!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module sw_absorption 4,15 !BOP ! !MODULE: sw_absorption ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module computes shortwave absorption ! ! sw_absorption_type ! = 'top-layer' : all sw absorbed in top ocean layer ! = 'jerlov' : sw absorption by jerlov water type ! = 'chlorophyll' : sw absorption by chlorophyll amount ! ! For chlorophyll based absorption, transmission from surface ! (z=0) to level z = A_1 exp(-B_1 z) + A_2 exp(-B_2 z) ! ! A,B coefficients from Table 1a, J. Carter Ohlmann, 2002, Ocean Radiant ! Heating in Climate Models, Journal of Climate, 2003, in press. ! Chlorophyll concentration in mg/m^3. Values for chl < .01 mg/m^3 are ! linear extrpolations from two smallest chlorophyll amounts. Values ! over 3 mg/m^3 up to 10 mg/m^3 were provided by Carter specifically ! for this application. Chlorophyll amounts limited from .001 to 10 mg/m^3 ! ! Note that A,B values are relative to the net shortwave flux just below ! the ocean surface [E_d(0-) in Carter notation]. This means ocean ! albedo effects have been accounted for (i.e. E_d(0-) = E_d(0+)(1-alpha_o) ! where E_d(0+) is the down incident shortwave flux at the ocean surface ! and alpha_o is the ocean albedo). ! ! Note also that the second order effects of solar zenith angle and ! cloud cover have been ignored in this implementation. ! ! Chlorophyll monthly distribution is provided over all ocean, and used to ! compute regional distribution of shortwave absorption in the upper ocean. ! ! Chlorophyll based transmissions are calculated once a month and ! held fixed over the month in this implementation. ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: sw_absorption.F90 22832 2010-05-07 23:05:11Z njn01 $ ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use kinds_mod use domain_size use domain use constants use io use io_types use grid use forcing_tools use time_management use prognostic use forcing_shf use tavg, only: define_tavg_field, tavg_requested, accumulate_tavg_field use exit_mod use registry, only: registry_match implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_sw_absorption, & add_sw_absorb, & sw_absorb_frac, & set_chl, & sw_trans_chl ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: character (char_len), public :: & sw_absorption_type ! type of sw_absorption real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic),public :: & TRANS, &! transmission (1 to 0) from surface ! to depth ZTRANS TRANSKM1, &! transmission from surface to level k-1 ZTRANS ! depth of transmission cm !EOP !BOC character (char_len) :: & chl_option, &! chlorophyll option ['file', 'model'] chl_filename, &! chlorophyll data file name chl_file_fmt, &! chlorophyll data file format chl_data_name ! chlorophyll short name (eg, 'CHL') integer (int_kind) :: & chl_bndy_loc, &! location and field types for ghost chl_bndy_type ! cell update routines integer (int_kind) :: & jerlov_water_type ! jerlov water type from 1 to 5 real (r8), dimension(0:km) :: & sw_absorb ! sw transmission for jerlov water type real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & CHL ! chlorophyll amount mg/m^3 real (r8) :: & chlmin, &! minimum chlorophyll amount mg/m^3 chlmax, &! maximum chlorophyll amount mg/m^3 dlogchl ! delta log chl integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & CHLINDX ! chlorophyll index from table real (r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & CHL_DATA ! global chlorophyll climatology by month integer (int_kind), parameter :: & nsub = 400, &! total number chlorophyll concentrations in look up table ksol = 2*km, &! (0:ksol) transmission levels (layer interface + mid-point) nchl = 31 ! number of chlorophyll absorption coefficients real (r8), dimension(0:ksol,0:nsub) :: & Tr ! table look-up transmissions (level x chlorophyll) real (r8), dimension(0:ksol) :: & ztr ! transmission array levels (layer interface + mid-point) real (r8) :: & A1,B1,A2,B2 ! A,B coefficient interpolation values real (r8), parameter, dimension(nchl) :: &!chl for table look-up chlcnc = (/ & .001_r8, .005_r8, .01_r8, .02_r8, & .03_r8, .05_r8, .10_r8, .15_r8, & .20_r8, .25_r8, .30_r8, .35_r8, & .40_r8, .45_r8, .50_r8, .60_r8, & .70_r8, .80_r8, .90_r8, 1.00_r8, & 1.50_r8, 2.00_r8, 2.50_r8, 3.00_r8, & 4.00_r8, 5.00_r8, 6.00_r8, 7.00_r8, & 8.00_r8, 9.00_r8,10.00_r8 /) real (r8), parameter, dimension(nchl) :: & A_1 = (/ & 0.4421_r8, 0.4451_r8, 0.4488_r8, & 0.4563_r8, & 0.4622_r8, 0.4715_r8, 0.4877_r8, & 0.4993_r8, & 0.5084_r8, 0.5159_r8, 0.5223_r8, & 0.5278_r8, & 0.5326_r8, 0.5369_r8, 0.5408_r8, & 0.5474_r8, & 0.5529_r8, 0.5576_r8, 0.5615_r8, & 0.5649_r8, & 0.5757_r8, 0.5802_r8, 0.5808_r8, & 0.5788_r8, & 0.56965_r8,0.55638_r8,0.54091_r8, & 0.52442_r8, & 0.50766_r8,0.49110_r8,0.47505_r8 /) real (r8), parameter, dimension(nchl) :: & A_2 = (/ & 0.2981_r8, 0.2963_r8, 0.2940_r8, & 0.2894_r8, & 0.2858_r8, 0.2800_r8, 0.2703_r8, & 0.2628_r8, & 0.2571_r8, 0.2523_r8, 0.2481_r8, & 0.2444_r8, & 0.2411_r8, 0.2382_r8, 0.2356_r8, & 0.2309_r8, & 0.2269_r8, 0.2235_r8, 0.2206_r8, & 0.2181_r8, & 0.2106_r8, 0.2089_r8, 0.2113_r8, & 0.2167_r8, & 0.23357_r8,0.25504_r8,0.27829_r8, & 0.30274_r8, & 0.32698_r8,0.35056_r8,0.37303_r8 /) real (r8), parameter, dimension(nchl) :: & B_1 = (/ & 0.0287_r8, 0.0301_r8, 0.0319_r8, & 0.0355_r8, & 0.0384_r8, 0.0434_r8, 0.0532_r8, & 0.0612_r8, & 0.0681_r8, 0.0743_r8, 0.0800_r8, & 0.0853_r8, & 0.0902_r8, 0.0949_r8, 0.0993_r8, & 0.1077_r8, & 0.1154_r8, 0.1227_r8, 0.1294_r8, & 0.1359_r8, & 0.1640_r8, 0.1876_r8, 0.2082_r8, & 0.2264_r8, & 0.25808_r8,0.28498_r8,0.30844_r8, & 0.32932_r8, & 0.34817_r8,0.36540_r8,0.38132_r8 /) real (r8), parameter, dimension(nchl) :: & B_2 = (/ & 0.3192_r8, 0.3243_r8, 0.3306_r8, & 0.3433_r8, & 0.3537_r8, 0.3705_r8, 0.4031_r8, & 0.4262_r8, & 0.4456_r8, 0.4621_r8, 0.4763_r8, & 0.4889_r8, & 0.4999_r8, 0.5100_r8, 0.5191_r8, & 0.5347_r8, & 0.5477_r8, 0.5588_r8, 0.5682_r8, & 0.5764_r8, & 0.6042_r8, 0.6206_r8, 0.6324_r8, & 0.6425_r8, & 0.66172_r8,0.68144_r8,0.70086_r8, & 0.72144_r8, & 0.74178_r8,0.76190_r8,0.78155_r8 /) integer (int_kind) :: & tavg_QSW_HTP, & ! tavg id for QSW_HTP (solar short-wave heat flux in top layer) tavg_QSW_3D ! tavg id for 3D QSW at top of cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! named field indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (kind=int_kind) :: chl_nf_ind = 0 !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** subroutine init_sw_absorption 1,27 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize shortwave absorption. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use named_field_mod, only: named_field_get_index implicit none integer (int_kind) :: & k,n, &! level index nu, &! unit for input dataset nml_error, &! namelist error flag bid, &! local block address for this block iblock real (r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: & TEMP_DATA ! temporary data array type (datafile) :: & forcing_file !data file structure for input forcing file type (io_field_desc) :: & io_chl ! io field descriptor for input sss field type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, &! dimension descriptors for horiz dimensions month_dim ! dimension descriptor for monthly data namelist /sw_absorption_nml/ & sw_absorption_type, &! 'top-layer', 'jerlov' or 'chlorophyll' jerlov_water_type, &! jerlov water type from 1 to 5 chl_option, &! chlorophyll option ['file', 'model'] chl_filename, &! include local filepath in name chl_file_fmt ! include local filepath in name !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. registry_match('init_passive_tracers')) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'init_passive_tracers not called ' /& &/ 'before init_sw_absorption. This is necessary to ' /& &/ 'allow for registry of model_chlorophyll.') end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read shortwave absorption namelist input after setting default values. