!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module tavg 26,24 !BOP ! !MODULE: tavg ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains data types and routines for computing running ! time-averages of selected fields and writing this data to files. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: tavg.F90 23423 2010-05-28 16:23:16Z njn01 $ ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use POP_ErrorMod use kinds_mod use blocks use distribution use domain use constants use prognostic use grid use time_management use global_reductions use broadcast use io use io_types use exit_mod !*** ccsm use gather_scatter use operators, only: zcurl use io_ccsm use io_tools use diag_bsf, only: pcg_diag_bsf_solver, init_diag_bsf use diags_on_lat_aux_grid use registry use timers implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_tavg, & define_tavg_field, & tavg_increment_sum_qflux,& accumulate_tavg_field, & tavg_requested, & set_in_tavg_contents, & tavg_in_this_stream, & tavg_in_which_stream, & write_tavg, & read_tavg, & tavg_set_flag !*** ccsm public :: tavg_id, & tavg_global_sum_2D ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: logical (log_kind), public :: & ltavg_restart = .false. ! run started from restart integer (i4), parameter, public :: & tavg_method_unknown = 0, & tavg_method_avg = 1, & tavg_method_min = 2, & tavg_method_max = 3, & tavg_method_qflux = 4, & tavg_method_constant = 5 integer (int_kind), parameter, public :: & max_avail_tavg_streams = 9 ! limit on number of streams; coding limitations restrict this to <= 9 real (r8),public,dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_sum ! accumulated time (in seconds) !*** ccsm real (r8),dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams), public :: & tavg_sum_qflux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! tavg field descriptor data type and array of such types ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !PUBLIC TYPES: !*** ccsm type,public :: tavg_field_desc_ccsm character(char_len) :: short_name ! short name for field character(char_len) :: long_name ! long descriptive name character(char_len) :: units ! units character(char_len) :: coordinates ! coordinates character(char_len) :: nftype ! indicates data type character(4) :: grid_loc ! location in grid real (rtavg) :: fill_value ! _FillValue real (rtavg) :: missing_value ! value on land pts real (rtavg) :: scale_factor ! r4 scale factor real (r4), dimension(2) :: valid_range ! min/max integer (i4) :: ndims ! num dims (2 or 3) integer (i4) :: buf_loc ! location in buffer integer (i4) :: method ! method for averaging integer (i4) :: field_loc ! grid location and field integer (i4) :: field_type ! type for io, ghost cells integer (i4) :: stream_number ! identifies tavg_contents "stream" end type !EOP !BOC integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_avail_tavg_fields = 1000 ! limit on available fields - can ! be pushed as high as necessary & practical ! (total of all fields in all streams) !*** ccsm type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm), dimension(max_avail_tavg_fields) :: & avail_tavg_fields integer (int_kind) :: & num_avail_tavg_fields = 0, &! current number of defined fields tavg_num_requested_fields, &! number of fields requested tavg_num_contents_lines ! number of lines in tavg_contents file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! tavg stream information (support for separate tavg output "streams") ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type, public :: tavg_stream character (char_len) :: infile character (char_len) :: outfile character (char_len) :: outfile_orig character (char_len) :: stream_filestring character (char_len) :: fmt_in character (char_len) :: fmt_out integer (int_kind) :: freq_iopt integer (int_kind) :: start_iopt integer (int_kind) :: num_requested_fields integer (int_kind) :: field_flag ! time flag id for writing tavg fields integer (int_kind) :: file_flag ! time flag id for writing tavg FILES integer (int_kind) :: tavg_offset_year integer (int_kind) :: tavg_offset_month integer (int_kind) :: tavg_offset_day integer (int_kind) :: tavg_num_time_slices logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_on logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_file_is_open logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_fmt_in_nc logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_fmt_out_nc logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_has_offset_date logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_one_time_header logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_first_header logical (log_kind) :: ltavg_qflux_method_on real (r8) :: lower_time_bound real (r8) :: upper_time_bound type (io_field_desc), dimension(:), allocatable :: tavg_fields end type type (tavg_stream), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams), public :: tavg_streams integer (int_kind), public :: & n_tavg_streams ! actual number of tavg output "streams" requested integer (int_kind) :: & nstreams, &! shorthand name for n_tavg_streams qflux_stream ! stream in which qflux is requested logical (log_kind), dimension (max_avail_tavg_fields), public :: & ltavg_on = .false. ! tavg file output wanted character (char_len),dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_fmt_out, &! format (nc or bin) for writing tavg_stream_filestrings ! output filename string (eg, h2.nday1) type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, &! dimension descriptors for horiz dims k_dim, &! dimension descriptor for vert levels (z_t, z_w_top, or z_w_bot grid) time_dim ! dimension descriptor for (unlimited) time dim !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! buffers for holding running tavg variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_bufsize_2d, & ! size of buffer for 2d fields tavg_bufsize_3d ! size of buffer for 3d fields real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & TAVG_BUF_2D ! buffer for holding accumulated sums real (rtavg), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & TAVG_BUF_3D ! buffer for holding accumulated sums integer (i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: & TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD, &! method for each requested 2d field TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD ! method for each requested 3d field real (rtavg), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: & TAVG_TEMP ! work array in write_restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! variables for writing data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** field frequency support character (char_len), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_freq_opt, &! choice for frequency of tavg output tavg_start_opt, &! choice for starting averaging tavg_fmt_in ! format (nc or bin) for reading integer (i4), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_freq_iopt, &! frequency option for writing tavg tavg_freq, &! frequency of tavg output tavg_start_iopt, &! start after option tavg_start ! start tavg after tavg_start !*** FILE frequency (timeseries) support character (char_len), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_file_freq_opt ! choice for frequency of tavg FILE output integer (i4), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_file_freq_iopt, &! frequency option for writing tavg FILE tavg_file_freq ! frequency of tavg output FILE creation character (char_len) :: & tavg_contents, &! filename for choosing fields for output tavg_infile, &! filename for restart input tavg_outfile, &! root filename for tavg output tavg_outfile_orig ! root filename for tavg output (original) type (datafile), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! scalars ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8) :: & dtavg ! current time step character (10) :: & beg_date ! date on which the current accumulated sum ! was started (not the tavg_start date) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! coupled code -- ccsm-related ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (log_kind) :: & lccsm, & ldiag_bsf, & ldiag_gm_bolus, &! logical for diag_gm_bolus lsubmeso, &! logical for submesoscale_mixing implied_time_dim, & ltavg_fmt_out_nc, &! true if netCDF output format ltavg_streams_index_present ! true if using new streams tavg_contents; ! false if using standard tavg_contents logical (log_kind), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & MASK_22 integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields = 20, &! limit on available fields max_avail_tavg_labels = 10, & max_num_ccsm_coordinates = 10, & max_num_ccsm_time_invar = 50, & max_num_ccsm_scalars = 100 integer (int_kind) :: & num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields = 0, &! current number of defined nonstandard fields num_avail_tavg_labels = 0, &! current number of ccsm labels num_ccsm_coordinates = 0, & zt_150m_levs integer (int_kind), dimension (max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & num_ccsm_time_invar = 0, & num_ccsm_scalars = 0 real (r4), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: & ZT_150m_R4 ! single precision array integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_BSF, & tavg_MOC, & tavg_N_HEAT, & tavg_N_SALT integer (int_kind) :: & !indices needed for tavg diagnostics tavg_id_WVEL, & tavg_id_VVEL, & tavg_id_WISOP, & tavg_id_VISOP, & tavg_id_WSUBM, & tavg_id_VSUBM, & tavg_id_TEMP, & tavg_loc_WVEL, & tavg_loc_VVEL, & tavg_loc_WISOP, & tavg_loc_VISOP, & tavg_loc_WSUBM, & tavg_loc_VSUBM, & tavg_loc_TEMP integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_id_ADVT, & tavg_id_ADVS , & tavg_id_VNT, & tavg_id_VNS, & tavg_id_HDIFT, & tavg_id_HDIFS, & tavg_id_ADVT_ISOP, & tavg_id_ADVS_ISOP, & tavg_id_VNT_ISOP, & tavg_id_VNS_ISOP, & tavg_id_ADVT_SUBM, & tavg_id_ADVS_SUBM, & tavg_id_VNT_SUBM, & tavg_id_VNS_SUBM, & tavg_loc_ADVT, & tavg_loc_ADVS , & tavg_loc_VNT, & tavg_loc_VNS, & tavg_loc_HDIFT, & tavg_loc_HDIFS, & tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP, & tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP, & tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP, & tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP, & tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM, & tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM, & tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM, & tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM integer (int_kind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & KMU_G ! k index of deepest grid cell on global U grid integer (i4) :: & time_bound_id,& moc_id, & n_heat_id, & n_salt_id integer (i4), dimension(max_avail_tavg_labels) :: & avail_tavg_labels_id type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm) :: & avail_tavg_nstd_fields (max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields), & avail_tavg_labels (max_avail_tavg_labels) type (io_field_desc) :: & ccsm_coordinates (max_num_ccsm_coordinates,max_avail_tavg_streams), & ccsm_time_invar (max_num_ccsm_time_invar, max_avail_tavg_streams), & ccsm_scalars (max_num_ccsm_scalars, max_avail_tavg_streams), & time_coordinate (1, max_avail_tavg_streams) type (io_dim) :: & z_dim, &! dimension descriptor for vert (z_t, z_w_top, or z_w_bot grid) zt_dim, &! dimension descriptor for vert (z_t grid) zt_150m_dim, &! dimension descriptor for near-surf vert (z_t grid) zw_dim, &! dimension descriptor for vert (same as z_w_top; keep for backwards compatability) zw_dim_top, &! dimension descriptor for vert (z_w_top grid) zw_dim_bot, &! dimension descriptor for vert (z_w_bot grid) tr_dim, &! dimension descriptor nchar_dim, &! dimension descriptor for character arrays d2_dim, &! dimension descriptor lat_aux_grid_dim, &! dimension descriptor moc_z_dim, &! dimension descriptor moc_comp_dim, &! dimension descriptor transport_comp_dim, &! dimension descriptor transport_reg_dim ! dimension descriptor type(io_dim) :: & time_bound_dims (2), & io_dims_nstd_ccsm (5,max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields), & io_dims_labels (2,max_avail_tavg_labels) integer, dimension (max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields) :: & ndims_nstd_ccsm integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_debug = 0 ! debug level [0,1] 1 ==> messages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! variables for local spatial averaging of some time-averaged fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical (log_kind), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & ltavg_nino_diags, &! true if ltavg_nino_diags_requested is true, ! TEMP is requested and is in the stream ltavg_moc_diags, &! true if moc_requested is true, all necessary ! fields are requested and are in the same stream ltavg_n_heat_trans,&! true if n_heat_trans_requested is true, all necessary ! fields are requested and are in the same stream ltavg_n_salt_trans ! true if n_salt_trans_requested is true, all necessary ! fields are requested and are in the same stream logical (log_kind) :: & ltavg_nino_diags_requested ! namelist integer (int_kind), parameter :: & n_reg_0D = 4 ! number of regions real (r8), dimension(:), allocatable :: & SAVG_0D, &! local- and time-mean value SAVG_0D_AREA ! area of the region real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & SAVG_0D_MASK ! mask for the region, i.e. 0 and 1 mean ! outside and inside the region, respectively character (char_len), dimension(:), allocatable :: & SAVG_0D_NAME ! name of the region integer (int_kind) :: & timer_write_std, & timer_write_nstd, & timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_bsf, & timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_moc, & timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_trans character (char_len) :: exit_string !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !EOP ! !IROUTINE: init_tavg ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_tavg 1,148 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine initializes tavg options and reads in contents file to ! determine which fields for which the user wants time-averaged data. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- save integer (POP_i4) :: & errorCode integer (i4) :: & n, &! dummy index nn, &! dummy index ns, &! dummy index for tavg streams i,ip1,j,k, &! dummy indices iblock, &! local block index loc, &! location of field in buffer nu, &! unit for contents input file cindex, &! character index for manipulating strings nml_error, &! namelist i/o error flag contents_error ! error flag for contents file read logical (log_kind), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & ltavg_one_time_header,&! T if tavg file contains full header info only on first file of run ltavg_first_header ! T if this is the first header of the run integer (int_kind) :: & max_days, &! maximum number of days per month in a year duplicate, &! number of duplicate tavg_contents entries ignored, &! number of ignored tavg_contents entries id_temp logical (log_kind) :: & reject, &! true if duplicate tavg_contents entry skip, &! true if tavg_contents entry is to be skipped (stream = 0) ltavg_ignore_extra_streams !ignores tavg_contents streams > n_tavg_streams ! and allows model to continue running logical (log_kind), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & ltavg_has_offset_date ! T if tavg time-flag has an offset date integer (int_kind), dimension(max_avail_tavg_streams) :: & tavg_offset_years, &! tavg-flag offset year tavg_offset_months, &! tavg-flag offset month tavg_offset_days ! tavg-flag offset day character (char_len) :: & char_temp ! temporary for manipulating fields character (3) :: char_ns character (64), parameter :: & freq_fmt = "('stream #',i3, ': tavg diagnostics every ',i6,a8)" character (64), parameter :: & start_fmt = "('stream #',i3, ': tavg sums accumulated starting at ',a5,i8)" character (char_len),dimension(:),allocatable :: & tavg_contents_request ! list of all fields requested in tavg_contents file type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block namelist /tavg_nml/ tavg_freq_opt, tavg_freq, tavg_infile, & tavg_outfile, tavg_contents, tavg_start_opt, & tavg_start, tavg_fmt_in, tavg_fmt_out, & tavg_stream_filestrings, & ltavg_nino_diags_requested, n_tavg_streams, & ltavg_ignore_extra_streams, & ltavg_streams_index_present, ltavg_has_offset_date, & tavg_offset_years, tavg_offset_months, tavg_offset_days,& ltavg_one_time_header, & tavg_file_freq_opt, tavg_file_freq !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! determine if this is a ccsm coupled run ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success lccsm = registry_match('lcoupled') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read tavg file output frequency and filenames from namelist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a12)') ' Tavg:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif qflux_stream = 1 tavg_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never ! field frequency tavg_freq_opt = 'never' tavg_freq = 100000 tavg_file_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never ! file frequency tavg_file_freq_opt = 'never' tavg_file_freq = 100000 tavg_start_iopt = start_opt_nstep tavg_start_opt = 'nstep' tavg_start = 0 tavg_infile = 'unknown_tavg_infile' tavg_fmt_in = 'nc' tavg_outfile = 't' tavg_fmt_out = 'nc' tavg_stream_filestrings = char_blank tavg_contents = 'unknown_tavg_contents' ltavg_one_time_header = .false. ltavg_first_header = .true. ltavg_streams_index_present = .true. ltavg_has_offset_date = .false. ltavg_ignore_extra_streams = .false. avail_tavg_fields(:)%stream_number = -999 tavg_streams(:)%infile = 'unknown_tavg_infile' tavg_streams(:)%outfile = 't' tavg_streams(:)%outfile_orig = 't' tavg_streams(:)%stream_filestring = char_blank tavg_streams(:)%fmt_in = 'nc' tavg_streams(:)%fmt_out = 'nc' tavg_streams(:)%freq_iopt = freq_opt_never tavg_streams(:)%start_iopt = start_opt_nstep tavg_streams(:)%num_requested_fields = 0 tavg_streams(:)%tavg_num_time_slices = 0 tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_on = .false. tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_file_is_open = .false. tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_has_offset_date = .false. tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_one_time_header = .false. tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_first_header = .true. tavg_streams(:)%ltavg_qflux_method_on = .false. if (registry_match ('init_time1')) then tavg_offset_years = iyear0 tavg_offset_months = imonth0 tavg_offset_days = iday0 else tavg_offset_years = 1 tavg_offset_months = 1 tavg_offset_days = 2 endif if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=tavg_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading tavg_nml' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif call broadcast_scalar(n_tavg_streams, master_task) if (n_tavg_streams > max_avail_tavg_streams) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading tavg_nml -- too many tavg streams' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (n_tavg_streams > 9) then !*** filename creation will fail; contents read will fail; do you really need more than 9 streams? exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading tavg_nml -- tavg streams must be <= 9' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif nstreams = n_tavg_streams if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a28)') ' tavg_nml namelist settings:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,tavg_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' There will be ', nstreams, ' tavg output streams created during this run' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif if (my_task == master_task) then do ns=1,nstreams !*** field frequency select case (tavg_freq_opt(ns)) case ('never') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_never write(stdout,'(a,i3)') 'tavg diagnostics disabled for stream ', ns case ('once') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_once write(stdout,'(a,i3,a)') 'stream #', ns, 'tavg fields written once (time-invariant fields)' case ('nyear') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nyear write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' years ' case ('nmonth') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nmonth write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' months ' case ('nday') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nday write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' days ' case ('nhour') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nhour write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' hours ' case ('nsecond') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nsecond write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' seconds' case ('nstep') tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nstep write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_freq(ns),' steps ' case default tavg_freq_iopt(ns) = -1000 end select if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) /= freq_opt_never) then select case (tavg_start_opt(ns)) case ('nstep') tavg_start_iopt(ns) = start_opt_nstep write(stdout,start_fmt) ns, 'step ', tavg_start(ns) case ('nday') tavg_start_iopt(ns) = start_opt_nday write(stdout,start_fmt) ns, 'day ', tavg_start(ns) case ('nyear') tavg_start_iopt(ns) = start_opt_nyear write(stdout,start_fmt) ns, 'year ', tavg_start(ns) case ('date') tavg_start_iopt(ns) = start_opt_date write(stdout,start_fmt) ns, ' ', tavg_start(ns) case default tavg_start_iopt(ns) = -1000 end select endif if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) /= freq_opt_never) then !