!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module hmix_del2 1,19 !BOP ! !MODULE: hmix_del2 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routines for computing Laplacian horizontal ! diffusion of momentum and tracers. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: hmix_del2.F90 22408 2010-04-15 20:53:19Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_FieldMod use POP_GridHorzMod use POP_HaloMod use POP_ReductionsMod use blocks use communicate use distribution use domain_size use domain use broadcast use constants use topostress use diagnostics use io use grid use exit_mod use tavg use time_management implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_del2u, & init_del2t, & hdiffu_del2, & hdifft_del2 !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! private module variables ! ! operator coefficients: ! ! DT{N,S,E,W} = {N,S,E,W} coefficients of 5-point stencil for the ! Del**2 operator before b.c.s have been applied ! DU{C,N,S,E,W} = central and {N,S,E,W} coefficients of 5-point ! stencil for the Del**2 operator acting at U points ! (without metric terms that mix U,V) ! DM{C,N,S,E,W} = central and {N,S,E,W} coefficients of 5-point ! stencil for the metric terms that mix U,V ! DUM = central coefficient for metric terms that do not mix U,V ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: & DTN,DTS,DTE,DTW, & DUC,DUN,DUS,DUE,DUW, & DMC,DMN,DMS,DME,DMW, & DUM, & AHF, &! variable mixing factor for tracer mixing AMF ! variable mixing factor for momentum mixing real (r8) :: & ah, &! horizontal tracer mixing coefficient am ! horizontal momentum mixing coefficient logical (log_kind) :: & lauto_hmixu, &! automatically computing mixing coeffs lauto_hmixt, &! automatically computing mixing coeffs lvariable_hmixu, &! spatially varying mixing coeffs lvariable_hmixt ! spatially varying mixing coeffs !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_del2u ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_del2u(errorCode) 1,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine calculates the coefficients of the 5-point stencils for ! the $\nabla^2$ operator acting on momentum fields and also ! calculates coefficients for all diffusive metric terms. See the ! description under hdiffu for the form of the operator. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j, &! dummy loop indices iblock, &! block index nml_error ! error flag for namelist real (r8), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: & KXU,KYU, &! metric factors DXKX,DYKY,DXKY,DYKX, &! d{x,y}k{x,y} WORK1,WORK2 ! temporary work space logical (log_kind) :: & lauto_hmix, &! flag to internally compute mixing coeff lvariable_hmix ! flag to enable spatially varying mixing namelist /hmix_del2u_nml/ lauto_hmix, lvariable_hmix, am real (r8) :: & amfmin, amfmax ! min max mixing for varible mixing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read input namelist to set options ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success lauto_hmix = .false. lvariable_hmix = .false. am = c0 if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=hmix_del2u_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading hmix_del2u_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a33)') 'Laplacian momentum mixing options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) lauto_hmixu = lauto_hmix if (.not. lauto_hmixu) then write(stdout,'(a33)') 'Using input horizontal viscosity:' write(stdout,'(a7,2x,1pe12.5)') ' am =',am endif lvariable_hmixu = lvariable_hmix if (.not. lvariable_hmixu) then write(stdout,'(a44)') & 'Variable horizontal momentum mixing disabled' endif endif call broadcast_scalar(lauto_hmixu, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(lvariable_hmixu, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(am, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! automatically set horizontal mixing coefficients if requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lauto_hmixu) then ! scale to 1e7 at 1/2 degree am = 1.0e7_r8*(720.0_r8/float(nx_global)) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a44)') & 'Horizontal viscosity computed automatically:' write(stdout,'(a7,2x,1pe12.5)') ' am =',am endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set spatially variable mixing arrays if requested ! ! this applies only to momentum or tracer mixing ! with del2 or del4 options ! ! functions describing spatial dependence of horizontal mixing ! coefficients: am -> am*AHM ! ! for standard laplacian mixing they scale like (cell area)**0.5 ! (note: these forms assume a global mesh with a grid line along ! the equator, and the mixing coefficients are the set relative ! to the average grid spacing at the equator - for cells of ! this size AMF = AHF = 1.0). