
 MODULE overflows 7,26

! !MODULE: overflows
!  This module contains data types and routines for computing 
!  parameterized overflows. Overflows are sub-grid scale flows
!  along topography thought to be important for bottom water
!  formation.
!  SVN:

! !USES:

   use POP_KindsMod
   use POP_ErrorMod
   use POP_BlocksMod
   use POP_CommMod
   use POP_ConfigMod
   use POP_DistributionMod
   use POP_DomainSizeMod
   use POP_FieldMod
   use POP_GridHorzMod
   use POP_HaloMod
   use POP_RedistributeMod

   use POP_SolversMod

   use blocks
   use broadcast
   use communicate
   use constants
   use domain
   use exit_mod
   use global_reductions
   use grid
   use io_types
   use kinds_mod
   use prognostic
   use time_management
   use registry

   !*** ccsm
   use gather_scatter
   use shr_sys_mod

   implicit none


   public :: init_overflows1,           &   ! initial.F90
             init_overflows2,           &   ! initial.F90
             init_overflows_kmt,        &
             init_overflows_mask,       &
             init_overflows3,           &   ! initial.F90
             init_overflows4,           &   ! initial.F90
             init_overflows5,           &   ! initial.F90
             ovf_write_restart,         &   ! step_mod.F90
             ovf_read_restart,          &   ! init_overflows1
             ovf_read_broadcast,        &   
             ovf_advt,                  &   ! advection.F90
             ovf_wtkb_check,            &   ! advection.F90
             ovf_UV_check,              &  
             ovf_Utlda,                 &   ! baroclinic.F90
             ovf_driver,                &   ! step_mod.F90
             ovf_reg_avgs,              &
             ovf_transports,            &
             ovf_state,                 &
             ovf_loc_prd,               &
             ovf_W,                     &
             ovf_UV,                    &
             ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum,   &   ! barotropic.F90
             ovf_brtrpc_renorm,         &   ! barotropic.F90
             ovf_rhs_brtrpc_continuity, &   ! barotropic.F90
             ovf_solvers_9pt,           &   ! barotropic.F90
             ovf_HU,                    &
             ovf_UV_solution                ! step_mod.F90


!     list of nomenclature definitions
! ovf    = overflow
! inf    = inflow (refering to inflow region)
! src    = source (either region or grid box)
! ent    = entrainment (either region or grid box)
! prd    = product (either region or grid box)
! reg    = region (for averaging density and tracers over region)
! adj    = adjacent (for averaging density and tracers over adjacent boxes)
! num    = number (usually refers to actual number used based on input)
! no.    = number (usually refers to actual number used based on input)
! locs   = locations (i.e. grid boxes)
! orient = orientation (1,2,3 or 4; refers to grid box sidewall)
! params = parameters
! ssb    = shelf-slope break- shelf/slope transition to abyssal depth
!     define overflow types and parameters

   logical (log_kind),   public  :: &
      overflows_on,     &         ! true=on, false=off
      overflows_interactive       ! true=interactive ovf

   character (POP_charLength)  :: &
      overflows_infile,           &! overflow info file
      overflows_diag_outfile,     &! current filename for overflow output diagnostics file
      outfile_tmp                  ! temp for appending to outfile name

   character (POP_charLength), public  :: &
      overflows_restart_type,    &! restart type (ccsm_startup, ccsm_continue, ccsm_hybrid, ccsm_branch)
      overflows_restfile          ! overflow restart file name

   integer (int_kind), parameter, public :: &
      max_ovf      =    10,&  ! max no. ocean overflows
      max_kmt      =   200,&  ! max no. overflow kmt changes
      max_src      =    50,&  ! max no. overflow src locations
      max_ent      =    50,&  ! max no. overflow ent locations
      max_prd_sets =    20,&  ! max no. overflow prd sets
      max_prd      =    50    ! max no. overflow prd locs each set

   integer (int_kind), public :: &
      num_ovf                        ! no. of overflows from ovf info file

   type, public :: ovf_params        ! parameters for each overflow
      real      (r8)    :: & 
        lat               ,&  ! latitude (degrees)
        width             ,&  ! strait width (cm)
        source_thick      ,&  ! source water thickness (cm)
        distnc_str_ssb    ,&  ! distance strait to ssb (cm)
        bottom_slope      ,&  ! bottom slope beyond ssb 
        bottom_drag           ! bottom drag coefficient
   end type ovf_params

   type, public :: ovf_kmtbox        ! overflow grid-box for kmt changes
      integer   (int_kind)  :: &
        i                 ,&  ! x index
        j                 ,&  ! y index
        korg              ,&  ! original kmt value
        knew                  ! new kmt value
   end type ovf_kmtbox

   type, public :: ovf_region        ! overflow regional boundaries
      integer   (int_kind)  :: & 
        imin              ,&  ! x index min
        imax              ,&  ! x index max
        jmin              ,&  ! y index min
        jmax              ,&  ! y index ma
        kmin              ,&  ! z index min
        kmax                  ! z index max
   end type ovf_region

   type, public :: ovf_mask_reg      ! overflow regional mask
      real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: &
        inf               ,&  ! inflow region mask
        src               ,&  ! source region mask
        ent                   ! entrainment region mask
   end type ovf_mask_reg

   type, public :: ovf_mask_adj      ! overflow adjacent mask
      real (r8) :: src(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &           ! src adj mask
                   ent(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic)              ! ent adj mask
      real (r8) :: prd(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic,max_prd_sets) ! prd adj mask(s)
   end type ovf_mask_adj

   type, public :: ovf_mask_reg_wght ! overflow regional mask weight
      real (r8) :: &
        inf               ,&  ! inflow region mask weight
        src               ,&  ! source region mask weight
        ent                   ! entrainment region mask weight
   end type ovf_mask_reg_wght

   type, public :: ovf_mask_adj_wght ! overflow adjacent mask weight
      real (r8) :: &
        src               ,&  ! source adj mask weight
        ent               ,&  ! entrainment adj mask weight
        prd(max_prd_sets)     ! product adj mask weight(s)
   end type ovf_mask_adj_wght

   type, public :: ovf_trcr_reg      ! overflow regional tracers
      real (r8), dimension(nt) :: &
        inf               ,&  ! inflow region tracers
        src               ,&  ! source region tracers
        ent               ,&  ! entrainment region tracers
        prd                   ! product region tracers
   end type ovf_trcr_reg

   type, public :: ovf_trcr_adj      ! overflow adjacent tracers
      real (r8), dimension(nt) :: &
        src               ,&  ! source adj tracers
        ent               ,&  ! entrainment adj tracers
        prd                   ! product adj tracers
   end type ovf_trcr_adj

   type, public :: ovf_rho_reg       ! overflow regional density
      real (r8) :: &
        inf               ,&  ! inflow region density
        src               ,&  ! source region density
        ent                   ! entrainment region density
   end type ovf_rho_reg

   type, public :: ovf_rho_adj       ! overflow adj density
      real (r8) :: &
        prd(max_prd_sets)     ! product region density(s)
   end type ovf_rho_adj

   type, public :: ovf_gridbox    ! overflow grid-box info
      integer   (int_kind)  :: &
        i                 ,&  ! x index for t grid
        j                 ,&  ! y index for t grid
        k                 ,&  ! z index for t grid
        orient            ,&  ! sidewall orientation of t grid box
        i_adv             ,&  ! x index for t grid advection
        j_adv             ,&  ! y index for t grid advection
        i_u               ,&  ! x index for u grid
        j_u               ,&  ! y index for u grid
        task_u                ! task number for (i_u,j_u)
      real (r8) :: &
        Utlda(km)         ,&  ! UVEL "tilda" at (n+1) column speed on u grid
        Vtlda(km)         ,&  ! VVEL "tilda" at (n+1) column speed on u grid
        Uovf_nm1          ,&  ! U at (n-1) speed on u grid
        Uovf_n            ,&  ! U at (n)   speed on u grid
        Uovf              ,&  ! U at (n+1) speed on u grid
        Wovf                  ! W at (n+1) vert speed on t grid
   end type ovf_gridbox

!     type overflow that follows contains all diagnostic and prognostic
!     data for each overflow; complete list for all overflows is contained 
!     in the array ovf. each overflow is specified by regions, grid locations,
!     and adjacent locations. inf (inflow) and src (source) regions are
!     geographically specified volumes from which density differences
!     determine source transport Ms. this transport is assumed to flow into
!     sidewall locations (possibly modified from original topography by any
!     kmt changes) given by src locations, transporting mean tracers from
!     adjacent grid boxes to the sidewall specified by adjacent boundaries.
!     this transport moves unimpeded to the ent (entrainment) locations, where
!     an entrainment region density along with source density (adjusted for
!     depth changes) determines mixing. entrainment tracers from means along
!     adjacent entrainment grid boxes are mixed with source tracers resulting 
!     in a total transport Mp and mixed product tracers. this product is then 
!     injected from a product sidewall for which the product density is neutral 
!     with the adjacent mean density. each product set is a group of points, 
!     and the collection of sets represents a product path of increasing depth.
!     the reader is to be commended for taking in this tedious explanation.
!     it is unfortunately necessary to explain the complexity of the overflow
!     parameterization.

   type, public :: overflow          ! individual overflow info  
  ! logicals and name
      logical   (log_kind)          :: interactive           ! T=ovf active with ocn
      character (32)                :: name                  ! name of ovf
  ! parameters
      type      (ovf_params)        :: ovf_params            ! ovf specific params
  ! kmt mods
      integer   (int_kind)          :: num_kmt               ! no. of kmt changes
      type      (ovf_kmtbox)        :: loc_kmt(max_kmt)      ! kmt locs
  ! source locations
      integer   (int_kind)          :: num_src               ! no. of src locs
      type      (ovf_gridbox)       :: loc_src(max_src)      ! src locs
  ! entrainment locations
      integer   (int_kind)          :: num_ent               ! no. of ent locs
      type      (ovf_gridbox)       :: loc_ent(max_ent)      ! ent locs
  ! product sets (various injection locations) and point for each
      integer   (int_kind)          :: num_prd_sets          ! no. prd sets of pnts
      integer   (int_kind)          :: num_prd(max_prd_sets) ! no. prd locs each set
      type      (ovf_gridbox)       :: loc_prd(max_prd_sets,max_prd) ! prd locs
  ! region locations, masks, tracer and density means for inf, src and ent
      type      (ovf_region)        :: reg_inf               ! inf reg boundaries
      type      (ovf_region)        :: reg_src               ! src reg boundaries
      type      (ovf_region)        :: reg_ent               ! ent reg boundaries
      type      (ovf_mask_reg)      :: mask_reg              ! regional inf, src, ent masks
      type      (ovf_mask_reg_wght) :: wght_reg              ! regional mask weights
      type      (ovf_trcr_reg)      :: trcr_reg              ! regional tracers
      type      (ovf_rho_reg)       :: rho_reg               ! regional densities
  ! adjacent locations, masks, tracer and density means for src, ent and prd
      type      (ovf_region)        :: adj_src               ! src adj boundaries
      type      (ovf_region)        :: adj_ent               ! ent adj boundaries
      type      (ovf_region)        :: adj_prd(max_prd_sets) ! prd adj boundaries
      type      (ovf_mask_adj)      :: mask_adj              ! adj mask
      type      (ovf_mask_adj_wght) :: wght_adj              ! adj mask weights
      type      (ovf_trcr_adj)      :: trcr_adj              ! adjacent tracers
      type      (ovf_rho_adj)       :: rho_adj               ! regional densities
  ! overflow transports and state
      real      (r8)                :: Ms                    ! src mass flux (Sv)
      real      (r8)                :: Ms_n                  ! src mass flux (Sv) at n
      real      (r8)                :: Ms_nm1                ! src mass flux (Sv) at n-1
      real      (r8)                :: Me                    ! ent mass flux (Sv)
      real      (r8)                :: Me_n                  ! ent mass flux (Sv) at n
      real      (r8)                :: Me_nm1                ! ent mass flux (Sv) at n-1
      real      (r8)                :: phi                   ! ent parameter (Me/Mp)
      real      (r8)                :: Mp                    ! prd mass flux (Sv)
      real      (r8)                :: Mp_n                  ! prd mass flux (Sv) at n
      real      (r8)                :: Mp_nm1                ! prd mass flux (Sv) at n-1
      real      (r8)                :: Tp                    ! prd temperature (C)
      real      (r8)                :: Sp                    ! prd salinity (ppt)
      integer   (int_kind)          :: prd_set_n             ! prd set index previous time step
      integer   (int_kind)          :: prd_set               ! prd set index
   end type overflow

   type (overflow), dimension(max_ovf), public :: ovf ! contains all overflow info

   integer (POP_i4) ::     &

!  controls for frequency and output of diagnostics

   integer (int_kind) ::  &
      ovf_diag_unit        ! i/o unit for overflow output diagnostics file

   character (char_len) ::  &

   logical (log_kind) ::                 &
      lccsm = .false.,                   &
      lccsm_control_compatible = .false.
   character (10) ::  &
      cdate            ! character date



! !IROUTINE: init_overflows1

 subroutine init_overflows1 1,109

!  This routine is the first of four which together initialize the overflow 
!  parameterization. It reads the namelist and overflow_infile (text file 
!  containing ovf info). See info file comments for description of text file 
!  format. This routine also computes prd region limits based on prd input, 
!  writes out to stdout and overflows_diag_outfile, and then broadcasts ovf info 
!  to all processors.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   namelist /overflows_nml/  overflows_on, overflows_interactive,      &
                             overflows_infile, overflows_diag_outfile,       &
                             overflows_restart_type, overflows_restfile

   integer (i4) ::          &
      index,                &! overflow index
      nu,                   &! unit for overflow input file
      nml_error,            &! namelist i/o error flag
      ovf_error,            &! ovf i/o error flag
      num_req,              &! number requested for error message
      imin,                 &! i index for checking input order
      jmin,                 &! j index for checking input order
      kmin,                 &! k index for checking input number of levels
      ornt                   ! orientation for checking constancy

   character (88) :: line ! temporary for line of text input/output

   integer   (int_kind)  :: &
      n,                    &! ovf loop index
      m,                    &! sub-ovf loop index
      nn,                   &! tracer loop index 
      mp,                   &! sub-ovf sub-loop index
      i,j,                  &! horizontal loop indices
      k,                    &! vertical loop index
      iblock,               &! local block address
      ib,ie,jb,je,          &! local domain index boundaries
      di,dj                  ! orientation adjustments in i,j

   type (block) ::          &
      this_block             ! block information for current block

!  read overflow namelist

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(stdout,'(a11)') ' Overflows:'
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   overflows_on           = .false.
   overflows_interactive  = .false.
   overflows_infile       = 'unknown_ovf_infile'
   overflows_diag_outfile = 'unknown_ovf_outfile'
   overflows_restart_type = 'ccsm_startup'
   overflows_restfile     = 'unknown_ovf_restfile'

