!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module output 2,8 !BOP ! !MODULE: output ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Contains necessary routines, variables for large model output ! files - restart, history, movies, drifter, time average files. ! This module is primarily a driver for the individual output ! modules. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: output.F90 20992 2010-02-12 23:01:33Z njn01 $ ! ! !USES: use kinds_mod use domain ! use constants, only: ! use time_management, only: use restart, only: write_restart, init_restart, lrestart_write use history, only: write_history, init_history use movie, only: write_movie, init_movie use overflows use tavg, only: write_tavg, init_tavg use timers, only: get_timer, timer_start, timer_stop implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: output_driver, & init_output !EOP !BOC !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: output_driver ! !INTERFACE: subroutine output_driver 2,14 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This is the main driver routine for all large model output routines. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (char_len) :: & restart_type ! type of restart being written - used ! to pass restart info to tavg routines integer (int_kind), save :: & timer_tavg, &! timer for tavg timer_out, &! timer for tavg timer_rest ! timer for restart logical (log_kind), save :: & first_call = .true. ! flag for initializing timers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if this is the first call to output_driver, start some timers ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first_call) then call get_timer(timer_out, 'OUTPUT' ,nblocks_clinic,distrb_clinic%nprocs) call get_timer(timer_tavg,'OUTPUT TAVG',nblocks_clinic,distrb_clinic%nprocs) call get_timer(timer_rest,'OUTPUT REST',nblocks_clinic,distrb_clinic%nprocs) first_call = .false. endif call timer_start(timer_out) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write history, movie files - the decision when to write ! is internal to each routine ! write these first so that if I/O fails, no restart is written ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined _NOIO) ! Insufficient memory to write history files on Blue Gene #else call write_history call write_movie #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check for restart and write restart if required ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_start(timer_rest) call write_restart(restart_type) call timer_stop (timer_rest) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write tavg - the decision when to write ! is internal to routine except for notifying tavg that a ! restart must be written. ! note that lrestart_write is now a module variable, which allows ! the overflows module to coordinate an overflows restart write ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call timer_start(timer_tavg) #if (defined _NOIO) ! Insufficient memory to restart tavg files on Blue Gene #else call write_tavg(restart_type) #endif call timer_stop (timer_tavg) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! write overflow restart file (coordinate with write_restart) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( lrestart_write .and. overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive ) then call ovf_write_restart endif call timer_stop(timer_out) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine output_driver !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_output ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_output 1,4 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes frequency of output and filenames for ! various files by calling individual initialization routines ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! call individual init routines ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_restart call init_history call init_movie call init_tavg !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_output !*********************************************************************** end module output !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||