!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| module restart 2,29 !BOP ! !MODULE: restart ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This module contains routins for reading and writing data necessary ! for restarting a POP simulation. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! SVN:$Id: restart.F90 20992 2010-02-12 23:01:33Z njn01 $ ! ! !USES: use POP_KindsMod use POP_ErrorMod use POP_IOUnitsMod use POP_FieldMod use POP_GridHorzMod use POP_HaloMod use domain_size use domain use constants, only: char_blank, field_loc_NEcorner, field_type_vector, & field_loc_center, field_type_scalar, blank_fmt, c0, grav use blocks, only: nx_block, ny_block, block, get_block use prognostic, only: UBTROP, VBTROP, PSURF, GRADPX, GRADPY, UVEL, VVEL, & PGUESS, TRACER, nt, nx_global, ny_global, km, curtime, newtime, oldtime, & tracer_d use broadcast, only: broadcast_scalar use communicate, only: my_task, master_task use operators, only: div use grid, only: sfc_layer_type, sfc_layer_varthick, CALCU, CALCT, KMU, & KMT, HU, TAREA_R use io, only: data_set use io_types, only: io_field_desc, datafile, io_dim, luse_pointer_files, & pointer_filename, stdout, construct_io_field, construct_file, & rec_type_dbl, construct_io_dim, nml_in, nml_filename, get_unit, & release_unit, destroy_file, add_attrib_file, destroy_io_field, & extract_attrib_file use time_management use ice, only: tlast_ice, liceform, AQICE, FW_FREEZE, QFLUX use forcing_fields, only: FW_OLD use forcing_ap, only: ap_interp_last use forcing_ws, only: ws_interp_last use forcing_shf, only: shf_interp_last use forcing_sfwf, only: sfwf_interp_last, sum_precip, precip_fact, & ssh_initial, sal_initial use forcing_pt_interior, only: pt_interior_interp_last use forcing_s_interior, only: s_interior_interp_last use exit_mod, only: sigAbort, exit_pop, flushm use registry use passive_tracers, only: write_restart_passive_tracers use overflows implicit none private save ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: init_restart, & write_restart, & read_restart ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: public :: restart_fmt, & read_restart_filename, & lrestart_write !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! module variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (POP_charLength) :: & restart_outfile ! restart output filename root character (POP_charLength) :: & restart_fmt ! format (bin or nc) of output restart character (POP_charLength) :: & read_restart_filename = 'undefined' ! file name for restart file character (POP_charLength) :: & exit_string = 'undefined' ! error-exit string logical (POP_logical) :: & pressure_correction, &! fix pressure for exact restart lrestart_on, &! flag to turn restarts on/off leven_odd_on, &! flag to turn even_odd restarts on/off lrestart_write ! flag to determine whether restart is written integer (POP_i4) :: & even_odd_freq, &! even/odd restart files every freq steps last_even_odd, &! last even/odd dump restart_flag, &! time flag id for restarts evenodd_flag, &! time flag id for even-odd restarts out_stop_now, &! time flag id for stop_now flag restart_cpl_ts, &! time flag id for coupled_ts time flag restart_freq_iopt, &! restart frequency option restart_freq, &! restart frequency restart_start_iopt, &! start after option restart_start ! start regular restart writes after restart_start integer (POP_i4), parameter :: & even = 0, &! integer for which even/odd dump odd = 1 !*** field descriptors for all output fields type (io_field_desc) :: & UBTROP_CUR, UBTROP_OLD, &! barotropic U at current, old times VBTROP_CUR, VBTROP_OLD, &! barotropic U at current, old times PSURF_CUR, PSURF_OLD, &! surface press at current, old times GRADPX_CUR, GRADPX_OLD, &! sfc press gradient in x at both times GRADPY_CUR, GRADPY_OLD, &! sfc press gradient in y at both times PGUESSd, &! guess for next surface pressure FW_OLDd, &! freshwater input at old time FW_FREEZEd, &! water flux at T points due to frazil ice formation AQICEd, &! accumulated ice melt/freeze QFLUXd, &! internal ocn heat flux due to ice formation UVEL_CUR, UVEL_OLD, &! U at current, old times VVEL_CUR, VVEL_OLD ! V at current, old times type (io_field_desc), dimension(nt) :: & TRACER_CUR, TRACER_OLD ! tracers at current, old times !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ccsm coupling variable !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & cpl_write_restart ! flag id for restart-file signal from cpl !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! scalar data to be written/read from restart file ! ! runid, ! iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, iminute, isecond ! iyear0, imonth0, iday0, ihour0, iminute0, isecond0 ! dtt, iday_of_year, iday_of_year_last ! elapsed_days, elapsed_months, elapsed_years ! elapsed_days_this_year ! seconds_this_day, seconds_this_day_next ! seconds_this_year, seconds_this_year_next ! nsteps_total ! eod, eod_last, eom, eom_last, eom_next, eoy, eoy_last ! midnight_last, adjust_year_next, newday, newhour ! leapyear, days_in_year, days_in_prior_year ! seconds_in_year, hours_in_year ! tlast_ice ! lcoupled_ts ! shf_interp_last, sfwf_interp_last, ws_interp_last ! ap_interp_last, pt_interior_interp_last ! s_interior_interp_last ! sal_initial, sum_precip, precip_fact, ssh_initial ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC !*********************************************************************** contains !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: read_restart ! !INTERFACE: subroutine read_restart(in_filename,lccsm_branch,lccsm_hybrid, & 4,224 in_restart_fmt, errorCode) ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine reads restart data from a file. ! ! Prognostic fields read are: ! UBTROP,VBTROP : barotropic velocities ! PSURF : surface pressure ! GRADPX,GRADPY : surface pressure gradient ! PGUESS : next guess for pressure ! UVEL,VVEL : 3d velocities ! TRACER : 3d tracers ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & in_filename, &! filename of restart file in_restart_fmt ! format of restart file (bin,nc) logical (POP_logical), intent(in) :: & lccsm_branch ,&! flag if ccsm branch initialization lccsm_hybrid ! flag if ccsm hybrid initialization ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer (POP_i4), intent(out) :: & errorCode ! returned error code !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & n, k, &! dummy counters nu, &! i/o unit for pointer file reads iblock, &! local block index cindx,cindx2 ! indices into character strings real (POP_r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: & WORK1,WORK2 ! work space for pressure correction character (POP_charLength) :: & restart_pointer_file, &! file name for restart pointer file short_name, long_name ! tracer name temporaries logical (POP_logical) :: & lcoupled_ts ! flag to check whether coupled time step type (block) :: & this_block ! block information for current block type (datafile) :: & restart_file ! io file descriptor type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, &! dimension descriptors for horiz dims k_dim ! dimension descriptor for vertical levels !