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error)
      if (nml_error /= 0) then
         nml_error = -1
         nml_error =  1
      do while (nml_error > 0)
         read(nml_in, nml=overflows_nml,iostat=nml_error)
      end do
      if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in)

   call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task)
   if (nml_error /= 0) then
      call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading overflows_nml')

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(stdout,'(a33)') ' overflows_nml namelist settings:'
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_on, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_interactive, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_infile, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_diag_outfile, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_restart_type, master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(overflows_restfile, master_task)

!  if overflows off, exit

   if( .not. overflows_on ) return

!  determine if this is a ccsm coupled run
!  determine if this case must be backwards compatible with CCSM control

   lccsm                    = registry_match('lccsm')
   lccsm_control_compatible = registry_match('lccsm_control_compatible')

!  overflows on; read overflows info file if ccsm_startup; otherwise 
!  read restart data

   if( overflows_restart_type == 'ccsm_startup' ) then

   ovf_error = 0
   call get_unit(nu)

!  master task section

   if (my_task == master_task) then

      open(nu, file=overflows_infile, status='old',iostat=ovf_error)

      write(stdout,2345) ovf_error
      2345 format(' after open nu   ovf_error=',i5)
      write(stdout,'(a41)') 'reading overflows_infile: contents echoed'
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

      do m=1,40
         read(nu,'(a88)') line
         write(stdout,'(a88)') line
      end do

      read(nu,*) num_ovf
      write(stdout,*) num_ovf
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
      if( num_ovf <= 0 .or. num_ovf > max_ovf ) then
         ovf_error = 1
         num_req   = num_ovf
         goto 10

      do n=1,num_ovf
        ovf(n)%interactive = overflows_interactive
        read(nu,*) index,ovf(n)%name
        write(stdout,*) index,ovf(n)%name

        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%width
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag

        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%width
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag
        call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

! kmt changes if any
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%num_kmt
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%num_kmt
        if( ovf(n)%num_kmt < 0 .or. ovf(n)%num_kmt > max_kmt ) then
           ovf_error = 2
           num_req   = ovf(n)%num_kmt
           goto 10
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
           read(nu,*) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i,    &
                      ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j,    &
                      ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg, &
           write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i,    &
                           ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j,    &
                           ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg, &
        end do
        call shr_sys_flush(stdout)


! inf,src and ent region limits
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin, &
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%reg_src%imin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_src%imax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin, &
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax, &
                   ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin, &

        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin, &
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%reg_src%imin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_src%imax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin, &
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax, &
                        ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin, &
        call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

! src points
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%num_src
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%num_src
        if( ovf(n)%num_src <= 1 .or. ovf(n)%num_src > max_src ) then
           ovf_error = 3
           num_req   = ovf(n)%num_src
           goto 10
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
          read(nu,*) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, &
                     ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j, &
                     ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
          if ( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i + 1
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
! some u corner points i_u,j_u zeroed because they are inactive
             if( m == ovf(n)%num_src ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i 
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j + 1
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
             if( m == 1 ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv==0) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j - 1
             if( m == 1 ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i 
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j - 1
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i
             ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j - 1
             if( m == ovf(n)%num_src ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u   = 0
          write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, &
                          ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j, &
                          ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
          call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
! check order of ij, constancy of k and range of orient
          if( m==1 ) then
             imin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i 
             jmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
             kmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                 ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient > 4 ) then 
                ovf_error = 11
                goto 10
             ornt = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i < imin ) then
                ovf_error = 7
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j < jmin ) then
                ovf_error = 7
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i == imin .and. &
                 ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j == jmin) then
                ovf_error = 8
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i > imin .and. &
                 ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j > jmin) then
                ovf_error = 9
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k /= kmin ) then
                ovf_error = 10
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                 ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient > 4 ) then 
                ovf_error = 11
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient /= ornt ) then
                ovf_error = 12
                goto 10
             imin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i 
             jmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
             kmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
             ornt = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient
        end do

! ent points
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%num_ent
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%num_ent
        if( ovf(n)%num_ent <= 1 .or. ovf(n)%num_ent > max_ent ) then
           ovf_error = 4
           num_req   = ovf(n)%num_ent
           goto 10
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
          read(nu,*) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, &
                     ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j, &
                     ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
          if ( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i + 1
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
! some u corner points i_u,j_u zeroed because they are inactive
             if( m == ovf(n)%num_ent ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i 
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j + 1
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
             if( m == 1 ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv==0) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i - 1
             if(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u = nx_global
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j - 1
             if( m == 1 ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = 0
          else if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i 
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j - 1
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
             ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j - 1
             if( m == ovf(n)%num_ent ) then
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u   = 0
                ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u   = 0
          write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, &
                          ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j, &
                          ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
          call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
! check order of ij, constancy of k and range of orient
          if( m==1 ) then
             imin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
             jmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
             kmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                 ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient > 4 ) then
                ovf_error = 11
                goto 10
             ornt = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i < imin ) then
                ovf_error = 7
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j < jmin ) then
                ovf_error = 7
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i == imin .and. &
                 ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j == jmin) then
                ovf_error = 8
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i > imin .and. &
                 ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j > jmin) then
                ovf_error = 9
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k /= kmin ) then
                ovf_error = 10
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                 ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient > 4 ) then
                ovf_error = 11
                goto 10
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient /= ornt ) then
                ovf_error = 12
                goto 10
             imin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
             jmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
             kmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
             ornt = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient
        end do
        call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

! prd points
        read(nu,*) ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
        write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
        if(ovf(n)%num_prd_sets<=0.or.ovf(n)%num_prd_sets>max_prd_sets) then
           ovf_error = 5
           num_req   = ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
           goto 10
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
          read(nu,*) ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
          write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
          if( ovf(n)%num_prd(m)<=1.or.ovf(n)%num_prd(m)>max_prd) then
             ovf_error = 6
             num_req   = ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
             goto 10
          do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m) 
            read(nu,*) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, &
                       ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, &
                       ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
            if ( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i + 1
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
! some u corner points i_u,j_u zeroed because they are inactive
               if( mp == ovf(n)%num_prd(m) ) then
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = 0
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = 0
            else if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j + 1
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i - 1
               if(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u = nx_global
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
               if( mp == 1 ) then
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = 0
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = 0
            else if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i - 1
               if(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv==0) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv = nx_global
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i - 1
               if(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u==0) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u = nx_global
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j - 1
               if( mp == 1 ) then
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = 0
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = 0
            else if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j - 1
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j - 1
               if( mp == ovf(n)%num_prd(m) ) then
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u   = 0
                  ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u   = 0
            write(stdout,*) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, &
                            ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, &
                            ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
            call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
! check order of ij, constancy of k and range of orient
            if( mp==1 ) then
               imin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               jmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
               kmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                   ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient > 4 ) then
                  ovf_error = 11
                  goto 10
               ornt = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i < imin ) then
                  ovf_error = 7
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j < jmin ) then
                  ovf_error = 7
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i == imin .and. &
                   ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j == jmin) then
                  ovf_error = 8
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i > imin .and. &
                   ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j > jmin) then
                  ovf_error = 9
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k /= kmin ) then
                  ovf_error = 10
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient < 1 .or.  &
                   ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient > 4 ) then
                  ovf_error = 11
                  goto 10
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient /= ornt ) then
                  ovf_error = 12
                  goto 10
               imin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
               jmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
               kmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
               ornt = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient
          end do
          call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
        end do

! find src adj limits
        di = 0
        dj = 0
        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
        ovf(n)%adj_src%imin = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%i+di
        ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%j+dj
        ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%k
        ovf(n)%adj_src%imax = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%i+di
        ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%j+dj
        ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax = ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%k
        do m=2,ovf(n)%num_src 
          di = 0
          dj = 0
          if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
          ovf(n)%adj_src%imin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%imax = max &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax = max &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax = max &
        end do
! print src adj limits
        write(stdout,13)       &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%imin, &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%imax, &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin, &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax, &
          ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin, &
13        format(' Computed source adjacent ijk min/max =',6(i4,2x))

! find ent adj limits
        di = 0
        dj = 0
        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%i+di
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%j+dj
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%k
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%i+di
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%j+dj
        ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax = ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%k
        do m=2,ovf(n)%num_ent
          di = 0
          dj = 0
          if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin = min &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax = max &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax = max &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax = max &
        end do
! print ent adj limits
        write(stdout,14)       &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin, &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax, &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin, &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax, &
          ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin, &
14        format(' Computed entrainment adjacent ijk min/max =',6(i4,2x))

! find prd adj limits
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
          di = 0
          dj = 0
          if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
          if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%i+di
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%j+dj
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%k
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%i+di
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%j+dj
          ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,1)%k
          do mp=2,ovf(n)%num_prd(m) 
            di = 0
            dj = 0
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) di = +1
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) dj = +1
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) di = -1
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) dj = -1
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin = min &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin = min &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin = min &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax = max &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax = max &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax = max &
          end do
        end do
! print prd adj limits
        do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
          write(stdout,15) m,       &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin, &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax, &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin, &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax, &
            ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin, &
15        format(' Computed product adjacent, set=',i3, &
                 ' ijk min/max =',6(i4,2x))
        end do
      end do  ! ovf loop
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  end master task section

      close (nu)
   endif  ! master_task
   call release_unit(nu)

! error from goto 10
10 continue
   call broadcast_scalar(ovf_error, master_task)
   if (ovf_error /= 0) then
      call broadcast_scalar(num_req, master_task)
      write(stdout,*) 'ERROR on overflow input'
      if( ovf_error == 1 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on but number requested out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be > 0 and not greater than ',max_ovf
      else if ( ovf_error == 2 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with kmt topography changes out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be >= 0 and not greater than ',max_kmt
      else if ( ovf_error == 3 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with number source points out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be > 1 and not greater than ',max_src
      else if ( ovf_error == 4 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with number entrainment points out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be > 1 and not greater than ',max_ent
      else if ( ovf_error == 5 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with number of product sets out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be > 0 and not greater than ',max_prd_sets
      else if ( ovf_error == 6 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with number of product points out of range'
         write(stdout,*) 'Number requested = ',num_req
         write(stdout,*) 'Must be > 1 and not greater than ',max_prd
      else if ( ovf_error == 7 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with non-monotonic increasing i or j'
      else if ( ovf_error == 8 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with no change in i and j'
      else if ( ovf_error == 9 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with both i and j increasing'
      else if ( ovf_error == 10 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with non-constant level k'
      else if ( ovf_error == 11 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with orientation either < 0 or > 4'
      else if ( ovf_error == 12 ) then
         write(stdout,*) 'Overflows on with non-constant orientation'
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
      call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading overflows_infile')
   endif  ! ovf error

!  broadcast overflows info to all processors

   call broadcast_scalar(num_ovf, master_task)
   do n=1,num_ovf
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%interactive, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%name, master_task)
! ovf data
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%width, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag, master_task)
! kmt locations
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_kmt, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew, master_task)
      end do
! regional boundaries
!   inflow
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax, master_task)
!   source
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%kmax, master_task)
!   entrainment
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmax, master_task)
! src locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_src, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient, master_task)
      end do
! ent locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_ent, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient, master_task)
      end do
! prd locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_prd_sets, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_prd(m), master_task)
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient, master_task)
         end do
      end do
! adjacent boundaries
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%imin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%imax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax, master_task) 
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax, master_task) 
      end do
   end do  ! ovf broadcast loop

!  initialize overflow data for all processors, so no need to broadcast

   do n=1,num_ovf
     ovf(n)%Ms            = c0
     ovf(n)%Ms_n          = c0
     ovf(n)%Ms_nm1        = c0
     ovf(n)%Me            = c0
     ovf(n)%Me_n          = c0
     ovf(n)%Me_nm1        = c0
     ovf(n)%phi           = c0
     ovf(n)%Mp            = c0
     ovf(n)%Mp_n          = c0
     ovf(n)%Mp_nm1        = c0
     ovf(n)%wght_reg%inf  = c0
     ovf(n)%wght_reg%src  = c0
     ovf(n)%wght_reg%ent  = c0
     do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       ovf(n)%wght_adj%prd(m)  = c0
     end do
     ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf  = c0
     ovf(n)%rho_reg%src  = c0
     ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent  = c0
     do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m)  = c0
     end do
     ovf(n)%prd_set_n = 1
     ovf(n)%prd_set   = 1
     do nn=1,nt
       ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) = c0
       ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) = c0
       ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) = c0
       ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) = c0
       ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) = c0
       ovf(n)%trcr_adj%prd(nn) = c0
     end do
     do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
       do k=1,km
         ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Utlda(k) = c0
         ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Vtlda(k) = c0
       end do
       ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Uovf_nm1   = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Uovf_n     = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Uovf       = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Wovf       = c0
     end do
     do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
       do k=1,km
         ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Utlda(k) = c0
         ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Vtlda(k) = c0
       end do
       ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Uovf_nm1   = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Uovf_n     = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Uovf       = c0
       ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Wovf       = c0
     end do
     do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
         do k=1,km
           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Utlda(k) = c0
           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Vtlda(k) = c0
         end do
         ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf_nm1   = c0
         ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf_n     = c0
         ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf       = c0
         ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Wovf       = c0
       end do
     end do
   end do  ! ovf initialization loop for all processors

   else if( overflows_restart_type /= 'ccsm_startup' ) then

     call ovf_read_restart
     call ovf_read_broadcast



 end subroutine init_overflows1

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows2

 subroutine init_overflows2 1,4

!  This routine continues the initialization of the overflows by 
!  scattering KMT_G to KMT, then modifying if desired, and finally 
!  computing overflow masks.
!  same as module


!  scatter KMT_G to KMT if topography_opt = file 

   if (registry_match('topography_opt_file')) then
      if (my_task == master_task) write(stdout,'(a30,a)') &
         ' Reading topography from file:', trim(topography_filename)
      call read_topography(topography_filename,.false.)
   if (.not. overflows_on ) return

!  modify KMT for overflows if desired and ccsm_startup run
!  make kmt changes regardless of overflows_interactive

   call init_overflows_kmt

!  set overflow masks for regional averaging

   call init_overflows_mask


 end subroutine init_overflows2

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows_kmt

 subroutine init_overflows_kmt 1,5

!  This routine modifies kmt as required by overflows, if on
!  and interactive.
!  same as module


!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      iblock,i,j,k,m,n,  &  ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,       &  ! local domain index boundaries
      kmterr                ! error index for kmt changes

   type (block) :: &
      this_block         ! block information for current block

!  search through kmt and modify for overflows

      kmterr = 0
      do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            do i=ib,ie
                do n=1,num_ovf
                   do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
                      if( ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i.eq.this_block%i_glob(i).and.&
                          ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j.eq.this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                         write(stdout,100) KMT(i,j,iblock),ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i, &
                         100 format(' init_overflows_kmt: KMT = ',i5,&
                                    ' at global (i,j) = ',2(i5,1x),&
                                    ' changed to ',i5)
                         if( KMT(i,j,iblock) .ne. ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg ) then
                            kmterr = kmterr + 1
                         KMT(i,j,iblock) = ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew
                   end do
                end do
      if (kmterr > 0) then
         write(stdout,200) kmterr
     200 format(' init_overflows_kmt: kmt inconsistencies for ',i3,' points',/ &
                ' original kmt not equal to actual kmt')
         call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
         call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR kmt inconsistency for overflows')
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   call POP_HaloUpdate(KMT, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocCenter,  &
                       POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode,              &
                       fillValue = 0_POP_i4)


 end subroutine init_overflows_kmt

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows_mask

 subroutine init_overflows_mask 1,2

!  This routine sets overflow masks for regional and adjacent averaging
!  same as module