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lvariable_hmixu) then amfmin = c1 amfmax = c1 allocate(AMF(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic AMF(:,:,iblock) = sqrt(UAREA(:,:,iblock)/ & (c2*pi*radius/nx_global)**2) end do !RSx3 *** set variable viscosity for x3-prime run !AMF = c4*am*(DXUR**2+DYUR**2)*dtu !where(AMF.gt.p5) ! AMF = p5/AMF !elsewhere ! AMF = c1 !endwhere !RSx3 amfmin = POP_GlobalMinval(AMF, POP_distrbClinic, errorCode, CALCU) amfmax = POP_GlobalMaxval(AMF, POP_distrbClinic, errorCode, CALCU) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a37)') 'Variable horizontal viscosity enabled' write(stdout,'(a12,1x,1pe12.5,3x,a9,1x,1pe12.5)') & ' Min AMF =',amfmin,'Max AMF =',amfmax endif call POP_HaloUpdate(AMF, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocNECorner,& POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_del2u: error updating halo for AMF') return endif else !*** allocate AMF temporarily to simplify setup allocate(AMF(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) AMF = c1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate operator weights ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(DUC(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DUN(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DUS(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DUE(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DUW(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DMC(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DMN(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DMS(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DME(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DMW(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DUM(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) allocate(KXU (nx_block,ny_block), & KYU (nx_block,ny_block), & DXKX (nx_block,ny_block), & DYKY (nx_block,ny_block), & DXKY (nx_block,ny_block), & DYKX (nx_block,ny_block), & WORK1 (nx_block,ny_block), & WORK2 (nx_block,ny_block)) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate central and {N,S,E,W} coefficients for ! Del**2 (without metric terms) acting on momentum. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK1 = (HUS(:,:,iblock)/HTE(:,:,iblock))*p5*(AMF(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=-1)) DUS(:,:,iblock) = WORK1*UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) DUN(:,:,iblock) = eoshift(WORK1,dim=2,shift=1)*UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) WORK1 = (HUW(:,:,iblock)/HTN(:,:,iblock))*p5*(AMF(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=-1)) DUW(:,:,iblock) = WORK1*UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) DUE(:,:,iblock) = eoshift(WORK1,dim=1,shift=1)*UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! coefficients for metric terms in Del**2(U) ! and for metric advection terms (KXU,KYU) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- KXU = (eoshift(HUW(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=1) - HUW(:,:,iblock))*& UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) KYU = (eoshift(HUS(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=1) - HUS(:,:,iblock))*& UAREA_R(:,:,iblock) WORK1 = (HTE(:,:,iblock) - & eoshift(HTE(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=-1))* & TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) ! KXT WORK2 = p5*(WORK1 + eoshift(WORK1,dim=2,shift=1))* & p5*(eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=-1) + & AMF(:,:,iblock)) DXKX = (eoshift(WORK2,dim=1,shift=1) - WORK2)*DXUR(:,:,iblock) WORK2 = p5*(WORK1 + eoshift(WORK1,dim=1,shift=1))* & p5*(eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=-1) + & AMF(:,:,iblock)) DYKX = (eoshift(WORK2,dim=2,shift=1) - WORK2)*DYUR(:,:,iblock) WORK1 = (HTN(:,:,iblock) - & eoshift(HTN(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=-1))* & TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) ! KYT WORK2 = p5*(WORK1 + eoshift(WORK1,dim=1,shift=1))* & p5*(eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=-1) + & AMF(:,:,iblock)) DYKY = (eoshift(WORK2,dim=2,shift=1) - WORK2)*DYUR(:,:,iblock) WORK2 = p5*(WORK1 + eoshift(WORK1,dim=2,shift=1))* & p5*(eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=-1) + & AMF(:,:,iblock)) DXKY = (eoshift(WORK2,dim=1,shift=1) - WORK2)*DXUR(:,:,iblock) DUM(:,:,iblock) = -(DXKX + DYKY + & c2*AMF(:,:,iblock)*(KXU**2 + KYU**2)) DMC(:,:,iblock) = DXKY - DYKX !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate central and {N,S,E,W} coefficients for ! metric mixing terms which mix U,V. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- WORK1 = (eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift= 1) - & eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=-1))/ & (HTE(:,:,iblock) + eoshift(HTE(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=1)) DME(:,:,iblock) = (c2*AMF(:,:,iblock)*KYU + WORK1)/ & (HTN(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(HTN(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=1)) WORK1 = (eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift= 1) - & eoshift(AMF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=-1))/ & (HTN(:,:,iblock) + eoshift(HTN(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=1)) DMN(:,:,iblock) = -(c2*AMF(:,:,iblock)*KXU + WORK1)/ & (HTE(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(HTE(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=1)) end do DUC = -(DUN + DUS + DUE + DUW) ! scalar laplacian DMW = -DME DMS = -DMN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! free up memory ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate(KXU, KYU, & DXKX, DYKY, DXKY, DYKX, & WORK1, WORK2) if (.not. lvariable_hmixu) deallocate(AMF) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_del2u !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_del2t ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_del2t(errorCode) 1,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads parameters for Laplaciang tracer mixing and ! calculates the coefficients of the 5-point stencils for ! the $\nabla^2$ operator acting on tracer fields. See the hdifft ! routine for a description of the operator. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j, &! dummy loop indices iblock, &! block index nml_error ! error flag for namelist real (r8), dimension (:,:), allocatable :: & WORK1,WORK2 ! temporary work space logical (log_kind) :: & lauto_hmix, &! true to automatically determine mixing coeff lvariable_hmix ! true for spatially varying mixing namelist /hmix_del2t_nml/ lauto_hmix, lvariable_hmix, ah real (r8) :: & ahfmin, ahfmax ! min max mixing for varible mixing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read input namelist to set options ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success lauto_hmix = .false. lvariable_hmix = .false. ah = c0 if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=hmix_del2t_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading hmix_del2t_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,'(a31)') 'Laplacian tracer mixing options' write(stdout,blank_fmt) lauto_hmixt = lauto_hmix if (.not. lauto_hmixt) then write(stdout,'(a35)') 'Using input horizontal diffusivity:' write(stdout,'(a7,2x,1pe12.5)') ' ah =',ah endif lvariable_hmixt = lvariable_hmix if (.not. lvariable_hmixt) then write(stdout,'(a43)') & 'Variable horizontal tracer mixing disabled' endif endif call broadcast_scalar(lauto_hmixt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(lvariable_hmixt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(ah, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! automatically set horizontal mixing coefficients if requested ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lauto_hmixt) then ! scale to 1e7 at 1/2 degree ah = 1.0e7_r8*(720.0_r8/float(nx_global)) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a46)') & 'Horizontal diffusivity computed automatically:' write(stdout,'(a7,2x,1pe12.5)') ' ah =',ah endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! set spatially variable mixing arrays if requested ! ! this applies only to momentum or tracer mixing ! with del2 or del4 options ! ! functions describing spatial dependence of horizontal mixing ! coefficients: ah -> ah*AHF ! ! for standard laplacian mixing they scale like (cell area)**0.5 ! (note: these forms assume a global mesh with a grid line along ! the equator, and the mixing coefficients are the set relative ! to the average grid spacing at the equator - for cells of ! this size AMF = AHF = 1.0). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lvariable_hmixt) then ahfmin = c1 ahfmax = c1 allocate(AHF(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic AHF(:,:,iblock) = sqrt(TAREA(:,:,iblock)/ & (c2*pi*radius/nx_global)**2) end do ahfmin = POP_GlobalMinval(AHF, POP_distrbClinic, errorCode, CALCT) ahfmax = POP_GlobalMaxval(AHF, POP_distrbClinic, errorCode, CALCT) if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,'(a39)') & 'Variable horizontal diffusivity enabled' write(stdout,'(a12,1x,1pe12.5,3x,a9,1x,1pe12.5)') & ' Min AHF =',ahfmin,'Max AHF =',ahfmax endif call POP_HaloUpdate(AHF, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'init_del2t: error updating halo for AHF') return endif else !