module clm_initializeMod 2,11

! !MODULE: clm_initializeMod
! Performs land model initialization
! !USES:
  use shr_kind_mod    , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
  use spmdMod         , only : masterproc
  use shr_sys_mod     , only : shr_sys_flush
  use abortutils      , only : endrun
  use clm_varctl      , only : nsrest
  use clm_varctl      , only : iulog
  use clm_varctl      , only : create_glacier_mec_landunit
  use clm_varsur      , only : wtxy,vegxy
  use clm_varsur      , only : topoxy
  use clmtype         , only : gratm, grlnd, nameg, namel, namec, namep, allrof
  use perf_mod        , only : t_startf, t_stopf
  use mct_mod

  implicit none
  private    ! By default everything is private

  public :: initialize1  ! Phase one initialization
  public :: initialize2  ! Phase two initialization
! Created by Gordon Bonan, Sam Levis and Mariana Vertenstein
  private header         ! echo version numbers
  private do_restread    ! read a restart file


! !IROUTINE: initialize1

  subroutine initialize1( ) 1,63
! Land model initialization.
! o Initializes run control variables via the [clm_inparm] namelist.
! o Reads surface data on model grid.
! o Defines the multiple plant types and fraction areas for each surface type.
! o Builds the appropriate subgrid <-> grid mapping indices and weights.
! o Set up parallel processing.
! o Initializes time constant variables.
! o Reads restart data for a restart or branch run.
! o Reads initial data and initializes the time variant variables for an initial run.
! o Initializes history file output.
! o Initializes river routing model.
! o Initializes accumulation variables.
! !USES:
    use clm_varpar, only : lsmlon, lsmlat, maxpatch
    use clm_varpar, only : clm_varpar_init
    use pftvarcon , only : pftconrd
    use decompInitMod, only : decompInit_atm, &
                           decompInit_lnd, decompInit_glcp
    use decompMod , only : adecomp,ldecomp
    use decompMod , only : get_proc_clumps, get_clump_bounds, &
                           get_proc_bounds, get_proc_bounds_atm
    use domainMod , only : domain_check,domain_setsame
    use domainMod , only : adomain,ldomain
    use domainMod , only : alatlon,llatlon,gatm,amask,pftm
    use domainMod , only : latlon_check, latlon_setsame
    use areaMod   , only : cellarea, map_setgatm
    use surfrdMod , only : surfrd,surfrd_get_grid,surfrd_get_frac,&
                           surfrd_get_topo, surfrd_get_latlon
    use clm_varctl, only : fsurdat, fatmgrid, fatmlndfrc, &
                           fatmtopo, flndtopo, noland
    use clm_varctl, only : fglcmask
    use controlMod, only : control_init, control_print
    use UrbanInputMod    , only : UrbanInput

! Created by Gordon Bonan, Sam Levis and Mariana Vertenstein
    integer  :: ier                   ! error status
    integer  :: i,j,n1,n2,n,k,nr      ! loop indices
    integer  :: nl,nlg                ! gdc and glo lnd indices
    real(r8) :: rmaxlon,rmaxlat       ! local min/max vars
    logical  :: samegrids             ! are atm and lnd grids same?
    integer  :: begg, endg            ! clump beg and ending gridcell indices
    integer  :: begg_atm, endg_atm    ! proc beg and ending gridcell indices

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize run control variables, timestep
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    call t_startf('init_control')
    call header()

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to initialize the land model .....'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)

    call clm_varpar_init ()
    call control_init ( )

    if (masterproc) call control_print()

    call t_stopf('init_control')
    call t_startf('init_grids')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize the subgrid hierarchy
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read alatlon from fatmgrid'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)

    call surfrd_get_latlon(alatlon, fatmgrid, amask, fatmlndfrc)
    call latlon_check(alatlon)
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'amask size/min/max ',size(amask),minval(amask),maxval(amask)
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read llatlon from fsurdat'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)

    call surfrd_get_latlon(llatlon, fsurdat, pftm, pftmflag=.true.)
    call latlon_check(llatlon)

    lsmlon = llatlon%ni
    lsmlat = llatlon%nj

    if (llatlon%ni < alatlon%ni .or. llatlon%nj < alatlon%nj) then
       if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'ERROR llatlon size > alatlon size: ', &
          n,llatlon%ni, llatlon%nj, alatlon%ni, alatlon%nj
       call endrun()

