
 module vmix_kpp 6,18

! !MODULE: vmix_kpp
!  This module contains routines for initializing and computing
!  vertical mixing coefficients for the KPP parameterization
!  (see Large, McWilliams and Doney, Reviews of Geophysics, 32, 363 
!  November 1994).
!  SVN:$Id: vmix_kpp.F90 22881 2010-05-11 04:23:39Z njn01 $

! !USES:

   use kinds_mod
   use blocks
   use distribution
   use domain_size
   use domain
   use constants
   use grid
   use broadcast
   use io
   use state_mod
   use exit_mod
   use sw_absorption
   use tavg, only: define_tavg_field, tavg_requested, accumulate_tavg_field
   use io_types, only: stdout
   use communicate, only: my_task, master_task
   use tidal_mixing, only: TIDAL_COEF, tidal_mix_max, ltidal_mixing
   use registry
   use prognostic
   use time_management

   implicit none

   public :: init_vmix_kpp,   &
             vmix_coeffs_kpp, &
             add_kpp_sources, &
             smooth_hblt,     &


   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable, public :: & 
      HMXL,               &! mixed layer depth
      KPP_HBLT,           &! boundary layer depth
      BOLUS_SP             ! scaled eddy-induced (bolus) speed used in inertial
                           !  mixing parameterization

   real (r8), public ::   &
      bckgrnd_vdc2         ! variation in diffusivity

!  mixing constants

   real (r8) :: &
      rich_mix         ! coefficient for rich number term

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
      bckgrnd_vvc,    &! background value for viscosity
      bckgrnd_vdc      ! background value for diffusivity

   logical (log_kind) :: &
      lrich,             &! flag for computing Ri-dependent mixing
      ldbl_diff,         &! flag for computing double-diffusive mixing
      lshort_wave,       &! flag for computing short-wave forcing
      lcheckekmo,        &! check Ekman, Monin-Obhukov depth limit
      llangmuir,         &! flag for using Langmuir parameterization
      linertial,         &! flag for using inertial mixing parameterization
      lccsm_control_compatible !flag for backwards compatibility with ccsm4 control

   integer (int_kind) :: & 
      num_v_smooth_Ri     ! num of times to vertically smooth Ri

   real (r8), parameter :: &
      epssfc = 0.1_r8       ! non-dimensional extent of sfc layer

   real (r8) ::           &
      Prandtl              ! Prandtl number

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
      FSTOKES        ! ratio of stokes velocity to ustar used in Langmuir 
                     !  parameterization

!  non-local mixing (counter-gradient mixing), treated as source term

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: & 
      KPP_SRC              ! non-local mixing (treated as source term)

!  parameters for subroutine bldepth: computes bndy layer depth 
!  concv   = ratio of interior buoyancy frequency to 
!            buoyancy frequency at entrainment depth
!            parameter statement sets the minimum value.

  real (r8), dimension(km) ::  &
      Ricr                   ! crit Rich no. for bndy layer depth
                             ! as a function of vertical resolution

   real (r8), parameter :: &
      cekman = 0.7_r8,      &! coefficient for Ekman depth
      cmonob = 1.0_r8,      &! coefficient for Monin-Obukhov depth
      concv  = 1.7_r8,      &! minimum allowed value
      hbf    = 1.0_r8        ! frac of layer affected by sol forcing

!  parameters for subroutine ri_iwmix which computes
!  vertical mixing coefficients below boundary layer due to shear
!  instabilities, internal waves and convection

   real (r8), parameter :: &
      Riinfty = 0.8_r8,    &! Rich. no. limit for shear instab.
      BVSQcon = c0          ! Brunt-Vaisala square cutoff(s**-2)

!  parameters for subroutine ddmix (double-diffusive mixing)

   real (r8), parameter :: &
      Rrho0  = 2.55_r8,     &! limit for double-diff density ratio
      dsfmax = 1.0_r8        ! max diffusivity for salt fingering

!  parameters for subroutine blmix: mixing within boundary layer
!  cstar   = proportionality coefficient for nonlocal transport
!  cg      = non-dimensional coefficient for counter-gradient term

   real (r8), parameter :: &
      cstar = 10.0_r8       ! coeff for nonlocal transport

   real (r8) :: &
      cg,       &! coefficient for counter-gradient term
      Vtc        ! resolution and buoyancy independent part of the
                 ! turbulent velocity shear coefficient (for bulk Ri no)