*** allocate AHF temporarily to simplify setup allocate(AHF(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) AHF = c1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate {N,S,E,W} coefficients for Del**2 acting on tracer ! fields (for tracers, the central coefficient is calculated as ! minus the sum of these after boundary conditions are applied). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(DTN(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DTS(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DTE(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), & DTW(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic)) allocate(WORK1 (nx_block,ny_block), & WORK2 (nx_block,ny_block)) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic WORK1 = (HTN(:,:,iblock)/HUW(:,:,iblock))*p5*(AHF(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(AHF(:,:,iblock),dim=2,shift=1)) DTN(:,:,iblock) = WORK1*TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) DTS(:,:,iblock) = eoshift(WORK1,dim=2,shift=-1)* & TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) WORK1 = (HTE(:,:,iblock)/HUS(:,:,iblock))*p5*(AHF(:,:,iblock) + & eoshift(AHF(:,:,iblock),dim=1,shift=1)) DTE(:,:,iblock) = WORK1*TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) DTW(:,:,iblock) = eoshift(WORK1,dim=1,shift=-1)* & TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) end do !*** these coeffs only required in physical domain and !*** should be defined correctly there as long as grid !*** arrays have been correctly defined in ghost cells !*** if so, no ghost cell update required !call update_ghost_cells(DTN, bndy_clinic, field_loc_t, & ! field_type_scalar) !call update_ghost_cells(DTS, bndy_clinic, field_loc_t, & ! field_type_scalar) !call update_ghost_cells(DTE, bndy_clinic, field_loc_t, & ! field_type_scalar) !call update_ghost_cells(DTW, bndy_clinic, field_loc_t, & ! field_type_scalar) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! free up memory ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate(WORK1, WORK2) if (.not. lvariable_hmixt) deallocate(AHF) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_del2t !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: hdiffu_del2 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine hdiffu_del2(k, HDUK, HDVK, UMIXK, VMIXK, this_block) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine computes the horizontial diffusion of momentum ! using the Laplacian diffusion operator given by: ! \begin{eqnarray} ! \nabla\cdot A_M \nabla u & = & ! {1\over{\Delta_y}}\delta_x ! \left(\overline{A_M}^x \Delta_y \delta_x u \right) ! + {1\over{\Delta_x}}\delta_y ! \left(\overline{A_M}^y \Delta_x \delta_y u \right) ! \nonumber \\ ! & &- u\left(\delta_x k_x + \delta_y k_y + ! 2(k_x^2 + k_y^2)\right) \nonumber \\ ! & &+ 2k_y \delta_x v - 2k_x \delta_y v \\ ! \nabla\cdot A_M \nabla v &=& ! {1\over{\Delta_y}}\delta_x ! \left(\overline{A_M}^x \Delta_y \delta_x v \right) ! + {1\over{\Delta_x}}\delta_y ! \left(\overline{A_M}^y \Delta_x \delta_y v \right) ! \nonumber \\ ! & &- v\left(\delta_x k_x + \delta_y k_y + ! 2(k_x^2 + k_y^2)\right) \nonumber \\ ! & &+ 2k_y \delta_x u - 2k_x \delta_y u ! \end{eqnarray} ! where ! \begin{equation} ! k_x = {1\over{\Delta_y}}\delta_x\Delta_y ! \end{equation} ! and ! \begin{equation} ! k_y = {1\over{\Delta_x}}\delta_y\Delta_x ! \end{equation} ! ! Note that boundary conditions are not explicitly imposed on ! since $u = v = 0$ on the boundaries. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k ! depth level index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & UMIXK, &! U at level k and mixing time level VMIXK ! V at level k and mixing time level type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block information for this subblock ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: & HDUK, &! Hdiff(Ub) at level k HDVK ! Hdiff(Vb) at level k !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j, &! loop indices bid ! local block address real (r8) :: & cc, &! center fivept weight cn, cs, ce, cw ! other weights for partial bottom cells real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & UTMP, VTMP, &! modified velocities to use with topostress HDIFFCFL ! for cfl number diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! laplacian mixing ! ! calculate Del**2(U,V) without metric terms that mix U,V ! add metric terms that mix U,V ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- bid = this_block%local_id HDUK = c0 HDVK = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! handle four cases individually to avoid unnecessary copies ! these are all basic five point stencil operators - the topostress ! option requires operating on a modified velocity while the ! partial bottom cell case modifies the weights. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ltopostress) then UTMP = merge(UMIXK(:,:) - TSU(:,:,bid), UMIXK(:,:), & k <= KMU(:,:,bid)) VTMP = merge(VMIXK(:,:) - TSV(:,:,bid), VMIXK(:,:), & k <= KMU(:,:,bid)) if (partial_bottom_cells) then do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie !*** add metric contrib to central coeff cc = DUC(i,j,bid) + DUM(i,j,bid) cn = DUN(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i,j+1,k,bid), & DZU(i,j ,k,bid))/DZU(i,j ,k,bid) cs = DUS(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i,j-1,k,bid), & DZU(i,j ,k,bid))/DZU(i,j ,k,bid) ce = DUE(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i+1,j,k,bid), & DZU(i ,j,k,bid))/DZU(i ,j,k,bid) cw = DUW(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i-1,j,k,bid), & DZU(i ,j,k,bid))/DZU(i ,j,k,bid) HDUK(i,j) = am*((cc*UTMP(i ,j ) + & cn*UTMP(i ,j+1) + cs*UTMP(i ,j-1) + & ce*UTMP(i+1,j ) + cw*UTMP(i-1,j )) + & (DMC(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i-1,j ))) HDVK(i,j) = am*((cc*VTMP(i ,j ) + & cn*VTMP(i ,j+1) + cs*VTMP(i ,j-1) + & ce*VTMP(i+1,j ) + cw*VTMP(i-1,j )) - & (DMC(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i-1,j ))) end do end do else ! no partial bottom cells do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie !*** add metric contrib to central coeff cc = DUC(i,j,bid) + DUM(i,j,bid) HDUK(i,j) = am*((cc *UTMP(i ,j ) + & DUN(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j+1) + & DUS(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j-1) + & DUE(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i+1,j ) + & DUW(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i-1,j ))+ & (DMC(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i-1,j ))) HDVK(i,j) = am*((cc *VTMP(i ,j ) + & DUN(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j+1) + & DUS(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i ,j-1) + & DUE(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i+1,j ) + & DUW(i,j,bid)*VTMP(i-1,j ))- & (DMC(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*UTMP(i-1,j ))) end do end do endif ! partial bottom cells else ! no topostress if (partial_bottom_cells) then do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie !*** add metric contrib to central coeff cc = DUC(i,j,bid) + DUM(i,j,bid) cn = DUN(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i,j+1,k,bid), & DZU(i,j ,k,bid))/DZU(i,j ,k,bid) cs = DUS(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i,j-1,k,bid), & DZU(i,j ,k,bid))/DZU(i,j ,k,bid) ce = DUE(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i+1,j,k,bid), & DZU(i ,j,k,bid))/DZU(i ,j,k,bid) cw = DUW(i,j,bid)*min(DZU(i-1,j,k,bid), & DZU(i ,j,k,bid))/DZU(i ,j,k,bid) HDUK(i,j) = am*((cc*UMIXK(i ,j ) + & cn*UMIXK(i ,j+1) + cs*UMIXK(i ,j-1) + & ce*UMIXK(i+1,j ) + cw*UMIXK(i-1,j )) + & (DMC(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i-1,j ))) HDVK(i,j) = am*((cc*VMIXK(i ,j ) + & cn*VMIXK(i ,j+1) + cs*VMIXK(i ,j-1) + & ce*VMIXK(i+1,j ) + cw*VMIXK(i-1,j )) - & (DMC(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i-1,j ))) end do end do else ! no partial bottom cells do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie !*** add metric contrib to central coeff cc = DUC(i,j,bid) + DUM(i,j,bid) HDUK(i,j) = am*((cc *UMIXK(i ,j ) + & DUN(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DUS(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DUE(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DUW(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i-1,j ))+ & (DMC(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i-1,j ))) HDVK(i,j) = am*((cc *VMIXK(i ,j ) + & DUN(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DUS(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DUE(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DUW(i,j,bid)*VMIXK(i-1,j ))- & (DMC(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j ) + & DMN(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j+1) + & DMS(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i ,j-1) + & DME(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i+1,j ) + & DMW(i,j,bid)*UMIXK(i-1,j ))) end do end do endif ! partial bottom cells endif ! topostress !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! zero fields at land points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- where (k > KMU(:,:,bid)) HDUK = c0 HDVK = c0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute horiz diffusion cfl diagnostics if required ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ldiag_cfl) then if (lvariable_hmixu) then HDIFFCFL = merge(c4*am*AMF(:,:,bid)* & (DXUR(:,:,bid)**2 + DYUR(:,:,bid)**2), & c0, KMU(:,:,bid) > k) else HDIFFCFL = merge(c4*am* & (DXUR(:,:,bid)**2 + DYUR(:,:,bid)**2), & c0, KMU(:,:,bid) > k) endif HDIFFCFL = abs(HDIFFCFL) call cfl_hdiff(k,bid,HDIFFCFL,2,this_block) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine hdiffu_del2 !