!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      iblock,i,j,n,m,    &  ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je           ! local domain index boundaries

   type (block) :: &
      this_block         ! block information for current block

!  set masks for regional averaging

   do n=1,num_ovf
      do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
! inflow region
            if( ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  ovf(n)%mask_reg%inf(i,j,iblock) = c0
                  if( ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                      this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax ) then
                         ovf(n)%mask_reg%inf(i,j,iblock) = c1
                         write(stdout,30) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                         30 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                            ' Inflow region mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
               end do
            endif     ! inflow region
! source region
            if( ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  ovf(n)%mask_reg%src(i,j,iblock) = c0
                  if( ovf(n)%reg_src%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                      this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%reg_src%imax ) then
                         ovf(n)%mask_reg%src(i,j,iblock) = c1
                         write(stdout,31) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                         31 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                            ' Source region mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
               end do
            endif     ! source region
! source adjacent
            if( ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  ovf(n)%mask_adj%src(i,j,iblock) = c0
                  if( ovf(n)%adj_src%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                      this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%adj_src%imax ) then
                         ovf(n)%mask_adj%src(i,j,iblock) = c1
                         write(stdout,32) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                         32 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                            ' Source adjacent mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
               end do
            endif     ! source adjacent
! entrainment region
            if( ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  ovf(n)%mask_reg%ent(i,j,iblock) = c0
                  if( ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                      this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax ) then
                         ovf(n)%mask_reg%ent(i,j,iblock) = c1
                         write(stdout,33) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                         33 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                            ' Entrainment region mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
               end do
            endif     ! entrainment region
! entrainment adjacent
            if( ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  ovf(n)%mask_adj%ent(i,j,iblock) = c0
                  if( ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                      this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax ) then
                         ovf(n)%mask_adj%ent(i,j,iblock) = c1
                         write(stdout,34) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                         34 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                            ' Entrainment adjacent mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
               end do
            endif     ! entrainment adjacent
         end do  ! j loop
! product adjacent
         do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin  .le. this_block%j_glob(j) .and. &
                   this_block%j_glob(j) .le. ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     ovf(n)%mask_adj%prd(i,j,iblock,m) = c0
                     if( ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin  .le. this_block%i_glob(i) .and. &
                         this_block%i_glob(i) .le. ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax ) then
                            ovf(n)%mask_adj%prd(i,j,iblock,m) = c1
                            write(stdout,35) ovf(n)%name,this_block%i_glob(i), &
                            35 format(' Overflow: ',a24, &
                               ' Product adjacent mask at global (ij)=',2(i3,2x))
                  end do
               endif     ! product adjacent
            end do
         end do
      end do
   end do
   call shr_sys_flush(stdout)


 end subroutine init_overflows_mask

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows3

 subroutine init_overflows3 1,1

!  This routine completes the initialization of the overflows by 
!  modifying the 9pt coefficients for the barotropic solution
!  as required for each overflow grid box
!  same as module


!  modify 9pt coefficients for barotropic solver

   if( overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive ) then
      call ovf_solvers_9pt


 end subroutine init_overflows3

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows4

 subroutine init_overflows4 1,2

!  This routine creates the overflow output diagnostics filename, now
!  that the initial model run time is known.
!  same as module

!  local variables
   character (char_len) ::  &


!  if overflows off, exit

   if (.not. overflows_on ) return

!  set up output file and unit for overflow diagnostics

!  define ccsm overflow diagnostics output filename
   if (lccsm) then
     call ccsm_date_stamp (ccsm_diag_date, 'ymds')
     string = overflows_diag_outfile
     overflows_diag_outfile = trim(string)/&
!  append runid, initial date to output file names
!  concatenation operator must be split across lines to avoid problems
!    with preprocessors
     if (date_separator == ' ') then
        cdate(1:4) = cyear
        cdate(5:6) = cmonth
        cdate(7:8) = cday
        cdate(9:10)= '  '
        cdate(1:4) = cyear
        cdate(5:5) = date_separator
        cdate(6:7) = cmonth
        cdate(8:8) = date_separator
        cdate(9:10) = cday
     outfile_tmp = char_blank
     outfile_tmp = trim(overflows_diag_outfile)/&
     overflows_diag_outfile = trim(outfile_tmp)
   endif ! lccsm

   call get_unit(ovf_diag_unit)
   if (my_task == master_task) then
       open(ovf_diag_unit, file=overflows_diag_outfile, status='unknown')
       write(ovf_diag_unit,*)' '

       write(stdout,'(a,a)') &
          'Overflow diagnostics written to file: ', trim(overflows_diag_outfile)


 end subroutine init_overflows4

! !IROUTINE: init_overflows5

 subroutine init_overflows5 1,1

!  This routine computes regional aveages required at restart
!  for overflow regions, using all available tracers, and also
!  computes regional product values based on source and entrainment.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer   (int_kind)  :: &
      n         ,& ! index of overflow
     nn            ! ovf tracer index
   real (r8) ::  &
     phi           ! entrainment parameter from actual ratio Me/Mp

!  compute regional averages.

   if( overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive ) then
      call ovf_reg_avgs(oldtime)
! evaluate regional product values based on src,ent averages just computed
      do n=1,num_ovf
        phi = ovf(n)%phi
        do nn=1,nt
           ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) * (c1 - phi) &
                                   + ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) * phi
        end do


 end subroutine init_overflows5

! !IROUTINE: ovf_write_restart

 subroutine ovf_write_restart 1,9

!  This routine writes the overflow restart file using 
!  selected data from overflow array.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer   (int_kind)  :: &
      mu,                   &! unit for ovf restart file
      ovf_error,            &! error flag
      n,                    &! ovf loop index
      m,                    &! sub-ovf loop index
      nn,                   &! tracer loop index 
      mp                     ! sub-ovf sub-loop index

   character (char_len)  ::     &
      write_restart_filename,   &! modified file name for restart file
      ovf_restart_pointer_file, &! overflows rpointer filename
      file_suffix,              &! suffix to append to root filename
      char_temp                  ! temporary character string

   character (10)        :: &! for input year,month,day

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_write_restart called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  if overflows off, exit

   if( .not. overflows_on ) return

   cdate(1:4) = cyear
   cdate(5:6) = cmonth
   cdate(7:8) = cday
   cdate(9:10)= '  '

   ovf_error = 0
   call get_unit(mu)

   write_restart_filename = char_blank
   file_suffix = char_blank

   if (registry_match('lccsm')) then
     call ccsm_date_stamp(char_temp, 'ymds')
     file_suffix = trim(char_temp)
     !*** must split concatenation operator to avoid preprocessor mangling
     write_restart_filename = trim(overflows_restfile)/&
     write_restart_filename = trim(overflows_restfile)

!  master task section

   if (my_task == master_task) then

    open(mu, file=write_restart_filename, status='unknown',iostat=ovf_error)

    write(stdout,987) mu,write_restart_filename
    987 format(' ovf_write_restart  unit (mu) = ',i5,' file name = ',a64)

    write(stdout,99) cdate
    99 format(' ovf write restart   cdate yyyymmdd = ',a10)
    call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

    write(mu,100) cdate,num_ovf
    100 format(30x,'  ! Overflow Restart File for yyyymmdd =',a10/ &
               2x,i10,20x,'! number of overflows')  
    do n=1,num_ovf
      write(mu,101) ovf(n)%name
      101 format(2x,a26,'    ! name of overflow')

! ovf parameters
      write(mu,102) ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat
      102 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! latitude in degrees')
      write(mu,103) ovf(n)%ovf_params%width
      103 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! channel width in meters')
      write(mu,105) ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick
      105 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! source thickness in meters')
      write(mu,106) ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb
      106 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! strait to shelf-slope break in meters')
      write(mu,107) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope
      107 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! bottom slope dy/dx ')
      write(mu,108) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag
      108 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! bottom drag coefficient')

! kmt changes, if any
      write(mu,1090) ovf(n)%num_kmt
      1090 format(2x,i10,20x,'! number of kmt changes')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
         write(mu,1091) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i
         1091 format(2x,i10,20x,'! i grid box index for kmt change')
         write(mu,1092) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j
         1092 format(2x,i10,20x,'! j grid box index for kmt change')
         write(mu,1093) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg
         1093 format(2x,i10,20x,'! korg  original grid box k index')
         write(mu,1094) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew
         1094 format(2x,i10,20x,'! knew  new      grid box k index')
      end do

! regional boundaries
!   inflow
      write(mu,110) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin
      110 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region imin')
      write(mu,111) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax
      111 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region imax')
      write(mu,112) ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin
      112 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region jmin')
      write(mu,113) ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax
      113 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region jmax')
      write(mu,114) ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin
      114 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region kmin')
      write(mu,115) ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax
      115 format(2x,i10,20x,'! inflow region kmax')
!   source
      write(mu,116) ovf(n)%reg_src%imin
      116 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region imin')
      write(mu,117) ovf(n)%reg_src%imax
      117 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region imax')
      write(mu,118) ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin
      118 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region jmin')
      write(mu,119) ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax
      119 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region jmax')
      write(mu,120) ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin
      120 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region kmin')
      write(mu,121) ovf(n)%reg_src%kmax
      121 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source region kmax')
!   entrainment
      write(mu,122) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin
      122 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region imin')
      write(mu,123) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax
      123 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region imax')
      write(mu,124) ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin
      124 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region jmin')
      write(mu,125) ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax
      125 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region jmax')
      write(mu,126) ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin
      126 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region kmin')
      write(mu,127) ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmax
      127 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment region kmax')
! src locs and orientation
      write(mu,128) ovf(n)%num_src
      128 format(2x,i10,20x,'! number of source grid boxes')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
         write(mu,129) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i
         129 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box i')
         write(mu,130) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
         130 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box j')
         write(mu,131) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv
         131 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box i_adv')
         write(mu,132) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv
         132 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box j_adv')
         write(mu,133) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u
         133 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box i_u')
         write(mu,134) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u
         134 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box j_u')
         write(mu,135) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         135 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box k')
         write(mu,136) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient
         136 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source box orient')
      end do
! ent locs and orientation
      write(mu,137) ovf(n)%num_ent
      137 format(2x,i10,20x,'! number of entrainment grid boxes')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
         write(mu,138) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
         138 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box i')
         write(mu,139) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
         139 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box j')
         write(mu,140) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv
         140 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box i_adv')
         write(mu,141) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv
         141 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box j_adv')
         write(mu,142) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u
         142 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box i_u')
         write(mu,143) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u
         143 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box j_u')
         write(mu,144) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         144 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box k')
         write(mu,145) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient
         145 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment box orient')
      end do
! prd locs and orientation
      write(mu,146) ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
      146 format(2x,i10,20x,'! number of product sets')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         write(mu,147) ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
         147 format(2x,i10,20x, &
                    '! number of product grid boxes for this set')
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
            write(mu,148) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
            148 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box i')
            write(mu,149) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
            149 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box j')
            write(mu,150) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv
            150 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box i_adv')
            write(mu,151) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv
            151 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box j_adv')
            write(mu,152) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u
            152 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box i_u')
            write(mu,153) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u
            153 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box j_u')
            write(mu,154) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
            154 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box k')
            write(mu,155) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient
            155 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product box orient')
         end do
      end do
! adjacent boundaries
! src
      write(mu,156) ovf(n)%adj_src%imin 
      156 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent imin')
      write(mu,157) ovf(n)%adj_src%imax 
      157 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent imax')
      write(mu,158) ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin 
      158 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent jmin')
      write(mu,159) ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax 
      159 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent jmax')
      write(mu,160) ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin 
      160 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent kmin')
      write(mu,161) ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax 
      161 format(2x,i10,20x,'! source adjacent kmax')
      write(mu,162) ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin 
      162 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent imin')
      write(mu,163) ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax 
      163 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent imax')
      write(mu,164) ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin 
      164 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent jmin')
      write(mu,165) ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax 
      165 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent jmax')
      write(mu,166) ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin 
      166 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent kmin')
      write(mu,167) ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax 
      167 format(2x,i10,20x,'! entrainment adjacent kmax')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         write(mu,168) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin 
         168 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent imin')
         write(mu,169) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax 
         169 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent imax')
         write(mu,170) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin 
         170 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent jmin')
         write(mu,171) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax 
         171 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent jmax')
         write(mu,172) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin 
         172 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent kmin')
         write(mu,173) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax 
         173 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product adjacent kmax')
      end do
! transports
      write(mu,174) ovf(n)%Ms
      174 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! source volume n+1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,175) ovf(n)%Ms_n
      175 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! source volume n   transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,176) ovf(n)%Ms_nm1
      176 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! source volume n-1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,177) ovf(n)%Me
      177 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! entrainment volume n+1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,178) ovf(n)%Me_n
      178 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! entrainment volume n   transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,179) ovf(n)%Me_nm1
      179 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! entrainment volume n-1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,180) ovf(n)%phi
      180 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! phi parameter')
      write(mu,181) ovf(n)%Mp
      181 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! product volume n+1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,182) ovf(n)%Mp_n
      182 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! product volume n   transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,183) ovf(n)%Mp_nm1
      183 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! product volume n-1 transport cm3/sec')
      write(mu,184) ovf(n)%Tp
      184 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! product temperature C')
      write(mu,185) ovf(n)%Sp
      185 format(2x,1PE27.18,'   ! product salinity')
      write(mu,186) ovf(n)%prd_set_n
      write(mu,186) ovf(n)%prd_set
      186 format(2x,i10,20x,'! product set index (first is previous time step)')

   end do  ! ovf loop 

   endif     ! my_task == master_task

   call release_unit(mu)