*** FILE frequency select case (tavg_file_freq_opt(ns)) case ('never') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_never write(stdout,'(a,i3)') 'tavg diagnostics disabled for stream ', ns case ('once') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_once write(stdout,'(a,i3,a)') 'stream #', ns, 'tavg file written once (time-invariant fields)' case ('nyear') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nyear write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' years ' case ('nmonth') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nmonth write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' months ' case ('nday') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nday write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' days ' case ('nhour') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nhour write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' hours ' case ('nsecond') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nsecond write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' seconds' case ('nstep') tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = freq_opt_nstep write(stdout,freq_fmt) ns, tavg_file_freq(ns),' steps ' case default tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns) = -1000 end select endif call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) enddo ! ns endif call broadcast_array(tavg_freq_iopt, master_task) if (ANY(tavg_freq_iopt == -1000)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown option for tavg FIELD frequency' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (ANY(tavg_start_iopt == -1000)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown option for tavg start option' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif call broadcast_array(tavg_file_freq_iopt, master_task) if (ANY(tavg_file_freq_iopt == -1000)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown option for tavg FILE frequency' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif call broadcast_scalar(tavg_contents, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_infile, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_outfile, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ltavg_ignore_extra_streams, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ltavg_nino_diags_requested, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ltavg_streams_index_present, master_task) do ns=1,nstreams call broadcast_scalar(tavg_freq(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_file_freq(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_start_iopt(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_start(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_fmt_in(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_fmt_out(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_stream_filestrings(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ltavg_has_offset_date(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_offset_years(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_offset_months(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(tavg_offset_days(ns), master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ltavg_one_time_header(ns), master_task) enddo ! ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize tavg_stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ns=1,nstreams if (ns == 1) then tavg_streams(ns)%infile = trim(tavg_infile) tavg_streams(ns)%outfile = trim(tavg_outfile) else char_temp = trim(tavg_stream_filestrings(ns)) if (char_temp .eq. ' ') then write(tavg_streams(ns)%infile, *)trim(tavg_infile),'.',ns write(tavg_streams(ns)%outfile,'(a,i1)')trim(tavg_outfile),ns else write(tavg_streams(ns)%infile, '(a,a,a)')trim(tavg_infile), '.',trim(char_temp) write(tavg_streams(ns)%outfile,'(a,a,a)')trim(tavg_outfile),'.',trim(char_temp) endif endif tavg_streams(ns)%outfile_orig = tavg_streams(ns)%outfile tavg_streams(ns)%stream_filestring = tavg_stream_filestrings(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%fmt_in = tavg_fmt_in (ns) tavg_streams(ns)%fmt_out = tavg_fmt_out(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%freq_iopt = tavg_freq_iopt(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%start_iopt = tavg_start_iopt(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_offset_year = tavg_offset_years(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_offset_month = tavg_offset_months(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_offset_day = tavg_offset_days(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_has_offset_date = ltavg_has_offset_date(ns) tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_one_time_header = ltavg_one_time_header(ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize time flags for writing tavg FIELDS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(char_temp,1100) 'tavg',ns ; 1100 format (a,i1) if (ltavg_has_offset_date(ns)) then call init_time_flag (trim(char_temp), & tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, & owner = 'init_tavg', & default =.false., & freq_opt = tavg_freq_iopt(ns), & freq = tavg_freq(ns), & offset_year = tavg_offset_years(ns), & offset_month = tavg_offset_months(ns), & offset_day = tavg_offset_days(ns) ) else call init_time_flag(trim(char_temp), & tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, & owner = 'init_tavg', & default =.false., & freq_opt = tavg_freq_iopt(ns), & freq = tavg_freq(ns) ) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize time flags for writing tavg FILES ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write(char_temp,1100) 'tavg_file',ns if (ltavg_has_offset_date(ns)) then call init_time_flag (trim(char_temp), & tavg_streams(ns)%file_flag, & owner = 'init_tavg', & default =.false., & freq_opt = tavg_freq_iopt(ns), & freq = tavg_freq(ns), & offset_year = tavg_offset_years(ns), & offset_month = tavg_offset_months(ns), & offset_day = tavg_offset_days(ns) ) else call init_time_flag(trim(char_temp), & tavg_streams(ns)%file_flag, & owner = 'init_tavg', & default =.false., & freq_opt = tavg_file_freq_iopt(ns), & freq = tavg_file_freq(ns) ) endif if (trim(tavg_fmt_in(ns)) == 'nc') then tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_in_nc = .true. else tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_in_nc = .false. endif if (trim(tavg_fmt_out(ns)) == 'nc') then tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_out_nc = .true. else tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_out_nc = .false. endif enddo ! nstreams !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if all tavg frequencies are set to 'never', return ! if not, confirm that the tavg_contents file exists ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ALL(tavg_freq_iopt == freq_opt_never)) then exit_string = 'NOTE: no tavg output has been requested; return control to calling routine' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) RETURN else if (tavg_contents(1:8) == 'unknown_') then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: tavg option is active, but tavg_contents file = '//trim(tavg_contents) call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define time-averaged BSF field; it may or may not be requested in ! the contents file ! ! All calls to define_tavg_field must be completed prior to calling ! request_tavg_field !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call define_tavg_field(tavg_BSF,'BSF',2, & long_name='Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction', & units='Sv', grid_loc='2220', & coordinates='ULONG ULAT time') tavg_bufsize_2d = 0 tavg_bufsize_3d = 0 call get_unit(nu) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! count the number of lines in tavg_contents file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_count_contents(tavg_num_contents_lines,tavg_contents) allocate (tavg_contents_request(tavg_num_contents_lines)) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) '(init_tavg) total number of lines in tavg_contents file = ', tavg_num_contents_lines call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) open(nu, file=tavg_contents, status='old') write(stdout,'(a38)') 'tavg diagnostics requested for fields:' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read contents files to determine which fields to dump; eliminate ! duplicate requests and any field with a leading "0" ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contents_error = 0 duplicate = 0 ignored = 0 read_tavg_contents_loop: do n=1,tavg_num_contents_lines if (my_task == master_task) then char_temp = char_blank if (ltavg_streams_index_present) then read(nu,'(a3,a)',iostat=contents_error) char_ns,char_temp if (char_ns(1:1) == '#' .or. char_ns(1:1) == '!' ) then ns = 0 else read(char_ns(1:1), '(i1)') ns endif else read(nu,'(a)',iostat=contents_error) char_temp ns = 1 endif endif ! master_task call broadcast_scalar(ns, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(char_temp, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(contents_error, master_task) !*** error trapping if (contents_error /= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading tavg contents' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (ns < 0 .or. ns > max_avail_tavg_streams) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: invalid stream number in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (ns > n_tavg_streams) then if (ltavg_ignore_extra_streams) then exit_string = 'WARNING: you have requested a stream number > n_tavg_streams in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) else write(exit_string,'(a,i2,2x,a,2x,a)') ' stream requested = ', ns, 'field requested = ', char_temp call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: you have requested a stream number > n_tavg_streams in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif !*** look for inactive or duplicate field requests if (ns == 0) then !*** inactive field; skip the rest of this block ignored = ignored + 1 call document ('init_tavg', 'inactive tavg_contents field: ', trim(char_temp)) else char_temp = adjustl(char_temp) cindex = index(char_temp,' ') char_temp(cindex:) = ' ' if (ltavg_streams_index_present) then if (trim(char_temp) == 'QFLUX') qflux_stream = ns else if (trim(char_temp) == 'QFLUX') qflux_stream = 1 ns = 1 endif !*** reject any duplicate requests reject = .false. if (n == 1) then tavg_contents_request(n) = trim(char_temp) else dup_loop: do nn=1,n-1 if (trim(char_temp) == trim(tavg_contents_request(nn))) then duplicate = duplicate+1 reject = .true. exit dup_loop endif enddo dup_loop if (.not. reject) then tavg_contents_request(n) = trim(char_temp) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) ns, ' ',trim(char_temp) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout);call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif else tavg_contents_request(n) = 'duplicate' endif ! reject endif ! n == 1 if (reject) then call document ('init_tavg', 'duplicate tavg_contents field: ', trim(char_temp)) else !*** activate requested tavg fields ! determines tavg_bufsize_2d, tavg_bufsize_3d call request_tavg_field(trim(char_temp),ns) !*** now that requested tavg field is successfully requested, ! store stream information id_temp = tavg_id(trim(char_temp)) avail_tavg_fields(id_temp)%stream_number = ns tavg_streams(ns)%num_requested_fields = tavg_streams(ns)%num_requested_fields + 1 endif ! reject endif ! ignored field ("0") enddo read_tavg_contents_loop call release_unit(nu) !*** adjust tavg_num_requested_fields to account for rejected duplicate requests: tavg_num_requested_fields = tavg_num_contents_lines - duplicate - ignored call document ('init_tavg', 'Total number of tavg fields requested ', tavg_num_requested_fields) !*** ensure that there are no empty streams do ns=1,nstreams if (tavg_streams(ns)%num_requested_fields == 0) then call document ('init_tavg', 'ERROR: Empty stream number', ns) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: Empty stream' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif enddo if (tavg_num_requested_fields > 0) then !*** allocate and initialize running tavg buffers if (tavg_bufsize_2d > 0) then allocate(TAVG_BUF_2D(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic,tavg_bufsize_2d)) allocate(TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD(tavg_bufsize_2d)) TAVG_BUF_2D = c0 endif if (tavg_bufsize_3d > 0) then allocate(TAVG_BUF_3D(nx_block,ny_block,km,nblocks_clinic,tavg_bufsize_3d)) allocate(TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD(tavg_bufsize_3d)) TAVG_BUF_3D = c0 endif allocate(TAVG_TEMP(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) tavg_sum = c0 call time_stamp('now','ymd',date_string=beg_date) do ns=1,nstreams if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) & write(beg_date,'(i10)') nsteps_total enddo ! ns do n = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields ! check all available fields loc = abs(avail_tavg_fields(n)%buf_loc) if (loc /= 0) then ! field is actually requested and in buffer if (avail_tavg_fields(n)%ndims == 2) then TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD(loc) = avail_tavg_fields(n)%method else if (avail_tavg_fields(n)%ndims == 3) then TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD(loc) = avail_tavg_fields(n)%method endif !*** determine which streams use tavg_method_qflux if (avail_tavg_fields(n)%method == tavg_method_qflux) then tavg_streams(avail_tavg_fields(n)%stream_number)%ltavg_qflux_method_on = .true. endif endif end do !*** initialize buffers based on requested method call tavg_reset_field_all endif !tavg_num_requested_fields !*** document which streams are using tavg_method_qflux do ns=1,nstreams write(stdout,*) '(init_tavg) tavg_streams(',ns, & ')%ltavg_qflux_method_on = ', tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on enddo ! ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define dimensions for tavg output files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions for tavg output files i_dim = construct_io_dim('i',nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j',ny_global) k_dim = construct_io_dim('k',km) time_dim = construct_io_dim('time',0,start=1,stop=1) ! used only to set %active=.false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize ccsm NINO and transport diagnostics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** external diagnostics initialization routines call init_lat_aux_grid call init_moc_ts_transport_arrays call init_diag_bsf(set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_BSF), errorCode) !*** important: the following logical variables must be set after calls to ! external diagnostics initialization routines ldiag_bsf = registry_match('ldiag_bsf') ldiag_gm_bolus = registry_match('diag_gm_bolus') lsubmeso = registry_match('init_submeso') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a)') ' Internal tavg Diagnostics Control Variables:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' (init_tavg) ldiag_bsf = ', ldiag_bsf write(stdout,*) ' (init_tavg) ldiag_gm_bolus = ', ldiag_gm_bolus write(stdout,*) ' (init_tavg) lsubmeso = ', lsubmeso write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,delim_fmt) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !*** internal diagnostics initialization routines call tavg_init_local_spatial_avg call tavg_init_moc_diags call tavg_init_transport_diags !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ccsm-specific initializations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lccsm) then !*** how many levels have their midpoint shallower than 150m zt_150m_levs = count(zt < 150.0e2_r8) if (.not. allocated(ZT_150m_R4)) & allocate(ZT_150m_R4(zt_150m_levs)) !*** define dimensions for tavg output files i_dim = construct_io_dim('nlon',nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('nlat',ny_global) zt_dim = construct_io_dim('z_t',km) zt_150m_dim= construct_io_dim('z_t_150m',zt_150m_levs) zw_dim = construct_io_dim('z_w',km) ! same as zw_dim_top zw_dim_top = construct_io_dim('z_w_top',km) zw_dim_bot = construct_io_dim('z_w_bot',km) time_dim = construct_io_dim('time',0) ! "0" ==> unlimited dimension tr_dim = construct_io_dim('tracers',nt) nchar_dim = construct_io_dim('nchar',char_len) d2_dim = construct_io_dim('d2',2) if (moc_requested .or. n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) then lat_aux_grid_dim = construct_io_dim('lat_aux_grid',n_lat_aux_grid+1) transport_reg_dim = construct_io_dim('transport_reg',n_transport_reg) if (moc_requested) then moc_z_dim = construct_io_dim('moc_z',km+1) moc_comp_dim = construct_io_dim('moc_comp',n_moc_comp) endif if (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) & transport_comp_dim = construct_io_dim('transport_comp',n_transport_comp) endif ! moc_requested !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set up masking array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (MASK_22(nx_block,ny_block,km,nblocks_clinic)) !-------------------------------------------------------- ! create MASK_22, layer by layer !-------------------------------------------------------- do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do k=1,km MASK_22(:,:,k,iblock) = .false. do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie if (k > KMT(i ,j, iblock) .and. & k > KMT(i+1,j, iblock) .and. & k > KMT(i ,j+1, iblock) .and. & k > KMT(i+1,j+1, iblock)) then MASK_22(i,j,k,iblock) = .true. endif enddo ! i enddo ! j enddo ! k enddo ! iblock endif ! lccsm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check: time to begin accumulating time averages? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_set_flag(update_time=.false.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! finally, read restart files if necessary ! must do this after i_dim, j_dim, etc are defined ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ns=1,nstreams !*** make sure tavg flag is set correctly ! evaluate time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag)%value via time_to_do call eval_time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag) if (ltavg_on(ns) .and. ltavg_restart) then !*** do not read restart if last restart was at a regular tavg write !*** interval (should start new tavg sums in this case) if (.not. check_time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag)) then call read_tavg(ns) endif endif enddo ! ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! error checking ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (moc_requested) then if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('WVEL')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('VVEL')) ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: for moc diagnostics, WVEL and VVEL must be requested in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif if ( n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) then if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('ADVT')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('ADVS')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('VNT')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('VNS')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('HDIFT')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('HDIFS')) ) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: diag_gm_bolus must have ADVT ADVS VNT VNS HDIFT HDIFS in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif if (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) then if (registry_match('diag_gm_bolus')) then if (.not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('ADVT_ISOP')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('ADVS_ISOP')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('VNT_ISOP')) .or. & .not. set_in_tavg_contents(tavg_id('VNS_ISOP')) ) then exit_string = & 'FATAL ERROR: diag_gm_bolus must have ADVT_ISOP ADVS_ISOP VNT_ISOP VNS_ISOP in tavg_contents file' call document ('init_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif endif deallocate (tavg_contents_request) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize timers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_timer(timer_write_std,'TAVG_WRITE_STD', nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) call get_timer(timer_write_nstd,'TAVG_WRITE_NONSTD', nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) if (ldiag_bsf) & call get_timer(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_bsf,'TAVG_CCSM_DIAGS_BSF', nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) if (moc_requested) & call get_timer(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_moc,'TAVG_CCSM_DIAGS_MOC', nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) if (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested) & call get_timer(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_trans,'TAVG_CCSM_DIAGS_TRANS', nblocks_clinic, distrb_clinic%nprocs) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_tavg !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_set_flag ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_set_flag(update_time) 2,2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine checks the time avg option and tavg start condition ! to see whether tavg sums should be accumulated. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind), intent(in) :: & update_time ! if F, only sets ltavg_on without advancing time interval !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! loop index n1, n2, &! loop bounds ns ! loop index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if tavg requested and tavg not already turned on, check to see ! if it is time to start time averaging ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ns=1,nstreams if (.not. ltavg_on(ns) .and. tavg_freq_iopt(ns) /= freq_opt_never) then ltavg_on(ns) = time_to_start(tavg_start_iopt(ns), tavg_start(ns)) call time_stamp('now','ymd',date_string=beg_date) if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) write(beg_date,'(i10)') nsteps_total !*** if it is time to start, make sure requested fields !*** get triggered by the requested function if (ltavg_on(ns)) then do n=1,num_avail_tavg_fields if (avail_tavg_fields(n)%buf_loc < 0) & avail_tavg_fields(n)%buf_loc = & abs(avail_tavg_fields(n)%buf_loc) end do tavg_streams(ns)%lower_time_bound = tday00 endif endif tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_on = ltavg_on(ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! setup time step and total integrated time for time average ! adjust for averaging timesteps: if this is an averaging timestep, ! the past values only contribute for 1/4 of a step and the ! values for the step just before an averaging timestep contribute ! for 1 1/4 steps. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_on .and. update_time) then if (avg_ts .or. back_to_back) then dtavg = p5*dtt else dtavg = dtt endif tavg_sum(ns) = tavg_sum(ns) + dtavg endif enddo ! ns !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_set_flag !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_tavg ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_tavg(restart_type) 1,81 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes requested tavg fields to a file. The fields are ! normalized by the time interval before writing. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & restart_type ! tells tavg whether to write restart !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(1) :: & TIME1D integer (int_kind) :: & ndims integer (i4) :: & nu, &! i/o unit for output file iblock, &! dummy block index nfield, &! dummy field index nindex, &! dummy field index loc, &! buffer location for field io_phase, &!'define' or 'write' k,n, &! indices nn, &! index ns, &! index i,j, &! indices nstd_field_id,& field_id, &!temporary id field_counter character (char_len) :: & string, &! dummy character string file_suffix, &! suffix to append to tavg file name hist_string, &! string containing file history tavg_filename, &! filename for tavg data tavg_pointer_file, &! filename for pointer file containing ! location/name of last restart file tavg_fmt_in, &! format (nc or bin) for reading ns_temp character (char_len),save :: & cf_conventions ='CF-1.0; http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/eaton/netcdf/CF-current.htm' character (8) :: & date_created ! string with (real) date this file created character (10) :: & time_created ! string with (real) date this file created logical (log_kind) :: & ltavg_write_reg, &! time to write regular tavg file ! and reset time averages ltavg_write_rest, &! time to write restart tavg file time_to_close ! time to close file type (io_field_desc) :: & qflux_field type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block save !