!  parameters for velocity scale function (from Large et al.)

   real (r8), parameter ::   &
      zeta_m = -0.2_r8,      &
      zeta_s = -1.0_r8,      &
      c_m    =  8.38_r8,     &
      c_s    =  98.96_r8,    &
      a_m    =  1.26_r8,     &
      a_s    = -28.86_r8

!  common vertical grid arrays used by KPP mixing

   real (r8), dimension(:), allocatable :: & 
      zgrid,               &! depth at cell interfaces
      hwide                 ! layer thickness at interfaces

!  ids for tavg diagnostics computed in this module

   integer (int_kind) ::   &
      tavg_QSW_HBL,        &! tavg id for solar short-wave heat flux in bndry layer
      tavg_VDC_BCK,        &! tavg id for bckgrnd vertical tracer diffusivity
      tavg_VVC_BCK,        &! tavg id for bckgrnd vertical momentum viscosity
      tavg_KVMIX,          &! tavg id for tidal+bckgrnd vertical tracer diffusivity
      tavg_KVMIX_M,        &! tavg id for tidal+bckgrnd vertical momentum viscosity

   integer (int_kind), dimension(nt) :: &
      tavg_KPP_SRC          ! tavg id for KPP_SRC for each tracer

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
      TIDAL_DIFF            ! diffusivity due to tidal mixing 



! !IROUTINE: init_vmix_kpp

 subroutine init_vmix_kpp(VDC, VVC) 1,29

!  Initializes constants and reads options for the KPP parameterization.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: &
      VVC        ! viscosity for momentum diffusion

   real (r8), dimension(:,:,0:,:,:),intent(inout) :: &
      VDC        ! diffusivity for tracer diffusion

!  local variables and namelist inputs

   integer (int_kind) ::  &
      n,                  &! local dummy index for tracer
      k,                  &! local dummy index for vertical lvl
      i, j, iblock,       &! local dummy indexes
      nml_error            ! namelist i/o error flag

   real (r8) ::           &
      bckgrnd_vdc1,       &! background diffusivity (Ledwell)  
      bckgrnd_vdc_eq,     &! equatorial diffusivity (Gregg)
      bckgrnd_vdc_psim,   &! Max. PSI induced diffusivity (MacKinnon)
      bckgrnd_vdc_psin,   &! PSI diffusivity in northern hemisphere
      bckgrnd_vdc_psis,   &! PSI diffusivity in southern hemisphere
      bckgrnd_vdc_ban,    &! Banda Sea diffusivity (Gordon)
      bckgrnd_vdc_dpth,   &! depth at which diff equals vdc1
      bckgrnd_vdc_linv,   &! inverse length for transition region
      tlatd,              &! tlat * radian  (degrees)
      tlond                ! tlon * radian  (degrees)

   logical (log_kind) ::  &

   namelist /vmix_kpp_nml/bckgrnd_vdc1, bckgrnd_vdc2,           &
                          bckgrnd_vdc_eq, bckgrnd_vdc_psim,     &
                          bckgrnd_vdc_ban,                      &
                          bckgrnd_vdc_dpth, bckgrnd_vdc_linv,   &
                          Prandtl, rich_mix,                    &
                          num_v_smooth_Ri, lrich, ldbl_diff,    &
                          lshort_wave, lcheckekmo,              &
                          lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd, llangmuir,    &

   character (16), parameter :: &
      fmt_real = '(a30,2x,1pe12.5)'

   character (11), parameter :: &
      fmt_log  = '(a30,2x,l7)'

   character (11), parameter :: &
      fmt_int  = '(a30,2x,i5)'

   character (char_len) :: &
      string, string2

!  set defaults for mixing coefficients, then read them from namelist

   bckgrnd_vdc1           = 0.1_r8
   bckgrnd_vdc2           = c0
   bckgrnd_vdc_eq         = 0.01_r8
   bckgrnd_vdc_psim       = 0.13_r8
   bckgrnd_vdc_ban        = c1
   bckgrnd_vdc_dpth       = 2500.0e02_r8
   bckgrnd_vdc_linv       = 4.5e-05_r8
   Prandtl                = 10.0_r8
   rich_mix               = 50.0_r8
   lrich                  = .true.
   ldbl_diff              = .false.
   lshort_wave            = .false.
   lcheckekmo             = .false.
   lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd = .false.
   llangmuir              = .false.
   linertial              = .false.
   num_v_smooth_Ri        = 1