!  if pointer files are used, write filename to pointer file

   if (luse_pointer_files) then
      call get_unit(mu)
      if (my_task == master_task) then
       ovf_restart_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/&
       open(mu, file=ovf_restart_pointer_file, form='formatted', status='unknown')
       write(mu,'(a)') trim(write_restart_filename)
       write(stdout,*) ' overflow restart pointer file written: ',trim(ovf_restart_pointer_file)
       call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout)
     call release_unit(mu)


 end subroutine ovf_write_restart

! !IROUTINE: ovf_read_restart

 subroutine ovf_read_restart 1,8

!  This routine reads the overflow restart file for
!  selected data from overflow array.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer (POP_i4)      :: &
      mu,                   &! unit for ovf restart file
      ovf_error,            &! error flag
      n,                    &! ovf loop index
      m,                    &! sub-ovf loop index
      nn,                   &! tracer loop index 
      mp,                   &! sub-ovf sub-loop index
      ntrcr,                &! number of tracers on read
      cindx,cindx2           ! indices into restart pointer character string

   character (POP_charLength) ::  &
      restart_pointer_file,    &! file name for restart pointer file
      read_overflows_restfile, &! local restart filename
      cdate_label               ! for input year,month,day

   logical (POP_logical), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_read_restart called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  if overflows off, exit

   if( .not. overflows_on ) return

   ovf_error = 0

!  if pointer files are used, overflows pointer file must be read to get
!  actual filenames - skip this for ccsm_branch initialization
!  otherwise use input filename

   errorCode = POP_Success

   read_overflows_restfile = char_blank
   restart_pointer_file = char_blank

   if (luse_pointer_files) then
      call get_unit(mu)
      if (my_task == master_task) then
        restart_pointer_file = pointer_filename
        cindx = len_trim(pointer_filename) + 1
        cindx2= cindx + 3
        restart_pointer_file(cindx:cindx2) = '.ovf'
        write(stdout,*) 'Reading overflow pointer file: ', trim(restart_pointer_file)
        call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout)
        open(mu, file=trim(restart_pointer_file), form='formatted', status='old')
        read(mu,'(a)') read_overflows_restfile
      call release_unit(mu)
      call broadcast_scalar(read_overflows_restfile, master_task)
      ! use overflows_restfile from namelist 
      read_overflows_restfile = trim(overflows_restfile)

!  read overflows restart file

   call get_unit(mu)
   if (my_task == master_task) then

    open(mu, file=read_overflows_restfile, status='unknown',iostat=ovf_error)

    write(stdout,987) mu,read_overflows_restfile
    987 format(' ovf_read_restart  unit (mu) = ',i5,' file name = ',a)

    read(mu,99) cdate_label,num_ovf
    99 format(a80/2x,i10)
    write(stdout,100) cdate_label,num_ovf
    100 format(' ovf read restart  label =',/a80/ &
               ' number of overflows = ',i5)
    call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

    do n=1,num_ovf
      read(mu,101) ovf(n)%name
      101 format(2x,a26)

! ovf parameters
      read(mu,102) ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat
      102 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,103) ovf(n)%ovf_params%width
      103 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,105) ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick
      105 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,106) ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb
      106 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,107) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope
      107 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,108) ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag
      108 format(2x,1PE27.18)
! kmt changes, if any
      read(mu,1090) ovf(n)%num_kmt
      1090 format(2x,i10,20x,'! number of kmt changes')
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
         read(mu,1091) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i
         1091 format(2x,i10,20x,'! i grid box index for kmt change')
         read(mu,1092) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j
         1092 format(2x,i10,20x,'! j grid box index for kmt change')
         read(mu,1093) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg
         1093 format(2x,i10,20x,'! korg  original grid box k index')
         read(mu,1094) ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew
         1094 format(2x,i10,20x,'! knew  new      grid box k index')
      end do
! regional boundaries
!   inflow
      read(mu,110) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin
      110 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,111) ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax
      111 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,112) ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin
      112 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,113) ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax
      113 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,114) ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin
      114 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,115) ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax
      115 format(2x,i10,20x)
!   source
      read(mu,116) ovf(n)%reg_src%imin
      116 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,117) ovf(n)%reg_src%imax
      117 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,118) ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin
      118 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,119) ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax
      119 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,120) ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin
      120 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,121) ovf(n)%reg_src%kmax
      121 format(2x,i10,20x)
!   entrainment
      read(mu,122) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin
      122 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,123) ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax
      123 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,124) ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin
      124 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,125) ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax
      125 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,126) ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin
      126 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,127) ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmax
      127 format(2x,i10,20x)
! src locs and orientation
      read(mu,128) ovf(n)%num_src
      128 format(2x,i10,20x)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
         read(mu,129) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i
         129 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,130) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j
         130 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,131) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv
         131 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,132) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv
         132 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,133) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u
         133 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,134) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u
         134 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,135) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         135 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,136) ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient
         136 format(2x,i10,20x)
      end do
! ent locs and orientation
      read(mu,137) ovf(n)%num_ent
      137 format(2x,i10,20x)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
         read(mu,138) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i
         138 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,139) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j
         139 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,140) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv
         140 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,141) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv
         141 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,142) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u
         142 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,143) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u
         143 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,144) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         144 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,145) ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient
         145 format(2x,i10,20x)
      end do
! prd locs and orientation
      read(mu,146) ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
      146 format(2x,i10,20x)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         read(mu,147) ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
         147 format(2x,i10,20x)
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
            read(mu,148) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i
            148 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,149) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j
            149 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,150) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv
            150 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,151) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv
            151 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,152) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u
            152 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,153) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u
            153 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,154) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
            154 format(2x,i10,20x)
            read(mu,155) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient
            155 format(2x,i10,20x)
         end do
      end do
! adjacent boundaries
! src
      read(mu,156) ovf(n)%adj_src%imin 
      156 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,157) ovf(n)%adj_src%imax 
      157 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,158) ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin 
      158 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,159) ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax 
      159 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,160) ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin 
      160 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,161) ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax 
      161 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,162) ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin 
      162 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,163) ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax 
      163 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,164) ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin 
      164 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,165) ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax 
      165 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,166) ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin 
      166 format(2x,i10,20x)
      read(mu,167) ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax 
      167 format(2x,i10,20x)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         read(mu,168) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin 
         168 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,169) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax 
         169 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,170) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin 
         170 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,171) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax 
         171 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,172) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin 
         172 format(2x,i10,20x)
         read(mu,173) ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax 
         173 format(2x,i10,20x)
      end do
! transports
      read(mu,174) ovf(n)%Ms
      174 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,175) ovf(n)%Ms_n
      175 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,176) ovf(n)%Ms_nm1
      176 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,177) ovf(n)%Me
      177 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,178) ovf(n)%Me_n
      178 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,179) ovf(n)%Me_nm1
      179 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,180) ovf(n)%phi
      180 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,181) ovf(n)%Mp
      181 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,182) ovf(n)%Mp_n
      182 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,183) ovf(n)%Mp_nm1
      183 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,184) ovf(n)%Tp
      184 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,185) ovf(n)%Sp
      185 format(2x,1PE27.18)
      read(mu,186) ovf(n)%prd_set_n
      read(mu,186) ovf(n)%prd_set
      186 format(2x,i10,20x)

   end do  ! ovf loop 

   endif     ! my_task == master_task

   call release_unit(mu)


 end subroutine ovf_read_restart

! !IROUTINE: ovf_read_broadcast

 subroutine ovf_read_broadcast 1,98

!  This routine broadcasts selected data in ovf array from the
!  master_task to all processors.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer   (int_kind)  :: &
      n,                    &! ovf loop index
      m,                    &! sub-ovf loop index
      nn,                   &! tracer loop index 
      mp,                   &! sub-ovf sub-loop index
      k                      ! vertical loop index

!  if overflows off, exit

   if( .not. overflows_on ) return

!  broadcast overflows info to all processors

   call broadcast_scalar(num_ovf, master_task)
   do n=1,num_ovf
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%name, master_task)
! ovf data
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%width, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag, master_task)
! kmt changes, if any
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_kmt, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_kmt
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%korg, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_kmt(m)%knew, master_task)
      end do
! regional boundaries
!   inflow
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax, master_task)
!   source
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_src%kmax, master_task)
!   entrainment
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%imin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%imax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%jmax, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmax, master_task)
! src locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_src, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient, master_task)
      end do
! ent locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_ent, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient, master_task)
      end do
! prd locs and orientation
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_prd_sets, master_task)
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%num_prd(m), master_task)
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, master_task)
            call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient, master_task)
         end do
      end do
! adjacent boundaries
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%imin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%imax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%jmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%jmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%imin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%imax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%jmax, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin, master_task) 
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax, master_task) 
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%imax, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%jmax, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin, master_task) 
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax, master_task) 
      end do
! transports
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Ms, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Ms_n, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Ms_nm1, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Me, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Me_n, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Me_nm1, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%phi, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Mp, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Mp_n, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Mp_nm1, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Tp, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%Sp, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%prd_set_n, master_task)
      call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%prd_set, master_task)
      do nn=1,nt
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn), master_task)
         call broadcast_scalar(ovf(n)%trcr_adj%prd(nn), master_task)
      end do

   end do  ! ovf broadcast loop for all processors


 end subroutine ovf_read_broadcast

! !IROUTINE: ovf_advt

 subroutine ovf_advt(k,TRACER_E,TRACER_N,ntr,this_block, & 4,1

!  Modify tracer grid interface value for advection for
!  overflow points; orientation determines if E or N is modified
!  same as module
! ovf t-grid box ij showing advection grid boxes 
! (i_adv,j_adv) set by orientation
!                                        ij+1 
!                                     ____2_____ 
!              y ^                   |          | 
!                |                   |          |
!                |            i-1j  3|    ij    |1  i+1j
!                +----->             |          |
!                      x             |__________|
!                                         4
!                                         ij-1   
! Note!  Orientations are relative to overflow ij, while
! the advection boxes are offset as in the diagram above.
! Thus, the indices for TRACER_E and TRACER_N are reversed.
! For instance, orient=1 src, the advection box is i+1,j
! above, but when ij is that box (see below), then it is the
! western TRACER_E, or i-1j, that is overwritten. This is
! reversed from the center ij, because of the offset in the
! advection boxes relative to box ij.
! Note!  ij loops include ghost points incase advection
! scheme requires them.

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind), intent(in)                            :: &
      k                     ! vertical index
   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(inout)    :: &
      TRACER_E,           & ! east gridbox interface tracer at level k
      TRACER_N              ! north gridbox interface tracer at level k
   integer (int_kind), intent(in)                            :: &
      ntr                   ! tracer index
   type (block), intent(in)                                  :: &
      this_block            ! block information for this block

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
      CN,CS,CE,CW           ! stencil weights based on flux velocities

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      n,m,mp,i,j,         & ! dummy loop indices
      ksrc,kent,kprd        ! overflow level indices

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      iblock                ! local block address for this block

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

! turn off print   3 Nov 2008
!   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
!      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_advt called '
!      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
!   endif

   iblock = this_block%local_id

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         if( k == ksrc ) then
            do j=1,ny_block
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=1,nx_block
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,5) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient,ntr, &
                           5  format(' In    ovf_advt src   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                        if( i > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                              TRACER_E(i-1,j) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(ntr)
                        if( j > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                              TRACER_N(i,j-1) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           TRACER_E(i,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           TRACER_N(i,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(ntr)
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,10) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient,ntr, &
                           TRACER_E(i,j),TRACER_E(i-1,j),TRACER_N(i,j),TRACER_N(i,j-1), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(ksrc)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CW(i,j)*dz(ksrc)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
           CN(i,j)*dz(ksrc)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CS(i,j)*dz(ksrc)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(ksrc)*TAREA(i,j,iblock)*TRACER_E(i,j), &
                           10 format(' Out   ovf_advt src   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt src M ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt src CT',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),2(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         endif  ! k
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         if( k == kent ) then
            do j=1,ny_block
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=1,nx_block
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,15) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient,ntr, &
                           15 format(' In    ovf_advt ent   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                        if( i > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                              TRACER_E(i-1,j) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(ntr)
                        if( j > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                              TRACER_N(i,j-1) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           TRACER_E(i,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           TRACER_N(i,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(ntr)
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,20) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient,ntr, &
                           TRACER_E(i,j),TRACER_E(i-1,j),TRACER_N(i,j),TRACER_N(i,j-1), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kent)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CW(i,j)*dz(kent)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
           CN(i,j)*dz(kent)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CS(i,j)*dz(kent)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kent)*TAREA(i,j,iblock)*TRACER_E(i,j), &
                           20 format(' Out   ovf_advt ent   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt ent M ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt ent CT',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),2(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         endif  ! k
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         if( k == kprd ) then
            do j=1,ny_block
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=1,nx_block
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,25) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
                           25 format(' In    ovf_advt prd   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                        if( i > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                              TRACER_E(i-1,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                        if( j > 1 ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                              TRACER_N(i,j-1)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           TRACER_E(i,j)     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           TRACER_N(i,j)     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,35) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
                           TRACER_E(i,j),TRACER_E(i-1,j),TRACER_N(i,j),TRACER_N(i,j-1), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CW(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
           CN(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CS(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock)*TRACER_E(i,j), &
                           35 format(' Out   ovf_advt prd   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt prd M ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out   ovf_advt prd CT',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),2(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         endif  ! k
      end do  ! product points for insertion set
! If prd set just moved and time averaging done previous time step
      if( ovf(n)%prd_set .ne. ovf(n)%prd_set_n ) then
       m = ovf(n)%prd_set_n  ! product set for insertion
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         if( k == kprd ) then
            do j=1,ny_block
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=1,nx_block
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,26) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
                           26 format(' In_n  ovf_advt prd   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                        if( avg_ts_last ) then
                           if( i > 1 ) then
                              if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                                 TRACER_E(i-1,j)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                           if( j > 1 ) then
                              if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                                 TRACER_N(i,j-1)   = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                              TRACER_E(i,j)     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                              TRACER_N(i,j)     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(ntr)
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,36) nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
                           TRACER_E(i,j),TRACER_E(i-1,j),TRACER_N(i,j),TRACER_N(i,j-1), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CW(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
           CN(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock),CS(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                                            nsteps_total,n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient,ntr, &
           CE(i,j)*dz(kprd)*TAREA(i,j,iblock)*TRACER_E(i,j), &
                           36 format(' Out_n ovf_advt prd   ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out_n ovf_advt prd M ',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),4(1pe15.8,1x)/ &
                                     ' Out_n ovf_advt prd CT',i5,1x,6(i3,1x),2(1pe15.8,1x))
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         endif  ! k
       end do  ! product points for insertion set
   end do  ! each overflow
! special diagnostic  11 nov 2008
   call ovf_UV_check


 end subroutine ovf_advt

! !IROUTINE: ovf_wtkb_check

 subroutine ovf_wtkb_check(k,WTKB,this_block) 1,1

!  Print out wtkb for overflow gridboxes
!  same as module

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind), intent(in)                            :: &
      k                     ! vertical index
   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), intent(in) :: &
      WTKB                  ! WTKB = W at bottom of t-grid box
   type (block), intent(in)                                  :: &
      this_block            ! block information for this block

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      n,m,mp,i,j,         & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,        & ! local domain index boundaries
      iblock                ! local block address for this block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_wtkb_check called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   iblock = this_block%local_id