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if pointer files are used, pointer file must be read to get ! actual filenames - skip this for branch initialization ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- errorCode = POP_Success read_restart_filename = char_blank restart_pointer_file = char_blank if (luse_pointer_files) then call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then restart_pointer_file = pointer_filename cindx = len_trim(pointer_filename) + 1 cindx2= cindx + 7 restart_pointer_file(cindx:cindx2) = '.restart' write(stdout,*) 'Reading pointer file: ', & trim(restart_pointer_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) open(nu, file=trim(restart_pointer_file), form='formatted', & status='old') read(nu,'(a)') read_restart_filename close(nu) endif call release_unit(nu) call broadcast_scalar(read_restart_filename, master_task) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! otherwise use input filename ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else cindx2 = len_trim(in_filename) read_restart_filename(1:cindx2) = trim(in_filename) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create input file and define scalars with default values ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- restart_file = construct_file(in_restart_fmt, & full_name=trim(read_restart_filename), & record_length=rec_type_dbl, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) !*** set some defaults for namelist variables not initialized !*** under some options tlast_ice = c0 lcoupled_ts = .false. !*** add defaults as file attributes call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'runid', runid ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear', iyear ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth', imonth ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday', iday ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour', ihour ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute', iminute ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond', isecond ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear0', iyear0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth0', imonth0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday0', iday0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour0', ihour0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute0', iminute0) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond0', isecond0) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'dtt', dtt ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year', iday_of_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year_last', & iday_of_year_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days', elapsed_days) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_months', elapsed_months) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_years', elapsed_years) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days_this_year', & elapsed_days_this_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day', & seconds_this_day) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day_next', & seconds_this_day_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year', & seconds_this_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year_next', & seconds_this_year_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'nsteps_total' , nsteps_total) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod' , eod ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod_last', eod_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom' , eom ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_last', eom_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_next', eom_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy' , eoy ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy_last', eoy_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'midnight_last', midnight_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'adjust_year_next', & adjust_year_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newday' , newday ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newhour', newhour ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'leapyear',leapyear) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_year', days_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_prior_year', & days_in_prior_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_in_year', & seconds_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'hours_in_year', hours_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'tlast_ice', tlast_ice ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'lcoupled_ts', lcoupled_ts) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'shf_interp_last', & shf_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sfwf_interp_last', & sfwf_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ws_interp_last', & ws_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ap_interp_last', & ap_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'pt_interior_interp_last', & pt_interior_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 's_interior_interp_last', & s_interior_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sum_precip' , sum_precip ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'precip_fact', precip_fact) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ssh_initial', ssh_initial) short_name = char_blank do k=1,km write(short_name,'(a11,i3.3)') 'sal_initial',k call add_attrib_file(restart_file,trim(short_name),sal_initial(k)) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open a file and extract scalars as file attributes ! do not extract if this is a ccsm branch initialization - values are set elsewhere ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** open file and read attributes call data_set(restart_file, 'open_read') !*** extract scalars if not a ccsm branch initialization if (.not. lccsm_branch .and. .not. lccsm_hybrid) then call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'runid', runid ) endif if (.not. lccsm_hybrid) then call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear', iyear ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth', imonth ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday', iday ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour', ihour ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute', iminute ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond', isecond ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear0', iyear0 ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth0', imonth0 ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday0', iday0 ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour0', ihour0 ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute0', iminute0) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond0', isecond0) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'dtt', dtt ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year', & iday_of_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year_last',& iday_of_year_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days', & elapsed_days) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_months', & elapsed_months) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_years', & elapsed_years) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days_this_year', & elapsed_days_this_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day', & seconds_this_day) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day_next', & seconds_this_day_next) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year', & seconds_this_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year_next', & seconds_this_year_next) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'nsteps_total', & nsteps_total) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod' , eod ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod_last', eod_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom' , eom ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_last', eom_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_next', eom_next) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy' , eoy ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy_last', eoy_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'midnight_last', & midnight_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'adjust_year_next', & adjust_year_next) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newday' , newday ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newhour', newhour ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'leapyear',leapyear) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_year', & days_in_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_prior_year',& days_in_prior_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_in_year', & seconds_in_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'hours_in_year', & hours_in_year) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'tlast_ice', tlast_ice ) endif ! .not. lccsm_hybrid call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'lcoupled_ts', & lcoupled_ts) if (.not. lccsm_hybrid) then call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'shf_interp_last', & shf_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sfwf_interp_last', & sfwf_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ws_interp_last', & ws_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ap_interp_last', & ap_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'pt_interior_interp_last',& pt_interior_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 's_interior_interp_last', & s_interior_interp_last) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sum_precip' , sum_precip ) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'precip_fact', precip_fact) call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ssh_initial', ssh_initial) short_name = char_blank do k=1,km write(short_name,'(a11,i3.3)') 'sal_initial',k call extract_attrib_file(restart_file, trim(short_name), & sal_initial(k)) end do call int_to_char(4, iyear,cyear) call int_to_char(2, imonth,cmonth) call int_to_char(2, iday,cday) cmonth3 = month3_all(imonth) !*** set old value for the time flag 'coupled_ts' if (lcoupled_ts) then call register_string('coupled_ts_last_true') ! coupled_ts will be initialized accordingly in pop_init_coupled endif endif ! .not. lccsm_hybrid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define all fields to be read ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions i_dim = construct_io_dim('i', nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j', ny_global) k_dim = construct_io_dim('k', km) UBTROP_CUR = construct_io_field('UBTROP_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='U barotropic velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =UBTROP(:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UBTROP_CUR) UBTROP_OLD = construct_io_field('UBTROP_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='U barotropic velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =UBTROP(:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UBTROP_OLD) VBTROP_CUR = construct_io_field('VBTROP_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='V barotropic velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =VBTROP(:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VBTROP_CUR) VBTROP_OLD = construct_io_field('VBTROP_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='V barotropic velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =VBTROP(:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VBTROP_OLD) PSURF_CUR = construct_io_field('PSURF_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='surface pressure at current time', & units ='dyne/cm2', grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array =PSURF(:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PSURF_CUR) PSURF_OLD = construct_io_field('PSURF_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='surface pressure at old time', & units ='dyne/cm2', grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array =PSURF(:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PSURF_OLD) GRADPX_CUR = construct_io_field('GRADPX_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in x at current time',& units ='dyne/cm3', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =GRADPX(:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPX_CUR) GRADPX_OLD = construct_io_field('GRADPX_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in x at old time', & units ='dyne/cm3', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =GRADPX(:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPX_OLD) GRADPY_CUR = construct_io_field('GRADPY_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in y at current time',& units ='dyne/cm3', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =GRADPY(:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPY_CUR) GRADPY_OLD = construct_io_field('GRADPY_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in y at old time', & units ='dyne/cm3', grid_loc ='2220', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d2d_array =GRADPY(:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPY_OLD) PGUESSd = construct_io_field('PGUESS', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='guess for sfc pressure at new time', & units ='dyne/cm2', grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array =PGUESS) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PGUESSd) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then FW_OLDd = construct_io_field('FW_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='fresh water input at old time', & grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array = FW_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', FW_OLDd) FW_FREEZEd = construct_io_field('FW_FREEZE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='water flux due to frazil ice formation',& grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array = FW_FREEZE) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', FW_FREEZEd) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then QFLUXd = construct_io_field('QFLUX', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation',& grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array = QFLUX) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', QFLUXd) else AQICEd = construct_io_field('AQICE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='accumulated ice melt/heat', & grid_loc ='2110', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d2d_array = AQICE) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', AQICEd) endif endif UVEL_CUR = construct_io_field('UVEL_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='U velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d3d_array = UVEL(:,:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UVEL_CUR) UVEL_OLD = construct_io_field('UVEL_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='U velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d3d_array = UVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UVEL_OLD) VVEL_CUR = construct_io_field('VVEL_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='V velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d3d_array = VVEL(:,:,:,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VVEL_CUR) VVEL_OLD = construct_io_field('VVEL_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='V velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & field_loc = field_loc_NEcorner, & field_type = field_type_vector, & d3d_array = VVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VVEL_OLD) do n=1,2 short_name = char_blank short_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name)/& &/'_CUR' long_name = char_blank long_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%long_name)/& &/' at current time' TRACER_CUR(n) = construct_io_field(trim(short_name), & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name=trim(long_name), & units =trim(tracer_d(n)%units), & grid_loc ='3111', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,n,curtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', TRACER_CUR(n)) end do do n=1,2 short_name = char_blank short_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name)/& &/'_OLD' long_name = char_blank long_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%long_name)/& &/' at old time' TRACER_OLD(n) = construct_io_field(trim(short_name), & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name=trim(long_name), & units =trim(tracer_d(n)%units), & grid_loc ='3111', & field_loc = field_loc_center, & field_type = field_type_scalar, & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,n,oldtime,:)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', TRACER_OLD(n)) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now we actually read each field ! after reading, get rid of io field descriptors and close file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (restart_file, 'read', UBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', UBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', VBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', VBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', PSURF_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', PSURF_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', GRADPX_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', GRADPX_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', GRADPY_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', GRADPY_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', PGUESSd) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then call data_set (restart_file, 'read', FW_OLDd) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', FW_FREEZEd) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then call data_set (restart_file, 'read', QFLUXd) else call data_set (restart_file, 'read', AQICEd) endif endif call data_set (restart_file, 'read', UVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', UVEL_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', VVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', VVEL_OLD) do n=1,2 call data_set (restart_file, 'read', TRACER_CUR(n)) call data_set (restart_file, 'read', TRACER_OLD(n)) end do call destroy_io_field (UBTROP_CUR) call destroy_io_field (UBTROP_OLD) call destroy_io_field (VBTROP_CUR) call destroy_io_field (VBTROP_OLD) call destroy_io_field (PSURF_CUR) call destroy_io_field (PSURF_OLD) call destroy_io_field (GRADPX_CUR) call destroy_io_field (GRADPX_OLD) call destroy_io_field (GRADPY_CUR) call destroy_io_field (GRADPY_OLD) call destroy_io_field (PGUESSd) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then call destroy_io_field (FW_OLDd) call destroy_io_field (FW_FREEZEd) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then call destroy_io_field (QFLUXd) else call destroy_io_field (AQICEd) endif endif call destroy_io_field (UVEL_CUR) call destroy_io_field (UVEL_OLD) call destroy_io_field (VVEL_CUR) call destroy_io_field (VVEL_OLD) do n=1,2 call destroy_io_field (TRACER_CUR(n)) call destroy_io_field (TRACER_OLD(n)) end do call data_set (restart_file, 'close') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' file read: ', trim(read_restart_filename) endif call destroy_file(restart_file) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! zero prognostic variables at land points ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do iblock = 1,nblocks_clinic this_block = get_block(blocks_clinic(iblock),iblock) where (.not. CALCU(:,:,iblock)) UBTROP(:,:,curtime,iblock) = c0 VBTROP(:,:,curtime,iblock) = c0 GRADPX(:,:,curtime,iblock) = c0 GRADPY(:,:,curtime,iblock) = c0 UBTROP(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = c0 VBTROP(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = c0 GRADPX(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = c0 GRADPY(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = c0 endwhere where (.not. CALCT(:,:,iblock)) PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock) = c0 PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = c0 PGUESS(:,:,iblock) = c0 endwhere if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then where (.not. CALCT(:,:,iblock)) QFLUX(:,:,iblock) = c0 endwhere else where (.not. CALCT(:,:,iblock)) AQICE(:,:,iblock) = c0 endwhere endif endif if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then where (.not. CALCT(:,:,iblock)) FW_OLD (:,:,iblock) = c0 FW_FREEZE(:,:,iblock) = c0 endwhere endif if( overflows_on .and. overflows_interactive & .and. overflows_restart_type /= 'ccsm_startup' ) then ! Do not set sidewall velocities to zero when overflows ! on and interactive; otherwise, valid overflow velocities ! will be lost else do k = 1,km where (k > KMU(:,:,iblock)) UVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock) = c0 VVEL(:,:,k,curtime,iblock) = c0 endwhere enddo endif do n = 1,2 do k = 1,km where (k > KMT(:,:,iblock)) TRACER(:,:,k,n,curtime,iblock) = c0 TRACER(:,:,k,n,oldtime,iblock) = c0 endwhere enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! reset PSURF(oldtime) to eliminate error in barotropic continuity ! eqn due to (possible) use of different timestep after restart ! ! NOTE: use pressure_correction = .false. for exact restart ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (pressure_correction) then WORK1 = HU(:,:,iblock)*UBTROP(:,:,curtime,iblock) WORK2 = HU(:,:,iblock)*VBTROP(:,:,curtime,iblock) !*** use PSURF(oldtime) as temp call div(1, PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock),WORK1,WORK2,this_block) PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock) = PSURF(:,:,curtime,iblock) + & grav*dtp*PSURF(:,:,oldtime,iblock)* & TAREA_R(:,:,iblock) endif end do !block loop if (pressure_correction) then call POP_HaloUpdate(PSURF(:,:,oldtime,:), POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, POP_fieldKindScalar, & errorCode, fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (errorCode /= POP_Success) then call POP_ErrorSet(errorCode, & 'read_restart: error updating sfc pressure halo') return endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call POP_HaloUpdate(UBTROP, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(VBTROP, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(UVEL, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(VVEL, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(TRACER(:,:,:,:,curtime,:), & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(TRACER(:,:,:,:,newtime,:), & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(GRADPX, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(GRADPY, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocNECorner, & POP_fieldKindVector, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(PSURF, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(PGUESS, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then call POP_HaloUpdate(FW_OLD, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) call POP_HaloUpdate(FW_FREEZE, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then call POP_HaloUpdate(QFLUX, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) else call POP_HaloUpdate(AQICE, & POP_haloClinic, & POP_gridHorzLocCenter, & POP_fieldKindScalar, errorCode, & fillValue = 0.0_POP_r8) endif endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine read_restart !