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sw_absorption_type = 'jerlov' jerlov_water_type = 3 chl_option = 'file' chl_filename = 'unknown-chl' chl_file_fmt = 'bin' if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=sw_absorption_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR reading sw_absorption_nml') endif if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,ndelim_fmt) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Short-wave absorption:' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' sw_absorption namelist ' write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout, sw_absorption_nml) write(stdout,blank_fmt) endif call broadcast_scalar(sw_absorption_type, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(jerlov_water_type, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(chl_option, master_task) call broadcast_scalar(chl_filename, master_task) if (sw_absorption_type .ne. 'top-layer'.and. & sw_absorption_type .ne. 'jerlov'.and. & sw_absorption_type .ne. 'chlorophyll' ) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR sw_absorption_type unknown') endif if (sw_absorption_type .eq. 'chlorophyll') then if (chl_option .ne. 'file' .and. chl_option .ne. 'model') then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR chl_option unknown') endif if (chl_option .eq. 'model') then call named_field_get_index('model_chlorophyll', chl_nf_ind, & exit_on_err=.false.) if (chl_nf_ind == 0) then call exit_POP(sigAbort,'chl_option==model, but ' /& &/ 'model_chlorophyll is not registered') endif endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define shortwave solar absorption model. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (sw_absorption_type) case ('top-layer') sw_absorb(0) = c1 do k = 1, km sw_absorb(k) = c0 enddo case ('jerlov') sw_absorb(0) = c1 sw_absorb(km) = c0 do k = 1, km-1 call sw_absorb_frac(zw(k),sw_absorb(k)) enddo case ('chlorophyll') call set_chl_trn ! compute transmission table if (chl_option == 'file') then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Read in chlorophyll data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- chl_bndy_loc = field_loc_center chl_bndy_type = field_type_scalar chl_data_name = 'CHL' allocate( CHL_DATA (nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic,12)) allocate( TEMP_DATA(nx_block,ny_block,12,max_blocks_clinic)) CHL_DATA = c0 forcing_file = construct_file(chl_file_fmt, & full_name=trim(chl_filename), & record_length = rec_type_dbl, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) call data_set(forcing_file,'open_read') i_dim = construct_io_dim('i',nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j',ny_global) month_dim = construct_io_dim('month',12) io_chl = construct_io_field( & trim(chl_data_name), & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=month_dim, & field_loc = chl_bndy_loc, & field_type = chl_bndy_type, & d3d_array=TEMP_DATA(:,:,:,:)) call data_set(forcing_file,'define',io_chl) call data_set(forcing_file,'read' ,io_chl) call destroy_io_field(io_chl) !*** re-order data !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock, n) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic do n=1,12 CHL_DATA(:,:,iblock,n) = TEMP_DATA(:,:,n,iblock) end do end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO deallocate(TEMP_DATA) call data_set(forcing_file,'close') call destroy_file(forcing_file) if (my_task.eq.master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' CHL monthly file read: ',chl_filename endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Set initial chlorophyll amount ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHL(:,:,:) = CHL_DATA(:,:,:,imonth) ! constant across month CHL = max(CHL,chlmin) ! set lowest allowed limit CHL = min(CHL,chlmax) ! set