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! ovf ij
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,10) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, &
  10 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, &
  ' src t,i,j,k         wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,20) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, &
  20 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, &
  ' ent t,i,j,k         wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, & 
  30 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, & 
  ' prd t,i,j,k         wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! product points for insertion set
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,31) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, & 
  31 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, & 
  ' all prd t,i,j,k         wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
       end do  ! product points for insertion set
      end do  ! product sets
! ovf i_adv j_adv
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,40) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_adv, &
  40 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, &
  ' src t,i_adv,j_adv,k wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
                     endif  ! k
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,50) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_adv, &
  50 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, &
  ' ent t,i_adv,j_adv,k wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
                     endif  ! k
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,60) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, & 
  60 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, & 
  ' prd t,i_adv,j_adv,k wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
                     endif  ! k
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! product points for insertion set
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for insertion if moved
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_adv .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     if( k == KMT(i,j,iblock) ) then
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,61) n,nsteps_total,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_adv, & 
  61 format(' ovf_wtkb_ch n=',i3, & 
  ' all prd t,i_adv,j_adv,k wtkb wtkb*tarea=',4(i4,1x),2(1pe12.5,2x))
                        endif  ! print
                     endif  ! k
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
       end do  ! product points for insertion set
      end do  ! original product set if moved
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_wtkb_check

! !IROUTINE: ovf_UV_check

 subroutine ovf_UV_check 1,4

!  Print out column UVEL, VVEL for overflow gridboxes
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      n,m,mp,i,j,k,       & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,        & ! local domain index boundaries
      iblock,             & ! local block address for this block
      ksrc,kent,kprd        ! overflow level indices
   type (block)        :: &
      this_block            ! block information for this block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_UV_check called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   if( prnt ) then
     write(stdout,5) nsteps_total
     5 format(' ovf_UV_check called at nsteps_total=',i6)
!  overflow loop
     do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
       do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
           this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
           ib = this_block%ib
           ie = this_block%ie
           jb = this_block%jb
           je = this_block%je
           do j=jb,je
             if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                 if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                   write(stdout,15) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, &
                   15 format(' ovf_UV_check n=',i2,' src i_u j_u = ',2(i3,1x))
!                   do k=1,ksrc
!                     write(stdout,10) k,UVEL(i,j,k,oldtime,iblock), &
!                        UVEL(i,j,k,curtime,iblock),UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock), &
!                        VVEL(i,j,k,oldtime,iblock), &
!                        VVEL(i,j,k,curtime,iblock),VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                     10 format('   k old cur new UVEL= ',i2,1x,3(f9.5,1x), &
                     ' VVEL=',3(f9.5,1x))
!                   end do  ! k
               end do  ! i
           end do  ! j
         enddo   ! block
       end do  ! source
! ent
       do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
           this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
           ib = this_block%ib
           ie = this_block%ie
           jb = this_block%jb
           je = this_block%je
           do j=jb,je
             if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                 if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                   write(stdout,25) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, &
                   25 format(' ovf_UV_check n=',i2,' ent i_u j_u = ',2(i3,1x))
!                   do k=1,kent
!                     write(stdout,20) k,UVEL(i,j,k,oldtime,iblock), &
!                        UVEL(i,j,k,curtime,iblock),UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock), &
!                        VVEL(i,j,k,oldtime,iblock), &
!                        VVEL(i,j,k,curtime,iblock),VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                     20 format('   k old cur new UVEL= ',i2,1x,3(f9.5,1x), &
                     ' VVEL=',3(f9.5,1x))
!                   end do  ! k
               end do  ! i
           end do  ! j
         enddo   ! block
       end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k 
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
           this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
           ib = this_block%ib
           ie = this_block%ie
           jb = this_block%jb
           je = this_block%je
           do j=jb,je
             if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                 if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                   write(stdout,35) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                   35 format(' ovf_UV_check n=',i2,' prd i_u j_u = ',2(i3,1x))
!                   do k=1,kprd
                     write(stdout,30) nsteps_total,n, &
                        ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u, &
                        k,UVEL(i,j,k,oldtime,iblock), &
                     30 format(' prd t,n,i,j,k old cur new UVEL= ',5(i4,1x),1x,3(f9.5,1x))
!                   end do  ! k
               end do  ! i
           end do  ! j
         enddo   ! block
       end do  ! product
      end do
     end do  ! each overflow
  endif  ! print

 end subroutine ovf_UV_check

! !IROUTINE: ovf_Utlda

 subroutine ovf_Utlda(iblock) 1,4

!  Save ovf sidewall unnormalized baroclinic velocities Utlda. Must be
!  called AFTER the baroclinic solution Utlda is found but BEFORE the
!  baroclinic velocities are normalized (i.e. vertical integral of 
!  baroclinic velocity from surface to bottom topography is zero). 
! ij t-grid   i_u,j_u u-grid
! assignment of U on u-grid
!   orientation=1  i_u = i    j_u = j
!              =2  i_u = i-1  j_u = j
!              =3  i_u = i-1  j_u = j-1
!              =4  i_u = i    j_u = j-1
! ovf t-grid box ij with u-grid
! corners and orientations
!                                         2       (i_u,j_u)
!                                i-1j __________ij
!              y ^                   |          |
!                |                   |          |
!                |                 3 |    ij    | 1
!                +----->             |          |
!                      x             |__________|
!                              i-1j-1            ij-1
!                                         4
! for example, for ovf grid box ij,
! with product orientation 4, the Utlda
! in the above diagram would be ij-1
! lower right corner
!  same as module

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind),     &
      intent(in)        :: &
      iblock                 ! block index

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)    :: &
      i,j,k,n,m,mp,         &  ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,          &  ! local domain index boundaries
      ksrc,kent,kprd           ! overflow level indices
   type (block)          :: &
      this_block               ! block information for current block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_Utlda called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     do k=1,ksrc-1
                        ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Utlda(k) = UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                        ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Vtlda(k) = VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, &
                                         ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u, &
                        10 format(' ovf_Utlda n=',i3, &
                        ' src i_u j_u orient k=',4(i4,1x))
                        do k=1,ksrc-1
                           write(stdout,15) k,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Utlda(k), &
                           15 format('   k=',i3,1x,'Utlda Vtlda= ',2(f9.5,2x))
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     do k=1,kent-1
                        ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Utlda(k) = UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                        ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Vtlda(k) = VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, &
                                         ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u, &
                        20 format(' ovf_Utlda n=',i3, &
                        ' ent i_u j_u orient k=',4(i4,1x))
                        do k=1,kent-1
                           write(stdout,25) k,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Utlda(k), &
                           25 format('   k=',i3,1x,'Utlda Vtlda= ',2(f9.5,2x))
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
            kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        do k=1,kprd-1
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Utlda(k) = UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Vtlda(k) = VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                                            ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u, &
                           30 format(' ovf_Utlda n=',i3, &
                           ' prd i_u j_u orient k=',4(i4,1x))
                           do k=1,kprd-1
                              write(stdout,35) k,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Utlda(k), &
                              35 format('   k=',i3,1x,'Utlda Vtlda= ',2(f9.5,2x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! product points for each set
      end do  ! product sets
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_Utlda

! !IROUTINE: ovf_driver

 subroutine ovf_driver 1,6

!  This routine is the main overflow (ovf) driver, called
!  in step_mod.F90 between baroclinic and barotropic drivers.
!  It calls routines to compute ovf regional means, transports,
!  product locations and sidewall velocity evaluation.
!  same as module

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.


   if(prnt) then
      write(stdout,*) ' ovf_driver entered '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  ovf regional averages

      call ovf_reg_avgs(curtime)

!  ovf transports

      call ovf_transports

!  ovf location of product

      call ovf_loc_prd

!  ovf top W evaluation

      call ovf_W

!  ovf sidewall UV evaluation

      call ovf_UV


 end subroutine ovf_driver

! !IROUTINE: ovf_reg_avgs

 subroutine ovf_reg_avgs(time_level) 2,1

!  Evaluate the ovf regional averages
!  same as module

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &! time indices for prognostic arrays
      time_level          ! current time level  (n)

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)      :: &
      iblock,k,n,nn,m           ! dummy loop indices

   type (block)            :: &
      this_block                ! block information for current block

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: &
         WRK                    ! temp work array
   real (r8)  vsum_reg_wght,  & ! vertical sum regional weight
              vsum_adj_wght     ! vertical sum adjacent weight

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.


   if(prnt) then
      write(stdout,*) ' ovf_reg_avgs called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

! inflow region
   do n=1,num_ovf
      if( ovf(n)%wght_reg%inf .eq. c0 ) then
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
         end do
         ovf(n)%wght_reg%inf = &
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) = c0
      end do
      vsum_reg_wght  = c0
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf = c0
      do k = ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin, ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax
         vsum_reg_wght = vsum_reg_wght + ovf(n)%wght_reg%inf*dz(k)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = RHO(:,:,k,time_level,iblock) &
               *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)   &
         end do
         ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf = ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf + &
         do nn = 1,nt
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,nn,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)         &
            end do
            ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) + &
         end do
      end do
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(nn) / vsum_reg_wght
      end do
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf = ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf / vsum_reg_wght
   end do

! source region
   do n=1,num_ovf
      if( ovf(n)%wght_reg%src .eq. c0 ) then
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
         end do
         ovf(n)%wght_reg%src = &
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) = c0
      end do
      vsum_reg_wght  = c0
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%src = c0
      do k = ovf(n)%reg_src%kmin, ovf(n)%reg_src%kmax
         vsum_reg_wght = vsum_reg_wght + ovf(n)%wght_reg%src*dz(k)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = RHO(:,:,k,time_level,iblock) &
               *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)   &
         end do
         ovf(n)%rho_reg%src = ovf(n)%rho_reg%src + &
         do nn = 1,nt
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,nn,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)         &
            end do
            ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) + &
         end do
      end do
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) / vsum_reg_wght
      end do
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%src = ovf(n)%rho_reg%src / vsum_reg_wght
   end do

! source adjacent
   do n=1,num_ovf
      if( ovf(n)%wght_adj%src .eq. c0 ) then
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
         end do
         ovf(n)%wght_adj%src = &
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) = c0
      end do
      vsum_adj_wght  = c0
      do k = ovf(n)%adj_src%kmin, ovf(n)%adj_src%kmax
         vsum_adj_wght = vsum_adj_wght + ovf(n)%wght_adj%src*dz(k)
         do nn = 1,nt
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,nn,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)         &
            end do
            ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) + &
         end do
      end do
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) / vsum_adj_wght
      end do
   end do

! entrainment region
   do n=1,num_ovf
      if( ovf(n)%wght_reg%ent .eq. c0 ) then
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
         end do
         ovf(n)%wght_reg%ent = &
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) = c0
      end do
      vsum_reg_wght  = c0
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent = c0
      do k = ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmin, ovf(n)%reg_ent%kmax
         vsum_reg_wght = vsum_reg_wght + ovf(n)%wght_reg%ent*dz(k)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = RHO(:,:,k,time_level,iblock) &
               *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)   &
         end do
         ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent = ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent + &
         do nn = 1,nt
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,nn,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)         &
            end do
            ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) + &
         end do
      end do
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) / vsum_reg_wght
      end do
      ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent = ovf(n)%rho_reg%ent / vsum_reg_wght
   end do

! entrainment adjacent
   do n=1,num_ovf
      if( ovf(n)%wght_adj%ent .eq. c0 ) then
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
         end do
         ovf(n)%wght_adj%ent = &
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) = c0
      end do
      vsum_adj_wght  = c0
      do k = ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmin, ovf(n)%adj_ent%kmax
         vsum_adj_wght = vsum_adj_wght + ovf(n)%wght_adj%ent*dz(k)
         do nn = 1,nt
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = TRACER(:,:,k,nn,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)         &
            end do
            ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) + &
         end do
      end do
      do nn = 1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) / vsum_adj_wght
      end do
   end do

! product adjacent
   do n=1,num_ovf
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         if( ovf(n)%wght_adj%prd(m) .eq. c0 ) then
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)  &
            end do
            ovf(n)%wght_adj%prd(m) = &
      end do
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
         vsum_adj_wght         = c0
         ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m) = c0
         do k = ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin, ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax
            vsum_adj_wght = vsum_adj_wght + ovf(n)%wght_adj%prd(m)*dz(k)
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               WRK(:,:,iblock) = RHO(:,:,k,time_level,iblock) &
                  *DXT(:,:,iblock)*DYT(:,:,iblock)*dz(k)   &
            end do
            ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m) = ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m) + &
         end do
         ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m) = ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m) / vsum_adj_wght
      end do
   end do

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      do n=1,num_ovf
         write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(1),                   &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(2))*c1000,(ovf(n)%rho_reg%inf-c1)*c1000, & 
             ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(1),                                  &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(2))*c1000,(ovf(n)%rho_reg%src-c1)*c1000, & 
             ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(1),                                  &
         10 format(1x,'ovf reg',i3,1x,3(f6.3,1x),3(f6.3,1x),3(f6.3,1x))
         if( n.eq.1 ) then
           write(stdout,11) n,ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(1),                   &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(2))*c1000,                           & 
             ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(1),                                  &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(2))*c1000,                           &
           11 format(1x,'ovf adj',i3,1x,2(f6.3,1x),1x,2(f6.3,1x),f6.3)
           write(stdout,12) n,ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(1),                   &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(2))*c1000,                           & 
             ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(1),                                  &
            (ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(2))*c1000,                           &
            (ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(1)-c1)*c1000,                         &
           12 format(1x,'ovf adj',i3,1x,2(f6.3,1x),1x,2(f6.3,1x),     &
      end do


 end subroutine ovf_reg_avgs

! !IROUTINE: ovf_transports

 subroutine ovf_transports 1,5

!  Evaluate the ovf transports. For each overflow, set overflow parameters
!  and evaluate transports.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer   (int_kind)  :: &
     n          ,& ! ovf loop index
     nn         ,& ! ovf tracer index
     m          ,& ! product level
     k_p           ! product k level
   real (r8) ::  &
     lat        ,& ! inflow/source latitude for coriolis parameter (degrees)
     fs            ! coriolis parameter (/s)
   real (r8) ::  &
     hu         ,& ! upstream source thickness (cm)
     hs         ,& ! source water vertical thickness (cm)
     Ws         ,& ! source water width (cm)
     xse        ,& ! distance from source to entrainment (cm)
     di         ,& ! depth of inflow (cm)
     ds         ,& ! depth of source (cm)
     de         ,& ! depth of entrainment (cm)
     dp         ,& ! depth of product (cm)
     alpha      ,& ! continental slope between source to entrainment
     cd            ! bottom drag coefficient for spreading, entrained flow
   real (r8) ::  &
     T_i        ,& ! inflow mean temperature (C)
     S_i        ,& ! inflow mean salinity
     T_s        ,& ! source mean temperature (C)
     S_s        ,& ! source mean salinity
     T_e        ,& ! entrainment mean temperature (C)
     S_e        ,& ! entrainment mean salinity
     T_p        ,& ! product temperature (C)
     S_p           ! product salinity
   real (r8) ::  &
     rho_i      ,& ! inflow mass density (g/cm3)
     rho_s      ,& ! source mass density (g/cm3)
     rho_e      ,& ! entrainment mass density (g/cm3)
     rho_sed    ,& ! source at entrainment depth mass density (g/cm3)
     rho_p         ! product mass density (g/cm3)
   real (r8) ::  &
     gp_s       ,& ! source reduced gravity (cm/s2)
     Ms         ,& ! source mass flux (Sv)
     As         ,& ! source cross sectional area (cm2)
     Us            ! source speed (cm/s)
   real (r8) ::  &
     gp_e       ,& ! entrainment reduced gravity (cm/s2)
     Me         ,& ! entrainment mass flux (Sv)
     Ue         ,& ! entrainment speed (cm/s)
     Ugeo       ,& ! geostrophic entrainment speed (m/s)
     Uavg       ,& ! average source and geostrophic speed (cm/s)
     a,b,c      ,& ! parameters for quadratic solution
     Wgeo       ,& ! width of geostrophically spread source (cm)
     Kgeo       ,& ! geostrophic Ekman number
     hgeo       ,& ! depth of geostrophically spread source (cm)
     Fgeo       ,& ! Froude number of entrained flow
     phi        ,& ! entrainment parameter from actual ratio Me/Mp
     Mp            ! product mass flux (Sv)

   logical (log_kind) :: &
   character (POP_charLength) ::  &

   integer (POP_i4) ::  &

!  open overflows_diag_outfile file 
!  append overflows diagnostics to end of overflows diagnostics output file
  print_overflows_diag = .false.
  if (my_task == master_task .and. eod) then
    open(ovf_diag_unit, file=overflows_diag_outfile, status='old', position='append')
    print_overflows_diag = .true.