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: write_restart ! !INTERFACE: subroutine write_restart(restart_type) 1,141 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! This routine writes all the data necessary for restarting a POP ! simulation if it is determined that the time has come to write ! the data. It also returns the type of restart that was written ! so that the tavg module can determine whether it need to write ! a restart file for tavg fields. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character(POP_charLength), intent(out) :: & restart_type ! type of restart file written if any ! possible values are: none,restart,even,odd,end !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character (POP_charLength) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename integer (POP_i4) :: & k, n, &! dummy counters nu ! i/o unit for pointer file writes character (POP_charLength) :: & write_restart_filename, &! modified file name for restart file restart_pointer_file, &! file name for restart pointer file short_name, &! temporary for short name for io fields long_name ! temporary for long name for io fields logical (POP_logical) :: & lcoupled_ts ! flag to check whether coupled time step type (datafile) :: & restart_file ! io file descriptor type (io_dim) :: & i_dim, j_dim, &! dimension descriptors for horiz dims k_dim ! dimension descriptor for vertical levels !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! always set restart_type, because it is used in write_tavg ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- restart_type = char_blank restart_type = 'none' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see if it is time to begin regularly writing restart files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (check_time_flag(out_stop_now) ) then ! procede regardless of time_to_start option else if ( .not. time_to_start(restart_start_iopt,restart_start)) return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! check to see whether it is time to write files ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lrestart_write = .false. !*** write restart files if code is stopping for any reason if (check_time_flag(out_stop_now) .and. & (lrestart_on .or. leven_odd_on)) then lrestart_write = .true. restart_type = char_blank restart_type = 'end' endif !*** check if it is time for even/odd output !*** (but not if an end file is written) if (.not. lrestart_write .and. check_time_flag(evenodd_flag) & .and. .not. check_time_flag(out_stop_now)) then lrestart_write = .true. restart_type = char_blank if (last_even_odd == even) then restart_type = 'odd' last_even_odd = odd else restart_type = 'even' last_even_odd = even endif endif !*** check if it is time for regularly-scheduled restart output !*** note that this option over-rides others if (check_time_flag(restart_flag) .or. & (check_time_flag(cpl_write_restart) .and. eod) ) then lrestart_write = .true. restart_type = char_blank restart_type = 'restart' endif !*** turn off cpl_write_restart if necessary if (check_time_flag(cpl_write_restart) .and. eod) & call override_time_flag(cpl_write_restart, value=.false.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! the rest of this routine is only executed if it is time to write a ! restart file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lrestart_write) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create filename for user-supplied root and append date ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write_restart_filename = char_blank file_suffix = char_blank if (registry_match('lccsm')) then call create_restart_suffix_ccsm(file_suffix, restart_type,freq_opt_nsecond) else call create_restart_suffix(file_suffix, restart_type) endif !*** must split concatenation operator to avoid preprocessor mangling write_restart_filename = trim(restart_outfile)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(file_suffix) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create output file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- restart_file = construct_file(restart_fmt, & full_name=trim(write_restart_filename), & record_length=rec_type_dbl, & recl_words=nx_global*ny_global) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! scalar variables in restart file are output as file attributes ! so define them here ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** query time_flag routine for present value of lcoupled_ts lcoupled_ts = check_time_flag (restart_cpl_ts) !*** add defaults as file attributes call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'runid', runid ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear', iyear ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth', imonth ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday', iday ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour', ihour ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute', iminute ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond', isecond ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iyear0', iyear0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'imonth0', imonth0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday0', iday0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ihour0', ihour0 ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iminute0', iminute0) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'isecond0', isecond0) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'dtt', dtt ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year', iday_of_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'iday_of_year_last', & iday_of_year_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days', elapsed_days) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_months', elapsed_months) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_years', elapsed_years) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'elapsed_days_this_year', & elapsed_days_this_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day', & seconds_this_day) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_day_next', & seconds_this_day_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year', & seconds_this_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_this_year_next', & seconds_this_year_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'nsteps_total', & nsteps_total) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod' , eod ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eod_last', eod_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom' , eom ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_last', eom_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eom_next', eom_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy' , eoy ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'eoy_last', eoy_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'midnight_last', midnight_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'adjust_year_next', & adjust_year_next) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newday' , newday ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'newhour', newhour ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'leapyear',leapyear) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_year', days_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'days_in_prior_year', & days_in_prior_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'seconds_in_year', & seconds_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'hours_in_year', hours_in_year) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'tlast_ice', tlast_ice ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'lcoupled_ts', lcoupled_ts) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'shf_interp_last', & shf_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sfwf_interp_last', & sfwf_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ws_interp_last', & ws_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ap_interp_last', & ap_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'pt_interior_interp_last', & pt_interior_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 's_interior_interp_last', & s_interior_interp_last) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'sum_precip' , sum_precip ) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'precip_fact', precip_fact) call add_attrib_file(restart_file, 'ssh_initial', ssh_initial) short_name = char_blank do k=1,km write(short_name,'(a11,i3.3)') 'sal_initial',k call add_attrib_file(restart_file,trim(short_name),sal_initial(k)) end do if (nt > 2) call write_restart_passive_tracers(restart_file,'add_attrib_file') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! open a file (also writes scalars as attributes to file) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set(restart_file, 'open') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! construct all fields to be written ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** define dimensions i_dim = construct_io_dim('i', nx_global) j_dim = construct_io_dim('j', ny_global) k_dim = construct_io_dim('k', km) UBTROP_CUR = construct_io_field('UBTROP_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='U barotropic velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =UBTROP(:,:,curtime,:)) UBTROP_OLD = construct_io_field('UBTROP_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='U barotropic velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =UBTROP(:,:,oldtime,:)) VBTROP_CUR = construct_io_field('VBTROP_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='V barotropic velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =VBTROP(:,:,curtime,:)) VBTROP_OLD = construct_io_field('VBTROP_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='V barotropic velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =VBTROP(:,:,oldtime,:)) PSURF_CUR = construct_io_field('PSURF_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='surface pressure at current time', & units ='dyne/cm2', & grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array =PSURF(:,:,curtime,:)) PSURF_OLD = construct_io_field('PSURF_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='surface pressure at old time', & units ='dyne/cm2', & grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array =PSURF(:,:,oldtime,:)) GRADPX_CUR = construct_io_field('GRADPX_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in x at current time',& units ='dyne/cm3', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =GRADPX(:,:,curtime,:)) GRADPX_OLD = construct_io_field('GRADPX_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in x at old time', & units ='dyne/cm3', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =GRADPX(:,:,oldtime,:)) GRADPY_CUR = construct_io_field('GRADPY_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in y at current time',& units ='dyne/cm3', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =GRADPY(:,:,curtime,:)) GRADPY_OLD = construct_io_field('GRADPY_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='sfc press gradient in y at old time', & units ='dyne/cm3', & grid_loc ='2220', & d2d_array =GRADPY(:,:,oldtime,:)) PGUESSd = construct_io_field('PGUESS', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='guess for sfc pressure at new time', & units ='dyne/cm2', & grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array =PGUESS) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then FW_OLDd = construct_io_field('FW_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='fresh water input at old time', & grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array = FW_OLD) FW_FREEZEd = construct_io_field('FW_FREEZE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='water flux due to frazil ice formation',& grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array = FW_FREEZE) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then QFLUXd = construct_io_field('QFLUX', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation',& grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array = QFLUX) else AQICEd = construct_io_field('AQICE', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, & long_name='accumulated ice melt/heat', & grid_loc ='2110', & d2d_array = AQICE) endif endif UVEL_CUR = construct_io_field('UVEL_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='U velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & d3d_array = UVEL(:,:,:,curtime,:)) UVEL_OLD = construct_io_field('UVEL_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='U velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & d3d_array = UVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,:)) VVEL_CUR = construct_io_field('VVEL_CUR', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='V velocity at current time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & d3d_array = VVEL(:,:,:,curtime,:)) VVEL_OLD = construct_io_field('VVEL_OLD', dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim,& long_name='V velocity at old time', & units ='cm/s', & grid_loc ='3221', & d3d_array = VVEL(:,:,:,oldtime,:)) do n=1,nt short_name = char_blank short_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name)/& &/'_CUR' long_name = char_blank long_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%long_name)/& &/' at current time' TRACER_CUR(n) = construct_io_field(trim(short_name), & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name=trim(long_name), & units =trim(tracer_d(n)%units), & grid_loc ='3111', & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,n,curtime,:)) end do do n=1,nt short_name = char_blank short_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name)/& &/'_OLD' long_name = char_blank long_name = trim(tracer_d(n)%long_name)/& &/' at old time' TRACER_OLD(n) = construct_io_field(trim(short_name), & dim1=i_dim, dim2=j_dim, dim3=k_dim, & long_name=trim(long_name), & units =trim(tracer_d(n)%units), & grid_loc ='3111', & d3d_array = TRACER(:,:,:,n,oldtime,:)) end do !