highest allowed limit CHLINDX = log10(CHL/chlmin)/dlogchl ! compute chlorphyll index CHLINDX = max(CHLINDX,0) ! minimum limit for chl index CHLINDX = min(CHLINDX,nsub) ! maximum limit for chl index end if ! chl_option == 'file' end select call define_tavg_field(tavg_QSW_HTP,'QSW_HTP',2, & long_name='Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer', & units='watt/m^2', grid_loc='2110', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT time') call define_tavg_field(tavg_QSW_3D,'QSW_3D',3, & long_name='Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux', & units='watt/m^2', grid_loc='3112', & coordinates='TLONG TLAT z_w_top time') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine init_sw_absorption !*********************************************************************** subroutine set_chl 1,3 use named_field_mod, only: named_field_get logical (kind=log_kind) :: first_call = .true. integer (int_kind) :: & iblock !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check that set_sflux_passive_tracers has been called ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first_call .and. chl_option == 'model') then if (.not. registry_match('set_sflux_passive_tracers')) then call exit_POP(sigAbort, 'set_sflux_passive_tracers not ' /& &/ 'called before set_chl. This is necessary for ' /& &/ 'exact restart when Chl is prognostic.') end if endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Update chlorophyll amount; update every new month ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( sw_absorption_type .eq. 'chlorophyll' ) then if (imonth .ne. imonth_last .or. & ! if new month, update chl chl_option == 'model' ) then ! update every timestep for 'model' !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(iblock) do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic if (chl_option == 'file') then CHL(:,:,iblock) = CHL_DATA(:,:,iblock,imonth) ! constant across month else call named_field_get(chl_nf_ind, iblock, CHL(:,:,iblock)) endif CHL(:,:,iblock) = max(CHL(:,:,iblock),chlmin) ! set lowest allowed limit CHL(:,:,iblock) = min(CHL(:,:,iblock),chlmax) ! set highest allowed limit CHLINDX(:,:,iblock) = log10(CHL(:,:,iblock)/chlmin)/dlogchl ! compute chlorphyll index CHLINDX(:,:,iblock) = max(CHLINDX(:,:,iblock),0) ! minimum limit for chl index CHLINDX(:,:,iblock) = min(CHLINDX(:,:,iblock),nsub) ! maximum limit for chl index end do !$OMP END PARALLEL DO endif endif first_call = .false. end subroutine set_chl !*********************************************************************** subroutine set_chl_trn 1,3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Set chlorophyll transmissions for table look-up. ! ! Look-up table coefficients computed over the range .001 ! to 10 mg/m^3, by a constant step in log(chl). We ! choose to have 100 steps per decade, so increment ! in chl is around 2.3% . ! ! Note that table coefficients require depth in m, so cm to m ! unit conversion is done where appropriate. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real (r8) :: & chlamnt, &! chlorophyll amount (density) in mg/m^3 w1, &! interpolation weight w2 ! interpolation weight real (r8) :: & logchl, &! log of chlorophyll zprnt ! z level for print integer (int_kind) :: & n, &! index for absorber amount m, &! index for absorber amount mc, &! specific absorber index k, &! vertical index kint, &! vertical index for layer interface kmid ! vertical index for layer mid-point real (r8) :: & Trprnt, &! chlorophyll transmissions for diagnostic print Trjrlv, &! Jerlov transmissions for diagnostic print arg ! argument for exponential real (r8), parameter :: & maxarg = 35.0_r8 ! maximum allowed exponential argument logical (log_kind) :: & prnt = .false. ! if true, generates diagnostic prints !