! for each overflow
   do n=1,num_ovf
   ! set parameters
      lat     = ovf(n)%ovf_params%lat
      fs      = c2*omega*sin(lat*pi/180.0_r8)
      hu      = ovf(n)%ovf_params%source_thick
      hs      = hu*(c2/c3)
      xse     = ovf(n)%ovf_params%distnc_str_ssb
      alpha   = ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_slope
      cd      = ovf(n)%ovf_params%bottom_drag
      di      = p5*(zt(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmin)+zt(ovf(n)%reg_inf%kmax))
      ds      = zt(ovf(n)%loc_src(1)%k)
      de      = zt(ovf(n)%loc_ent(1)%k)
      Ws      = ovf(n)%ovf_params%width
   ! set region T,S and compute densities
      T_i     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(1)
      S_i     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%inf(2)
         call ovf_state(T_i,S_i,ds,rho_i)
      T_s     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(1)
      S_s     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(2)
         call ovf_state(T_s,S_s,ds,rho_s)
         call ovf_state(T_s,S_s,de,rho_sed)
      T_e     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(1)
      S_e     = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(2)
         call ovf_state(T_e,S_e,de,rho_e)
   ! compute inflow/source reduced gravity and source transport
      gp_s    = grav*(rho_s-rho_i)/rho_sw
   ! if no source overflow, zero out transports
      if( gp_s > c0 ) then
        Ms      = gp_s*hu*hu/(c2*fs)
        As      = hs*Ws
        Us      = Ms/As
   ! compute overflow spreading and entrainment transport
        gp_e    = grav*(rho_sed-rho_e)/rho_sw
   ! zero entrainment transport if gp_e < 0
        if( gp_e > c0 ) then
          Ugeo    = gp_e*alpha/fs
          Uavg    = p5*(Us+Ugeo)
          a       = fs*Ws/c2
          b       = fs*Ws*hs/c2 + c2*cd*Uavg*xse - Ms*fs/(c2*Ugeo)
          c       = -fs*Ms*hs/(c2*Ugeo)
          hgeo    = (-b + sqrt(b*b-c4*a*c))/(c2*a)
          Fgeo    = Ugeo/sqrt(gp_e*hgeo)
          phi     = c1-Fgeo**(-c2/c3)
          Me      = Ms*phi/(c1-phi)
          ! zero entrainment transport if phi < c0
          if( phi > c0 ) then
            Mp  = Ms + Me
            Me     = c0
            Mp     = Ms
          Me     = c0
          Mp     = Ms
        Ms     = c0
        Me     = c0
        Mp     = c0
   ! time shift transports and set output in ovf array
      ovf(n)%Ms_nm1 = ovf(n)%Ms_n
      ovf(n)%Ms_n   = ovf(n)%Ms
      ovf(n)%Me_nm1 = ovf(n)%Me_n
      ovf(n)%Me_n   = ovf(n)%Me
      ovf(n)%Mp_nm1 = ovf(n)%Mp_n
      ovf(n)%Mp_n   = ovf(n)%Mp
      ovf(n)%Ms     = Ms
      ovf(n)%Me     = Me
      ovf(n)%Mp     = Mp
   ! recompute phi based on actual transports
      phi = ovf(n)%Me / (ovf(n)%Mp + c1)
   ! if time averaging time step, include last time step 
      if( avg_ts ) then
        phi = (ovf(n)%Me_n + ovf(n)%Me) / (ovf(n)%Mp_n + ovf(n)%Mp + c1)
      ovf(n)%phi = phi
   ! compute product T,S 
      T_p        = T_s*(c1-phi) + T_e*phi
      S_p        = S_s*(c1-phi) + S_e*phi
      ovf(n)%Tp  = T_p
      ovf(n)%Sp  = S_p
      do nn=1,nt
         ovf(n)%trcr_adj%prd(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_adj%src(nn) * (c1 - phi) &
                                 + ovf(n)%trcr_adj%ent(nn) * phi
         ovf(n)%trcr_reg%prd(nn) = ovf(n)%trcr_reg%src(nn) * (c1 - phi) &
                                 + ovf(n)%trcr_reg%ent(nn) * phi
      end do
   ! product set for insertion
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set
       if (print_overflows_diag .and. my_task == master_task) then         
         k_p = (ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin+ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax)/2
         write(ovf_diag_unit,1234) tday,n,phi,1.e-12*Ms,1.e-12*Me,1.e-12*Mp,m,zt(k_p)/100.
         1234 format(' ovf_tr: ',f7.1,1x,i2,25x,f7.4,2x,3(f7.4,1x),1x,i2,1x,f8.1)
         write(ovf_diag_unit,1235) tday, n,T_i,S_i*c1000,T_s,S_s*c1000,T_e,S_e*c1000,T_p,S_p*c1000
         1235 format(' ovf_TS: ',f7.1,1x,i2,1x,8(f7.4,1x))         
         call shr_sys_flush(ovf_diag_unit)
       endif ! print_overflows_diag

   end do   ! n loop over all overflows

! close overflows_diag_outfile file 

   if (print_overflows_diag .and. my_task == master_task) then
   endif ! print_overflows_diag


 end subroutine ovf_transports

! !IROUTINE: ovf_state

 subroutine ovf_state(TEMPK,SALTK,DEPTHM,RHOFULL) 6,2

!  Evaluate ovf state- for given T,S, and depth, compute and return density
!     calculate density of water at level k from equation of state
!     rho = rho(depth,pot.temperature,salinity). the density can be
!     returned as a perturbation (RHOOUT) or as the full density
!     (RHOFULL).
!     This routine also computes derivatives of density with respect
!     to temperature and salinity at level k from equation of state
!     if requested (ie the optional arguments are present)
!   * normally kk = k, but kk may = k+1 for adiabatic displacement
!     to next lower level
!     this routine supports three forms of the EOS (see module comments
!     at the top)
!  same as module

!     input variables:

   real (r8) :: &
     TEMPK,     & ! temperature at depthm
     SALTK        ! salinity    at depthm

   real (r8) :: &
     DEPTHM       ! depth in centimeters

!     output variables:

   real (r8) :: & 
     RHOFULL      ! full water density (g/cm3) at level k after adiab disp

!     local variables:

   real (r8) ::       &
     TQ,SQ,           & ! adjusted T,S
     BULK_MOD,        & ! Bulk modulus
     RHO0,            & ! density at the surface
     SQR,DENOMK,      & ! work arrays
     WORK1, WORK2,    & ! work arrays
     WORK3, WORK4, T2

! MWJF numerator coefficients including pressure

   real (r8) ::                                                       &
     mwjfnums0t0, mwjfnums0t1, mwjfnums0t2, mwjfnums0t3,              &
     mwjfnums1t0, mwjfnums1t1, mwjfnums2t0,                           &
     mwjfdens0t0, mwjfdens0t1, mwjfdens0t2, mwjfdens0t3, mwjfdens0t4, &
     mwjfdens1t0, mwjfdens1t1, mwjfdens1t3,                           &
     mwjfdensqt0, mwjfdensqt2

! MWJ numerator coefficients including pressure

   real (r8) ::                                      &
     mwjnums0t0, mwjnums0t1, mwjnums0t2, mwjnums0t3, &
     mwjnums1t0, mwjnums1t1, mwjnums2t0

   real (r8) ::  p, p2 ! temporary pressure scalars

!     MWJF EOS coefficients

! these constants will be used to construct the numerator
! factor unit change (kg/m^3 -> g/cm^3) into numerator terms

   real (r8), parameter ::                 &
     p001=.001,                            &
     mwjfnp0s0t0 =   9.99843699e+2 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s0t1 =   7.35212840e+0 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s0t2 =  -5.45928211e-2 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s0t3 =   3.98476704e-4 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s1t0 =   2.96938239e+0 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s1t1 =  -7.23268813e-3 * p001, &
     mwjfnp0s2t0 =   2.12382341e-3 * p001, &
     mwjfnp1s0t0 =   1.04004591e-2 * p001, &
     mwjfnp1s0t2 =   1.03970529e-7 * p001, &
     mwjfnp1s1t0 =   5.18761880e-6 * p001, &
     mwjfnp2s0t0 =  -3.24041825e-8 * p001, &
     mwjfnp2s0t2 =  -1.23869360e-11 * p001

! these constants will be used to construct the denominator

   real (r8), parameter ::           &
     mwjfdp0s0t0 =   1.0e+0,         &
     mwjfdp0s0t1 =   7.28606739e-3,  &
     mwjfdp0s0t2 =  -4.60835542e-5,  &
     mwjfdp0s0t3 =   3.68390573e-7,  &
     mwjfdp0s0t4 =   1.80809186e-10, &
     mwjfdp0s1t0 =   2.14691708e-3,  &
     mwjfdp0s1t1 =  -9.27062484e-6,  &
     mwjfdp0s1t3 =  -1.78343643e-10, &
     mwjfdp0sqt0 =   4.76534122e-6,  &
     mwjfdp0sqt2 =   1.63410736e-9,  &
     mwjfdp1s0t0 =   5.30848875e-6,  &
     mwjfdp2s0t3 =  -3.03175128e-16, &
     mwjfdp3s0t1 =  -1.27934137e-17

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.


   if(prnt) then
      write(stdout,1234) TEMPK,SALTK*c1000,DEPTHM
      1234 format(' Density test input TEMPK,SALTK,DEPTHM = ', & 
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

   if (lccsm_control_compatible) then
     TQ = TEMPK
     SQ = SALTK*c1000         ! input salt in fraction; convert to ppt
     TQ = max(-2.0_r8,TEMPK)
     SQ = max(c0,SALTK*c1000) ! input salt in fraction; convert to ppt

!     now compute density or expansion coefficients

!     McDougall, Wright, Jackett, and Feistel EOS
!     test value : rho = 1.033213387 for
!     S = 35.0 PSU, theta = 20.0, pressz = 200.0

! depth input as cm; m internal, so convert
   p   = depthm/100.0_r8

! first calculate numerator of MWJF density [P_1(S,T,p)]

   mwjfnums0t0 = mwjfnp0s0t0 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t0 + p*mwjfnp2s0t0)
   mwjfnums0t1 = mwjfnp0s0t1
   mwjfnums0t2 = mwjfnp0s0t2 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t2 + p*mwjfnp2s0t2)
   mwjfnums0t3 = mwjfnp0s0t3
   SQR = sqrt(SQ)

! first calculate numerator of MWJF density [P_1(S,T,p)]

   mwjfnums0t0 = mwjfnp0s0t0 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t0 + p*mwjfnp2s0t0)
   mwjfnums0t1 = mwjfnp0s0t1
   mwjfnums0t2 = mwjfnp0s0t2 + p*(mwjfnp1s0t2 + p*mwjfnp2s0t2)
   mwjfnums0t3 = mwjfnp0s0t3
   mwjfnums1t0 = mwjfnp0s1t0 + p*mwjfnp1s1t0
   mwjfnums1t1 = mwjfnp0s1t1
   mwjfnums2t0 = mwjfnp0s2t0

   WORK1 = mwjfnums0t0 + TQ * (mwjfnums0t1 + TQ * (mwjfnums0t2 + &
      mwjfnums0t3 * TQ)) + SQ * (mwjfnums1t0 +                   &
      mwjfnums1t1 * TQ + mwjfnums2t0 * SQ)

! now calculate denominator of MWJF density [P_2(S,T,p)]

   mwjfdens0t0 = mwjfdp0s0t0 + p*mwjfdp1s0t0
   mwjfdens0t1 = mwjfdp0s0t1 + p**3 * mwjfdp3s0t1
   mwjfdens0t2 = mwjfdp0s0t2
   mwjfdens0t3 = mwjfdp0s0t3 + p**2 * mwjfdp2s0t3
   mwjfdens0t4 = mwjfdp0s0t4
   mwjfdens1t0 = mwjfdp0s1t0
   mwjfdens1t1 = mwjfdp0s1t1
   mwjfdens1t3 = mwjfdp0s1t3
   mwjfdensqt0 = mwjfdp0sqt0
   mwjfdensqt2 = mwjfdp0sqt2

   WORK2 = mwjfdens0t0 + TQ * (mwjfdens0t1 + TQ * (mwjfdens0t2 +  &
      TQ * (mwjfdens0t3 + mwjfdens0t4 * TQ))) +                   &
      SQ * (mwjfdens1t0 + TQ * (mwjfdens1t1 + TQ*TQ*mwjfdens1t3)+ &
      SQR * (mwjfdensqt0 + TQ*TQ*mwjfdensqt2))

   DENOMK = c1/WORK2

! output density in g/cm3

   if(prnt) then
      write(stdout,2345) RHOFULL
      2345 format(' ovf_state: RHOFULL output = ',f10.5)
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)


 end subroutine ovf_state

! !IROUTINE: ovf_loc_prd

 subroutine ovf_loc_prd 1,8

!  Evaluate the ovf location of product. If product location has moved,
!  set original sidewall velocities on the ugrid to zero and compute 
!  Uovf_n, Uovf_nm1 sidewall velocities on the u-grid at new product 
!  location using Mp_n, Mp_nm1 transport respectively.
!  same as module
! ovf t-grid box ij with u-grid
! corners and orientations          
! product moves out of ij ovf box  
!                                   ^
!                                +V | 2       
!                                   | __________ ---> +U
!              y ^                   |          | 1
!                |                   |          |
!                |                   |    ij    | 
!                +----->             |          |
!                      x           3 |__________|
!                             -U <---            |
!                                             4  | -V

