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CCSM Research Tools: CAM 3.0.p1 Release Notes
CAM-3.0.p1 is the first patched version of CAM-3.0 which includes minor bug fixes and portability enhancements. Simulations produced by this release will be bit for bit identical to simulations produced using CAM-3.0 in all configurations for which control simulations have been provided. The bug fixes, listed below, are mainly relevent to the use of non-default CAM configurations.
Bug Fixes
Issue: Run fails when using a non-default vertical resolution which extends the top of the model above 1 mb.
Resolution: The problem was due to uninitialized arrays returned from subroutine pcond.
Files modified: atm/cam/src/physics/cam1/cldwat.F90
Issue: Model produced different answers when using different numbers of mpi tasks and specifying non-default values of kmxhdc via the namelist.
Resolution: There was a bug in communicating the input namelist variables kmxhdc, dif2, and dif4.
Files modified: atm/cam/src/control/runtime_opts.F90
Issue: Model produced different answers when using different numbers of mpi tasks and specifying non-default values of kmxhdc via the namelist.
Resolution: The problem was due to an out of bounds array reference in iceini (ice_data.F90). The value of the out of bounds reference was not used so this bug did not cause an error in the model run.
Files modified: ice/csim4/ice_data.F90
Issue: CCSM-3.0 doesn't work with FV 2D composition.
Resolution: Art Mirin supplied the fix. Only part of the fix is included here. There is also a fix required in the CCSM scripts.
Files modified: atm/cam/src/control/ccsm_msg.F90
Issue: Strings for system commands passed to .c routines from fortran are being mishandled.
Resolution: Use the csm share code which properly handles the string passing for system calls.
Files removed: atm/cam/src/control/ioFileMod.F90 lnd/clm2/src/main/fileutils.F90
Files modified: atm/cam/src/control/ioFileMod.F90 lnd/clm2/src/main/fileutils.F90
Issue: Batch jobs will hang on IBM machines when ENDRUN is called and the xl__trbk tries to provide a trace of the failure.
Resolution: Close unit 5 (standard input) prior to call to xl__trbk. The problem seems to involve the routine's inability to properly flush standard input.
Files modified: atm/cam/src/control/abortutils.F90
Issue: Non-default load balancing options (e.g., phys_loadbalance=1) and extra constituents (e.g., run with greenhouse gas chemistry enabled) resulted in run time errors under linux/lf95/debug.
Resolution: The array "chunk_buffer" in subroutine transpose_chunk_to_block was improperly declareded intent(out) rather than intent(in). Thanks to Steve Ghan for finding this bug.
Files modified: atm/cam/src/physics/cam1/phys_grid.F90
Issue: Default settings for the optimization level of the pgi compilers give different answers in pure mpi mode depending on the number of mpi tasks used.
Resolution: Problem was fixed by dropping the optimization level from -fast to -O2 and removing the option -Mrecursive in non-debug mode. The option -Mrecursive is now used only in debug mode, giving bit-for-bit results between pure mpi, pure smp, hybrid and serial runs.
Files modified: atm/cam/bld/Makefile
Portability Enhancements
Linux/Intel build:
ESMF builds for linux_intel and linux_altix have been added. Currently only the linux_intel build has been implemented for CAM. *** NOTE *** The linux_intel build has not been validated to produce an acceptable climate. The build is provided "as is" to help users who wish to experiment with this compiler. Files added: utils/esmf/build/linux_altix/ESMF_conf.h utils/esmf/build/linux_altix/base utils/esmf/build/linux_altix/base.site utils/esmf/build/linux_altix/base_variables utils/esmf/build/linux_altix/fix.h utils/esmf/build/linux_intel/ESMF_conf.h utils/esmf/build/linux_intel/base utils/esmf/build/linux_intel/base.site utils/esmf/build/linux_intel/base_variables utils/esmf/build/linux_intel/fix.h Files modified: atm/cam/bld/Makefile lnd/clm2/src/biogeophys/Hydrology2Mod.F90 lnd/clm2/src/main/histFileMod.F90 utils/timing/t_pr.c utils/timing/t_pclstr.c utils/timing/t_stop.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/Error/ESMC_Error.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgmt/ESMC_Alarm.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgmt/ESMC_Calendar.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgmt/ESMC_Date.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgmt/ESMC_Time.c utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/TimeMgmt/ESMC_TOD.c
Darwin build:
ESMF builds for Darwin_absoft and Darwin_xlf have been added. Neither of these platforms are currently implemented in the CAM build. Files added: utils/esmf/build/Darwin_absoft/ESMF_conf.h utils/esmf/build/Darwin_absoft/base utils/esmf/build/Darwin_absoft/base.site utils/esmf/build/Darwin_absoft/base_variables utils/esmf/build/Darwin_absoft/fix.h utils/esmf/build/Darwin_xlf/ESMF_conf.h utils/esmf/build/Darwin_xlf/base utils/esmf/build/Darwin_xlf/base.site utils/esmf/build/Darwin_xlf/base_variables Files modified: utils/esmf/README utils/esmf/build/common
Miscellaneous Changes
Description: Minor enhancements to supplied sample run scripts. Clarification in the information provided for using the SOM tool definemld.
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