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! define all fields to be read ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !*** must call in this order for back compatibility call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PSURF_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PSURF_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPX_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPX_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPY_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', GRADPY_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', PGUESSd) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then call data_set (restart_file, 'define', FW_OLDd) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', FW_FREEZEd) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then call data_set (restart_file, 'define', QFLUXd) else call data_set (restart_file, 'define', AQICEd) endif endif call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', UVEL_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', VVEL_OLD) do n=1,nt call data_set (restart_file, 'define', TRACER_CUR(n)) call data_set (restart_file, 'define', TRACER_OLD(n)) end do if (nt > 2) call write_restart_passive_tracers(restart_file,'define') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! now we actually write each field ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (restart_file, 'write', UBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', UBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', VBTROP_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', VBTROP_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', PSURF_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', PSURF_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', GRADPX_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', GRADPX_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', GRADPY_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', GRADPY_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', PGUESSd) if (sfc_layer_type == sfc_layer_varthick) then call data_set (restart_file, 'write', FW_OLDd) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', FW_FREEZEd) endif if (liceform) then if (lcoupled_ts) then call data_set (restart_file, 'write', QFLUXd) else call data_set (restart_file, 'write', AQICEd) endif endif call data_set (restart_file, 'write', UVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', UVEL_OLD) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', VVEL_CUR) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', VVEL_OLD) do n=1,nt call data_set (restart_file, 'write', TRACER_CUR(n)) call data_set (restart_file, 'write', TRACER_OLD(n)) end do if (nt > 2) call write_restart_passive_tracers(restart_file,'write') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! close and destroy file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call data_set (restart_file, 'close') if (my_task == master_task) then write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' restart file written: ', trim(write_restart_filename) endif call destroy_file(restart_file) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! if pointer files are used, write filename to pointer file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (luse_pointer_files) then call get_unit(nu) if (my_task == master_task) then restart_pointer_file = trim(pointer_filename)/& &/'.restart' open(nu, file=restart_pointer_file, form='formatted', & status='unknown') write(nu,'(a)') trim(write_restart_filename) write(nu,'(a,a)') 'RESTART_FMT=',trim(restart_fmt) close(nu) write(stdout,blank_fmt) write(stdout,*) ' restart pointer file written: ',trim(restart_pointer_file) call POP_IOUnitsFlush(POP_stdout) ; call POP_IOUnitsFlush(stdout) endif call release_unit(nu) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! finished writing file ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- endif ! lrestart_write !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine write_restart !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: init_restart ! !INTERFACE: subroutine init_restart 1,23 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Initializes quantities associated with writing all the data ! necessary for restarting a simulation. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variables and input namelist ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & n, &! tracer loop index nml_error ! namelist i/o error flag character (POP_charLength) :: & restart_freq_opt, &! input option for freq of restart dumps restart_start_opt ! choice for starting regular restart writes character (POP_charLength), parameter :: & start_fmt = "('regular restart writes will start at ',a,i8)" namelist /restart_nml/ restart_freq_opt, restart_freq, & restart_outfile, restart_fmt, & leven_odd_on, even_odd_freq, & pressure_correction, & restart_start_opt, restart_start !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! register init_restart ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call register_string('init_restart') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! read namelist input and broadcast variables ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- restart_outfile = 'd' restart_fmt = 'bin' restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never restart_start_iopt= start_opt_nstep restart_start = 0 restart_freq = 100000 leven_odd_on = .false. even_odd_freq = 100000 pressure_correction = .false. if (my_task == master_task) then open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error) if (nml_error /= 0) then nml_error = -1 else nml_error = 1 endif do while (nml_error > 0) read(nml_in, nml=restart_nml,iostat=nml_error) end do if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in) endif call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task) if (nml_error /= 0) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: reading restart_nml' call document ('init_restart', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) endif if (my_task == master_task) then select case (restart_freq_opt) case ('never') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_never case ('nyear') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nyear case ('nmonth') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nmonth case ('nday') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nday case ('nhour') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nhour case ('nsecond') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nsecond case ('nstep') restart_freq_iopt = freq_opt_nstep case default restart_freq_iopt = -1000 end select if (restart_freq_iopt /= freq_opt_never) then select case (restart_start_opt) case ('nstep') restart_start_iopt = start_opt_nstep write(stdout,start_fmt) 'step ', restart_start case ('nday') restart_start_iopt = start_opt_nday write(stdout,start_fmt) 'day ', restart_start case ('nyear') restart_start_iopt = start_opt_nyear write(stdout,start_fmt) 'year ', restart_start case ('date') restart_start_iopt = start_opt_date write(stdout,start_fmt) ' ', restart_start case default restart_start_iopt = -1000 end select endif endif call broadcast_scalar (restart_outfile, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (restart_freq_iopt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (restart_freq, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (restart_start_iopt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (restart_start, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (restart_fmt, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (leven_odd_on, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (even_odd_freq, master_task) call broadcast_scalar (pressure_correction, master_task) if (restart_freq_iopt == -1000) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown restart frequency option' call document ('init_restart', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) else if (restart_start_iopt == -1000) then exit_string = 'FATAL ERROR: unknown restart start option' call document ('init_restart', exit_string) call exit_POP (sigAbort, exit_string, out_unit=stdout) else if (restart_freq_iopt == freq_opt_never) then lrestart_on = .false. else lrestart_on = .true. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! create some time flags ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_time_flag('restart',restart_flag, default=.false., & owner = 'init_restart', & freq_opt = restart_freq_iopt, & freq = restart_freq) if (leven_odd_on) then last_even_odd = even call init_time_flag('evenodd', evenodd_flag, default=.false., & owner = 'init_restart', & freq_opt = freq_opt_nstep, & freq = even_odd_freq) else call init_time_flag('evenodd',evenodd_flag, default=.false., & owner = 'init_restart', & freq_opt = freq_opt_never, & freq = even_odd_freq) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! get handle for time flags defined in other modules ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call access_time_flag('cpl_write_restart',cpl_write_restart) call access_time_flag('coupled_ts',restart_cpl_ts) call access_time_flag('stop_now',out_stop_now) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine init_restart !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: create_restart_suffix ! !INTERFACE: subroutine create_restart_suffix(file_suffix, restart_type) 1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Determines suffix to append to restart files based on restart type. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & restart_type ! type of restart file to be written ! (restart,even,odd,end) ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (POP_charLength), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variable ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & cindx, cindx2, &! indices into character strings len_date ! length of date string character (POP_charLength) :: & char_temp ! temp character space character (10) :: & cdate ! date string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! clear character strings ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank char_temp = char_blank !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for even, odd, or end, simply add the appropriate string ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (trim(restart_type)) case('end') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.end' case('even') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.even' case('odd') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.odd' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for a regular restart file, append a date/time string ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case('restart') if (date_separator == ' ') then len_date = 8 cdate(1:4) = cyear cdate(5:6) = cmonth cdate(7:8) = cday cdate(9:10)= ' ' else len_date = 10 cdate(1:4) = cyear cdate(5:5) = date_separator cdate(6:7) = cmonth cdate(8:8) = date_separator cdate(9:10) = cday endif select case (restart_freq_iopt) case (freq_opt_nyear, freq_opt_nmonth, freq_opt_nday) !*** append the date after the runid file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(cdate) case (freq_opt_nhour) !*** append the date to runid and add hour write(file_suffix,'(i2)') ihour char_temp = adjustl(file_suffix) file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(cdate)/& &/'.h'/& &/trim(char_temp) case (freq_opt_nsecond) !*** append the date to runid and the elapsed seconds in day write (file_suffix,'(i6)') isecond char_temp = adjustl(file_suffix) file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(cdate)/& &/'.s'/& &/trim(char_temp) case (freq_opt_nstep) !*** append the step number write (file_suffix,'(i10)') nsteps_total char_temp = adjustl(file_suffix) file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.'/& &/trim(char_temp) case default file_suffix = trim(runid) end select end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine create_restart_suffix !*********************************************************************** !BOP ! !IROUTINE: create_restart_suffix_ccsm ! !INTERFACE: subroutine create_restart_suffix_ccsm(file_suffix, restart_type,in_freq_opt) 1,1 ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Determines suffix to append to CCSM restart files based on restart type. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! same as module ! !INPUT PARAMETERS: character (*), intent(in) :: & restart_type ! type of restart file to be written ! (restart,even,odd,end) integer (POP_i4), intent(in) :: & in_freq_opt ! type of ccsm date string ! (annual, monthly, daily, or instantaneous) ! !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: character (POP_charLength), intent(out) :: & file_suffix ! suffix to append to root filename !EOP !BOC !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! local variable ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer (POP_i4) :: & cindx, cindx2, &! indices into character strings len_date ! length of date string character (POP_charLength) :: & char_temp, &! temp character space ccsm_date_string character (10) :: & cdate ! date string !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! clear character strings ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- file_suffix = char_blank char_temp = char_blank !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for even, odd, or end, simply add the appropriate string ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (trim(restart_type)) case('end') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.end' case('even') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.even' case('odd') file_suffix = trim(runid)/& &/'.odd' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for a regular restart file, append a date/time string ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- case('restart') char_temp = char_blank file_suffix = char_blank select case (in_freq_opt) case (freq_opt_nyear) char_temp = 'y' case (freq_opt_nmonth) char_temp = 'ym' case (freq_opt_nday) char_temp = 'ymd' case (freq_opt_nhour) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nsecond) char_temp = 'ymds' case (freq_opt_nstep) char_temp = 'ymds' case default char_temp = 'ymds' end select call ccsm_date_stamp (ccsm_date_string, char_temp) file_suffix = trim(ccsm_date_string) end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! for a restart file in netCDF format, append the suffix '.nc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- select case (trim(restart_fmt)) case('nc') file_suffix = trim(file_suffix)/& &/'.'/& &/'nc' end select !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !EOC end subroutine create_restart_suffix_ccsm !*********************************************************************** end module restart !|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||