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      open (nml_in, file=nml_filename, status='old',iostat=nml_error)
      if (nml_error /= 0) then
         nml_error = -1
         nml_error =  1
      do while (nml_error > 0)
         read(nml_in, nml=vmix_kpp_nml, iostat=nml_error)
      end do
      if (nml_error == 0) close(nml_in)

   call broadcast_scalar(nml_error, master_task)
   if (nml_error /= 0) then
      call exit_POP(sigAbort,'ERROR (init_vmix_kpp) reading vmix_kpp_nml')

   if (my_task == master_task) then
      write(stdout,*) ' vmix_kpp_nml namelist settings:'

      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc1              =', bckgrnd_vdc1
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc2              =', bckgrnd_vdc2
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc_dpth          =', bckgrnd_vdc_dpth
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc_linv          =', bckgrnd_vdc_linv
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc_eq            =', bckgrnd_vdc_eq
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc_psim          =', bckgrnd_vdc_psim
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  bckgrnd_vdc_ban           =', bckgrnd_vdc_ban
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  Prandtl                   =', Prandtl
      write(stdout,fmt_real) '  rich_mix                  =', rich_mix
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  Ri mixing                 =', lrich
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  double-diff               =', ldbl_diff
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  short_wave                =', lshort_wave
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  lcheckekmo                =', lcheckekmo
      write(stdout,fmt_int ) '  num_smooth_Ri             =', num_v_smooth_Ri
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd    =', lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  langmuir parameterization =', llangmuir
      write(stdout,fmt_log ) '  inertial mixing param.    =', linertial

   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc1,          master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc2,          master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc_dpth,      master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc_linv,      master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc_eq  ,      master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc_psim,      master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(bckgrnd_vdc_ban ,      master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(Prandtl,               master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(rich_mix,              master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(num_v_smooth_Ri,       master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(lrich,                 master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(ldbl_diff,             master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(lshort_wave,           master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(lcheckekmo,            master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd,master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(llangmuir,             master_task)
   call broadcast_scalar(linertial,             master_task)

!  determine if this case must be backwards compatible with ccsm4 control

   lccsm_control_compatible = registry_match('lccsm_control_compatible')

!  define some non-dimensional constants 

   Vtc     = sqrt(0.2_r8/c_s/epssfc)/vonkar**2
   cg      = cstar*vonkar*(c_s*vonkar*epssfc)**p33

!  define vertical grid coordinates and cell widths
!  compute horizontally or vertically varying background 
!  (internal wave) diffusivity and viscosity
!  the vertical profile has the functional form
!  BCKGRND_VDC(z) = vdc1 + vdc2*atan((|z| - dpth)/L) or
!                 = vdc1 + vdc2*atan((|z| - dpth)*linv)
!    where
!  vdc1 = vertical diffusivity at |z|=D              (cm^2/s)
!  vdc2 = amplitude of variation                     (cm^2/s)
!  linv = inverse length scale for transition region (1/cm)
!  dpth = depth where diffusivity is vdc1            (cm)
!  the viscosity has the same form but multiplied by a constant
!  Prandtl number

!  if tidal mixing is on, use vertically constant (internal wave)
!  background diffusivity and viscosity (see consistency testing in POP_check)

   if (bckgrnd_vdc2 /= c0 .and. my_task == master_task) then
      write (stdout,blank_fmt)
      write (stdout,'(a43)') &
            'Vertical Profile for background diffusivity'

!  error checking

   if (lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd .and. bckgrnd_vdc2 /= c0) then
      call exit_POP (sigAbort,  &
       'ERROR (init_vmix_kpp): lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd .and. bckgrnd_vdc2 /= c0')

