(step_call) 1001 format (/, 10x, 'VOLUME AND TRACER BUDGET INITIALIZATION:', & /, 10x, '========================================', & /, 5x, ' volume_t (cm^3) = ', e18.12, & /, 5x, ' SUM [volume*T] (C cm^3) = ', e18.12, & /, 5x, ' SUM [volume*S] (ppt cm^3) = ', e18.12 ) end subroutine diag_for_tracer_budgets !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tracer_budgets ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tracer_budgets 1,28 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! This routine computes and prints global volume and tracer budgets for a given ! time-averaging interval. because most of the analysis is based ! on some time-averaged variables, the budgets are correct ! if time-averaging starts from the first time step of an intended ! budget interval. The following variables must be requested in ! the tavg_contents file: ! ! SHF, SFWF, RESID_T, RESID_S, FW, TFW_T, TFW_S ! ! the unit conversions are such that: ! ! volume budget ----> cm / s ! heat budget ----> W / m^2 ! virtual salt flux budget ----> kg of fw / m^2 / s ! salt flux budget ----> kg of salt / m^2 / s ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8) :: & shf_mean, sfwf_mean, & resid_t_mean, resid_s_mean, & qflux_t_mean, qflux_s_mean, & tfw_t_mean, tfw_s_mean, & T_change, S_change, & fw_mean, volume_change, & tavg_norm, sum character*132 :: explanation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. check_time_flag(tavg_streams(budget_stream)%field_flag)) return tavg_norm = c1 / (tavg_sum(budget_stream) * area_t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute means for SFWF, SHF, RESID_T, RESID_S, FW ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. & .not. lfw_as_salt_flx ) then sfwf_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_SFWF)*rho_sw*c10 else sfwf_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_SFWF) endif shf_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_SHF) resid_t_mean = -tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_RESID_T) resid_s_mean = -tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_RESID_S) fw_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_FW) tfw_t_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_TFW_T) tfw_s_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id_TFW_S) !*** compute mean heat and virtual salt fluxes due to ice formation qflux_t_mean = c0 if ( tavg_sum_qflux(tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_QFLUX)) /= c0 ) & qflux_t_mean = tavg_global_sum_2D(tavg_id('QFLUX')) if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. & .not. lfw_as_salt_flx ) then qflux_s_mean = c0 else qflux_s_mean = - c10000*qflux_t_mean* & (ocn_ref_salinity - sea_ice_salinity)/ & ocn_ref_salinity/latent_heat_fusion /rho_fw endif !*** start computing time change of volume and tracers call diag_for_tracer_budgets (tracer_mean_final, volume_t_final) if ( my_task == master_task ) then write (stdout,999) volume_t_final, & tracer_mean_final(1), & salt_to_ppt * tracer_mean_final(2) endif volume_change = (volume_t_final - volume_t_initial)*tavg_norm T_change = (tracer_mean_final(1) - tracer_mean_initial(1)) & * tavg_norm/hflux_factor S_change = (tracer_mean_final(2) - tracer_mean_initial(2)) & * tavg_norm if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. & .not. lfw_as_salt_flx ) then S_change = S_change * rho_sw * c10 else S_change = S_change/ salinity_factor endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! print out the budget diagnostics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( my_task == master_task ) then write (stdout,1000) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) if (budget_warning_1st_step) then write (stdout,10001) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) budget_warning_1st_step = .false. endif if (tmix_iopt == tmix_matsuno) write (stdout,1001 ) write (stdout,1002) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) sum = - volume_change + fw_mean explanation = ' Imbalance = -tendency + FW flux ' write (stdout,1003) volume_change, fw_mean, sum, explanation call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) write (stdout,1004) sum = - T_change+ shf_mean + qflux_t_mean + tfw_t_mean & + resid_t_mean explanation = ' Imbalance = -tendency + SHF flux' /& &/' + ice formation + FW heat content + free-srf non-consv. ' write (stdout, 1005) T_change, shf_mean, qflux_t_mean, & tfw_t_mean, resid_t_mean, sum, & explanation