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! loop over each tavg stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ns=1,nstreams ltavg_fmt_out_nc = tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_out_nc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is it time to write a file? (regular or restart) ! ! The variable restart_type is set every timestep in write_restart. ! If it is time to write a *restart* file, the restart_type ! will have the value {restart, even, odd, end} ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ltavg_write_reg = .false. ltavg_write_rest = .false. if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_on) then !*** time to write a regular tavg file? ltavg_write_reg = check_time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag) !*** time to write a restart tavg file? ! if it is time to write a restart file, but not time to write a ! *regular* tavg file, then write a *restart* tavg file if (trim(restart_type) /= 'none' .and. .not. ltavg_write_reg) then ltavg_write_rest = .true. ! do not write to previously open file -- write to restart instead tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open = .false. endif !*** do not write a restart tavg file for a one-time stream if (tavg_streams(ns)%freq_iopt == freq_opt_once) then ltavg_write_rest = .false. endif endif !tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_on if (ltavg_write_reg .and. ltavg_write_rest) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: cannot have both regular and restart write' call document ('write_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! do the rest only if it is time to write a regular,restart, or one-time tavg file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_write_reg .or. ltavg_write_rest) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is time dimension active? ! yes if ltavg_write_reg, netCDF, and using ccsm conventions ! no if ltavg_write_rest ! no if binary ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lccsm .and. ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then time_dim%active = .true. !** support for timeseries output -- update time_dim tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_num_time_slices = tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_num_time_slices + 1 time_dim%start = tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_num_time_slices time_dim%stop = tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_num_time_slices else time_dim%active = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute and print global averages of tavg fields prior to normalizing ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_global (ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! normalize time averages ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_norm_field_all ('normalize',ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute ccsm diagnostcs from tavg quantities (after normalizing) ! (on/off controls are internal to each subroutine) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_write_reg) then call tavg_bsf_diags (ns) ! barotropic stream function call tavg_moc_diags (ns) ! MOC diagnostics call tavg_transport_diags (ns) ! northward heat/salt transport diagnostics call tavg_local_spatial_avg (ns) ! compute NINO diagnostics endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! construct io_field descriptors for each 2D and 3D field ! if writing a regular tavg file in netcdf format, mask the fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. allocated(tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields)) then allocate(tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(tavg_streams(ns)%num_requested_fields)) endif field_counter = 0 do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields ! check all available fields loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc !*** continue only if field is requested, in buffer, and in this stream if (tavg_requested(nfield)) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then field_counter = field_counter + 1 if (field_counter > tavg_streams(ns)%num_requested_fields ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: too many fields requested' call document ('write_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open) then field_id = tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter)%id else field_id = 0 endif if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 2) then if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then call tavg_mask(TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc),avail_tavg_fields(nfield),1) endif tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter) = construct_io_field(& avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name, & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim,time_dim=time_dim,field_id=field_id, & long_name=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%long_name, & units=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%units , & grid_loc=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc , & field_loc=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_loc, & field_type=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_type, & coordinates=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%coordinates, & valid_range=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%valid_range, & #ifdef TAVG_R8 d2d_array=TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) ) #else r2d_array=TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) ) #endif else if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 3) then if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc) then select case (trim(avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc(4:4))) case('1') z_dim = zt_dim case('2') z_dim = zw_dim_top case('3') z_dim = zw_dim_bot case('4') z_dim = zt_150m_dim end select else z_dim = k_dim endif ! lccsm if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then do k=1,km TAVG_TEMP(:,:,:)=TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,:,loc) call tavg_mask(TAVG_TEMP(:,:,:),avail_tavg_fields(nfield),k) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,:,loc)=TAVG_TEMP(:,:,:) enddo endif tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter) = construct_io_field(& avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name, & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=z_dim, time_dim=time_dim,field_id=field_id, & long_name=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%long_name, & units=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%units , & grid_loc=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc , & field_loc=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_loc, & field_type=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_type, & coordinates=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%coordinates, & valid_range=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%valid_range, & #ifdef TAVG_R8 d3d_array=TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) ) #else r3d_array=TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) ) #endif endif ! 2D/3D test if (lccsm .and. ltavg_write_reg) & call tavg_add_attrib_io_field_ccsm (tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter),nfield) endif ! tavg_in_this_stream endif ! nfield and stream end do !nfield !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! construct time ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open) then field_id = time_coordinate(1,ns)%id else field_id = 0 endif call tavg_construct_ccsm_time (field_id,ns) !time_coordinate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create regular or restart tavg output filenames ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open) then ! ========================================================================== tavg_outfile_orig = trim(tavg_streams(ns)%outfile_orig) if (ltavg_write_reg) then tavg_outfile = trim(tavg_outfile_orig) if (lccsm) then call tavg_create_suffix_ccsm(file_suffix,ns) else call tavg_create_suffix(file_suffix,ns) endif endif if (ltavg_write_rest) then if (lccsm) then call tavg_create_outfile_ccsm(tavg_outfile_orig,tavg_outfile,ns) call tavg_create_suffix_ccsm(file_suffix,ns,date_string='ymds') string = trim(file_suffix) else string = trim(runid) endif select case (trim(restart_type)) case('even','odd','end') file_suffix = trim(string)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(restart_type) case default if (.not. lccsm) then call tavg_create_suffix(file_suffix,ns) file_suffix = trim(file_suffix)/& &/'.restart' endif end select endif ! ltavg_write_rest !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create data file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call date_and_time(date=date_created, time=time_created) hist_string = char_blank write(hist_string,'(a23,a8,1x,a10)') & 'POP TAVG file created: ',date_created,time_created if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc) then tavg_file_desc(ns) = construct_file(tavg_fmt_out(ns), & root_name = trim(tavg_outfile), & file_suffix= trim(file_suffix), & title = trim(runid), & conventions=trim(cf_conventions), & record_length = rec_type_real, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) else tavg_file_desc(ns) = construct_file(tavg_fmt_out(ns), & root_name = trim(tavg_outfile), & file_suffix= trim(file_suffix), & title ='POP TAVG file', & conventions='POP TAVG conventions', & history = trim(hist_string), & record_length = rec_type_real, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) endif !ltavg_fmt_out_nc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! add scalar fields to file as file attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'tavg_sum' , tavg_sum(ns)) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'nsteps_total', nsteps_total) if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on) & call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'tavg_sum_qflux' , tavg_sum_qflux(ns)) if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then call tavg_add_attrib_file_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns)) else call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'tday' , tday) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'iyear' , iyear) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'imonth' , imonth) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'iday' , iday) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc(ns), 'beg_date' , beg_date) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open output file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'open') if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then call tavg_define_time_bounds (tavg_file_desc(ns)) call tavg_define_labels_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),ns) !*** construct_io_fields call tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates (tavg_file_desc(ns),ns) !ccsm_coordinates call tavg_construct_ccsm_time_invar (tavg_file_desc(ns),ns) !ccsm_time_invar call tavg_construct_ccsm_scalars (tavg_file_desc(ns),ns) !ccsm_scalars !*** define fields call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', time_coordinate(1,ns)) do n=1,num_ccsm_coordinates call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', ccsm_coordinates(n,ns)) enddo do n=1,num_ccsm_time_invar(ns) call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', ccsm_time_invar(n,ns)) enddo do n=1,num_ccsm_scalars(ns) call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', ccsm_scalars(n,ns)) enddo endif !ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg field_counter = 0 do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields !*** define only if field is requested, in buffer, and in this stream if (tavg_requested(nfield)) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then field_counter = field_counter + 1 call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter)) endif endif enddo ! nfield !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define nonstandard fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc) then do nn = 1, num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields if ( (nn == tavg_MOC .and. ltavg_moc_diags(ns) ) .or. & (nn == tavg_N_HEAT .and. ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns)) .or. & (nn == tavg_N_SALT .and. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns))) then call data_set_nstd_ccsm ( & tavg_file_desc(ns), 'define', nstd_field_id, & ndims_nstd_ccsm(nn), io_dims_nstd_ccsm(:,nn), & short_name=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%short_name, & long_name=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%long_name, & units=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%units, & coordinates=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%coordinates, & missing_value=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%missing_value,& fill_value=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%fill_value, & nftype=avail_tavg_nstd_fields(nn)%nftype ) if (nn == tavg_MOC) then moc_id = nstd_field_id elseif (nn == tavg_N_HEAT) then n_heat_id = nstd_field_id elseif (nn == tavg_N_SALT) then n_salt_id = nstd_field_id endif endif ! streams check enddo !nn endif !ltavg_fmt_out_nc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write nonstandard fields ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then call timer_start(timer_write_nstd) call tavg_write_vars_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),num_ccsm_coordinates, ccsm_coordinates(:,ns)) call tavg_write_vars_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),num_ccsm_time_invar(ns),ccsm_time_invar(:,ns)) call tavg_write_vars_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),num_ccsm_scalars(ns), ccsm_scalars(:,ns)) call timer_stop(timer_write_nstd) endif !ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg endif !.not. tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open ! ================================================ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write fields to file ! in this second phase, we actually write the data for all the fields. ! after writing all fields, the field descriptors are destroyed and the ! file can be closed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_write_reg) then time_to_close = check_time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%file_flag) else time_to_close = .true. endif if (ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg) then call tavg_write_vars_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),1,time_coordinate(1,ns)) call tavg_write_time_bounds(tavg_file_desc(ns), ns) if (time_to_close) then call destroy_io_field(time_coordinate (1,ns)) do n=1,num_ccsm_coordinates call destroy_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(n,ns)) enddo do n=1,num_ccsm_time_invar(ns) call destroy_io_field(ccsm_time_invar (n,ns)) enddo do n=1,num_ccsm_scalars(ns) call destroy_io_field(ccsm_scalars (n,ns)) enddo endif! time_to_close !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! use data_set_nstd_ccsm to write labels and transport diags ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !==================> can this be moved up??? call timer_start(timer_write_nstd) call tavg_write_vars_nstd_ccsm (tavg_file_desc(ns),ns) call timer_stop(timer_write_nstd) endif !ltavg_fmt_out_nc .and. ltavg_write_reg !*** standard 2D and 3D fields call timer_start(timer_write_std) field_counter = 0 do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields !*** write only if field is requested, in buffer, and in this stream if (tavg_requested(nfield)) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then field_counter = field_counter + 1 call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'write', tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter)) if (time_to_close) call destroy_io_field(tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields(field_counter)) endif ! tavg_in_this_stream endif ! tavg_requested end do ! nfield call timer_stop(timer_write_std) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! after writing all fields, determine if the file can be closed ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (time_to_close) then tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_num_time_slices = 0 deallocate(tavg_streams(ns)%tavg_fields) call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'close') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) 'tavg file written: ', trim(tavg_file_desc(ns)%full_name) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout);call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif else call data_set (tavg_file_desc(ns), 'flush') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) 'data appended to tavg file: ', trim(tavg_file_desc(ns)%full_name) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout);call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif endif ! time_to_close !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if pointer files are used, write tavg filenames to pointer file ! do this only for restart tavg files, not regular tavg files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (luse_pointer_files .and. .not. ltavg_write_reg) then write(ns_temp,'(i1)') ns call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then if (ns == 1) then tavg_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/& &/'.tavg' else tavg_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/& &/'.tavg.'/& &/trim(ns_temp) endif open(nu,file=tavg_pointer_file,form='formatted', status='unknown') write(nu,'(a)') trim(tavg_file_desc(ns)%full_name) close(nu) endif !master_task call release_unit(nu) endif !luse_pointer_files !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if this is a regular tavg write, reset time averages ! if this is a restart tavg write, denormalize ! in case a normal restart dump is written on the same timestep ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_write_reg) then tavg_sum(ns) = c0 call time_stamp('now', 'ymd',date_string=beg_date) if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) write(beg_date,'(i10)') nsteps_total call tavg_reset_field_stream(ns) else call tavg_norm_field_all ('denormalize',ns) endif !ltavg_write_reg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get rid of file descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (time_to_close) call destroy_file(tavg_file_desc(ns)) tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_first_header = .false. if (tavg_streams(ns)%freq_iopt == freq_opt_once) then call override_time_flag(tavg_streams(ns)%field_flag, done=.true.) endif tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_file_is_open = .not. time_to_close endif !ltavg_write_reg .or. ltavg_write_rest enddo ! nstreams !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_tavg !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_tavg ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_tavg (ns) 1,37 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads a time average restart dump to continue ! running time averages of requested fields. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & nu, &! i/o unit iblock, &! dummy block index n, &! dummy for indexing character string in_fields, &! num of fields in restart file nfield, &! dummy field counter hdr_error, &! error file for reading restart hdr in_nsteps_total, &! nsteps_total according to tavg file in_iyear, &! iyear according to tavg file in_imonth, &! imonth according to tavg file in_iday, &! iday according to tavg file loc, &! buffer location errVal ! internal error flag real (r8) :: & in_tday ! tday according to tavg file logical (log_kind ) :: & file_exists character (char_len) :: & header_filename, &! filename for restart contents char_temp, &! for string manipulation tavg_pointer_file, &! filename for pointer file containing ! location/name of last restart file ns_temp type (io_field_desc), dimension(:), allocatable :: & tavg_fields_in ! io field description for each field in file type (datafile) :: & tavg_file_desc_in ! IO file descriptor !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if pointer files are used, pointer file must be read to get ! actual filenames ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errVal = 0 call get_unit(nu) if (luse_pointer_files) then if (my_task == master_task) then tavg_pointer_file = char_blank write(ns_temp,'(i1)') ns if (ns > 1) then tavg_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/& &/'.tavg.'/& &/trim(ns_temp) else tavg_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/& &/'.tavg' endif write(stdout,*) 'Reading pointer file: ', trim(tavg_pointer_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) inquire(file=trim(tavg_pointer_file),exist=file_exists) if (file_exists) then open(nu, file=trim(tavg_pointer_file), form='formatted', & status='old') read(nu,'(a)') tavg_infile close(nu) else errVal = -1 endif endif call broadcast_scalar(errVal, master_task) if (errVal .ne. 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: tavg_rpointer_file does not exist. pop2 model will exit ' call document ('read_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif call broadcast_scalar(tavg_infile, master_task) endif call release_unit(nu) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define input file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_file_desc_in = construct_file (tavg_streams(ns)%fmt_in, & full_name=trim(tavg_infile), & record_length = rec_type_real, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define scalar fields in file as file attributes to be read during ! open ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lccsm) then else call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tday' , tday) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'iyear' , iyear) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'imonth' , imonth) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'iday' , iday) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'beg_date' , beg_date) endif call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'nsteps_total', nsteps_total) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tavg_sum' , tavg_sum(ns)) if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on) & call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tavg_sum_qflux' , tavg_sum_qflux(ns)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open input file ! this will also extract scalar variables which are defined as ! file attributes ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (tavg_file_desc_in, 'open_read') if (lccsm) then else call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'beg_date', beg_date) !call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tday', in_tday) !call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'iyear', in_iyear) !call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'imonth', in_imonth) !call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'iday', in_iday) endif call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'nsteps_total', & in_nsteps_total) call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tavg_sum', tavg_sum(ns)) if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on) & call extract_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc_in, 'tavg_sum_qflux', tavg_sum_qflux(ns)) !