LME | Support for the Community

The CESM Last Millennium Ensemble (LME) used a customized version of a CESM tag (cesm1_1_2_LENS), that was developed specifically for the Large Ensemble Simulation (LENS) and Last Millennium Ensemble (LME) projects, together with the following project specific component sets. To reproduce the LENS or LME simulations, use the cesm1_1_2_LENS tag, together with the appropriate component set.

Tag: /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/collections/cesm1_1_2_LENS

Time Period Component Set Description
1850 B1850C5CN 1850 PI control
850 Soon 850 Control
850-1849 Soon Last Millennium forcing
1850-2005 B20TRLENS Extension thru 20th Century

The cesm1_1_2_LENS tag is not a supported release version of CESM. Consequently, the CESM Support Policy does not apply to this particular version of the model code. Support for the community is limited to access to the data sets and a commitment by CSEG to support the code base on yellowstone for no longer than 3 years or until yellowstone is replaced, which ever comes first.