    !--- check if grids are "close", adjust, continue, or end  ---
    !--- set llatlon== alatlon if lats/lons < 0.001 different ---
    !--- exit if lats/lon > 0.001 and < 1.0 different          ---
    !--- continue if lat/lons > 1.0 different                  ---
    samegrids = .false.
    if (alatlon%ni == llatlon%ni .and. alatlon%nj == llatlon%nj) then
       rmaxlon = 0.0_r8
       rmaxlat = 0.0_r8
       do n = 1,alatlon%ni
          rmaxlon = max(rmaxlon,abs(alatlon%lonc(n)-llatlon%lonc(n)))
       do n = 1,alatlon%nj
          rmaxlat = max(rmaxlat,abs(alatlon%latc(n)-llatlon%latc(n)))
       if (rmaxlon < 0.001_r8 .and. rmaxlat < 0.001_r8) then
          if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: set llatlon =~ alatlon', &
          call latlon_setsame(alatlon,llatlon)
          samegrids = .true.
       elseif (rmaxlon < 1.0_r8 .and. rmaxlat < 1.0_r8) then
          if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: alatlon/llatlon mismatch', &
          call endrun()
          if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: alatlon/llatlon different', &
       if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: alatlon/llatlon different ', &

    ! Exit early if no valid land points
    if ( all(amask == 0) )then
       noland = .true.
    end if

    call decompInit_atm(alatlon,amask)

    call map_setgatm(gatm,alatlon,llatlon,amask,pftm)

    ! Initialize clump and processor decomposition 
    call decompInit_lnd(alatlon%ns,alatlon%ni,alatlon%nj,llatlon%ns,llatlon%ni,llatlon%nj)

    !--- Read atm grid -----------------------------------------------------

    ! Set "local" domains
    call get_proc_bounds_atm(begg_atm, endg_atm)

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read adomain from fatmgrid'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
    call surfrd_get_grid(adomain, fatmgrid, begg_atm, endg_atm, gratm)

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read atm landfrac from fatmlndfrc'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)

    if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then
       call surfrd_get_frac(adomain, fatmlndfrc, fglcmask)

       ! Make sure the glc mask is a subset of the land mask
       do n = begg_atm, endg_atm
          if (adomain%glcmask(n)==1 .and. adomain%mask(n)==0) then
             write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: landmask/glcmask mismatch'
             write(iulog,*) 'glc requires input where landmask = 0, gridcell index', n
             call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
             call endrun()

       call surfrd_get_frac(adomain, fatmlndfrc)

    if (fatmtopo /= " ") then
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read atm topo from fatmtopo'
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
    call surfrd_get_topo(adomain, fatmtopo)

    !--- compute area
    if (.not. adomain%areaset) then
       do nr = begg_atm,endg_atm
          n = adecomp%gdc2glo(nr)
          i = mod(n-1,adomain%ni) + 1
          j = (n-1)/adomain%ni + 1
          adomain%area(nr) = cellarea(alatlon,i,j)
       adomain%areaset = .true.