*** report nsteps total and tavg_sum if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(i6,a29,i6,a35)') & in_nsteps_total,' nsteps_total in tavg restart', & nsteps_total, ' nsteps_total in current simulation' write(stdout,*) ' tavg_sum = ', tavg_sum(ns), ' in tavg restart' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !*** check nsteps total for validity if (in_nsteps_total /= nsteps_total) then write(stdout,'(a,i6,a29,i6,a35)') 'ERROR: ', & in_nsteps_total,' nsteps_total in tavg restart', & nsteps_total, ' nsteps_total in current simulation' exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: TAVG restart file has wrong time step?' call document ('read_tavg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define requested fields to read in from file ! NOTE: This requires that the tavg_contents file is consistent ! with the tavg restart file. There are currently no checks on this. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions allocate(tavg_fields_in(num_avail_tavg_fields)) do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc if (loc > 0) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 2) then tavg_fields_in(nfield) = construct_io_field( & avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name, & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%long_name, & units =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%units , & grid_loc =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc , & field_loc =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_loc, & field_type =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_type, & valid_range=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%valid_range, & #ifdef TAVG_R8 d2d_array =TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) ) !nonstandard, debugging only #else r2d_array =TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) ) #endif else if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 3) then if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_fmt_in_nc) then select case (trim(avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc(4:4))) case('1') z_dim = zt_dim case('2') z_dim = zw_dim_top case('3') z_dim = zw_dim_bot case('4') z_dim = zt_150m_dim end select else z_dim = k_dim endif ! lccsm tavg_fields_in(nfield) = construct_io_field( & avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name, & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=z_dim, & long_name=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%long_name, & units =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%units , & grid_loc =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%grid_loc , & field_loc =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_loc, & field_type =avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_type, & valid_range=avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%valid_range, & #ifdef TAVG_R8 d3d_array =TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) ) !nonstandard, debugging only #else r3d_array =TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) ) #endif endif call data_set (tavg_file_desc_in, 'define', tavg_fields_in(nfield)) endif ! tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns) endif end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now we actually read each field ! after reading, get rid of io field descriptors and close file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc if (loc > 0) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then call data_set (tavg_file_desc_in, 'read', tavg_fields_in(nfield)) call destroy_io_field(tavg_fields_in(nfield)) endif !tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns) endif end do deallocate(tavg_fields_in) call data_set (tavg_file_desc_in, 'close') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' file read: ', tavg_infile endif call destroy_file(tavg_file_desc_in) call release_unit(nu) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! de-normalize sums ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_norm_field_all ('denormalize',ns) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tavg_global (ns) ! print global sums of time averages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_tavg !*********************************************************************** ! !IROUTINE: tavg_global ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_global(ns) 2,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates and print global integrals of time average fields ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & k, & ! vertical level index ifield, & ! field identifier iblock, & ! block index nfield, & ! dummy field index field_loc, & ! field location (center,Nface,Eface,NEcorner) field_type ! field type (scalar, vector, angle) real (r8) :: & tavg_field_sum, & ! sum of tavg field tavg_norm ! normalization for average real (r8), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK ! temp for holding area_weighted field real (r8), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: & RMASK ! topography mask for global sum character (char_len) :: & time_string, & date_string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate globally-integrated time average of each chosen 2d field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (RMASK(nx_block,ny_block), & WORK (nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) call time_stamp ('now','mdy',date_string=date_string,time_string=time_string) if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,blank_fmt) write (stdout,*) 'Global Time Averages: ' // trim(date_string) // ' ' // trim(time_string) endif fields_loop: do nfield=1,num_avail_tavg_fields ifield = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc if (ifield > 0 ) then if ( tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then field_loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_loc field_type = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%field_type if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%method == tavg_method_avg) then tavg_norm = tavg_sum(ns) else if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%method == tavg_method_qflux) then tavg_norm = tavg_sum_qflux(ns) else tavg_norm = c1 endif if (tavg_norm == c0) then if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) 'Cannot compute global integral of ', & trim (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout);call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif cycle fields_loop !*** call exit_POP (SigAbort,'(tavg_gloal) ERROR: tavg_norm = 0 in tavg_global',out_unit=stdout) endif !*** 2-d fields if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 2) then !njn01 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & TAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCT(:,:,iblock) case(field_loc_NEcorner) WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) end select end do !njn01 !$OMP END PARALLEL DO tavg_field_sum = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc) select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*area_t) case(field_loc_NEcorner) tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*area_u) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*area_u) end select !*** 3-d fields else !njn01 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,k,RMASK) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic WORK(:,:,iblock) = c0 select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) do k=1,km RMASK = merge(c1, c0, k <= KMT(:,:,iblock)) WORK(:,:,iblock) = WORK(:,:,iblock) + dz(k)* & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,iblock,ifield)* & TAREA(:,:,iblock)*RMASK end do case(field_loc_NEcorner) do k=1,km RMASK = merge(c1, c0, k <= KMU(:,:,iblock)) WORK(:,:,iblock) = WORK(:,:,iblock) + dz(k)* & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RMASK end do case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases do k=1,km RMASK = merge(c1, c0, k <= KMU(:,:,iblock)) WORK(:,:,iblock) = WORK(:,:,iblock) + dz(k)* & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,iblock,ifield)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RMASK end do end select end do !njn01 !$OMP END PARALLEL DO tavg_field_sum = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc) select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*volume_t) case(field_loc_NEcorner) tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*volume_u) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases tavg_field_sum = tavg_field_sum/(tavg_norm*volume_u) end select endif if (my_task == master_task) then write (stdout,*) trim(avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%short_name), & ': ', tavg_field_sum endif endif ! tavg_in_this_stream endif ! ifield > 0 end do fields_loop deallocate (RMASK, WORK) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_global !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_global_sum_2D ! !INTERFACE: function tavg_global_sum_2D (id) 9,12 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates the global sum of a requested 2D time-averaged field ! Presently, this is a special-purpose routine used only by the ! budget_diagnostics module. It could be extended and generalized, ! and used with a revised version of subroutine tavg_global, if time ! and interest allow. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & id ! identifier of time-averaged field ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8) :: & tavg_global_sum_2D ! result of this function: the global sum of ! a requested 2D time-averaged field !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & loc, &! field buffer location ns, &! stream index nstream, &! stream identifier iblock, &! block index nfield, &! dummy field index field_loc, &! field location (center,Nface,Eface,NEcorner) field_type ! field type (scalar, vector, angle) real (r8) :: & tavg_norm ! normalization for average real (r8), dimension (nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK ! temp for holding area_weighted field real (r8), dimension (nx_block, ny_block) :: & RMASK ! topography mask for global sum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! does this field exist? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tavg_requested(id)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: invalid field request' call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', 'id ', id) call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', 'tavg_requested(id) ', tavg_requested(id)) call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is this a 2D field? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%ndims /= 2) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: invalid dimension' call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! identify the requested field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- field_loc = avail_tavg_fields(id)%field_loc field_type = avail_tavg_fields(id)%field_type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! identify the buffer location in TAVG_BUF_2D ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- loc = avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc if (loc <= 0) then write(exit_string,*) 'FATAL ERROR -- invalid loc; loc = ', loc call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! locate the stream in which the field belongs ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nstream = tavg_in_which_stream(id) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute the global average of the 2D field, using tavg_sum ! from the fields' stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%method == tavg_method_avg) then tavg_norm = tavg_sum(nstream) else if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%method == tavg_method_qflux) then tavg_norm = tavg_sum_qflux(nstream) else tavg_norm = c1 endif if (tavg_norm == c0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: tavg_norm = 0' call document ('tavg_global_sum_2D', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !njn01 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,loc)* & TAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCT(:,:,iblock) case(field_loc_NEcorner) WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,loc)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases WORK(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,loc)* & UAREA(:,:,iblock)*RCALCU(:,:,iblock) end select end do !njn01 !$OMP END PARALLEL DO tavg_global_sum_2D = global_sum(WORK, distrb_clinic, field_loc) select case(field_loc) case(field_loc_center) tavg_global_sum_2D = tavg_global_sum_2D/(tavg_norm*area_t) case(field_loc_NEcorner) tavg_global_sum_2D = tavg_global_sum_2D/(tavg_norm*area_u) case default ! make U cell the default for all other cases tavg_global_sum_2D = tavg_global_sum_2D/(tavg_norm*area_u) end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function tavg_global_sum_2D !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_increment_sum_qflux ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_increment_sum_qflux(const) 1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Increment the scalar tavg_sum_qflux with the weight for this timestep. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), intent(in) :: & const !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n do n=1,nstreams tavg_sum_qflux(n) = tavg_sum_qflux(n) + const ! const = tlast_ice enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_increment_sum_qflux !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: accumulate_tavg_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine accumulate_tavg_field(ARRAY,field_id,block,k,const) 291,2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine updates a tavg field. If the time average of the ! field is requested, it accumulates a time sum of a field by ! multiplying by the time step and accumulating the sum into the ! tavg buffer array. If the min or max of a field is requested, it ! checks the current value and replaces the min, max if the current ! value is less than or greater than the stored value. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & block, &! local block address (in baroclinic distribution) k, &! vertical level field_id ! index into available fields for tavg field info real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & ARRAY ! array of data for this block to add to ! accumulated sum in tavg buffer real (r8), optional, intent(in) :: & const !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & bufloc, &! location of field in tavg buffer ndims ! rank of field (2=2d,3=3d) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get buffer location and field info from avail_tavg_field array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- bufloc = avail_tavg_fields(field_id)%buf_loc if (bufloc <= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: attempt to accumulate bad tavg field' call document ('accumulate_tavg_field', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif ndims = avail_tavg_fields(field_id)%ndims if ((ndims == 3) .and. & (avail_tavg_fields(field_id)%grid_loc(4:4) == '4') .and. & (k > zt_150m_levs)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! update the field into the tavg buffer ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (avail_tavg_fields(field_id)%method) case (tavg_method_avg) ! accumulate running time sum for time avg if (ndims == 2) then TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) + dtavg*ARRAY else TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc) = & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc) + dtavg*ARRAY endif case (tavg_method_qflux) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) + const*max (c0,ARRAY) case (tavg_method_min) ! replace with current minimum value if (ndims == 2) then where (ARRAY < TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc)) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = ARRAY end where else where (ARRAY < TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc)) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc) = ARRAY end where endif case (tavg_method_max) ! replace with current minimum value if (ndims == 2) then where (ARRAY > TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc)) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = ARRAY end where else where (ARRAY > TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc)) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc) = ARRAY end where endif case (tavg_method_constant) ! overwrite with current value; intended for time-invariant fields if (ndims == 2) then TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,block,bufloc) = ARRAY else TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,k,block,bufloc) = ARRAY endif case default end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine accumulate_tavg_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_reset_field_all ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_reset_field_all 1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Resets all TAVG_BUF_2D and TAVG_BUF_3D arrays ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, & nfield !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,nfield) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic do nfield=1,tavg_bufsize_2d select case (TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD(nfield)) case (tavg_method_avg) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, iblock,nfield) = c0 case (tavg_method_qflux) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, iblock,nfield) = c0 tavg_sum_qflux = c0 case (tavg_method_min) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, iblock,nfield) = bignum case (tavg_method_max) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, iblock,nfield) = -bignum case default TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, iblock,nfield) = c0 end select end do do nfield=1,tavg_bufsize_3d select case (TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD(nfield)) case (tavg_method_avg) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,iblock,nfield) = c0 case (tavg_method_min) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,iblock,nfield) = bignum case (tavg_method_max) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,iblock,nfield) = -bignum case default TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,iblock,nfield) = c0 end select end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_reset_field_all !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_reset_field_stream ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_reset_field_stream(ns) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Resets all TAVG_BUF_2D and TAVG_BUF_3D arrays ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, & nfield, & loc do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields ! check all available fields loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc ! locate field in buffer !*** continue only if field is in buffer and in this stream if (loc > 0) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 2) then select case (TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD(loc)) case (tavg_method_avg) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) = c0 case (tavg_method_qflux) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) = c0 tavg_sum_qflux(ns) = c0 case (tavg_method_min) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) = bignum case (tavg_method_max) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) = -bignum case default TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,loc) = c0 end select elseif (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 3) then select case (TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD(loc)) case (tavg_method_avg) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) = c0 case (tavg_method_min) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) = bignum case (tavg_method_max) TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) = -bignum case default TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) = c0 end select endif ! 2D/3D endif ! in stream endif ! loc enddo ! nfield !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_reset_field_stream !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_norm_field_all ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_norm_field_all (norm_flag,ns) 3,8 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Normalizes or de-normalizes all TAVG_BUF_2D and TAVG_BUF_3D arrays ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & norm_flag integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8) :: & factor, & factorq integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, & nfield, & loc select case (trim(norm_flag)) case ('normalize') if (tavg_sum(ns) /= 0) then factor = c1/tavg_sum(ns) else exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: attempt to divide by zero tavg_sum' call document ('tavg_norm_field_all', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on) then if (tavg_sum_qflux(ns) /= 0) then factorq = c1/tavg_sum_qflux(ns) elseif (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nhour .or. & tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nsecond .or. & tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep ) then ! do nothing; these frequencies are not compatable with time-averaged qflux factorq = c1 else call document ('tavg_norm_field_all', ' ns ', ns) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: attempt to divide by zero tavg_sum_qflux(ns)' call document ('tavg_norm_field_all', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif case ('denormalize') factor = tavg_sum(ns) factorq = tavg_sum_qflux(ns) case default exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown option' call document ('tavg_norm_field_all', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) end select !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,nfield,loc) do nfield = 1,num_avail_tavg_fields ! check all available fields loc = avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%buf_loc ! locate field in buffer !