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Diagnostic prints if desired ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (my_task == master_task) then if (prnt) then write(stdout,5) 5 format( & ' Transmissions for selected chlorphyll amounts'/ & ' Interface Mid-point Transmission Jerlov Tr (type 3 = IB)') do n=1,nchl if (n .eq. 1 .or. n .eq. 3 .or. & n .eq. 6 .or. n .eq. 7 .or. & n .eq. 15 .or. n .eq. 20 .or. & n .eq. 24 .or. n .eq. 31) then write(stdout,8) chlcnc(n) 8 format(/' chlorophyll amount = ',f6.3/) do k=1,km kint = k-1 if (kint.eq.0 ) then Trprnt = c1 else arg = min(B_1(n)*zw(kint)*mpercm,maxarg) Trprnt = A_1(n)*exp(-arg) arg = min(B_2(n)*zw(kint)*mpercm,maxarg) Trprnt = Trprnt + A_2(n)*exp(-arg) endif arg = min(zw(kint)*mpercm/1.0_r8,maxarg) Trjrlv = .67_r8*exp(-arg) arg = min(zw(kint)*mpercm/17.0_r8,maxarg) Trjrlv = Trjrlv + .33_r8*exp(-arg) if (kint .eq. 0 ) then zprnt = c0 Trjrlv = c1 if (Trprnt .gt. .00005 ) & write(stdout,10) kint,zprnt,Trprnt,Trjrlv 10 format(1x,i3,1x,f6.1,15x,f6.4,8x,f6.4) else if (Trprnt .gt. .00005 ) & write(stdout,11) kint,zw(kint)*mpercm,Trprnt,Trjrlv 11 format(1x,i3,1x,f6.1,16x,f5.4,8x,f5.4) endif if (k .le. km-1 ) then kmid = kint + 1 arg = min(B_1(n)*zt(kmid)*mpercm,maxarg) Trprnt = A_1(n)*exp(-arg) arg = min(B_2(n)*zt(kmid)*mpercm,maxarg) Trprnt = Trprnt + A_2(n)*exp(-arg) arg = min(zt(kmid)*mpercm/1.0_r8,maxarg) Trjrlv = .67_r8*exp(-arg) arg = min(zt(kmid)*mpercm/17.0_r8,maxarg) Trjrlv = Trjrlv + .33_r8*exp(-arg) if (Trprnt .gt. .00005 ) & write(stdout,15) kmid,zt(kmid)*mpercm,Trprnt,Trjrlv 15 format(12x,i3,1x,f6.1,5x,f5.4,8x,f5.4) endif enddo endif enddo endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute transmission array ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ztr(0) = c0 do k=1,km ztr(2*k-1) = zt(k) ztr(2*k) = zw(k) enddo chlmin = chlcnc(1) chlmax = chlcnc(nchl) dlogchl = (log10(chlmax)-log10(chlmin))/real(nsub) if (my_task == master_task) then if (prnt) then write(stdout,20) chlmin,chlmax,nsub,dlogchl 20 format(/1x,' minimum chlorophyll = ',1pe11.4,' mg/m^3'/ & 1x,' maximum chlorophyll = ',1pe11.4,' mg/m^3'/ & 1x,' number of intervals = ',i5/ & 1x,' log chlorophyll step = ',1pe11.4) endif endif logchl = log10(chlmin) - dlogchl do n=0,nsub logchl = logchl + dlogchl chlamnt = 10**(logchl) do m=1,nchl-1 if (chlcnc(m) .le. chlamnt .and. & chlamnt .le. chlcnc(m+1) ) then mc = m goto 30 endif enddo if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,25) chlamnt 25 format(/' Could not find range for chlamnt = ',1pe11.4) call exit_POP(sigAbort,' set_chl_trans range error for chlamnt ') endif 30 continue w2 = (chlamnt-chlcnc(mc))/(chlcnc(mc+1)-chlcnc(mc)) w1 = c1 - w2 A1 = A_1(mc)*w1 + A_1(mc+1)*w2 A2 = A_2(mc)*w1 + A_2(mc+1)*w2 B1 = B_1(mc)*w1 + B_1(mc+1)*w2 B2 = B_2(mc)*w1 + B_2(mc+1)*w2 if (my_task == master_task) then if (prnt) then write(stdout,35) n,chlamnt,A1,A2,B1,B2 35 format(/' n, chl = ',i5,2x,1pe11.4/ & ' A1,A2,B1,B2 = ',4(f6.4,2x)/ & ' Level Depth(m) Transmission ') endif endif Tr(0,n) = c1 do k=1,ksol arg = min(B1*ztr(k)*mpercm,maxarg) Tr(k,n) = A1*exp(-arg) arg = min(B2*ztr(k)*mpercm,maxarg) Tr(k,n) = Tr(k,n) + A2*exp(-arg) enddo if (my_task == master_task) then if (prnt) then do k=0,ksol if (Tr(k,n) .gt. .00005 ) & write(stdout,40) k,ztr(k)*mpercm,Tr(k,n) 40 format(1x,i3,4x,f6.1,5x,f6.4) enddo endif endif enddo if (my_task.eq.master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' Chlorophyll transmission table computed' call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif end subroutine set_chl_trn !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: sw_absorb_frac ! !INTERFACE: subroutine sw_absorb_frac( depth, sw_absorb_fraction ) 4 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Computes fraction of solar short-wave flux penetrating to ! specified depth due to exponential decay in Jerlov water type. ! Reference : two band solar absorption model of Simpson and ! Paulson (1977) ! Note: below 200m the solar penetration gets set to zero, ! otherwise the limit for the exponent ($+/- 5678$) needs to be ! taken care of. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8) :: & depth ! vertical depth (cm, >0.) for desired sw fraction ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8) :: & sw_absorb_fraction ! short wave (radiation) fractional decay !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind), parameter :: & num_water_types = 5 ! max number of different water types real (r8), parameter :: & depth_cutoff = -200.0_r8 real (r8) :: & depth_neg_meters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define Jerlov water properties with rfac, depth1, depth2 ! Jerlov water type : I IA IB II III ! jerlov_water_type : 1 2 3 4 5 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real (r8), dimension(num_water_types) :: & rfac = (/ 0.58_r8, 0.62_r8, 0.67_r8, 0.77_r8, 0.78_r8 /), & depth1 = (/ 0.35_r8, 0.60_r8, 1.00_r8, 1.50_r8, 1.40_r8 /), & depth2 = (/ 23.0_r8, 20.0_r8, 17.0_r8, 14.0_r8, 7.90_r8 /) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute absorption fraction ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- depth_neg_meters = -depth*mpercm ! convert from cm to m and ! change sign if (depth_neg_meters < depth_cutoff) then sw_absorb_fraction = c0 else sw_absorb_fraction = rfac(jerlov_water_type)* & exp(depth_neg_meters/depth1(jerlov_water_type)) + & (c1 - rfac(jerlov_water_type))* & exp(depth_neg_meters/depth2(jerlov_water_type)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine sw_absorb_frac !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: add_sw_absorb ! !INTERFACE: subroutine add_sw_absorb(T_SOURCE, SHF_QSW, k, this_block) 1,9 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! If surface short wave heat flux is available, this routine caculates ! the flux which passes through the top layer and enters lower vertical ! depths in the ocean. This flux is added as a source term in the ! baroclinic equations. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(inout) :: & T_SOURCE ! source terms for all tracers (to avoid copies) ! sw absorption added only to other potential ! temperature tracers ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & k ! vertical level index type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block info for this block real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: & SHF_QSW !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & bid ! local block index real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & WORK ! temporary work space !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! calculate short wave absorption if available ! absorption profile pre-calculated in init_shf routine ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lsw_absorb .or. registry_match('lcoupled')) then ! short wave flux is available bid = this_block%local_id WORK = max(SHF_QSW,c0) !*** insure no neg QSW - store in work select case (sw_absorption_type) case ('top-layer', 'jerlov') if (partial_bottom_cells) then where (k < KMT(:,:,bid)) T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + & WORK*(sw_absorb(k-1) - sw_absorb(k))* & dzr(k) elsewhere ! do not allow energy absorption by the ground T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + WORK* & (sw_absorb(k-1))/DZT(:,:,k,bid) endwhere else where (k < KMT(:,:,bid)) T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + & WORK*(sw_absorb(k-1) - sw_absorb(k))* & dzr(k) elsewhere ! do not allow energy absorption by the ground T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + & WORK *(sw_absorb(k-1))*dzr(k) endwhere endif if (k == 1) then if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_HTP)) then call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK*(sw_absorb(0)-sw_absorb(1))/hflux_factor, & tavg_QSW_HTP,bid,k) endif endif if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_3D)) then