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'adomain status:'
       call domain_check(adomain)

    !--- Read lnd grid -----------------------------------------------------

    call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg)

    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read ldomain from fsurdat ',trim(fsurdat)
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
    call surfrd_get_grid(ldomain, fsurdat, begg, endg, grlnd)

    if (flndtopo /= " ") then
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read lnd topo from flndtopo ',trim(flndtopo)
       call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
    call surfrd_get_topo(ldomain, flndtopo)

    !--- compute area
    if (.not. ldomain%areaset) then
       do nr = begg,endg
          n = ldecomp%gdc2glo(nr)
          i = mod(n-1,ldomain%ni) + 1
          j = (n-1)/ldomain%ni + 1
          ldomain%area(nr) = cellarea(alatlon,i,j)
       ldomain%areaset = .true.

    if (masterproc) then
       call domain_check(ldomain)

    !--- overwrite ldomain if same grids -----------------------------------

    if (samegrids) then
       if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'initialize1: samegrids true, set ldomain =~ adomain'
       call domain_setsame(adomain,ldomain)

    ! Initialize urban model input (initialize urbinp data structure)

    call UrbanInput(mode='initialize')

    ! Allocate surface grid dynamic memory (for wtxy and vegxy arrays)

    call t_stopf('init_grids')
    call t_startf('init_surdat')

    call get_proc_bounds    (begg    , endg)
    allocate (vegxy(begg:endg,maxpatch), &
              wtxy(begg:endg,maxpatch),  &
    if (ier /= 0) then
       write(iulog,*)'initialize allocation error'; call endrun()

    ! Allocate additional dynamic memory for glacier_mec topo and thickness

    if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then
       allocate (topoxy(begg:endg,maxpatch), stat=ier)
       if (ier /= 0) then
          write(iulog,*)'initialize allocation error'; call endrun()
       allocate (topoxy(1,1), stat=ier)
       if (ier /= 0) then
          write(iulog,*)'initialize allocation error'; call endrun()

    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Read list of PFTs and their corresponding parameter values
    ! Independent of model resolution
    ! Needs to stay before call surfrd
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------

    call pftconrd()

    ! Read surface dataset and set up vegetation type [vegxy] and 
    ! weight [wtxy] arrays for [maxpatch] subgrid patches.
    call surfrd (fsurdat, ldomain)

    if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then
       call decompInit_glcp (alatlon%ns,   alatlon%ni,   alatlon%nj, &
                             llatlon%ns,   llatlon%ni,   llatlon%nj, &
       call decompInit_glcp (alatlon%ns, alatlon%ni, alatlon%nj, &
                             llatlon%ns, llatlon%ni, llatlon%nj)

    call t_stopf('init_surdat')