*** continue only if field is requested, in buffer, and in this stream if (loc > 0 ) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(nfield,ns)) then if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 2) then select case (TAVG_BUF_2D_METHOD(loc)) case (tavg_method_avg) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, :,loc) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, :,loc)*factor case (tavg_method_qflux) if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_qflux_method_on) then TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, :,loc) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:, :,loc)*factorq endif end select else if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%ndims == 3) then if (TAVG_BUF_3D_METHOD(loc) == tavg_method_avg) then TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc) = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,loc)*factor endif endif ! avail_tavg_fields endif ! stream endif ! loc end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_norm_field_all !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: define_tavg_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine define_tavg_field(id, short_name, ndims, tavg_method, & 293,15 long_name, units, & grid_loc, valid_range, & field_loc, field_type,coordinates, & scale_factor, & nftype, & nstd_fields, & num_nstd_fields, max_nstd_fields ) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes description of an available field and returns location ! in the available fields array for use in later tavg calls. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: & id ! location in avail_fields array for use in ! later tavg routines ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character(*), intent(in) :: & short_name ! short name for field integer (i4), intent(in) :: & ndims ! number of dims of the field integer (i4), intent(in), optional :: & field_loc, &! location in grid field_type, &! type of field (scalar, vector, angle) tavg_method ! id for method of averaging ! default is tavg_method_avg character(*), intent(in), optional :: & long_name, &! long descriptive name for field units, &! physical units for field coordinates ! CF coordinates character(4), intent(in), optional :: & grid_loc ! location in grid (in 4-digit code) real (rtavg), intent(in), optional :: & scale_factor ! scale factor real (r4), dimension(2), intent(in), optional :: & valid_range ! min/max character(*), intent(in), optional :: & nftype ! type string integer (int_kind), intent(in), optional :: & max_nstd_fields ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional :: & nstd_fields integer (int_kind), intent(inout), optional :: & num_nstd_fields !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm) :: & tavg_field integer (int_kind) :: & num_fields logical (log_kind) :: & error, & nonstandard_fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! increment the number of defined fields and make sure it does not ! exceed the maximum ! return the id as the current number ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- error = .false. nonstandard_fields = .false. if (present (nstd_fields) ) then nonstandard_fields = .true. num_nstd_fields = num_nstd_fields + 1 num_fields = num_nstd_fields if (num_nstd_fields > max_nstd_fields) error = .true. else num_avail_tavg_fields = num_avail_tavg_fields + 1 num_fields = num_avail_tavg_fields if (num_avail_tavg_fields > max_avail_tavg_fields) error = .true. endif if (error) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: defined tavg fields > max allowed' call document ('define_tavg_field', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif id = num_fields if (my_task == master_task .and. nsteps_run <= 1) then write(stdout,*) 'define_tavg_field: id = ', id, ' ', short_name call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout);call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now fill the local field descriptor ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_field%ndims = ndims tavg_field%short_name = short_name tavg_field%buf_loc = 0 ! will be reset later if (present(long_name)) then tavg_field%long_name = long_name else tavg_field%long_name = char_blank endif if (present(units)) then tavg_field%units = units else tavg_field%units = char_blank endif if (present(grid_loc)) then tavg_field%grid_loc = grid_loc else tavg_field%grid_loc = ' ' endif if (present(tavg_method)) then tavg_field%method = tavg_method else tavg_field%method = tavg_method_avg endif if (present(scale_factor)) then if (scale_factor /= 1.0_rtavg) then tavg_field%scale_factor = scale_factor if (scale_factor /= 0.0_rtavg) then tavg_field%fill_value = undefined_nf/scale_factor tavg_field%missing_value = undefined_nf/scale_factor endif else tavg_field%scale_factor = undefined_nf tavg_field%fill_value = undefined_nf tavg_field%missing_value = undefined_nf endif else tavg_field%scale_factor = undefined_nf tavg_field%fill_value = undefined_nf tavg_field%missing_value = undefined_nf endif if (present(valid_range)) then tavg_field%valid_range = valid_range else tavg_field%valid_range = undefined endif if (present(coordinates)) then tavg_field%coordinates = coordinates else tavg_field%coordinates = char_blank endif !*** set field location, field type used by i/o, ghost cell update !*** and other communication routines. because ghost cells for tavg !*** fields are not typically used, the default is field_xxx_noupdate if (present(field_loc)) then tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc else tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc_noupdate if (present(grid_loc)) then !*** try to decode field location from grid_loc if (grid_loc(2:2) == '1' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '1') then tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc_center else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '2' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '2') then tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '1' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '2') then tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc_Nface else if (grid_loc(2:2) == '2' .and. grid_loc(3:3) == '1') then tavg_field%field_loc = field_loc_Eface endif endif endif if (present(field_type)) then tavg_field%field_type = field_type else tavg_field%field_type = field_type_noupdate endif if (present(nftype)) then tavg_field%nftype = trim(nftype) else tavg_field%nftype = 'float' endif if (nonstandard_fields) then nstd_fields(id) = tavg_field else avail_tavg_fields(id) = tavg_field endif if (my_task == master_task .and. tavg_debug > 0) then call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%short_name)) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'buffer id number ', id) call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%long_name)) call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%units)) call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%grid_loc)) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'fill_value', tavg_field%fill_value) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'missing_value',tavg_field%missing_value) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'scale_factor', tavg_field%scale_factor) call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%coordinates)) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'field_type', tavg_field%field_type) call document ('define_tavg_field', trim(tavg_field%nftype)) call document ('define_tavg_field', 'end subroutine ') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine define_tavg_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: request_tavg_field ! !INTERFACE: subroutine request_tavg_field(short_name,ns) 1,2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This field marks an available field as requested and computes ! the location in the tavg buffer array. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & short_name ! the short name of the field integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! stream in which field is located !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! loop index id ! location of field in avail_fields array !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! search for field with same name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- id = 0 srch_loop: do n=1,num_avail_tavg_fields if (trim(avail_tavg_fields(n)%short_name) == short_name) then id = n exit srch_loop endif end do srch_loop if (id == 0) then write(stdout,*) 'Requested ', trim(short_name) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: requested field unknown' call document ('request_tavg_field', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set the position in the buffer and advance the buffer position ! for the next field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%ndims == 2) then tavg_bufsize_2d = tavg_bufsize_2d + 1 avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc = tavg_bufsize_2d else if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%ndims == 3) then tavg_bufsize_3d = tavg_bufsize_3d + 1 avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc = tavg_bufsize_3d endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if tavg is on, but not started yet, set the buf_loc to -buf_loc ! to show that it is requested, but will not return true for ! requested_tavg_field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_on) then avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc = -avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine request_tavg_field !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_requested ! !INTERFACE: function tavg_requested(id) 333,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This function determines whether an available (defined) tavg field ! has been requested by a user (through the input contents file) and ! returns true if it has. Note that if tavg has been turned off, ! the function will always return false. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & id ! id returned by the define function which ! gives the location of the field ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind) :: & tavg_requested ! result of checking whether the field has ! been requested !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check the buffer location - if zero, the field has not been ! requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id < 1 .or. id > num_avail_tavg_fields) then write(stdout,*) '(tavg_requested) id = ', id; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: invalid tavg id' call document ('tavg_requested', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif if (avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc > 0) then tavg_requested = .true. else tavg_requested = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function tavg_requested !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_in_this_stream(id,stream_number) ! !INTERFACE: function tavg_in_this_stream(id,stream_number) 52 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This function determines whether an available (defined) tavg field ! has been selected in a given tavg_contents "stream." ! returns true if it has. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & stream_number, &! stream index id ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind) :: & tavg_in_this_stream ! result of checking whether the field has ! been requested in this stream !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & ntest, & buf_loc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if this field is in this stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if(avail_tavg_fields(id)%stream_number == stream_number) then tavg_in_this_stream = .true. else tavg_in_this_stream = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function tavg_in_this_stream !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_in_which_stream(id) ! !INTERFACE: function tavg_in_which_stream(id) 83,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine locates the stream in which a given field ! resides. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & id ! field buffer location ("buf_id") ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_in_which_stream ! stream in which this field resides !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & ns, & stream_number stream_number = avail_tavg_fields(id)%stream_number if (stream_number <= 0 .or. stream_number > max_avail_tavg_streams) then call document ('tavg_in_which_stream', 'id', id) write(stdout,*) '(tavg_in_which_stream) stream_number = ', stream_number exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: not in any stream' call document ('tavg_in_which_stream', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif tavg_in_which_stream = stream_number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function tavg_in_which_stream !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: set_in_tavg_contents ! !INTERFACE: function set_in_tavg_contents(id) 10 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This function determines whether a tavg field has been set in ! the input contents file and returns true if it has. This function is ! different from tavg_requested in that ltavg_on status is irrelevent. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & id ! id returned by the define function which ! gives the location of the field ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: logical (log_kind) :: & set_in_tavg_contents ! result of checking whether the field has ! been requested !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check the buffer location - if not zero, then the field is in the ! tavg contents file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id < 1 .or. id > num_avail_tavg_fields) then set_in_tavg_contents = .false. elseif (avail_tavg_fields(id)%buf_loc /= 0) then set_in_tavg_contents = .true. else set_in_tavg_contents = .false. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function set_in_tavg_contents !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_id ! !INTERFACE: function tavg_id(short_name,quiet) 53 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This function determines whether a tavg field has been defined ! by some module. If so, then the id of that field is returned. ! This function does not cause a model exit if the field has not ! been defined; error-checking must be done by the calling routine. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & short_name ! the short name of the tavg field logical (log_kind), intent(in), optional :: & quiet ! do not print error message ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_id ! id of the tavg field, if it exists !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & id, & n logical (log_kind) :: & msg id = 0 srch_loop: do n=1,num_avail_tavg_fields if (trim(avail_tavg_fields(n)%short_name) == trim(short_name)) then id = n exit srch_loop endif end do srch_loop msg = .true. if (present(quiet)) then if (quiet) msg = .false. endif if (id == 0 .and. msg) then if (my_task == master_task) & write(stdout,*) 'Field ', trim(short_name), ' has not been defined.' endif tavg_id = id !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end function tavg_id !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_create_suffix ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_create_suffix(file_suffix,ns) 2,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates a suffix to append to output filename based on frequency ! option and averaging interval. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! stream index ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variable ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & cindx1, cindx2, &! indices into character strings len_date ! length of date string character (char_len) :: & char_temp ! temp character space (for removing spaces) character (10) :: & cstep_beg, &! beginning step of this particular average cstep_end, &! ending step of this particular average cdate ! character string with yyyymmdd and optional ! separator (eg yyyy-mm-dd) character (4) :: & cyear_beg, &! beginning year of this particular average cyear_end ! end year of this particular average character (2) :: & cmonth_beg, &! beginning month of this particular average cmonth_end, &! end month of this particular average cday_beg, &! beginning day of this particular average cday_end ! end day of this particular average !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! start suffix with runid ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank cindx2 = len_trim(runid) + 1 file_suffix(1:cindx2) = trim(runid)/& &/'.' cindx1 = cindx2 + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! extract beginning year, month, day or time step from beg_date ! and determine end date ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cdate = adjustl(beg_date) !*** !*** use step numbers if tavg freq option is nstep !*** cstep_beg = trim(cdate) ! in case beg_date actually step number write(cstep_end,'(i10)') nsteps_total - 1 cdate = adjustl(cstep_end) cstep_end = trim(cdate) call time_stamp('last','ymd',date_string=cdate) ! last date if (date_separator == ' ') then ! no date separator cyear_beg = beg_date(1:4) cmonth_beg = beg_date(5:6) cday_beg = beg_date(7:8) cyear_end = cdate(1:4) cmonth_end = cdate(5:6) cday_end = cdate(7:8) else cyear_beg = beg_date(1:4) cmonth_beg = beg_date(6:7) cday_beg = beg_date(9:10) cyear_end = cdate(1:4) cmonth_end = cdate(6:7) cday_end = cdate(9:10) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create time portion of suffix based on frequency option ! note that concatenation operator split across lines to avoid ! problems with some cpp preprocessors ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (tavg_freq_iopt(ns)) case (freq_opt_nyear) if (tavg_freq(ns) == 1) then cindx2 = cindx1 + 3 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_end else cindx2 = cindx1 + 8 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_beg/& &/'-'/& &/cyear_end endif case (freq_opt_nmonth) if (tavg_freq(ns) == 1) then cindx2 = cindx1 + 5 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_end/& &/cmonth_end else cindx2 = cindx1 + 12 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_beg/& &/cmonth_beg/& &/'-'/& &/cyear_end/& &/cmonth_end endif case (freq_opt_nday) if (tavg_freq(ns) == 1) then cindx2 = cindx1 + 7 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_end/& &/cmonth_end/& &/cday_end else cindx2 = cindx1 + 16 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = cyear_beg/& &/cmonth_beg/& &/cday_beg/& &/'-'/& &/cyear_end/& &/cmonth_end/& &/cday_end endif case (freq_opt_nstep) cindx2 = cindx1 + len_trim(cstep_beg) + len_trim(cstep_end) file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = trim(cstep_beg)/& &/'-'/& &/trim(cstep_end) case default ! use nstep for other options cindx2 = len_trim(cstep_beg) + len_trim(cstep_end) + 1 file_suffix(cindx1:cindx2) = trim(cstep_beg)/& &/'-'/& &/trim(cstep_end) end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_create_suffix !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_create_suffix_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_create_suffix_ccsm(file_suffix,ns,date_string) 2,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Creates a suffix to append to output filename based on frequency ! option and averaging interval. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns character (*), intent(in), optional :: & date_string ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & char_temp, &! temp character space ccsm_date_string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! clear character strings ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank char_temp = char_blank !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for a ccsm tavg file, append a date/time string to the root name ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (tavg_freq_iopt(ns)) case (freq_opt_nyear) char_temp = 'y' case (freq_opt_nmonth) char_temp = 'ym' case (freq_opt_nday) char_temp = 'ymd' case (freq_opt_nhour) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nsecond) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nstep) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_once) file_suffix = '' return case default char_temp = 'ymds' end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! override tavg_freq_iopt if this is a tavg restart file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present (date_string) ) then char_temp = trim(date_string) endif call ccsm_date_stamp (ccsm_date_string, char_temp) file_suffix = trim(ccsm_date_string) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_create_suffix_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_create_outfile_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_create_outfile_ccsm(tavg_outfile_orig,tavg_outfile,ns) 1,4 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Forms the output filename for tavg RESTART history files. ! ! Modifies the filename tavg_output such that it conforms to the CCSM4 requirements. ! CCSM4 pop2 requires tavg RESTART history files to be of the form ! pathname/casename.rh.datestring ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(in) :: & tavg_outfile_orig integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! stream number ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len), intent(inout) :: & tavg_outfile !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! NOTE: Assumptions for filename patterns: ! ! tavg_outfile ends in: ! 1) '.h' , if ns = 1 ! 2) '.hN', N=1,2,...,9 OR '.h.string', if ns > 1 and base model ! 3) '.h.string' if extra-tracer modules ! If your filename does not adhere to these CCSM conventions, the ! model will abort. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (i4) :: & iii,jjj ! local indices character (char_len) :: & tavg_outfile_temp, &! temp tavg output filename temp_string, & string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! store original filename in tavg_outfile_temp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_outfile_temp = trim(tavg_outfile_orig) string = trim(tavg_outfile_orig) ! shorter name iii = len_trim(tavg_outfile_temp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! error checking !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iii .lt. 1) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: string length < 1 ' call document ('tavg_create_outfile_ccsm', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accounting for the possibility of multiple tavg streams, ! replace the character ('h') with the string 'rh' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ns == 1) then !----------------------------------------------------- ! assumes string ends in '.h' -- replace with '.rh' !----------------------------------------------------- tavg_outfile_temp(iii:iii+1) = 'rh' endif if (ns > 1) then if (string(iii-2:iii-1) == '.h') then !