call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) if ( sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick .and. & .not. lfw_as_salt_flx ) then write (stdout,1006) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) else write (stdout,1007) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif sum = - S_change + sfwf_mean + qflux_s_mean + tfw_s_mean & + resid_s_mean explanation = ' Imbalance = -tendency + SFWF flux' /& &/ ' + ice formation + FW salt content' /& &/ ' + free-srf non-consv. ' write (stdout, 1008) S_change, sfwf_mean, qflux_s_mean, & tfw_s_mean, resid_s_mean, sum, & explanation call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif volume_t_initial = volume_t_final tracer_mean_initial = tracer_mean_final !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! format statements ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 999 format (/, 10x, 'AFTER CALL IN tracer_budgets (final):', & /, 10x, '=====================================', & /, 5x, ' volume_t (cm^3) = ', e18.12, & /, 5x, ' SUM [volume*T] (C cm^3) = ', e18.12, & /, 5x, ' SUM [volume*S] (ppt cm^3) = ', e18.12 ) 1000 format ( /, 10x, 'VOLUME AND TRACER BUDGETS:', & /, 10x, '==========================', & //, 5x, 'Please note the following about the budgets: ', & //, 5x, '*', 3x, & 'These budgets are meaningful when time-averaging ', & /, 9x, 'starts at the first time step of an intended ', & /, 9x, 'budget interval. ', & //, 5x, '*', 3x, & 'Positive-signed quantities ==> ocean gain ', & /, 9x, 'Negative-signed quantities ==> ocean loss ', & //, 5x, '*', 3x, & 'The imbalance should be small in comparison ', & /, 9x, 'to the tendency term, except for the volume ', & /, 9x, 'budget when a fixed-volume ocean is used ', & /, 9x, '(e.g., when lfw_as_salt_flx = .false.) ', & //, 5x, '*', 3x, & 'These budgets are computed from single-precision TAVG terms,',& /, 9x, 'which contributes to inaccuracy in the imbalance ', & /, 9x, 'term.') 10001 format(/, 5x, 'WARNING: Because the very first time step of a ', & /, 4x, ' new integration is an Euler-forward time step, ', & /, 4x, ' any budget including this first step will be', & /, 4x, ' slightly off balance.' ) 1001 format( /, 5x,'WARNING: These budget diagnostics were designed', & /, 4x, ' for use with the "avg" or "avgfit" mixing ', & /, 4x, ' options. You have selected the Matsuno mixing ', & /, 4x, ' option, for which these diagnostics are only ', & /, 4x, ' approximations. ') 1002 format ( /, 5x, 'VOLUME BUDGET FOR THE GIVEN TAVG INTERVAL', & ' (cm/s):', & /, 5x, '-----------------------------------------', & '--------' ) 1003 format ( /, 7x, ' tendency = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' FW flux = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' Imbalance = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, a ) 1004 format ( /, 5x, 'HEAT BUDGET FOR THE GIVEN TAVG INTERVAL', & ' (W/m^2):', & /, 5x, '---------------------------------------', & '---------' ) 1005 format ( /, 7x, ' tendency = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' SHF flux = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' ice formation = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' FW heat content = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' free-srf non-consv. = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' Imbalance = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, a ) 1006 format ( /, 5x, 'SALT BUDGET FOR THE GIVEN TAVG INTERVAL', & ' (kg of salt/m^2/s):', & /, 5x, '---------------------------------------', & '--------------------' ) 1007 format ( /, 5x, 'IMPLIED FW BUDGET FOR THE GIVEN TAVG INTERVAL', & ' (kg of freshwater/m^2/s):', & /, 5x, '---------------------------------------------', & '--------' ) 1008 format ( /, 7x, ' tendency = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' SFWF flux = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' ice formation = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' FW salt content = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' free-srf non-consv. = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, ' Imbalance = ', e18.12, & /, 7x, a ) !EOC end subroutine tracer_budgets !*********************************************************************** end module budget_diagnostics !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||