  end subroutine initialize1

! !IROUTINE: initialize2

  subroutine initialize2( ) 1,95
! Land model initialization.
! o Initializes run control variables via the [clm_inparm] namelist.
! o Reads surface data on model grid.
! o Defines the multiple plant types and fraction areas for each surface type.
! o Builds the appropriate subgrid <-> grid mapping indices and weights.
! o Set up parallel processing.
! o Initializes time constant variables.
! o Reads restart data for a restart or branch run.
! o Reads initial data and initializes the time variant variables for an initial run.
! o Initializes history file output.
! o Initializes river routing model.
! o Initializes accumulation variables.
! !USES:
    use clm_atmlnd      , only : init_atm2lnd_type, init_lnd2atm_type, &
                                 clm_a2l, clm_l2a, atm_a2l, atm_l2a, &
    use initGridCellsMod, only : initGridCells
    use clm_varctl      , only : finidat, fpftdyn
    use clmtypeInitMod  , only : initClmtype
    use domainMod       , only : gatm
    use domainMod       , only : ldomain, adomain
    use decompMod       , only : adecomp,ldecomp
    use areaMod         , only : map1dl_a2l, map1dl_l2a
    use areaMod         , only : map_setmapsFM
    use decompMod       , only : get_proc_clumps, get_clump_bounds, &
                                 get_proc_bounds, get_proc_bounds_atm
    use filterMod       , only : allocFilters, setFilters
    use histFldsMod     , only : hist_initFlds
    use histFileMod     , only : hist_htapes_build
    use restFileMod     , only : restFile_getfile, &
                                 restFile_open, restFile_close, &
                                 restFile_read, restFile_read_binary
    use accFldsMod      , only : initAccFlds, initAccClmtype
    use mkarbinitMod    , only : mkarbinit
    use pftdynMod       , only : pftdyn_init, pftdyn_interp
#ifdef CN
    use ndepFileMod     , only : ndepdyn_init, ndepdyn_interp, ndeprd
    use ndepStreamMod   , only : ndep_init, ndep_interp
    use clm_varctl      , only : fndepdyn, fndepdat, use_ndepstream
#if (defined CNDV)
    use pftdynMod             , only : pftwt_init, pftwt_interp
    use CNDVEcosystemDyniniMod, only : CNDVEcosystemDynini
    use STATICEcosysDynMod , only : EcosystemDynini, readAnnualVegetation
#if (defined DUST) 
    use DustMod         , only : Dustini
#if (defined CASA)
    use CASAMod         , only : initCASA
    use CASAPhenologyMod, only : initCASAPhenology
#if (defined CLAMP)
    use CASAiniTimeVarMod,only : CASAiniTimeVar
#if (defined RTM) 
    use RtmMod          , only : Rtmini
    use clm_time_manager, only : get_curr_date, get_nstep, advance_timestep, &
                                 timemgr_init, timemgr_restart_io, timemgr_restart
    use fileutils       , only : getfil
    use UrbanMod        , only : UrbanClumpInit
    use UrbanInitMod    , only : UrbanInitTimeConst, UrbanInitTimeVar, UrbanInitAero 
    use UrbanInputMod   , only : UrbanInput
    use clm_glclnd      , only : init_glc2lnd_type, init_lnd2glc_type, &
                                 clm_x2s, clm_s2x, atm_x2s, atm_s2x
    use seq_drydep_mod,       only : n_drydep, drydep_method, DD_XLND

! !Arguments    
    implicit none
! Created by Gordon Bonan, Sam Levis and Mariana Vertenstein
    integer  :: i,j,k,n1,n2           ! indices
    integer  :: yr                    ! current year (0, ...)
    integer  :: mon                   ! current month (1 -> 12)
    integer  :: day                   ! current day (1 -> 31)
    integer  :: ncsec                 ! current time of day [seconds]
    integer  :: nc                    ! clump index
    integer  :: nclumps               ! number of clumps on this processor
    integer  :: begp, endp            ! clump beg and ending pft indices
    integer  :: begc, endc            ! clump beg and ending column indices
    integer  :: begl, endl            ! clump beg and ending landunit indices
    integer  :: begg, endg            ! clump beg and ending gridcell indices
    integer  :: begg_atm, endg_atm    ! proc beg and ending gridcell indices
    character(len=256) :: fnamer             ! name of netcdf restart file 
    character(len=256) :: pnamer             ! full pathname of netcdf restart file
    character(len=256) :: fnamer_bin         ! name of binary restart file
    character(len=256) :: pnamer_bin         ! full pathname of binary restart file
    integer  :: ncid                         ! netcdf id
    logical ,parameter :: a2ltrue = .true.   ! local
    logical ,parameter :: a2lfalse = .false. ! local

    ! Set the a2l and l2a maps

    call t_startf('init_mapsFM')
    call map_setmapsFM(adomain,ldomain,gatm,map1dl_a2l,map1dl_l2a)
    call t_stopf('init_mapsFM')

    ! Allocate memory and initialize values of clmtype data structures

    call t_startf('init_clmtype')
    call initClmtype()

    call get_proc_bounds    (begg    , endg    , begl, endl, &
                             begc    , endc    , begp, endp )
    call init_atm2lnd_type  (begg    , endg    , clm_a2l)
    call init_lnd2atm_type  (begg    , endg    , clm_l2a)

    call get_proc_bounds_atm(begg_atm, endg_atm)
    call init_atm2lnd_type  (begg_atm, endg_atm, atm_a2l)
    call init_lnd2atm_type  (begg_atm, endg_atm, atm_l2a)

    call init_adiag_type()

    if (create_glacier_mec_landunit) then
       call init_glc2lnd_type  (begg    , endg    , clm_x2s)
       call init_lnd2glc_type  (begg    , endg    , clm_s2x)

       call init_glc2lnd_type  (begg    , endg    , atm_x2s)
       call init_lnd2glc_type  (begg    , endg    , atm_s2x)