------------------------------------------------------- ! assumes string ends in '.hN' -- replace with '.rhN' !------------------------------------------------------- tavg_outfile_temp(iii-1:iii) = 'rh' tavg_outfile_temp(iii+1:iii+1) = string(iii:iii) else !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! assumes string ends in '.h.string' -- replace with '.rh.string' !------------------------------------------------------------------ hist_search: do jjj=iii,3,-1 if (string(jjj-2:jjj) == '.h.') then tavg_outfile_temp(jjj-1:jjj) = 'rh' tavg_outfile_temp(jjj+1:) = string(jjj:iii) exit hist_search endif enddo hist_search if (trim(tavg_outfile_temp) == trim(string)) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: string was not modified' call document ('tavg_create_outfile_ccsm', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fill tavg_outfile with modified filename !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_outfile = trim(tavg_outfile_temp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_create_outfile_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_count_contents ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_count_contents (num_fields,tavg_contents) 1,6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine counts the number of lines in the tavg_contents file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (char_len),intent(in) :: tavg_contents ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(out) :: num_fields !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: nu integer (int_kind) :: ios integer (int_kind) :: mt integer (int_kind) :: grid_code_int character (char_len) :: file_line !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! get unit and open contents file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then open(nu, file=tavg_contents, status='old') endif num_fields = 0 count_loop: do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read line from file, checking for end-of-file !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then read (nu,'(A)',iostat=ios) file_line endif call broadcast_scalar(ios, master_task) if (ios < 0) exit count_loop call broadcast_scalar(file_line, master_task) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increment !--------------------------------------------------------------------- num_fields = num_fields + 1 enddo count_loop if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) 'There are ',num_fields, & ' tavg fields requested via tavg_contents.' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! close file and release unit !--------------------------------------------------------------------- close(nu) call release_unit(nu) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_count_contents !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_add_attrib_file_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_add_attrib_file_ccsm (tavg_file_desc) 1,6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine adds attributes to the ccsm tavg history file ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & start_time, & current_date, & current_time, & cell_methods, & calendar call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'contents', 'Diagnostic and Prognostic Variables') call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'source', 'CCSM POP2, the CCSM Ocean Component') call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'revision', & '$Id: tavg.F90 23423 2010-05-28 16:23:16Z njn01 $') if (allow_leapyear) then write(calendar,'(a,i5,a,i5,a)') & ' Leap years allowed. Normal years have',days_in_norm_year, & ' days. Leap years have ' ,days_in_leap_year, ' days.' else write(calendar,'(a,i5,a)')'All years have exactly', days_in_norm_year, ' days.' endif call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'calendar', trim(calendar)) call date_and_time (date=current_date,time=current_time) start_time = char_blank write(start_time,1000) current_date(1:4), current_date(5:6), & current_date(7:8), current_time(1:2), & current_time(3:4), current_time(5:8) call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'start_time', trim(start_time)) cell_methods = char_blank cell_methods = 'cell_methods = time: mean ==> the variable values ' /& &/ 'are averaged over the time interval between the previous ' /& &/ 'time coordinate and the current one. ' /& &/ 'cell_methods absent ==> the variable values ' /& &/ 'are at the time given by the current time coordinate. ' call add_attrib_file(tavg_file_desc, 'cell_methods', trim(cell_methods)) 1000 format('This dataset was created on ',a,'-',a,'-',a,' at ',a,':',a,':',a) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_add_attrib_file_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_add_attrib_io_field_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_add_attrib_io_field_ccsm (tavg_field,nfield) 1,6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine adds ccsm-required attributes to ccsm tavg fields ! cell_methods, scale_factor, and _FillValue ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (i4), intent(in) :: & nfield ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (io_field_desc), intent(inout) :: & tavg_field ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & string string = char_blank select case (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%method) case(tavg_method_avg) string='time: mean' case(tavg_method_min) string='time: minimum' case(tavg_method_max) string='time: maximum' case(tavg_method_qflux) string='time: mean' case default write(exit_string,'(a,1x,i4)') 'FATAL ERROR: unknown method = ', avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%method call document ('tavg_add_attrib_io_field_ccsm', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) end select call add_attrib_io_field(tavg_field, 'cell_methods', trim(string)) if (avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%scale_factor /= undefined_nf) then call add_attrib_io_field(tavg_field, 'scale_factor',avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%scale_factor) endif call add_attrib_io_field(tavg_field,'_FillValue',avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%fill_value ) call add_attrib_io_field(tavg_field,'missing_value',avail_tavg_fields(nfield)%missing_value ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_add_attrib_io_field_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,31 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF coordinates that are used in the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! tavg streams index ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r4), dimension(km) :: & ZT_R4, &! single precision array ZW_R4, &! single precision array ZW_BOT_R4 ! single precision array real (r4), dimension(0:km) :: & MOC_Z_R4 real (r4), dimension(1000) :: & LAT_AUX_GRID_R4 integer (int_kind) :: & ii, n, ndims save ii=0 !*** z_t ii=ii+1 ZT_R4 = zt ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('z_t',zt_dim, & long_name='depth from surface to midpoint of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =ZT_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', ZT_R4(1)) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', ZT_R4(km)) !*** z_t ii=ii+1 ZT_150m_R4 = zt(1:zt_150m_levs) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('z_t_150m',zt_150m_dim, & long_name='depth from surface to midpoint of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =ZT_150m_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', ZT_150m_R4(1)) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', ZT_150m_R4(zt_150m_levs)) !*** z_w ii=ii+1 ZW_R4(1) = c0 ZW_R4(2:km) = zw(1:km-1) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('z_w',zw_dim, & long_name='depth from surface to top of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =ZW_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', ZW_R4(1 )) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', ZW_R4(km)) !*** z_w_top ii=ii+1 ZW_R4(1) = c0 ! same as z_w ZW_R4(2:km) = zw(1:km-1) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('z_w_top',zw_dim_top, & long_name='depth from surface to top of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =ZW_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', ZW_R4(1 )) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', ZW_R4(km)) !*** z_w_bot ii=ii+1 ZW_BOT_R4(1:km) = zw(1:km) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('z_w_bot',zw_dim_bot, & long_name='depth from surface to bottom of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =ZW_BOT_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', ZW_BOT_R4(1 )) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', ZW_BOT_R4(km)) if (ltavg_moc_diags(ns) .or. ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns) .or. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns)) then !*** lat_aux_grid ii=ii+1 if (n_lat_aux_grid+1 > 1000) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: must increase dimension of LAT_AUX_GRID_R4' call document ('tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif LAT_AUX_GRID_R4 = 0 LAT_AUX_GRID_R4(1:n_lat_aux_grid+1) = lat_aux_edge(1:n_lat_aux_grid+1) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('lat_aux_grid',lat_aux_grid_dim, & long_name='latitude grid for transport diagnostics', & units ='degrees_north', & r1d_array =LAT_AUX_GRID_R4(1:n_lat_aux_grid+1)) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', LAT_AUX_GRID_R4(1 )) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', LAT_AUX_GRID_R4(n_lat_aux_grid+1)) endif if (ltavg_moc_diags(ns)) then !*** moc_z ii=ii+1 MOC_Z_R4(0) = c0 MOC_Z_R4(1:km) = zw(1:km) ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('moc_z',moc_z_dim, & long_name='depth from surface to top of layer', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =MOC_Z_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'positive', 'down') call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_min', MOC_Z_R4(0 )) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_coordinates(ii,ns), 'valid_max', MOC_Z_R4(km)) endif ! ltavg_moc_diags ! after all coordinates are defined, define the total number of coordinates num_ccsm_coordinates = ii if (num_ccsm_coordinates > max_num_ccsm_coordinates) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reset max_num_ccsm_coordinates' call document ('tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_coordinates !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_construct_ccsm_time_invar ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_time_invar(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,44 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF time-invariant variables that are ! used in the ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! tavg streams index !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: ii, n real (r4), dimension(km) :: & DZ_R4 real (r4), dimension(0:km-1) :: & DZW_R4 real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & TLON_DEG, TLAT_DEG, ULON_DEG, ULAT_DEG real (r4) :: missing_value integer (int_kind) :: missing_value_i real (r8) :: missing_value_d logical (log_kind) :: & full_header save missing_value = undefined_nf_r4 missing_value_d = undefined_nf_r8 missing_value_i = undefined_nf_int ii=0 !*** dz ii=ii+1 DZ_R4 = dz ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('dz',zt_dim, & long_name='thickness of layer k', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =DZ_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value ) !*** dzw ii=ii+1 DZW_R4(0:) = dzw(0:km-1) ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('dzw',zw_dim, & long_name='midpoint of k to midpoint of k+1', & units ='centimeters', & r1d_array =DZW_R4) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! only write the following time-invariant fields if requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_one_time_header) then full_header = .true. else if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_first_header) then full_header = .true. else full_header = .false. endif endif if (full_header) then !*** ULONG ii=ii+1 ULON_DEG = ULON*radian ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'ULONG', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='array of u-grid longitudes', & units ='degrees_east', & d2d_array =ULON_DEG(:,:,:) ) !*** ULAT ii=ii+1 ULAT_DEG = ULAT*radian ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'ULAT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='array of u-grid latitudes', & units ='degrees_north', & d2d_array =ULAT_DEG(:,:,:) ) !*** TLONG ii=ii+1 TLON_DEG = TLON*radian ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'TLONG', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='array of t-grid longitudes', & units ='degrees_east', & d2d_array =TLON_DEG(:,:,:) ) !*** TLAT ii=ii+1 TLAT_DEG = TLAT*radian ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'TLAT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='array of t-grid latitudes', & units ='degrees_north', & d2d_array =TLAT_DEG(:,:,:) ) !*** KMT ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'KMT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='k Index of Deepest Grid Cell on T Grid', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & i2d_array =KMT(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_i ) !*** KMU ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'KMU', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='k Index of Deepest Grid Cell on U Grid', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & i2d_array =KMU(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_i ) !*** REGION_MASK ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'REGION_MASK', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='basin index number (signed integers)', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & i2d_array =REGION_MASK(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_i ) !*** UAREA ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'UAREA', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='area of U cells', & units ='centimeter^2', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =UAREA(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** TAREA ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'TAREA', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='area of T cells', & units ='centimeter^2', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =TAREA(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HU ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HU', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='ocean depth at U points', & units='centimeter', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =HU(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HT ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='ocean depth at T points', & units='centimeter', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =HT(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** DXU ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'DXU', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='x-spacing centered at U points', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =DXU(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** DYU ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'DYU', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='y-spacing centered at U points', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =DYU(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** DXT ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'DXT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='x-spacing centered at T points', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =DXT(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** DYT ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'DYT', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='y-spacing centered at T points', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =DYT(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HTN ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HTN', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='cell widths on North sides of T cell', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =HTN(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HTE ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HTE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='cell widths on East sides of T cell', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =HTE(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HUS ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HUS', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='cell widths on South sides of U cell', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =HUS(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** HUW ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'HUW', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='cell widths on West sides of U cell', & units='centimeters', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =HUW(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** ANGLE ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'ANGLE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='angle grid makes with latitude line', & units='radians', & coordinates = "ULONG ULAT", & d2d_array =ANGLE(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) !*** ANGLET ii=ii+1 ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns) = construct_io_field( & 'ANGLET', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='angle grid makes with latitude line on T grid',& units='radians', & coordinates = "TLONG TLAT", & d2d_array =ANGLET(:,:,:) ) call add_attrib_io_field(ccsm_time_invar(ii,ns),'missing_value',missing_value_d ) endif ! full_header ! after all time-invariant arrays are defined, define the total number num_ccsm_time_invar(ns) = ii if (num_ccsm_time_invar(ns) > max_num_ccsm_time_invar) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reset max_num_ccsm_time_invar -- too small' call document ('tavg_construct_ccsm_time_invar', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_time_invar !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_construct_ccsm_scalars ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_scalars(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,32 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF scalars that are used in the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! tavg streams index !EOP !BOC real (r8) :: & d0d_days_in_norm_year, & d0d_days_in_leap_year, & d0d_nsurface_t, & d0d_nsurface_u integer (int_kind) :: & ii,n logical (log_kind) :: & full_header save ii=0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! only write the following scalar fields if requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_one_time_header) then full_header = .true. else if (tavg_streams(ns)%ltavg_first_header) then full_header = .true. else full_header = .false. endif endif if (full_header) then !*** days_in_norm_year d0d_days_in_norm_year = days_in_norm_year ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('days_in_norm_year', & long_name='Calendar Length', & units ='days', & d0d_array =d0d_days_in_norm_year) !*** grav ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('grav', & long_name='Acceleration Due to Gravity', & units ='centimeter/s^2', & d0d_array =grav) !*** omega ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('omega', & long_name='Earths Angular Velocity', & units ='1/second', & d0d_array =omega) !*** radius ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('radius', & long_name='Earths Radius', & units ='centimeters', & d0d_array =radius) !*** cp_sw ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('cp_sw', & long_name='Specific Heat of Sea Water', & units ='erg/g/K', & d0d_array =cp_sw) !*** sound ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('sound', & long_name='Speed of Sound', & units ='centimeter/s', & d0d_array =sound) !*** vonkar ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('vonkar', & long_name='von Karman Constant', & d0d_array =vonkar) !*** cp_air ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('cp_air', & long_name='Heat Capacity of Air', & units ='joule/kg/degK', & d0d_array =cp_air) !*** rho_air ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('rho_air', & long_name='Ambient Air Density', & units ='kg/m^3', & d0d_array =rho_air) !*** rho_sw ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('rho_sw', & long_name='Density of Sea Water', & units ='gram/centimeter^3', & d0d_array =rho_sw) !*** rho_fw ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('rho_fw', & long_name='Density of Fresh Water', & units ='gram/centimeter^3', & d0d_array =rho_fw) !*** stefan_boltzmann ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('stefan_boltzmann', & long_name='Stefan-Boltzmann Constant', & units ='watt/m^2/degK^4', & d0d_array =stefan_boltzmann) !*** latent_heat_vapor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('latent_heat_vapor', & long_name='Latent Heat of Vaporization', & units ='erg/g', & d0d_array =latent_heat_vapor) !*** latent_heat_fusion ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('latent_heat_fusion', & long_name='Latent Heat of Fusion', & units ='erg/g', & d0d_array =latent_heat_fusion) !*** ocn_ref_salinity ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('ocn_ref_salinity', & long_name='Ocean Reference Salinity', & units ='g/kg', & d0d_array =ocn_ref_salinity) !*** sea_ice_salinity ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('sea_ice_salinity', & long_name='Salinity of Sea Ice', & units ='g/kg', & d0d_array =sea_ice_salinity) !*** T0_Kelvin ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('T0_Kelvin', & long_name='Zero Point for Celsius', & units ='degK', & d0d_array =T0_Kelvin) !*** salt_to_ppt ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('salt_to_ppt', & long_name='Convert Salt in gram/gram to g/kg',& d0d_array =salt_to_ppt) !*** ppt_to_salt ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('ppt_to_salt', & long_name='Convert Salt in g/kg to gram/gram',& d0d_array =ppt_to_salt) !*** mass_to_Sv ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('mass_to_Sv', & long_name='Convert Mass Flux to Sverdrups',& d0d_array =mass_to_Sv) !*** heat_to_PW ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('heat_to_PW', & long_name='Convert Heat Flux to Petawatts', & d0d_array =heat_to_PW) !*** salt_to_Svppt ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('salt_to_Svppt', & long_name='Convert Salt Flux to Sverdrups*g/kg', & d0d_array =salt_to_Svppt) !*** salt_to_mmday ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('salt_to_mmday', & long_name='Convert Salt to Water (millimeters/day)', & d0d_array =salt_to_mmday) !*** momentum_factor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('momentum_factor', & long_name='Convert Windstress to Velocity Flux', & d0d_array =momentum_factor) !