!  initialize grid info (only need one block since the vertical grid is
!  the same across blocks)

   allocate  (zgrid(0:km+1), hwide(0:km+1))

   zgrid(0) = eps
   hwide(0) = eps
   do k=1,km
      zgrid(k) = -zt(k)
      hwide(k) =  dz(k)
   zgrid(km+1) = -zw(km)
   hwide(km+1) = eps

   allocate  (bckgrnd_vvc(nx_block,ny_block,km,nblocks_clinic))
   allocate  (bckgrnd_vdc(nx_block,ny_block,km,nblocks_clinic))

   if (lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd) then
     k = 1
     do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic
     do j=1,ny_block
     do i=1,nx_block

      tlatd = TLAT(i,j,iblock)*radian
      tlond = TLON(i,j,iblock)*radian

      bckgrnd_vdc_psis= bckgrnd_vdc_psim*exp(-(0.4_r8*(tlatd+28.9_r8))**c2)  
      bckgrnd_vdc_psin= bckgrnd_vdc_psim*exp(-(0.4_r8*(tlatd-28.9_r8))**c2)  


      if ( tlatd .lt. -10.0_r8 ) then
        bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) = bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) + bckgrnd_vdc1
      elseif  ( tlatd .le. 10.0_r8 ) then
        bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) = bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) +         &
        bckgrnd_vdc1 * (tlatd/10.0_r8)**c2
        bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock)=bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) + bckgrnd_vdc1       
      ! North Banda Sea

      if ( (tlatd .lt. -1.0_r8)  .and. (tlatd .gt. -4.0_r8)  .and.  & 
           (tlond .gt. 103.0_r8) .and. (tlond .lt. 134.0_r8)) then
           bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) = bckgrnd_vdc_ban

      ! Middle Banda Sea

      if ( (tlatd .le. -4.0_r8)  .and. (tlatd .gt. -7.0_r8)  .and.  & 
           (tlond .gt. 106.0_r8) .and. (tlond .lt. 140.0_r8)) then
           bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) = bckgrnd_vdc_ban

      ! South Banda Sea

      if ( (tlatd .le. -7.0_r8)  .and. (tlatd .gt. -8.3_r8)  .and.  & 
           (tlond .gt. 111.0_r8) .and. (tlond .lt. 142.0_r8)) then
           bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock) = bckgrnd_vdc_ban

      bckgrnd_vvc(i,j,k,iblock) = Prandtl*bckgrnd_vdc(i,j,k,iblock)

     end do ! i
     end do ! j
     end do ! iblock

     do k=2,km
      bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,:) = bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,1,:)
      bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,:) = bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,1,:)


!  only need one block since the vertical grid is the same across blocks
    do k=1,km
      bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,:) = bckgrnd_vdc1 + bckgrnd_vdc2* &
                       atan(bckgrnd_vdc_linv*       &
      bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,:) = Prandtl*bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,:)

      if (bckgrnd_vdc2 /= c0 .and. my_task == master_task) then
        write (stdout,'(2x,e12.6)') bckgrnd_vdc(1,1,k,1)
    end do
   endif ! lhoriz_varying_bckgrnd

!  compute crit Rich number for bndy layer depth as a function
!  of model vertical resolution. note that hwide is in cm.

      Ricr(1:km) = 0.3_r8

!  allocate and initialize KPP-specific arrays

   allocate (HMXL     (nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), &
             KPP_HBLT (nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic), &
             KPP_SRC  (nx_block,ny_block,km,nt,nblocks_clinic))

   HMXL     = c0
   KPP_HBLT = c0
   KPP_SRC  = c0
   VDC      = c0
   VVC      = c0

   if ( ltidal_mixing ) then
     allocate ( TIDAL_DIFF(nx_block,ny_block,km,nblocks_clinic) ) 
     TIDAL_DIFF = c0

!  allocate and initialize the eddy-induced speed array

   if ( linertial ) then

     allocate ( BOLUS_SP(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic) )

     BOLUS_SP = c0


!  allocate and initialize ratio of stokes velocity to ustar 

   allocate (FSTOKES(nx_block,ny_block,nblocks_clinic))

   do iblock=1,nblocks_clinic
     FSTOKES(:,:,iblock) = 11._r8 - MAX( c5*cos(c3*TLAT(:,:,iblock)) , c0 )