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      m_neut_org,         & ! original neutral product density set index
      m_neut                ! neutral product density set index
   real (r8)           :: &
      T_p                ,& ! product temperature (C)
      S_p                ,& ! product salinity
      rho_p              ,& ! product density at each product
      ufrc               ,& ! fraction of ovf velocity for each box
      Uovf_n             ,&   ! U at n
      Uovf_nm1                ! U at n-1
   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      iblock,i,j,n,m,mp,  & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,        & ! local domain index boundaries
      k_p,kprd              ! overflow loop and level indices
   type (block)        :: &
      this_block            ! block information for current block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if(prnt .and. my_task == master_task) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_loc_prd called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf
      ! find new product location
      T_p = ovf(n)%Tp
      S_p = ovf(n)%Sp
      m_neut_org = ovf(n)%prd_set
      m_neut     = 0
      if(ovf(n)%num_prd_sets .eq. 1) then
         m_neut = 1
         k_p = (ovf(n)%adj_prd(1)%kmin+ovf(n)%adj_prd(1)%kmax)/2
         call ovf_state(T_p,S_p,zt(k_p),rho_p)
! search from deepest to shallowest to allow product water
! to go to the deepest possible level
         do m=ovf(n)%num_prd_sets-1,1,-1
            k_p = (ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmin+ovf(n)%adj_prd(m)%kmax)/2
            ! get product level for this set
            call ovf_state(T_p,S_p,zt(k_p),rho_p)
            if(prnt .and. my_task == master_task) then
               write(stdout,5) m,(ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m-1)-c1)*c1000, &
                                 (ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m)-c1)*c1000, &
               5 format(' neutral lev search- m rho_adj_m-1 rho_adj_m ', &
                        'k_p T_p S_p zt(k_p) rho_p =',/ &
            if(rho_p .gt. ovf(n)%rho_adj%prd(m)) then
               m_neut = m+1
               goto 999
               m_neut = m
         999 continue
      ! error check
      if( m_neut .eq. 0 ) then
         write(stdout,10) T_p,S_p,rho_p
         10 format(' ovf_loc_prd: no prd lev found for T,S,rho=', &
         call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
         call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR no product level found')
      ovf(n)%prd_set_n = m_neut_org
      ovf(n)%prd_set   = m_neut
      if(prnt .and. my_task == master_task) then
         write(stdout,20) n,T_p,S_p*c1000,(rho_p-c1)*c1000,m_neut
         20 format(' For ovf = ',i3,' prd T,S,rho = ',3(f12.8,2x),' prd set =',i5)
      if( m_neut_org .ne. 0 .and. m_neut_org .ne. m_neut ) then
! product point has moved
         if ( overflows_on .and. my_task == master_task) then
            write(stdout,*) 'ovf_loc_prd: nsteps_total=',nsteps_total, &
                            ' ovf=',n,' swap ovf UV old/new ', &
                            'prd set old/new=',m_neut_org,m_neut
            call shr_sys_flush(stdout)
         ! compute Uovf_n, Uovf_nm1 velocities for product sidewall
         m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
         do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
            kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
            ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_prd(m)-1)
            do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
               this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
               ib = this_block%ib
               ie = this_block%ie
               jb = this_block%jb
               je = this_block%je
               do j=jb,je
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                     do i=ib,ie
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) then   
                              Uovf_nm1 = ovf(n)%Mp_nm1*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                              Uovf_n   = ovf(n)%Mp_n  *ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) then  
                              Uovf_nm1 = ovf(n)%Mp_nm1*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                              Uovf_n   = ovf(n)%Mp_n  *ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) then  
                              Uovf_nm1 = ovf(n)%Mp_nm1*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                              Uovf_n   = ovf(n)%Mp_n  *ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) then  
                              Uovf_nm1 = ovf(n)%Mp_nm1*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                              Uovf_n   = ovf(n)%Mp_n  *ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf_nm1 = Uovf_nm1
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf_n   = Uovf_n
      if(prnt) then
         write(stdout,30) ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, &
      30 format(' loc_prd ijk=',3(i4,1x),'Mp_nm1 uf dz=',3(1pe10.3,1x), &
                     end do  ! i
               end do  ! j
            end do  ! iblock
         end do  ! product points for each set
         if( overflows_interactive ) then
! zero out original product sidewall U
            m = m_neut_org
            do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
               ! prd  set original Uold sidewalls to zero
               kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
               do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
                  this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
                  ib = this_block%ib
                  ie = this_block%ie
                  jb = this_block%jb
                  je = this_block%je
                  do j=jb,je
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                        do i=ib,ie
                           if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = c0
                              VVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = c0
                        end do  ! i
                  end do  ! j
               end do  ! iblock
            end do  ! product points for each set
         endif   ! interactive overflows
      endif   ! product point has moved
   end do  ! overflows


 end subroutine ovf_loc_prd

! !IROUTINE: ovf_W

 subroutine ovf_W 1,4

!  Evaluate ovf vertical velocity W on the t-grid
!  same as module
! ovf t-grid box ij from top
! sidewall transports and top TAREA
! used to compute Wovf at top
! signs of Wovf important!
!                     __________
!                    |          |
!          Me  ----> |    ij    | <---- Ms
!          Mp  <---- |  TAREAij |
!                    |__________|

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)  :: &
      iblock,i,j,n,m,mp,  & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je           ! local domain index boundaries
   type (block)        :: &
      this_block            ! block information for current block
   real (r8)           :: & 
      ufrc                  ! fraction of ovf velocity for each box
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_W called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_src-1)
         if(m==1 .or. m==ovf(n)%num_src) ufrc = ufrc/c2
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Wovf = -abs(ovf(n)%Ms*ufrc &
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%Ms,ufrc,TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                           10 format(' ovf_W n=',i3,' src ijk=',3(i4,1x), &
                           'Ms uf Ta Wovf=',4(1pe10.3,1x)) 
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_ent-1)
         if(m==1 .or. m==ovf(n)%num_ent) ufrc = ufrc/c2
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Wovf = -abs(ovf(n)%Me*ufrc &
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%Me,ufrc,TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                           20 format(' ovf_W n=',i3,' ent ijk=',3(i4,1x), &
                           'Me uf Ta Wovf=',4(1pe10.3,1x)) 
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
! set Wovf terms to zero at product points, incase product has moved
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
        do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)
          ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Wovf = c0
        end do
      end do
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_prd(m)-1)
         if(mp==1 .or. mp==ovf(n)%num_prd(m)) ufrc = ufrc/c2
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Wovf = abs(ovf(n)%Mp*ufrc &
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i, &
                           ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k, &
                           ovf(n)%Mp,ufrc,TAREA(i,j,iblock), &
                           30 format(' ovf_W n=',i3,' prd ijk=',3(i4,1x), &
                           'Mp uf Ta Wovf=',4(1pe10.3,1x)) 
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! product points for insertion set
   end do  ! each overflow

 end subroutine ovf_W


 subroutine ovf_UV 1,4

!  Evaluate the ovf sidewall velocities UV on the u-grid
!  same as module
! ovf t-grid box ij with U on u-grid
! at corner set by orientation
!                                     2
!                                   U __________ U
!              y ^                   |          | 1
!                |                   |          |
!                |                   |    ij    |
!                +----->             |          |
!                      x           3 |__________|
!                                   U            U
!                                               4

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      iblock,i,j,n,m,mp, & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,       & ! local domain index boundaries
      ksrc,kent,kprd       ! overflow level indices
   type (block)       :: &
      this_block           ! block information for current block
   real (r8)          :: & 
      ufrc,              & ! fraction of ovf velocity for each box
      Uovf                 ! Uovf at one corner
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_UV called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_src-1)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Ms*ufrc/(dz(ksrc)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Ms*ufrc/(dz(ksrc)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Ms*ufrc/(dz(ksrc)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Ms*ufrc/(dz(ksrc)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Uovf = Uovf
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, &
                           10 format(' ovf_UV n=',i3,' src i_u j_u k Uovf=', &
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_ent-1)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Me*ufrc/(dz(kent)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Me*ufrc/(dz(kent)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Me*ufrc/(dz(kent)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Me*ufrc/(dz(kent)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Uovf = Uovf
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, &
                           20 format(' ovf_UV n=',i3,' ent i_u j_u k Uovf=', &
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set  ! product set for insertion
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         ufrc = c1/real(ovf(n)%num_prd(m)-1)
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 1 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Mp*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 2 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Mp*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = +Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 3 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Mp*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DYU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              UVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%orient .eq. 4 ) then
                           Uovf = ovf(n)%Mp*ufrc/(dz(kprd)*DXU(i,j,iblock))
                           if( overflows_interactive ) then
                              VVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock) = -Uovf
                        ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Uovf = Uovf
                        if( prnt ) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, & 
                           30 format(' ovf_UV n=',i3,' prd i_u j_u k Uovf=', &
                        endif  ! print
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! product points for insertion set
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_UV

! !IROUTINE: ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum

 subroutine ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum(ZX,ZY) 1,4

!  Renormalize overflow ZX and ZY vertical integrals of forcing
!  same as module

!  input variables

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
      intent(inout)      :: &
      ZX, ZY                  ! vertical integrals of forcing

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)    :: &
      i,j,k,n,m,mp,         & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,          & ! local domain index boundaries
      ksrc,kent,kprd,       & ! level indices
      iblock                  ! block index
   type (block)          :: &
      this_block              ! block information for current block
   real (r8)             :: & 
      dz_sidewall             ! sidewall U-grid depth from top to ovf level
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,ksrc
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        ZX(i,j,iblock) = (ZX(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) & 
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        ZY(i,j,iblock) = (ZY(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) & 
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u
                           10 format(' ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum n=',i3, &
                           ' src ZX,ZY adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kent
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        ZX(i,j,iblock) = (ZX(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) & 
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        ZY(i,j,iblock) = (ZY(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) & 
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u
                           20 format(' ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum n=',i3, &
                           ' ent ZX,ZY adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kprd
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        ZX(i,j,iblock) = (ZX(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) & 
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        ZY(i,j,iblock) = (ZY(i,j,iblock)* HU(i,j,iblock)) &
                           / (HU(i,j,iblock)+dz_sidewall)
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                           30 format(' ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum n=',i3, &
                           ' prd ZX,ZY adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
       end do  ! product points for each set
      end do  ! all product sets
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_rhs_brtrpc_momentum

! !IROUTINE: ovf_brtrpc_renorm

 subroutine ovf_brtrpc_renorm(WORK3,WORK4,iblock) 1,4

!  Renormalize overflow HU for WORK3 and WORK4 in barotropic solution
!  Note- ij limits are 1,nx_block and 1,ny_block to compute ghost values
!  same as module

!  input variables

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), &
      intent(inout)      :: &
      WORK3,WORK4             ! grid x,y work arrays respectively
   integer (int_kind),      &
      intent(in)         :: &
      iblock                  ! block index   

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)    :: &
      i,j,k,n,m,mp,         & ! dummy loop indices
      ksrc,kent,kprd          ! level indices
   type (block)          :: &
      this_block              ! block information for current block
   real (r8)             :: & 
      dz_sidewall             ! sidewall U-grid depth from top to ovf level

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_brtrpc_renorm called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         do j=1,ny_block
            if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=1,nx_block
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     dz_sidewall = c0
                     do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,ksrc
                        dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                     WORK3(i,j) = WORK3(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     WORK4(i,j) = WORK4(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, &
                        10 format(' ovf_brtrpc_renorm n=',i3, &
                        ' src WORK3/WORK4 adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         do j=1,ny_block
            if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=1,nx_block
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     dz_sidewall = c0
                     do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kent
                        dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                     WORK3(i,j) = WORK3(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     WORK4(i,j) = WORK4(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, &
                        20 format(' ovf_brtrpc_renorm n=',i3, &
                        ' ent WORK3/WORK4 adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         do j=1,ny_block
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=1,nx_block
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     dz_sidewall = c0
                     do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kprd
                        dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                     WORK3(i,j) = WORK3(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     WORK4(i,j) = WORK4(i,j)*HUR(i,j,iblock) & 
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                        30 format(' ovf_brtrpc_renorm n=',i3, &
                        ' prd WORK3/WORK4 adj at i_u j_u=',2(i3,1x))
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
       end do  ! product points for each set
      end do  ! all product sets
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_brtrpc_renorm

! !IROUTINE: ovf_rhs_brtrpc_continuity

 subroutine ovf_rhs_brtrpc_continuity(RHS,iblock) 1,4

!  Add overflow vertical velocity to RHS barotropic continuity equation
!  same as module

!  input variables

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
      intent(inout)     :: &
      RHS                    ! RHS barotropic continuity equation
   integer (int_kind),     &
      intent(in)        :: &
      iblock                 ! block index   

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)   :: &
      i,j,n,m,mp,          & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je            ! local domain index boundaries
   type (block)         :: &
      this_block             ! block information for current block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_rhs_brtrpc_continuity called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     RHS(i,j,iblock) = RHS(i,j,iblock) - (ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Wovf & 
                                       * TAREA(i,j,iblock)/(beta*c2dtp))
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j, &
                        10 format(' n=',i3,' src RHS adjusted at ij=',2(i3,1x), &
                                  ' Wovf=',f9.6,' TAREA=',1pe11.4)
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     RHS(i,j,iblock) = RHS(i,j,iblock) - (ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Wovf & 
                                       * TAREA(i,j,iblock)/(beta*c2dtp))
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j, &
                        20 format(' n=',i3,' ent RHS adjusted at ij=',2(i3,1x), &
                                  ' Wovf=',f9.6,' TAREA=',1pe11.4)
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      m = ovf(n)%prd_set
      do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
         ib = this_block%ib
         ie = this_block%ie
         jb = this_block%jb
         je = this_block%je
         do j=jb,je
            if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
               do i=ib,ie
                  if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                     RHS(i,j,iblock) = RHS(i,j,iblock) - (ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Wovf & 
                                       * TAREA(i,j,iblock)/(beta*c2dtp))
                     if(prnt) then
                        write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j, &
                        30 format(' n=',i3,' prd RHS adjusted at ij=',2(i3,1x), &
                                  ' Wovf=',f9.6,' TAREA=',1pe11.4)
               end do  ! i
         end do  ! j
      end do  ! product points for each set
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_rhs_brtrpc_continuity

! !IROUTINE: ovf_solvers_9pt

 subroutine ovf_solvers_9pt 1,20

!  This routine updates the coefficients of the 9-point stencils for 
!  the barotropic operator for the overflow points
!  same as module

!  local variables:
!       {X,Y}{NE,SE,NW,SW} = contribution to {ne,se,nw,sw} coefficients 
!         from {x,y} components of divergence
!       HU = depth at U points
   integer (POP_i4) ::  &
      errorCode,        &! error return code
      numBlocksTropic,  &!num local blocks in barotropic distribution
      numBlocksClinic    !num local blocks in baroclinic distribution

   real (POP_r8) ::    &
      xne,xse,xnw,xsw, &! contribution to coefficients from x,y
      yne,yse,ynw,ysw, &!   components of divergence

   integer (int_kind)   :: &
      i,j,n,               &! dummy counter
      iblock,              &! block counter

   real (POP_r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
      workNorth,       &!
      workEast,        &!
      workNE,          &!
      HUM               ! HU if no overflows; modified if overflows