*** hflux_factor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('hflux_factor', & long_name='Convert Heat and Solar Flux to Temperature Flux',& d0d_array =hflux_factor) !*** fwflux_factor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('fwflux_factor', & long_name='Convert Net Fresh Water Flux to Salt Flux (in model units)', & d0d_array =fwflux_factor) !*** salinity_factor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('salinity_factor', & long_name=' ', & d0d_array =salinity_factor) !*** sflux_factor ii=ii+1 ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('sflux_factor', & long_name='Convert Salt Flux to Salt Flux (in model units)', & d0d_array =sflux_factor) !*** nsurface_t ii=ii+1 d0d_nsurface_t = nsurface_t ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('nsurface_t', & long_name='Number of Ocean T Points at Surface', & d0d_array =d0d_nsurface_t) !*** nsurface_u ii=ii+1 d0d_nsurface_u = nsurface_u ccsm_scalars(ii,ns) = construct_io_field('nsurface_u', & long_name='Number of Ocean U Points at Surface', & d0d_array =d0d_nsurface_u) endif ! full_header ! after all scalars are defined, define the total number of scalars num_ccsm_scalars(ns) = ii if (num_ccsm_scalars(ns) > max_num_ccsm_scalars) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reset num_ccsm_scalars -- too small' call document ('tavg_construct_ccsm_scalars', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_scalars !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_define_labels_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_define_labels_ccsm(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,6 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF labels that are used in the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! tavg streams index !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & id, ii, n, ndims integer (i4) :: & nstd_field_id save !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Note that avail_tavg_labels is type tavg_field_desc_ccsm, not io_field_desc ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ii = 0 num_avail_tavg_labels = 0 if (ltavg_moc_diags(ns)) then ii = ii + 1 ndims = 2 io_dims_labels(1,ii)=nchar_dim io_dims_labels(2,ii)=moc_comp_dim call define_tavg_field(id, 'moc_components',ndims, & long_name='MOC component names', & nftype='char', & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_labels, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_labels, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_labels ) endif if (ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns) .or. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns)) then ii = ii + 1 ndims = 2 io_dims_labels(1,ii)=nchar_dim io_dims_labels(2,ii)=transport_comp_dim call define_tavg_field(id, 'transport_components',ndims, & long_name='T,S transport components', & nftype='char', & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_labels, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_labels, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_labels ) endif if (ltavg_moc_diags(ns) .or. ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns) .or. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns)) then ii = ii + 1 ndims = 2 io_dims_labels(1,ii)=nchar_dim io_dims_labels(2,ii)=transport_reg_dim call define_tavg_field(id, 'transport_regions',ndims, & long_name='regions for all transport diagnostics', & nftype='char', & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_labels, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_labels, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_labels ) endif if (ii /= num_avail_tavg_labels) then write (stdout,*) 'ii = ', ii write (stdout,*) 'num_avail_tavg_labels = ', num_avail_tavg_labels exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: mismatch in number of labels' call document ('tavg_define_labels_ccsm', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif do n=1,num_avail_tavg_labels call data_set_nstd_ccsm ( & tavg_file_desc, 'define', & nstd_field_id, & avail_tavg_labels(n)%ndims, & io_dims_labels(:,n), & short_name=avail_tavg_labels(n)%short_name,& long_name=avail_tavg_labels(n)%long_name, & units=avail_tavg_labels(n)%units, & nftype=avail_tavg_labels(n)%nftype ) avail_tavg_labels_id(n) = nstd_field_id enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_define_labels_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_construct_ccsm_time ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_time (field_id,ns) 1,3 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF time variables that are used in the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & field_id, &! time id ns ! tavg streams index !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(1) :: & TIME1D character(char_len) :: & nftype integer (int_kind) :: & ndims save !*** time TIME1D(1)=tday00 time_coordinate(1,ns) = construct_io_field('time',time_dim, & field_id = field_id, & long_name ='time', & units ='days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00', & d1d_array = TIME1D ) if (field_id == 0) then call add_attrib_io_field(time_coordinate(1,ns), 'bounds', 'time_bound') call add_attrib_io_field(time_coordinate(1,ns), 'calendar', 'noleap') endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_construct_ccsm_time !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_define_time_bounds ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_define_time_bounds(tavg_file_desc) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine defines the netCDF time variables that are used in the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(1) :: & TIME1D character(char_len) :: & nftype integer (int_kind) :: & ndims save !*** time_bound time_bound_dims(1) = d2_dim time_bound_dims(2) = time_dim ndims = 2 nftype = 'double' call data_set_nstd_ccsm (tavg_file_desc, 'define', & time_bound_id, & ndims, time_bound_dims, & short_name='time_bound', & long_name='boundaries for time-averaging interval',& units='days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00', & nftype=nftype ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_define_time_bounds !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_write_vars_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_write_vars_ccsm (tavg_file_desc, nvars, ccsm_vars) 4,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes the ccsm variables (coordinates, scalars, and ! time-independent variables) to the ccsm version of the netCDF ! tavg output files ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & nvars ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: & tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor type (io_field_desc), dimension(nvars), intent(inout) :: & ccsm_vars !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & n, ndims ! local index do n=1,nvars call data_set (tavg_file_desc, 'write', ccsm_vars(n)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_write_vars_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_write_vars_nstd_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_write_vars_nstd_ccsm(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes the nonstandard ccsm variables to the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg file. These variables exist in ! a variable of type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm), but do not have the ! corresponding data bundled together via the function ! construct_io_field. Therefore, this routine associates the ! variable's data with the varible's definition, and sends ! the information in separate pieces to be written. ! Calls data_set_nstd_ccsm ! ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns ! tavg streams index ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & nftype integer (int_kind), parameter :: & max_writes = 1 integer (int_kind) :: & n, ndims, nnn, &! local index ii, indx integer (i4) :: & id real (r8), dimension(2,max_writes) :: & data_2d_r8 character (char_len), dimension(30) :: & data_1d_ch type(io_dim), dimension(2) :: & ! local array io_dims !*** moc-related variables if (ltavg_moc_diags(ns)) then !*** determine index of moc_components indx=0 do ii=1,num_avail_tavg_labels if (trim(avail_tavg_labels(ii)%short_name) == 'moc_components') & indx = ii enddo if (indx /= 0) then ndims=2 data_1d_ch(1) = 'Eulerian Mean' if (n_moc_comp >= 2) & data_1d_ch(2) = 'Eddy-Induced (bolus)' if (n_moc_comp >= 3) & data_1d_ch(3) = 'Submeso' io_dims(:) = io_dims_labels(:,indx) id = avail_tavg_labels_id(indx) nftype = 'char' implied_time_dim = .false. call data_set_nstd_ccsm (tavg_file_desc, 'write', & id, ndims, io_dims, nftype, & implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & data_1d_ch = data_1d_ch ) endif !*** determine index of transport_regions indx=0 do ii=1,num_avail_tavg_labels if (trim(avail_tavg_labels(ii)%short_name) == 'transport_regions') & indx = ii enddo if (indx /= 0) then ndims=2 data_1d_ch(1) = 'Global Ocean - Marginal Seas' if (n_transport_reg > 1 .and. nreg2_transport >= 1) then data_1d_ch(2) = trim(transport_region_info(1)%name) do nnn=2,nreg2_transport data_1d_ch(2)=trim(data_1d_ch(2)) /& &/ ' + ' /& &/trim(transport_region_info(nnn)%name) enddo endif io_dims(:) = io_dims_labels(:,indx) id = avail_tavg_labels_id(indx) nftype = 'char' implied_time_dim = .false. call data_set_nstd_ccsm (tavg_file_desc, 'write', & id, ndims, io_dims, nftype, & implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & data_1d_ch = data_1d_ch ) endif implied_time_dim = .true. call write_nstd_netcdf( & tavg_file_desc,moc_id,1,5,io_dims_nstd_ccsm(:,1),& 'float', & ! <-- generalize later implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & indata_4d_r4=TAVG_MOC_G) endif !*** transport variables if (ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns) .or. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns)) then !*** determine index of transport_components indx=0 do ii=1,num_avail_tavg_labels if (trim(avail_tavg_labels(ii)%short_name) == 'transport_components') & indx = ii enddo if (indx /= 0) then ndims=2 data_1d_ch(1) = 'Total' data_1d_ch(2) = 'Eulerian-Mean Advection' if (registry_match('init_gm')) then data_1d_ch(3) = 'Eddy-Induced Advection (bolus) + Diffusion' else data_1d_ch(3) = 'Diffusion' endif if ( n_transport_comp >= 4 ) & data_1d_ch(4) = 'Eddy-Induced (bolus) Advection' if ( n_transport_comp >= 5 ) & data_1d_ch(5) = 'Submeso Advection' io_dims(:) = io_dims_labels(:,indx) id = avail_tavg_labels_id(indx) nftype = 'char' implied_time_dim = .false. call data_set_nstd_ccsm (tavg_file_desc, 'write', & id, ndims, io_dims, nftype, & implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & data_1d_ch = data_1d_ch ) endif endif if (ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns)) then !*** N_HEAT implied_time_dim = .true. call write_nstd_netcdf( & tavg_file_desc,n_heat_id,1,4,io_dims_nstd_ccsm(:,2),& !<-- generalize later 'float', & ! <-- generalize later implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & indata_3d_r4=TAVG_N_HEAT_TRANS_G) endif if (ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns)) then !*** N_SALT implied_time_dim = .true. call write_nstd_netcdf( & tavg_file_desc,n_salt_id,1,4,io_dims_nstd_ccsm(:,3),& !<-- generalize later 'float', & ! <-- generalize later implied_time_dim=implied_time_dim, & indata_3d_r4=TAVG_N_SALT_TRANS_G) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_write_vars_nstd_ccsm !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_write_time_bounds ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_write_time_bounds(tavg_file_desc,ns) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes the ccsm time_bounds values to the ! ccsm netCDF output tavg file. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: ns ! tavg streams index ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: type (datafile), intent(inout) :: tavg_file_desc ! IO file descriptor !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & nftype integer (int_kind) :: & ndims real (r8), dimension(2,1) :: & ! (2nd dimension is the unlimited dimension) data_2d_r8 tavg_streams(ns)%upper_time_bound = tday00 ndims=2 data_2d_r8(1,1) = tavg_streams(ns)%lower_time_bound data_2d_r8(2,1) = tavg_streams(ns)%upper_time_bound time_bound_dims(2)%start = time_dim%start time_bound_dims(2)%stop = time_dim%stop call write_time_bounds (tavg_file_desc,time_bound_id,time_bound_dims, data_2d_r8 ) tavg_streams(ns)%lower_time_bound = tday00 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_write_time_bounds !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_mask ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_mask(ARRAY,tavg_field,k) 2,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (rtavg), dimension (:,:,:), intent(inout) :: & ARRAY type (tavg_field_desc_ccsm), intent(in) :: & tavg_field integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & k type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: iblock, i, j select case (trim(tavg_field%grid_loc(2:3))) case('11') do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic ARRAY(:,:,iblock) = merge (tavg_field%fill_value,ARRAY(:,:,iblock), & k > KMT(:,:,iblock)) enddo ! iblock case('22') do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie if (MASK_22(i,j,k,iblock)) ARRAY(i,j,iblock) = tavg_field%fill_value enddo ! i enddo ! j enddo ! iblock case default !*** if field_desc is not on standard tracer or ! velocity grid, never mind end select !EOC end subroutine tavg_mask !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_bsf_diags ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_bsf_diags(ns) 1,18 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Compute barotropic stream function diagnostically from other tavg ! quantities ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & errorCode real (r8), dimension (nx_block, ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & WORK1,WORK2,WORK3, & PSI_T, PSI_U integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_id_SU, & tavg_id_SV, & tavg_id_BSF, & tavg_loc_SU, & tavg_loc_SV, & tavg_loc_BSF integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, & i,ii, & j,jj, & nstream type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block errorCode = POP_Success !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! test return conditions ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. ldiag_bsf) return if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) then if (nsteps_run <= 1 .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) & 'WARNING: BSF diagnostic is not computed if tavg_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nstep' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) ! temporary endif return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin computations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** zero out location identifiers tavg_loc_SU = 0; tavg_loc_SV = 0; tavg_loc_BSF = 0 !*** determine the tavg ids for tavg fields required by this module tavg_id_SU = tavg_id('SU') tavg_id_SV = tavg_id('SV') tavg_id_BSF = tavg_id('BSF') if (tavg_id_SU == 0 .or. tavg_id_SV == 0 .or. tavg_id_BSF == 0) then !*** do not abort; write warning message and proceed call document ('write_tavg', 'WARNING: cannot compute BSF diagnostic') endif !*** only compute BSF diagnostic if SU,SV, and BSF fields are in this stream nstream = tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_SU) if (ns /= nstream) then !*** write warning message? return endif if (nstream /= tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_SV) .or. & nstream /= tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_BSF)) then !*** write warning message? return endif call timer_start(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_bsf) tavg_loc_SU = avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_SU)%buf_loc tavg_loc_SV = avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_SV)%buf_loc tavg_loc_BSF = avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_BSF)%buf_loc !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (this_block,iblock) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) WORK2(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_SU) WORK3(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_SV) call zcurl (1,WORK1(:,:,iblock),WORK2(:,:,iblock), & WORK3(:,:,iblock),this_block) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO WORK2 = c0 call pcg_diag_bsf_solver (WORK2,WORK1, errorCode) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in pcg_diag_bsf' call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, exit_string) call document ('tavg_bsf_diags', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) return endif do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_BSF) = & merge(c0,WORK2(:,:,iblock), .not. CALCT(:,:,iblock)) enddo ! iblock !*** convert to Sv TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,tavg_loc_BSF) = & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:,tavg_loc_BSF)*mass_to_Sv do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic PSI_T(:,:,iblock)= TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_BSF) enddo !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (iblock, i,j,ii,jj) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic PSI_T(:,:,iblock) = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_BSF) do j=2,ny_block-1 do i=2,nx_block-1 if (KMT(i,j,iblock) == 0) then ii_loop: do ii=i-1,i+1 jj_loop: do jj=j-1,j+1 if (KMT(ii,jj,iblock) /= 0) then PSI_T(i,j,iblock) = PSI_T(ii,jj,iblock) exit ii_loop endif enddo jj_loop enddo ii_loop endif enddo ! i enddo ! j call tgrid_to_ugrid (PSI_U(:,:,iblock), PSI_T(:,:,iblock),iblock) TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,iblock,tavg_loc_BSF) = PSI_U(:,:,iblock) end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO !*** stop bsf timer call timer_stop(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_bsf) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_bsf_diags !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_init_moc_diags ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_init_moc_diags 1,49 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Initialization routine for tavg_moc_diags, which computes meridional overturning ! circulation diagnostically from other tavg quantities. This routine mainly ! performs error checking: all the required tavg fields have been requested, ! have been activated, and are in the same stream ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & moc_stream ! stream in which WVEL is defined !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set default value regardless of moc_requested status ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ltavg_moc_diags = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is MOC diagnostic requested? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. moc_requested) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_loc_WVEL = 0 ; tavg_loc_VVEL = 0 tavg_loc_WISOP = 0 ; tavg_loc_VISOP = 0 tavg_loc_WSUBM = 0 ; tavg_loc_VSUBM = 0 tavg_id_WVEL = tavg_id('WVEL') tavg_id_VVEL = tavg_id('VVEL') if (tavg_id_WVEL == 0 .or. tavg_id_VVEL == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_WVEL', tavg_id_WVEL) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_VVEL', tavg_id_VVEL) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_WVEL = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_WVEL)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VVEL = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VVEL)%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_WVEL == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VVEL == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_WVEL', tavg_loc_WVEL) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_VVEL', tavg_loc_VVEL) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! checks for gm_bolus option terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then tavg_id_WISOP = tavg_id('WISOP') tavg_id_VISOP = tavg_id('VISOP') if (tavg_id_WISOP == 0 .or. tavg_id_VISOP == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_WISOP', tavg_id_WISOP) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_VISOP', tavg_id_VISOP) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_WISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_WISOP)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VISOP)%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_WISOP == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VISOP == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_WISOP', tavg_loc_WISOP) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_VISOP', tavg_loc_VISOP) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif ! ldiag_gm_bolus !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! checks for submeso option terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lsubmeso) then tavg_id_WSUBM = tavg_id('WSUBM') tavg_id_VSUBM = tavg_id('VSUBM') if (tavg_id_WSUBM == 0 .or. tavg_id_VSUBM == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_WSUBM', tavg_id_WSUBM) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_id_VSUBM', tavg_id_VSUBM) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_WSUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_WSUBM)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VSUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VSUBM)%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_WSUBM == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VSUBM == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_moc', & 'Error in moc diagnostics computations: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_WSUBM', tavg_loc_WSUBM) call document ('tavg_moc', 'tavg_loc_VSUBM', tavg_loc_VSUBM) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_moc' call document ('tavg_moc', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif endif ! lsubmeso !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now confirm that all required fields are in the same stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- moc_stream = tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_WVEL) if (lsubmeso) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VVEL , moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_WISOP, moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VISOP, moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_WSUBM, moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VSUBM, moc_stream) ) then ltavg_moc_diags(moc_stream) = .true. endif else if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VVEL , moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_WISOP, moc_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VISOP, moc_stream) ) then ltavg_moc_diags(moc_stream) = .true. endif else if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VVEL , moc_stream) ) then ltavg_moc_diags(moc_stream) = .true. endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define MOC tavg variable and dimensions ! note that this call fills num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_moc_diags(moc_stream)) then call define_tavg_field( & tavg_MOC, 'MOC', 5, & long_name='Meridional Overturning Circulation', & units='Sverdrups', & coordinates='lat_aux_grid moc_z moc_components transport_region time',& nftype='float' , & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields ) endif call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_init_moc_diags !