!  define tavg fields computed from vmix_kpp module routines

   string = 'Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_QSW_HBL,'QSW_HBL',2,           &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='watt/m^2', grid_loc='2110',  &
                          coordinates='TLONG TLAT time')

   if (ltidal_mixing) then
     string = 'Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to Tidal Mixing + background'
     string = 'Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to background'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_KVMIX,'KVMIX',3,               &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='centimeter^2/s',             &
                          grid_loc='3113',                    &
                          coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_w_bot time' ) 

   string = 'Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to background'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_VDC_BCK,'VDC_BCK',3,               &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='centimeter^2/s',             &
                          grid_loc='3113',                    &
                          coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_w_bot time' ) 

   if (ltidal_mixing) then
     string = 'Vertical viscosity due to Tidal Mixing + background'
     string = 'Vertical viscosity due to background'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_KVMIX_M,'KVMIX_M',3,               &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='centimeter^2/s',             &
                          grid_loc='3113',                    &
                          coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_w_bot time' )

   string = 'Vertical viscosity due to background'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_VVC_BCK,'VVC_BCK',3,               &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='centimeter^2/s',             &
                          grid_loc='3113',                    &
                          coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_w_bot time' )

   string = 'Energy Used by Vertical Mixing'
   call define_tavg_field(tavg_TPOWER,'TPOWER',3,             &
                          long_name=trim(string),             &
                          units='erg/s',                      &
                          grid_loc='3113',                    &
                          coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_w_bot time' ) 

   do n = 1,nt
     string  = 'KPP_SRC_' /&
               &/ trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name)
     string2 = trim(tracer_d(n)%short_name) /&
               &/ ' tendency from KPP non local mixing term'
     call define_tavg_field(tavg_KPP_SRC(n),trim(string),3,     &
                            long_name=trim(string2),            &
                            units=trim(tracer_d(n)%tend_units), &
                            grid_loc='3111',                    &
                            coordinates  ='TLONG TLAT z_t time' ) 


 call flushm (stdout)

 end subroutine init_vmix_kpp

! !IROUTINE: vmix_coeffs_kpp

 subroutine vmix_coeffs_kpp(VDC, VVC, TRCR, UUU, VVV, RHOMIX, STF, SHF_QSW, & 2,8
                            this_block, convect_diff, convect_visc, &
                            SMF, SMFT)

!  This is the main driver routine which calculates the vertical
!  mixing coefficients for the KPP mixing scheme as outlined in 
!  Large, McWilliams and Doney, Reviews of Geophysics, 32, 363 
!  (November 1994).  The non-local mixing is also computed here, but
!  is treated as a source term in baroclinic.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
      TRCR                ! tracers at current time

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      UUU,VVV             ! velocities at current time

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      RHOMIX              ! density at mix time

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(in) :: &
      STF                 ! surface forcing for all tracers

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
      SHF_QSW             ! short-wave forcing

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2), intent(in), optional :: &
      SMF,               &! surface momentum forcing at U points
      SMFT                ! surface momentum forcing at T points
                         ! *** either one or the other (not
                         ! *** both) should be passed

   real (r8), intent(in) :: &
      convect_diff,      &! diffusivity to mimic convection
      convect_visc        ! viscosity   to mimic convection

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(inout) ::      &
      VVC        ! viscosity for momentum diffusion

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,2),intent(inout) :: &
      VDC        ! diffusivity for tracer diffusion

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      k,                 &! vertical level index 
      i,j,               &! horizontal loop indices
      n,                 &! tracer index
      mt2,               &! index for separating temp from other trcrs
      bid                 ! local block address for this block

   integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      KBL                   ! index of first lvl below hbl

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      USTAR,      &! surface friction velocity
      BFSFC,      &! surface buoyancy forcing
      WORK1,WORK2,&! temporary storage
      FCON,       &! convection temporary
      STABLE       ! = 1 for stable forcing; = 0 for unstable forcing
   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km) :: &
      DBLOC,      &! buoyancy difference between adjacent levels
      DBSFC,      &! buoyancy difference between level and surface
      GHAT         ! non-local mixing coefficient

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1) :: &
      VISC        ! local temp for viscosity

!  initialize

   bid = this_block%local_id

   if (.not. present(SMF) .and. .not. present(SMFT)) &
      call exit_POP(sigAbort, &
                    'ERROR KPP: must supply either SMF or SMFT')

!  compute buoyancy differences at each vertical level.

   call buoydiff(DBLOC, DBSFC, TRCR, this_block)