!  compute nine point operator coefficients: compute on baroclinic
!  decomposition first where grid info defined and redistribute
!  to barotropic distribution
!  leave A0,AC in baroclinic distribution to facilitate easy
!  time-dependent changes in barotropic routine

   call POP_DistributionGet(POP_distrbClinic, errorCode, &
                            numLocalBlocks = numBlocksClinic)

   if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error retrieving clinic local block count')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

   allocate(workNorth      (POP_nxBlock,POP_nyBlock,numBlocksClinic), &
            workEast       (POP_nxBlock,POP_nyBlock,numBlocksClinic), &
            workNE         (POP_nxBlock,POP_nyBlock,numBlocksClinic), &
            HUM            (POP_nxBlock,POP_nyBlock,numBlocksClinic), &

   if (istat > 0) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error allocating temporary arrays')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error allocating temporary arrays')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

   HUM(:,:,:) = HU(:,:,:)
   call ovf_HU(HU,HUM)
   call POP_HaloUpdate(HUM, POP_haloClinic, POP_gridHorzLocNECorner,&
                       POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode,              &
                       fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8)

   !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock,i,j,xne,xse,xnw,xsw,yne,yse,ynw,ysw,ase,anw,asw)
   do iblock = 1,numBlocksClinic

      workNorth            (:,:,iblock) = 0.0_POP_r8
      workEast             (:,:,iblock) = 0.0_POP_r8
      workNE               (:,:,iblock) = 0.0_POP_r8
      centerWgtClinicIndep (:,:,iblock) = 0.0_POP_r8

      do j=2,POP_nyBlock
      do i=2,POP_nxBlock

         xne = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i  ,j  ,iblock)*DXUR(i  ,j  ,iblock)* &
                                               DYU (i  ,j  ,iblock)
         xse = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i  ,j-1,iblock)*DXUR(i  ,j-1,iblock)* &
                                               DYU (i  ,j-1,iblock)
         xnw = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i-1,j  ,iblock)*DXUR(i-1,j  ,iblock)* &
                                               DYU (i-1,j  ,iblock)
         xsw = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i-1,j-1,iblock)*DXUR(i-1,j-1,iblock)* &
                                               DYU (i-1,j-1,iblock)

         yne = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i  ,j  ,iblock)*DYUR(i  ,j  ,iblock)* &
                                               DXU (i  ,j  ,iblock)
         yse = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i  ,j-1,iblock)*DYUR(i  ,j-1,iblock)* &
                                               DXU (i  ,j-1,iblock)
         ynw = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i-1,j  ,iblock)*DYUR(i-1,j  ,iblock)* &
                                               DXU (i-1,j  ,iblock)
         ysw = 0.25_POP_r8*HUM(i-1,j-1,iblock)*DYUR(i-1,j-1,iblock)* &
                                               DXU (i-1,j-1,iblock)

         workNE(i,j,iblock) = xne + yne
         ase                = xse + yse
         anw                = xnw + ynw
         asw                = xsw + ysw

         workEast (i,j,iblock)  = xne + xse - yne - yse
         workNorth(i,j,iblock)  = yne + ynw - xne - xnw

         centerWgtClinicIndep(i,j,iblock) = &
                        -(workNE(i,j,iblock) + ase + anw + asw)

      end do
      end do
   end do

!  redistribute operator weights and mask to barotropic distribution

   call POP_DistributionGet(POP_distrbTropic, errorCode, &
                            numLocalBlocks = numBlocksTropic)

   if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error retrieving tropic local block count')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error retrieving tropic local block count')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

   call POP_RedistributeBlocks(btropWgtNorth, POP_distrbTropic, &
                               workNorth,     POP_distrbClinic, errorCode)

   if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing north operator weight')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing north operator weight')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

   call POP_RedistributeBlocks(btropWgtEast, POP_distrbTropic, &
                               workEast,     POP_distrbClinic, errorCode)

   if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing east operator weight')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing east operator weight')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

   call POP_RedistributeBlocks(btropWgtNE, POP_distrbTropic, &
                               workNE,     POP_distrbClinic, errorCode)

   if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing NE operator weight')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error redistributing NE operator weight')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return

!  clean up temporary arrays

   deallocate(workNorth, workEast, workNE, HUM, stat=istat)

   if (istat > 0) then
      call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, &
         'ovf_solvers_9pt: error deallocating temp mask')
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,'ERROR ovf_solvers_9pt: error deallocating temp mask')
!     activate later, when errorCode is fully supported
!     return


 end subroutine ovf_solvers_9pt


 subroutine ovf_HU(HU,HUM) 1,4

!  Modify HU for overflows sidewalls
!  same as module

!  input variables

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
      intent(in)        :: HU  ! HU 

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic), &
      intent(inout)     :: HUM ! HUM (modified HU)

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)   :: &
      i,j,k,n,m,mp,        &   ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,         &   ! local domain index boundaries
      ksrc,kent,kprd,      &   ! level indices
      iblock                   ! block index
   real (r8)            :: & 
      dz_sidewall              ! sidewall U-grid depth from top to ovf level
   type (block)         :: &
      this_block               ! block information for current block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_HU called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,ksrc
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        HUM(i,j,iblock) = HU(i,j,iblock) + dz_sidewall
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,10) n, &
                           10 format(' n=',i3,' src HU adjusted at i_u j_u =',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblocks
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kent
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        HUM(i,j,iblock) = HU(i,j,iblock) + dz_sidewall
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,20) n, &
                           20 format(' n=',i3,' ent HU adjusted at i_u j_u =',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblocks
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                 do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        dz_sidewall = c0
                        do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kprd
                           dz_sidewall = dz_sidewall + dz(k)
                        HUM(i,j,iblock) = HU(i,j,iblock) + dz_sidewall
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                           30 format(' n=',i3,' prd HU adjusted at i_u j_u =',2(i3,1x))
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
       end do  ! product points for each set
      end do  ! all product sets
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_HU

! !IROUTINE: ovf_UV_solution

 subroutine ovf_UV_solution 1,10

!  Evaluate ovf column solution for baroclinic U and V. Should be called
!  BEFORE the final addition of baroclinic and barotropic velocities.
!  same as module

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)    :: &
      iblock,i,j,k,n,m,mp,  & ! dummy loop indices
      ib,ie,jb,je,          & ! local domain index boundaries
      ksrc,kent,kprd          ! overflow level indices

   real (r8)             :: &
      Uovf,                 & ! overflow U
      Uovf_nm1,             & ! overflow U at n-1
      ubar,                 & ! barotropic velocity
      utlda(km)               ! unnormalized baroclinic velocity

   type (block)          :: &
      this_block              ! block information for current block
   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_UV_solution called '
      call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  overflow loop

   do n=1,num_ovf  ! each overflow
! src
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_src  ! source
         ksrc = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,10) n,ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%i_u, &
                           10 format(' n=',i3,' src iu ju column evaluated=',2(i3,1x))
! U
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Utlda(k)
                        Uovf     = UVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = UBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = UVEL(i,j,ksrc,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_U_column(i,j,ksrc,iblock, &
! V 
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_src(m)%Vtlda(k)
                        Uovf     = VVEL(i,j,ksrc,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = VBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = VVEL(i,j,ksrc,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_V_column(i,j,ksrc,iblock, &
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! source
! ent
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_ent  ! entrainment
         kent = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,20) n,ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%i_u, &
                           20 format(' n=',i3,' ent iu ju column evaluated=',2(i3,1x))
! U
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Utlda(k)
                        Uovf     = UVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = UBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = UVEL(i,j,kent,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_U_column(i,j,kent,iblock, &
! V 
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_ent(m)%Vtlda(k)
                        Uovf     = VVEL(i,j,kent,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = VBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = VVEL(i,j,kent,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_V_column(i,j,kent,iblock, &
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
      end do  ! entrainment
! prd
      do m=1,ovf(n)%num_prd_sets
       do mp=1,ovf(n)%num_prd(m)  ! product points for each set
         kprd = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%k
         do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic
            this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock)
            ib = this_block%ib
            ie = this_block%ie
            jb = this_block%jb
            je = this_block%je
            do j=jb,je
               if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%j_u .eq. this_block%j_glob(j) ) then
                  do i=ib,ie
                     if( ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u .eq. this_block%i_glob(i) ) then
                        if(prnt) then
                           write(stdout,30) n,ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%i_u, &
                           30 format(' n=',i3,' prd iu ju column evaluated=',2(i3,1x))
! U
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Utlda(k)
                        Uovf     = UVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = UBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = UVEL(i,j,kprd,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_U_column(i,j,kprd,iblock, &
! V 
                        do k=1,km
                          utlda(k)  = ovf(n)%loc_prd(m,mp)%Vtlda(k)
                        Uovf     = VVEL(i,j,kprd,newtime,iblock)
                        ubar     = VBTROP(i,j,newtime,iblock)
                        Uovf_nm1 = VVEL(i,j,kprd,oldtime,iblock)
                        call ovf_V_column(i,j,kprd,iblock, &
                  end do  ! i
            end do  ! j
         end do  ! iblock
       end do  ! product points for each set
      end do  ! all product sets
   end do  ! each overflow


 end subroutine ovf_UV_solution

! !IROUTINE: ovf_U_column

 subroutine ovf_U_column(i,j,kovf,iblock,Uovf,ubar,utlda,Uovf_nm1) 3,1

!  Evaluate ovf column solution for U baroclinic
!  same as module

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind),       &
      intent(in)          :: &
      i,                     & ! local block i index on u-grid
      j,                     & ! local block j index on u-grid
      kovf,                  & ! k index of overflow
      iblock                   ! block index

   real (r8), intent(in)  :: &
      Uovf,                  & ! overflow U
      ubar,                  & ! barotropic velocity
      utlda(km),             & ! unnormalized baroclinic velocity
      Uovf_nm1                 ! overflow U at n-1

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)     :: &
      k                        ! vertical loop index

   real (r8)              :: & 
      uprime,                & ! overflow sidewall baroclinic velocity
      hu,                    & ! HU after accumulation of column dz
      vert_sum,              & ! vertical sum accumulation of utlda*dz
      utlda_bar                ! vertical mean of utlda

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
     write(stdout,*) 'ovf_U_column called '
     call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  evaluate baroclinic normalization for the overflow column by including 
!  the overflow contributions along the sidewall above the overflow

!  above the topography
   hu       = c0
   vert_sum = c0
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     hu       = hu       +          dz(k)
     vert_sum = vert_sum + utlda(k)*dz(k)

!  below the topography but above the overflow
   uprime   = -ubar
   do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kovf-1
     vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(k)

!  the overflow contribution
   uprime   = Uovf - ubar
   vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(kovf)

!  adjusted utlda_bar
   utlda_bar = vert_sum/hu

!  evaluate overflow modified baroclinic velocity for the column
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock) = utlda(k) - utlda_bar

!  check of zero vertical sum 
   hu       = c0
   vert_sum = c0
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     hu       = hu       +                            dz(k)
     vert_sum = vert_sum + UVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)*dz(k)
   end do
   uprime   = -ubar
   do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kovf-1
     vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(k)
   uprime   = Uovf - ubar
   vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(kovf)
   vert_sum = vert_sum / hu

   if( prnt ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_U_column '
      write(stdout,5) KMU(i,j,iblock),kovf,Uovf,ubar,utlda_bar,Uovf_nm1, &
      5 format(' kmu,kovf,Uovf ubar utlda_bar Uovf_nm1 vert_sum='/ &
      do k=1,kovf
        if( k <= KMU(i,j,iblock) ) then
          write(stdout,10) k,dz(k),utlda(k)-utlda_bar
          10 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
        else if( k > KMU(i,j,iblock) .and. k < kovf ) then
          write(stdout,15) k,dz(k),-ubar
          15 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
          write(stdout,20) k,dz(k),Uovf-ubar
          20 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
      end do


 end subroutine ovf_U_column

! !IROUTINE: ovf_V_column

 subroutine ovf_V_column(i,j,kovf,iblock,Uovf,ubar,utlda,Uovf_nm1) 3,1

!  Evaluate ovf column solution for V baroclinic
!  same as module

!  input variables

   integer (int_kind),       &
      intent(in)          :: &
      i,                     & ! local block i index on u-grid
      j,                     & ! local block j index on u-grid
      kovf,                  & ! k index of overflow
      iblock                   ! block index

   real (r8), intent(in)  :: &
      Uovf,                  & ! overflow U
      ubar,                  & ! barotropic velocity
      utlda(km),             & ! unnormalized baroclinic velocity
      Uovf_nm1                 ! overflow U at n-1

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind)     :: &
      k                        ! vertical loop index

   real (r8)              :: & 
      uprime,                & ! overflow sidewall baroclinic velocity
      hu,                    & ! HU after accumulation of column dz
      vert_sum,              & ! vertical sum accumulation of utlda*dz
      utlda_bar                ! vertical mean of utlda

   logical (log_kind), parameter :: prnt = .false.

   if( prnt .and. my_task == master_task ) then
     write(stdout,*) 'ovf_V_column called '
     call shr_sys_flush(stdout)

!  evaluate baroclinic normalization for the overflow column by including
!  the overflow contributions along the sidewall above the overflow

!  above the topography
   hu       = c0
   vert_sum = c0
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     hu       = hu       +          dz(k)
     vert_sum = vert_sum + utlda(k)*dz(k)

!  below the topography but above the overflow
   uprime   = -ubar
   do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kovf-1
     vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(k)

!  the overflow contribution
   uprime   = Uovf - ubar
   vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(kovf)

!  adjusted utlda_bar
   utlda_bar = vert_sum/hu

!  evaluate overflow modified baroclinic velocity for the column
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock) = utlda(k) - utlda_bar

!  check of zero vertical sum 
   hu       = c0
   vert_sum = c0
   do k=1,KMU(i,j,iblock)
     hu       = hu       +                            dz(k)
     vert_sum = vert_sum + VVEL(i,j,k,newtime,iblock)*dz(k)
   end do
   uprime   = -ubar
   do k=KMU(i,j,iblock)+1,kovf-1
     vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(k)
   uprime   = Uovf - ubar
   vert_sum = vert_sum + uprime*dz(kovf)
   vert_sum = vert_sum / hu

   if( prnt ) then
      write(stdout,*) 'ovf_V_column '
      write(stdout,5) KMU(i,j,iblock),kovf,Uovf,ubar,utlda_bar,Uovf_nm1, &
      5 format(' kmu,kovf,Uovf ubar utlda_bar Uovf_nm1 vert_sum='/ &
      do k=1,kovf
        if( k <= KMU(i,j,iblock) ) then
          write(stdout,10) k,dz(k),utlda(k)-utlda_bar
          10 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
        else if( k > KMU(i,j,iblock) .and. k < kovf ) then
          write(stdout,15) k,dz(k),-ubar
          15 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
          write(stdout,20) k,dz(k),Uovf-ubar
          20 format('   k dz U_baroclinic =',i3,1x, &
      end do


 end subroutine ovf_V_column


 end module overflows