    ! Build hierarchy and topological info for derived typees

    call initGridCells()

    ! Deallocate surface grid dynamic memory (for wtxy and vegxy arrays)

    deallocate (vegxy, wtxy)

    deallocate (topoxy)

    call t_stopf('init_clmtype')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize time constant variables 
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! Initialize Ecosystem Dynamics 

    call t_startf('init_ecosys')
#if (defined CNDV)
    call CNDVEcosystemDynini()
#elif (!defined CN)
    call EcosystemDynini()
#if (defined CN) || (defined CNDV)

    ! Initialize CLMSP ecosystem dynamics when drydeposition is used
    ! so that estimates of monthly differences in LAI can be computed
    if ( n_drydep > 0 .and. drydep_method == DD_XLND )then
       call EcosystemDynini()
    end if
    call t_stopf('init_ecosys')

    ! Initialize dust emissions model 

#if (defined DUST) 
    call t_startf('init_dust')
    call Dustini()
    call t_stopf('init_dust')

    ! Initialize time constant urban variables

    call UrbanInitTimeConst()

    ! Initialize time constant variables (this must be called
    ! before initCASA())

    call t_startf('init_io1')
    call iniTimeConst()

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Obtain restart file if appropriate
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (do_restread()) then
       call restFile_getfile( file=fnamer, path=pnamer )
    end if

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize time manager
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (nsrest == 0) then  
       call timemgr_init()
       call restFile_open( flag='read', file=fnamer, ncid=ncid )
       call timemgr_restart_io( ncid=ncid, flag='read' )
       call restFile_close( ncid=ncid )
       call timemgr_restart()
    end if

    call t_stopf('init_io1')

    ! Initialize river routing model, after time manager because ts needed

#if (defined RTM)
    call t_startf('init_rtm')
    if (masterproc) write(iulog,*)'Attempting to initialize RTM'
    call Rtmini()
    if (masterproc) write(iulog,*)'Successfully initialized RTM'
    call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
    call t_stopf('init_rtm')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize accumulated fields
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! Initialize accumulator fields to be time accumulated for various purposes.
    ! The time manager needs to be initialized before this called is made, since
    ! the step size is needed.

    call t_startf('init_accflds')
    call initAccFlds()
    call t_stopf('init_accflds')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Set arbitrary initial conditions for time varying fields 
    ! used in coupled carbon-nitrogen code
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (defined CN)
    call t_startf('init_cninitim')
    if (nsrest == 0) then
       call CNiniTimeVar()
    end if
    call t_stopf('init_cninitim')
#elif (defined CASA)
#if (defined CLAMP)
    call t_startf('init_casainitim')
    call CASAiniTimeVar()
    call t_stopf('init_casainitim')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialization of dynamic pft weights
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! Determine correct pft weights (interpolate pftdyn dataset if initial run)
    ! Otherwise these are read in for a restart run

#if (defined CNDV)
    call pftwt_init()
    if (fpftdyn /= ' ') then
       call t_startf('init_pftdyn')
       call pftdyn_init()
       call pftdyn_interp( )
       call t_stopf('init_pftdyn')
    end if

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Read restart/initial info
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! No weight related information can be contained in the routines,  
    ! "mkarbinit, inicfile and restFile". 