!  compute mixing due to shear instability, internal waves and
!  convection

   call ri_iwmix(DBLOC, VISC, VDC, UUU, VVV, RHOMIX,&
                 convect_diff, convect_visc, this_block)

!  compute double diffusion if desired

   if (ldbl_diff) call ddmix(VDC, TRCR, this_block)

!     compute boundary layer depth

   if (present(SMFT)) then
      call bldepth (DBLOC, DBSFC, TRCR, UUU, VVV, STF, SHF_QSW,   &
                    KPP_HBLT(:,:,bid), USTAR, BFSFC, STABLE, KBL, & 
                    this_block, SMFT=SMFT)
      call bldepth (DBLOC, DBSFC, TRCR, UUU, VVV, STF, SHF_QSW,   &
                    KPP_HBLT(:,:,bid), USTAR, BFSFC, STABLE, KBL, & 
                    this_block, SMF=SMF)

!  compute boundary layer diffusivities

   call blmix(VISC, VDC, KPP_HBLT(:,:,bid), USTAR, BFSFC, STABLE, &
              KBL, GHAT, this_block) 

!  consider interior convection:
!    compute function of Brunt-Vaisala squared for convection.
!  use either a smooth    
!    WORK1 = N**2,  FCON is function of N**2
!    FCON = 0 for N**2 > 0
!    FCON = [1-(1-WORK1/BVSQcon)**2]**3 for BVSQcon < N**2 < 0
!    FCON = 1 for N**2 < BVSQcon
!  or a step function. The smooth function has been used with
!  BVSQcon = -0.2e-4_dbl_kind.
!  after convection, average viscous coeffs to U-grid and reset sea 
!  floor values

   do k=1,km-1           

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         WORK1 = DBLOC(:,:,k)/(p5*(DZT(:,:,k  ,bid) + &
         WORK1 = DBLOC(:,:,k)/(zgrid(k) - zgrid(k+1))
      end if

      if (BVSQcon /= c0) then
         WORK2 = min(c1-(max(WORK1,BVSQcon))/BVSQcon, c1)
         FCON  = (c1 - WORK2*WORK2)**3
         where (WORK1 > c0)
            FCON = c0
            FCON = c1
         end where

      !*** add convection and reset sea floor values to zero

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if ( k >= KBL(i,j) ) then
            VISC(i,j,k)  = VISC(i,j,k)  + convect_visc * FCON(i,j)
            VDC(i,j,k,1) = VDC(i,j,k,1) + convect_diff * FCON(i,j)
            VDC(i,j,k,2) = VDC(i,j,k,2) + convect_diff * FCON(i,j)
         if (k >= KMT(i,j,bid)) then
         	  VISC(i,j,k  ) = c0
            VDC (i,j,k,1) = c0
            VDC (i,j,k,2) = c0
      end do
      end do

      !*** now average visc to U grid 
      call tgrid_to_ugrid(WORK2,VISC(:,:,k),bid)

      VVC(:,:,k) = merge(WORK2, c0, (k < KMU(:,:,bid)))


   VDC(:,:,km,:) = c0
   VVC(:,:,km)   = c0

!  add ghatp term from previous computation to right-hand-side 
!  source term on current row

   do n=1,nt
      KPP_SRC(:,:,1,n,bid) = STF(:,:,n)/dz(1)           &
      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         do k=2,km
            KPP_SRC(:,:,k,n,bid) = STF(:,:,n)/DZT(:,:,k,bid)         &
                                 *( VDC(:,:,k-1,mt2)*GHAT(:,:,k-1)   &
                                   -VDC(:,:,k  ,mt2)*GHAT(:,:,k  ))
         do k=2,km
            KPP_SRC(:,:,k,n,bid) = STF(:,:,n)/dz(k)                  &
                                 *( VDC(:,:,k-1,mt2)*GHAT(:,:,k-1)   &
                                   -VDC(:,:,k  ,mt2)*GHAT(:,:,k  ))

!  compute diagnostic mixed layer depth (cm) using a max buoyancy 
!  gradient criterion.  Use USTAR and BFSFC as temps.

