CESM Models

CAM 3.1 Download



To run CAM 3.1 you will need to download:

  • a source code distribution,
  • the resolution indedependent datasets, and
  • at least one of the resolution specific datasets.

Please note that the single column model (SCAM) needs some T42 datasets, so you will need to download those to run SCAM. The only supported CAM resolutions are T31, T42, and T85 for the spectral dynamical cores, and 2x2.5 for the finite volume dynamical core. We provide datasets to facilitate experimenting with the model at other resolutions, but make no comment about the climate produced or even the ability to make long runs at unsupported resolutions.

CAM 3.1 Files

  • CAM 3.1.p2 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 01-Feb-2006 16:12:14 MST, Size: 2.7M
    The latest source code - updated to run on Bluevista and Phoenix (cray X1). Mandatory.
  • CAM 3.1.p1 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Thursday, 18-Aug-2005 13:24:18 MDT, Size: 2.7M
    Updated to run on Lightning with pathscale compilers.
  • CAM 3.1 Source distribution:[download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 14:11:05 MDT, Size: 2.7M
    Includes updated physics interfaces.
  • Resolution independent datasets: [download]
    Updated: Thursday, 18-Aug-2005 11:26:29 MDT, Size: 18M
    Datasets that you will need no matter which resolution you run. Mandatory.
  • T31 datasets: [download]
    Updated:Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:42:49 MDT, Size: 71M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T31 runs.
  • T42 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:36:49 MDT, Size: 188M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T42 runs. Mandatory for running the single column model.
  • T85 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:32:26 MDT, Size: 676M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T85 runs.
  • 2x2.5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:17:21 MDT, Size: 213M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 2x2.5 runs.
  • 10x15 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 11-Dec-2007 15:23:31 MST, Size: 5.5M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 10x15 runs - unsupported.
  • T21 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:05:48 MDT, Size: 36M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T21 runs - unsupported.
  • 4x5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 10:56:23 MDT, Size: 57M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 4x5 runs - unsupported.
  • T5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 08-Apr-2005 11:03:33 MDT, Size: 1.7M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T5 runs - unsupported.
  • High resolution land surface datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 13:17:48 MDT, Size: 8.7M
    Land surface datasets used for porting the model to new resolutions (unchanged from cam3.0) - unsupported.

CAM 3.0 Files

  • CAM 3.0.p1 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 22-Sep-2004 13:02:57 MDT, Size: 5.8M
    Source code includes bug fixes and portability enhancements to CAM-3.0. Mandatory.
  • CAM 3.0 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 22-Jun-2004 15:44:50 MDT, Size: 5.8M
    CAM-3.0 source code.
  • Resolution independent datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 13:21:59 MDT, Size: 18M
    Datasets that you will need no matter which resolution you run. Mandatory.
  • T31 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 06-Aug-2004 14:27:58 MDT, Size: 71M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T31 runs.
  • T42 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 06-Aug-2004 14:24:58 MDT, Size: 188M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T42 runs. Mandatory for running the single column model.
  • T85 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 06-Aug-2004 13:57:52 MDT, Size: 676M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T85 runs.
  • 2x2.5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Friday, 06-Aug-2004 14:36:18 MDT, Size: 213M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 2x2.5 runs.
  • 10x15 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 13:02:23 MDT, Size: 709K
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 10x15 runs - unsupported.
  • T21 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 12:08:14 MDT, Size: 36M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T21 runs - unsupported.
  • 4x5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 12:49:31 MDT, Size: 42M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for finite volume 4x5 runs - unsupported.
  • T5 datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 12:19:00 MDT, Size: 1.7M
    Initial and boundary condition datasets for spectral T5 runs - unsupported.
  • High resolution land surface datasets: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 16-Jun-2004 13:17:48 MDT, Size: 8.7M
    Land surface datasets used for porting the model to new resolutions - unsupported.

CAM 2.0.2 Files

  • CAM2.0.2 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 09-Jul-2003 12:30:57 MDT, Size: 1.8M
    CAM 2.0.2 source code.
  • Standard datasets for CAM2.0.2: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 15:24:48 MDT, Size: 58M
    Input datasets and initial condition files at 64x128_T42_L26 resolution for Eulerian dynamics.
  • Non-Standard datasets for CAM2.0.2: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 15:25:54 MDT, Size: 49M
    Initial condition files at non-standard resolutions (32x64_T21_L26, 8x16_T5_L26) for Eulerian dynamics and initial condition files for non-standard dynamics (SLD and finite-volume (fv)).

CAM 2.0.1 Files

  • CAM2.0.1 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 15-Oct-2002 11:51:49 MDT, Size: 1.6M
    CAM2.0.1 Source code.

CAM 2.0 Files

  • CAM2.0 Source distribution: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 21-May-2002 11:05:02 MDT, Size: 1.3M
    CAM2.0 Source code
  • Standard datasets for CAM2.0 and CAM2.0.1: [download]
    Updated: Saturday, 18-May-2002 10:55:51 MDT, Size: 58M
    Input datasets and initial condition files at 64x128_T42_L26 resolution for Eulerian dynamics.
  • Non-Standard datasets for CAM2.0 and CAM2.0.1: [download]
    Updated: Saturday, 18-May-2002 11:01:30 MDT, Size: 54M
    Initial condition files at non-standard resolutions (32x64_T21_L26, 8x16_T5_L26) for Eulerian dynamics and initial condition files for non-standard dynamics (SLD and finite-volume (fv)).

Utilities and surface datasets

The following utilities are provided for consideration by users who wish to manipulate CAM input files. They are provided as is, with no support. There is virtually no chance that they will work 'out of the box', but the code may provide some insight into what needs to be done to prepare files for CAM.

  • Surface dataset tool: [download]
    Updated: Saturday, 06-Nov-2004 12:51:30 MST, Size: 27K
    For use in modifying surface properties on CAM initial conditions files.
  • SST and sea ice dataset tool: [download]
    Updated: Wednesday, 28-Jun-2006 11:25:31 MDT, Size: 45K
    For use in preparing new SST/sea ice datasets.
  • topo10min.merged_c030506.nc: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 06-May-2003 11:38:48 MDT, Size: 27M
    A 10 minute averaged version of USGS gtopo30, with Caspian sea land mask merged from 10 minute Navy dataset (topo.nc).
  • Coordinate datasets: [download]
    Updated: Tuesday, 18-Apr-2006 17:39:45 MDT, Size: 20K
    A collection of netCDF files that contain the coordinates for standard horizontal resolutions used by CAM. These datasets can be used by some recently updated CAM utilities as specification of the grid to be interpolated to.

CESM Project

The Community Earth System Model (CESM) is a fully-coupled, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states.

CESM is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).


Detailed Design

  • Time Manager Module: Requirements and Interface Design [html] [pdf] [ps]
  • DRAFT Interface to Column Physics and Chemistry Packages [html] [pdf] [ps]

Control Simulations