call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK*sw_absorb(k-1)/hflux_factor, & tavg_QSW_3D,bid,k) endif case ('chlorophyll') if( k.eq.1 ) TRANSKM1(:,:,bid) = c1 ! surface z=0 call sw_trans_chl(2*k,this_block) ! use explicit index and ! chl to get transmission if (partial_bottom_cells) then where (k < KMT(:,:,bid)) T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + & WORK*(TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)-TRANS(:,:,bid))*dzr(k) elsewhere ! do not allow energy absorption by the ground T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + & WORK*TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)/DZT(:,:,k,bid) endwhere else where (k < KMT(:,:,bid)) T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + WORK*(TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)- & TRANS(:,:,bid))*dzr(k) elsewhere ! do not allow energy absorption by the ground T_SOURCE(:,:,1) = T_SOURCE(:,:,1) + WORK*TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)*dzr(k) endwhere endif if (k == 1) then if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_HTP)) then call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK*(TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)-TRANS(:,:,bid))/hflux_factor, & tavg_QSW_HTP,bid,k) endif endif if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_3D)) then call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK*TRANSKM1(:,:,bid)/hflux_factor, & tavg_QSW_3D,bid,k) endif TRANSKM1(:,:,bid) = TRANS(:,:,bid) end select endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine add_sw_absorb !*********************************************************************** subroutine sw_trans_chl(kin,this_block) 4 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Given level kin (>0) or depth (positive) and chlorophyll amount ! chl, find transmission from table look-up values. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: type (block), intent(in) :: & this_block ! block info for this block integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: & kin ! input index (if > 0), or implied ZTRANS (kin = 0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (int_kind) :: & i,j,k, &! horizontal, vertical indices bid real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,max_blocks_clinic) :: & w1, &! weight for level interpolation w2 ! weight for level interpolation integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & kindx ! interpolation level index bid = this_block%local_id !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Explicit level known ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (kin .gt. 0 ) then do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block TRANS(i,j,bid) = Tr(kin ,CHLINDX(i,j,bid)) enddo enddo else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Find level indices and interpolate (chlorophyll index ! has previously been computed when chl was updated) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- kindx = ksol - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! F90 compiler requires conditional to be a scalar; ! use explicit indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,ksol do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block if (ztr(k-1).le.ZTRANS(i,j,bid) .and. ZTRANS(i,j,bid).lt.ztr(k) ) then w2(i,j,bid) = (ZTRANS(i,j,bid)-ztr(k-1))/(ztr(k)-ztr(k-1)) w1(i,j,bid) = c1 - w2(i,j,bid) kindx(i,j) = k - 1 endif enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! F90 compiler requires a vector subscript to be a rank 1 expression; ! use explicit indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,ny_block do i=1,nx_block TRANS(i,j,bid) = w1(i,j,bid)*Tr(kindx(i,j) ,CHLINDX(i,j,bid)) + & w2(i,j,bid)*Tr(kindx(i,j)+1,CHLINDX(i,j,bid)) enddo enddo endif end subroutine sw_trans_chl !*********************************************************************** end module sw_absorption !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||