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_moc_diags ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_moc_diags(ns) 1,8 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Compute meridional overturning circulation diagnostically from ! other tavg quantities ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! is MOC diagnostic requested? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. ltavg_moc_diags(ns)) return if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) then if (nsteps_run <= 1 .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) & 'WARNING: MOC diagnostic is not computed if tavg_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nstep' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin computations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_start(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_moc) io_dims_nstd_ccsm(1,tavg_MOC) = lat_aux_grid_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(2,tavg_MOC) = moc_z_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(3,tavg_MOC) = moc_comp_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(4,tavg_MOC) = transport_reg_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(5,tavg_MOC) = time_dim ndims_nstd_ccsm ( tavg_MOC) = 5 if ( ldiag_gm_bolus .and. lsubmeso ) then call compute_moc ( TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WVEL ), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VVEL ), & W_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WISOP), & V_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VISOP), & W_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WSUBM), & V_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VSUBM)) elseif ( ldiag_gm_bolus .and. .not.lsubmeso ) then call compute_moc ( TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WVEL ), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VVEL ), & W_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WISOP), & V_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VISOP)) elseif ( .not.ldiag_gm_bolus .and. lsubmeso ) then call compute_moc ( TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WVEL ), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VVEL ), & W_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WSUBM), & V_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VSUBM)) else call compute_moc ( TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_WVEL ), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,tavg_loc_VVEL )) endif call timer_stop(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_moc) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_moc_diags !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_init_transport_diags ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_init_transport_diags 1,70 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Compute northward transport of heat/salt diagnostically from ! other tavg quantities ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & trans_stream ! stream in which ADVT is defined !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set default values regardless of n_heat_trans_requested/ ! n_salt_trans_requested status !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ltavg_n_heat_trans = .false. ltavg_n_salt_trans = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! are transport diagnostics requested? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. (n_heat_trans_requested .or. n_salt_trans_requested)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavg_loc_ADVT = 0 ; tavg_loc_ADVS = 0 tavg_loc_VNT = 0 ; tavg_loc_VNS = 0 tavg_loc_HDIFT = 0 ; tavg_loc_HDIFS = 0 tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP = 0 ; tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP = 0 tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP = 0 ; tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP = 0 tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM = 0 ; tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM = 0 tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM = 0 ; tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM = 0 tavg_id_ADVT = tavg_id('ADVT') tavg_id_ADVS = tavg_id('ADVS') tavg_id_VNT = tavg_id('VNT') tavg_id_VNS = tavg_id('VNS') tavg_id_HDIFT = tavg_id('HDIFT') tavg_id_HDIFS = tavg_id('HDIFS') !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_ADVT = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVT )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_ADVS = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVS )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNT = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNT )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNS = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNS )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_HDIFT = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_HDIFT)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_HDIFS = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_HDIFS)%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_ADVT == 0 .or. tavg_loc_ADVS == 0 .or. & tavg_loc_VNT == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VNS == 0 .or. & tavg_loc_HDIFT == 0 .or. tavg_loc_HDIFS == 0) then call document ('tavg_transport', & 'Error in heat/salt transport diags: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVT', tavg_loc_ADVT) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVS', tavg_loc_ADVS) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNT ', tavg_loc_VNT ) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNS ', tavg_loc_VNS ) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_HDIFT', tavg_loc_HDIFT) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_HDIFS', tavg_loc_HDIFS) call exit_POP (SigAbort, '(tavg_transport) ERROR',out_unit=stdout) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_transport' call document ('tavg_transport', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! checks for gm_bolus option terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then tavg_id_ADVT_ISOP = tavg_id('ADVT_ISOP') tavg_id_ADVS_ISOP = tavg_id('ADVS_ISOP') tavg_id_VNT_ISOP = tavg_id('VNT_ISOP') tavg_id_VNS_ISOP = tavg_id('VNS_ISOP') !*** note: error checking for tavg_id is done in POP_checks !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVT_ISOP)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVS_ISOP)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNT_ISOP )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNS_ISOP )%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP == 0 .or. tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP == 0 .or. & tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_transport', & 'Error in heat/salt transport diags: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP', tavg_loc_ADVT) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP', tavg_loc_ADVS) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP ', tavg_loc_VNT ) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP ', tavg_loc_VNS ) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_transport' call document ('tavg_transport', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif ! tavg_id testing endif ! ldiag_gm_bolus !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! checks for submeso option terms ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lsubmeso) then tavg_id_ADVT_SUBM = tavg_id('ADVT_SUBM') tavg_id_ADVS_SUBM = tavg_id('ADVS_SUBM') tavg_id_VNT_SUBM = tavg_id('VNT_SUBM') tavg_id_VNS_SUBM = tavg_id('VNS_SUBM') !*** may not yet be activated, so use abs tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVT_SUBM)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_ADVS_SUBM)%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNT_SUBM )%buf_loc) tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM = abs(avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_VNS_SUBM )%buf_loc) if (tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM == 0 .or. tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM == 0 .or. & tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM == 0 .or. tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM == 0 ) then call document ('tavg_transport', & 'Error in heat/salt transport diags: none of the following should be zero') call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM', tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM', tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM ', tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM ) call document ('tavg_transport', 'tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM ', tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM ) exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR in tavg_transport' call document ('tavg_transport', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif ! tavg_id testing endif ! lsubmeso !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now confirm that all required fields are in the same stream ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- trans_stream = tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_id_ADVT) if (lsubmeso) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVT_ISOP,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS_ISOP,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT_ISOP, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS_ISOP, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVT_SUBM,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS_SUBM,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT_SUBM, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS_SUBM, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFS, trans_stream) ) then if (n_heat_trans_requested) ltavg_n_heat_trans(trans_stream) = .true. if (n_salt_trans_requested) ltavg_n_salt_trans(trans_stream) = .true. endif else if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVT_ISOP,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS_ISOP,trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT_ISOP, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS_ISOP, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFS, trans_stream) ) then if (n_heat_trans_requested) ltavg_n_heat_trans(trans_stream) = .true. if (n_salt_trans_requested) ltavg_n_salt_trans(trans_stream) = .true. endif else if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_ADVS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_VNS, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFT, trans_stream) .and. & tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id_HDIFS, trans_stream) ) then if (n_heat_trans_requested) ltavg_n_heat_trans(trans_stream) = .true. if (n_salt_trans_requested) ltavg_n_salt_trans(trans_stream) = .true. endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define heat and salt transport diagnostics fields ! (note: these calls increment avail_tavg_nstd_fields) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltavg_n_heat_trans(trans_stream)) then call define_tavg_field ( & tavg_N_HEAT, 'N_HEAT', 4, & long_name='Northward Heat Transport', & units='Pwatt', & coordinates='lat_aux_grid transport_components transport_regions time',& nftype='float', & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields ) endif if (ltavg_n_salt_trans(trans_stream)) then call define_tavg_field ( & tavg_N_SALT, 'N_SALT', 4, & long_name='Northward Salt Transport', & units='gram centimeter^3/kg/s', & coordinates='lat_aux_grid transport_components transport_regions time',& nftype='float', & nstd_fields=avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & num_nstd_fields=num_avail_tavg_nstd_fields, & max_nstd_fields=max_avail_tavg_nstd_fields ) endif call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_init_transport_diags !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_transport_diags ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_transport_diags(ns) 1,8 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Compute northward transport of heat/salt diagnostically from ! other tavg quantities ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & indx1, &! index indx2, &! index indx3, &! index indx4, &! index indx5, &! index indx6, & indx7, & n !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! are transport diagnostics requested? ! is frequency compatible? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. (ltavg_n_heat_trans(ns) .or. ltavg_n_salt_trans(ns))) return if (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep) then if (nsteps_run <= 1 .and. my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,*) & 'WARNING: transport diagnostics are not computed if tavg_freq_iopt == freq_opt_nstep' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin computations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_start(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_trans) io_dims_nstd_ccsm(1,tavg_N_HEAT) = lat_aux_grid_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(2,tavg_N_HEAT) = transport_comp_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(3,tavg_N_HEAT) = transport_reg_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(4,tavg_N_HEAT) = time_dim ndims_nstd_ccsm ( tavg_N_HEAT) = 4 io_dims_nstd_ccsm(1,tavg_N_SALT) = lat_aux_grid_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(2,tavg_N_SALT) = transport_comp_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(3,tavg_N_SALT) = transport_reg_dim io_dims_nstd_ccsm(4,tavg_N_SALT) = time_dim ndims_nstd_ccsm ( tavg_N_SALT) = 4 do n=1,2 select case (n) case(1) indx1 = tavg_loc_ADVT indx2 = tavg_loc_HDIFT indx3 = tavg_loc_VNT if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then indx4 = tavg_loc_ADVT_ISOP indx5 = tavg_loc_VNT_ISOP endif if ( lsubmeso ) then indx6 = tavg_loc_ADVT_SUBM indx7 = tavg_loc_VNT_SUBM endif case(2) indx1 = tavg_loc_ADVS indx2 = tavg_loc_HDIFS indx3 = tavg_loc_VNS if (ldiag_gm_bolus) then indx4 = tavg_loc_ADVS_ISOP indx5 = tavg_loc_VNS_ISOP endif if ( lsubmeso ) then indx6 = tavg_loc_ADVS_SUBM indx7 = tavg_loc_VNS_SUBM endif end select if ( ldiag_gm_bolus .and. lsubmeso ) then call compute_tracer_transports (n, & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx1), & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx2), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx3), & ADV_I = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx4), & FN_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx5), & ADV_SM = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx6), & FN_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx7)) elseif ( ldiag_gm_bolus .and. .not.lsubmeso ) then call compute_tracer_transports (n, & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx1), & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx2), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx3), & ADV_I = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx4), & FN_I = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx5)) elseif ( .not.ldiag_gm_bolus .and. lsubmeso ) then call compute_tracer_transports (n, & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx1), & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx2), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx3), & ADV_SM = TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx6), & FN_SM = TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx7)) else call compute_tracer_transports (n, & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx1), & TAVG_BUF_2D(:,:,:, indx2), & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,:,:,indx3)) endif enddo !*** stop timer call timer_stop(timer_tavg_ccsm_diags_trans) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_transport_diags !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_init_local_spatial_avg ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_init_local_spatial_avg 1,10 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Initialize geographical masks and arrays for local spatial ! averaging of some time-averaged fields ! ! region key: ! n_reg_0D = 1 --> Nino 1+2 region ! = 2 --> Nino 3 region ! = 3 --> Nino 3.4 region ! = 4 --> Nino 4 region ! ! TLON_MIN_0D, TLON_MAX_0D, TLAT_MIN_0D, and TLAT_MAX_0D are all ! in degrees. Also, TLON_MIN_0D and TLON_MAX_0D are in degrees ! east. ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block real (r8), dimension(n_reg_0D) :: & TLON_MIN_0D = (/ 270.0_r8, 210.0_r8, & 190.0_r8, 160.0_r8 /), & TLON_MAX_0D = (/ 280.0_r8, 270.0_r8, & 240.0_r8, 210.0_r8 /), & TLAT_MIN_0D = (/ -10.0_r8, -5.0_r8, & -5.0_r8, -5.0_r8 /), & TLAT_MAX_0D = (/ 0.0_r8, 5.0_r8, & 5.0_r8, 5.0_r8 /) integer (int_kind) :: & ns, &! local streams index iblock, &! local block number n_reg, &! loop index max_days ! maximum number of days per month in a year real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & TLATD, TLOND ! lat/lon of T points in degrees !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set default value regardless of ltavg_nino_diags_requested status ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ltavg_nino_diags = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! are NINO diagnostics requested? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. ltavg_nino_diags_requested) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if local spatial averaging is possible, based on tavg options ! and namelist settings !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------ ! is TEMP available in any stream? !------------------------------------ if (tavg_id('TEMP') == 0) then !*** do not abort; write warning message and proceed call document ('tavg_init_local_spatial_avg', & 'WARNING: TEMP is not requested; cannot compute spatial averages from time-averaged TEMP') return endif max_days = maxval(days_in_month) !------------------------------------ ! is TEMP available in THIS stream? !------------------------------------ do ns=1,nstreams if (tavg_in_this_stream(tavg_id('TEMP'),ns)) then !------------------------------------------------------- ! is tavg frequency consistent with nino diagnostics? !------------------------------------------------------- if ((tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nmonth .and. tavg_freq(ns) == 1) .or. & (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nday .and. tavg_freq(ns) <= max_days) .or. & (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nhour .and. tavg_freq(ns) <= max_days*24) .or. & (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nsecond .and. tavg_freq(ns) <= max_days*24*seconds_in_hour) .or. & (tavg_freq_iopt(ns) == freq_opt_nstep .and. tavg_freq(ns)<= max_days*nsteps_per_day) ) then !*** ok to have ltavg_nino_diags enabled in this stream ltavg_nino_diags(ns) = .true. else !*** not ok to have ltavg_nino_diags enabled; disable it and proceed call document ('tavg_init_local_spatial_avg', & 'WARNING: cannot compute spatial averages from time-averaged TEMP') return endif endif ! tavg_in_this_stream enddo ! nstreams !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! allocate and initialize arrays ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( SAVG_0D(n_reg_0D), & SAVG_0D_AREA(n_reg_0D), & SAVG_0D_NAME(n_reg_0D), & SAVG_0D_MASK(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic,n_reg_0D) ) SAVG_0D_NAME = (/'NINO_1_PLUS_2 ', & 'NINO_3 ', & 'NINO_3_POINT_4', & 'NINO_4 '/) SAVG_0D = c0 SAVG_0D_AREA = c0 SAVG_0D_MASK = c0 !*** determine masks for each region TLATD = TLAT*radian TLOND = TLON*radian do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) do n_reg=1,n_reg_0D where ( CALCT(:,:,iblock) .and. & ( TLOND(:,:,iblock) >= TLON_MIN_0D(n_reg) ) .and. & ( TLOND(:,:,iblock) <= TLON_MAX_0D(n_reg) ) .and. & ( TLATD(:,:,iblock) >= TLAT_MIN_0D(n_reg) ) .and. & ( TLATD(:,:,iblock) <= TLAT_MAX_0D(n_reg) ) ) SAVG_0D_MASK(:,:,iblock,n_reg) = c1 endwhere enddo ! n_reg enddo ! iblock !*** compute areas for each region to be used later for normalization do n_reg=1,n_reg_0D SAVG_0D_AREA(n_reg) = global_sum(TAREA(:,:,:),distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center,SAVG_0D_MASK(:,:,:,n_reg) ) if ( SAVG_0D_AREA(n_reg) == c0 ) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: SAVG_0D_AREA is zero.' call document ('tavg_init_local_spatial_avg', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort,exit_string,out_unit=stdout) endif enddo call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout); call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_init_local_spatial_avg !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: tavg_local_spatial_avg ! !INTERFACE: subroutine tavg_local_spatial_avg(ns) 1,5 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Compute local spatial averages from time-averaged TEMP ! ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & ns !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block character (char_len) :: & time_string, & date_string integer (int_kind) :: & iblock, &! local block number n_reg ! loop index real (r8), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: & WORK !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! are NINO diagnotics requested? ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. ltavg_nino_diags(ns)) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! begin computations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (WORK(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) WORK = c0 tavg_id_TEMP = tavg_id('TEMP') if (tavg_id_TEMP == 0) then !*** do not abort; write warning message and proceed call document ('tavg_local_spatial_avg', & 'WARNING: cannot compute spatial averages from time-averaged TEMP') return else tavg_loc_TEMP = avail_tavg_fields(tavg_id_TEMP)%buf_loc endif do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) WORK(:,:,iblock)= & TAVG_BUF_3D(:,:,1,iblock,tavg_loc_TEMP)*TAREA(:,:,iblock) enddo ! iblock do n_reg=1,n_reg_0D SAVG_0D(n_reg) = global_sum ( WORK(:,:,:),distrb_clinic, & field_loc_center,SAVG_0D_MASK(:,:,:,n_reg)) & / SAVG_0D_AREA(n_reg) enddo ! n_reg if ( my_task == master_task ) then call time_stamp('now','ymd',time_string=time_string) call time_stamp('now','ymd',date_string=date_string) write (stdout,*) ' ' write (stdout,*) & ' Local Time- and Space-Averages for Nino Regions: ' & // trim(time_string) // ' ' // trim(date_string) do n_reg=1,n_reg_0D write (stdout,*) trim(SAVG_0D_NAME(n_reg)),': ', & SAVG_0D(n_reg) enddo endif deallocate (WORK) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine tavg_local_spatial_avg end module tavg !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||