    call t_startf('init_io2')

    if (do_restread()) then
       if (masterproc) write(iulog,*)'reading restart file ',fnamer
       call restFile_read( fnamer )
    else if (nsrest == 0 .and. finidat == ' ') then
       call mkarbinit()
       call UrbanInitTimeVar( )
    end if
    ! For restart run, read binary history restart

    if (nsrest == 1) then
       if (masterproc)then 
          pnamer_bin = pnamer(1:(len_trim(pnamer)-3))
          call getfil( pnamer_bin, fnamer_bin )
       end if
       call restFile_read_binary( fnamer_bin )
    end if

    call t_stopf('init_io2')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize nitrogen deposition
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#ifdef CN
    call t_startf('init_ndep')
    if (use_ndepstream) then
       call ndep_init()
       call ndep_interp()
       if (fndepdyn /= ' ') then
          call t_startf('init_ndepdyn')
          call ndepdyn_init()
          call ndepdyn_interp()
          call t_stopf('init_ndepdyn')
       else if (fndepdat /= ' ') then
          call ndeprd(fndepdat)
          call ndeprd()
       end if
    call t_stopf('init_ndep')
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialization of model parameterizations that are needed after
    ! restart file is read in
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if (defined CASA)
    call t_startf('init_casa')
    ! Initialize CASA 

    call initCASA()
    call initCASAPhenology()
    call t_stopf('init_casa')

    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Initialize history and accumator buffers
    ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    call t_startf('init_hist1')
    ! Initialize master history list. 

    call hist_initFlds()

    ! Initialize active history fields. This is only done if not a restart run. 
    ! If a restart run, then this information has already been obtained from the 
    ! restart data read above. Note that routine hist_htapes_build needs time manager 
    ! information, so this call must be made after the restart information has been read.

    if (nsrest == 0 .or. nsrest == 3) call hist_htapes_build()

    ! Initialize clmtype variables that are obtained from accumulated fields.
    ! This routine is called in an initial run at nstep=0
    ! This routine is also always called for a restart run and must 
    ! therefore be called after the restart file is read in

    call initAccClmtype()

    call t_stopf('init_hist1')

    ! --------------------------------------------------------------
    ! Note - everything below this point needs updated weights
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------

    ! Initialize filters
    call t_startf('init_filters')

    call allocFilters()
    call setFilters()

    call t_stopf('init_filters')

    ! Calculate urban "town" roughness length and displacement 
    ! height for urban landunits

    call UrbanInitAero()

    ! Initialize urban radiation model - this uses urbinp data structure

    call UrbanClumpInit()

    ! Finalize urban model initialization
    call UrbanInput(mode='finalize')

    ! Even if CN is on, and dry-deposition is active, read CLMSP annual vegetation to get estimates of monthly LAI
    if ( n_drydep > 0 .and. drydep_method == DD_XLND )then
       call readAnnualVegetation()
    end if

    ! End initialization

    call t_startf('init_wlog')
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Successfully initialized the land model'
       if (nsrest == 0) then
          write(iulog,*) 'begin initial run at: '
          write(iulog,*) 'begin continuation run at:'
       end if
       call get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, ncsec)
       write(iulog,*) '   nstep= ',get_nstep(), ' year= ',yr,' month= ',mon,&
            ' day= ',day,' seconds= ',ncsec
       write(iulog,'(72a1)') ("*",i=1,60)
    call t_stopf('init_wlog')

  end subroutine initialize2

! !IROUTINE: header

  subroutine header() 1,1
! Echo and save model version number
! !USES:
    use clm_varctl  , only : version
    implicit none
! subroutine initialize in this module
! Created by Gordon Bonan

    if ( masterproc )then
      write(iulog,*) trim(version)
    end if

  end subroutine header

! !IROUTINE: do_restread

  logical function do_restread( ) 2,1
! Determine if restart file will be read
! !USES:
    use clm_varctl, only : finidat
    implicit none
! subroutine initialize in this module
! Created by Mariana Vertenstein

    do_restread = .false.
    if (nsrest == 0 .and. finidat /= ' ') then
       do_restread = .true.
    end if
    if (nsrest == 1 .or. nsrest == 3) then
       do_restread = .true.
    end if
  end function do_restread
end module clm_initializeMod