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: hdifft_del2 ! !INTERFACE: subroutine hdifft_del2(k,HDTK,TMIX,tavg_HDIFE_TRACER,tavg_HDIFN_TRACER,this_block) 1,7 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine computes the horizontial diffusion of tracers ! using the Laplacian operator given by: ! \begin{equation} ! \nabla\cdot A_M \nabla \phi = ! {1\over{\Delta_y}}\delta_x ! \left(\overline{A_H}^x \Delta_y \delta_x \phi \right) ! + {1\over{\Delta_x}}\delta_y ! \left(\overline{A_H}^y \Delta_x \delta_y \phi \right) ! \end{equation} ! with the boundary conditions of zero gradients of tracers. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: k ! depth level index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: & TMIX ! tracers at mix time level integer (int_kind), dimension(nt), intent(in) :: & tavg_HDIFE_TRACER, &! tavg id for east face diffusive flux of tracer tavg_HDIFN_TRACER ! tavg id for north face diffusive flux of tracer type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block information for this subblock ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(out) :: & HDTK ! HDIFF(T) for tracer n at level k !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,n, &! dummy tracer index bid ! local block address real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & CC,CN,CS,CE,CW, &! coeff of 5pt stencil for Del**2 WORK, &! temp array for tavg quantities HDIFFCFL ! for cfl number diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! laplacian mixing ! ! implement boundary conditions by setting ! stencil coefficients to zero at land points. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- bid = this_block%local_id if (partial_bottom_cells) then CN = c0 CS = c0 CE = c0 CW = c0 do j=this_block%jb-1,this_block%je+1 do i=this_block%ib-1,this_block%ie+1 CN(i,j) = DTN(i,j,bid)*min(DZT(i,j ,k,bid), & DZT(i,j+1,k,bid))/DZT(i,j,k,bid) CS(i,j) = DTS(i,j,bid)*min(DZT(i,j ,k,bid), & DZT(i,j-1,k,bid))/DZT(i,j,k,bid) CE(i,j) = DTE(i,j,bid)*min(DZT(i ,j,k,bid), & DZT(i+1,j,k,bid))/DZT(i,j,k,bid) CW(i,j) = DTW(i,j,bid)*min(DZT(i ,j,k,bid), & DZT(i-1,j,k,bid))/DZT(i,j,k,bid) end do end do CN = merge(CN , c0, (k <= KMTN(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CS = merge(CS , c0, (k <= KMTS(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CE = merge(CE , c0, (k <= KMTE(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CW = merge(CW , c0, (k <= KMTW(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) else CN = merge(DTN(:,:,bid), c0, (k <= KMTN(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CS = merge(DTS(:,:,bid), c0, (k <= KMTS(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CE = merge(DTE(:,:,bid), c0, (k <= KMTE(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) CW = merge(DTW(:,:,bid), c0, (k <= KMTW(:,:,bid)) .and. & (k <= KMT (:,:,bid))) endif CC = -(CN + CS + CE + CW) ! central coefficient !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate Del**2(T) for each tracer n ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- HDTK = c0 WORK = c0 do n = 1,nt do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie HDTK(i,j,n) = ah*(CC(i,j)*TMIX(i ,j ,k,n) + & CN(i,j)*TMIX(i ,j+1,k,n) + & CS(i,j)*TMIX(i ,j-1,k,n) + & CE(i,j)*TMIX(i+1,j ,k,n) + & CW(i,j)*TMIX(i-1,j ,k,n)) enddo enddo if (mix_pass /= 1) then if (tavg_requested(tavg_HDIFE_TRACER(n))) then if (ltavg_on(tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_HDIFE_TRACER(n)))) then do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie WORK(i,j) = ah*CE(i,j)*(TMIX(i+1,j,k,n)-TMIX(i,j,k,n)) enddo enddo call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_HDIFE_TRACER(n),bid,k) endif endif if (tavg_requested(tavg_HDIFN_TRACER(n))) then if (ltavg_on(tavg_in_which_stream(tavg_HDIFN_TRACER(n)))) then do j=this_block%jb,this_block%je do i=this_block%ib,this_block%ie WORK(i,j) = ah*CN(i,j)*(TMIX(i,j+1,k,n)-TMIX(i,j,k,n)) enddo enddo call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_HDIFN_TRACER(n),bid,k) endif endif endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute horiz diffusion cfl diagnostics if required ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (ldiag_cfl) then if (lvariable_hmixt) then HDIFFCFL = merge(c4*ah*AHF(:,:,bid)* & (DXTR(:,:,bid)**2 + DYTR(:,:,bid)**2), & c0, KMT(:,:,bid) > k) else HDIFFCFL = merge(c4*ah* & (DXTR(:,:,bid)**2 + DYTR(:,:,bid)**2), & c0, KMT(:,:,bid) > k) endif HDIFFCFL = abs(HDIFFCFL) call cfl_hdiff(k,bid,HDIFFCFL,1,this_block) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine hdifft_del2 !*********************************************************************** end module hmix_del2 !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||