   USTAR = c0
   where (KMT(:,:,bid) == 1)
      HMXL(:,:,bid) = zt(1)
      HMXL(:,:,bid) = c0

   if (partial_bottom_cells) then
      do k=2,km
         where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid))
            STABLE = zt(k-1) + p5*(DZT(:,:,k-1,bid) + DZT(:,:,k,bid))
            USTAR = max(DBSFC(:,:,k)/STABLE,USTAR)
            HMXL(:,:,bid) = STABLE

      VISC(:,:,1) = c0
      do k=2,km
         where (USTAR > c0 )
            VISC(:,:,k) = (DBSFC(:,:,k)-DBSFC(:,:,k-1))/ &
                          (p5*(DZT(:,:,k,bid) + DZT(:,:,k-1,bid)))
         end where
         where ( VISC(:,:,k) >= USTAR .and.              &
                (VISC(:,:,k)-VISC(:,:,k-1)) /= c0 .and.  &
                 USTAR > c0 )   ! avoid divide by zero
            BFSFC = (VISC(:,:,k) - USTAR)/ &
! tqian
!            HMXL(:,:,bid) =   (zt(k-1) + p5*DZT(:,:,k-1,bid))*(c1-BFSFC) &
!                            + (zt(k-1) - p5*DZT(:,:,k-1,bid))*BFSFC
             HMXL(:,:,bid) =   (zt(k-1) + p25*(DZT(:,:,k-1,bid)+DZT(:,:,k,bid)))*(c1-BFSFC) &
                             + (zt(k-1) - p25*(DZT(:,:,k-2,bid)+DZT(:,:,k-1,bid)))*BFSFC

            USTAR(:,:) = c0
      do k=2,km
         where (k <= KMT(:,:,bid))
            USTAR = max(DBSFC(:,:,k)/zt(k),USTAR)
            HMXL(:,:,bid) = zt(k)

      VISC(:,:,1) = c0
      do k=2,km
         where (USTAR > c0 )
            VISC(:,:,k) = (DBSFC(:,:,k)-DBSFC(:,:,k-1))/ &
                          (zt(k) - zt(k-1))
         end where
         where ( VISC(:,:,k) >= USTAR .and.              &
                (VISC(:,:,k)-VISC(:,:,k-1)) /= c0 .and.  &
                 USTAR > c0 )   ! avoid divide by zero
            BFSFC = (VISC(:,:,k) - USTAR)/ &
            HMXL(:,:,bid) = -p5*(zgrid(k  ) + zgrid(k-1))*(c1-BFSFC) &
                            -p5*(zgrid(k-1) + zgrid(k-2))*BFSFC
            USTAR(:,:) = c0


 end subroutine vmix_coeffs_kpp

! !IROUTINE: ri_iwmix

 subroutine ri_iwmix(DBLOC, VISC, VDC, UUU, VVV, RHOMIX, & 1,11
                     convect_diff, convect_visc, this_block)

!  Computes viscosity and diffusivity coefficients for the interior
!  ocean due to shear instability (richardson number dependent),
!  internal wave activity, and to static instability (Ri < 0).
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      UUU               ! U velocities at current time

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: & 
      VVV,             &! V velocities at current time
      DBLOC             ! buoyancy difference between adjacent levels

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      RHOMIX            ! density at mix time

   real (r8), intent(in) :: &
      convect_diff,         &! diffusivity to mimic convection
      convect_visc           ! viscosity   to mimic convection

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,2), intent(inout) :: & 
      VDC        ! diffusivity for tracer diffusion


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1), intent(out) :: & 
      VISC              ! viscosity

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      k,                 &! index for vertical levels
      i,j,               &! horizontal loop indices
      bid,               &! local block index
      n                   ! vertical smoothing index

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      KVMIX, 		 &! vertical diffusivity
      KVMIX_M		  ! vertical viscosity

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      VSHEAR,            &! (local velocity shear)^2
      RI_LOC,            &! local Richardson number 
      FRI,               &! function of Ri for shear
      FCON,              &

!  compute mixing at each level

   bid = this_block%local_id

   KVMIX       = c0
   KVMIX_M     = c0
   VISC(:,:,0) = c0

   do k = 1,km

!     compute velocity shear squared and average to T points:
!     VSHEAR = (UUU(k)-UUU(k+1))**2+(VVV(k)-VVV(k+1))**2
!     Use FRI here as a temporary.

      if (k < km) then

         FRI = (UUU(:,:,k)-UUU(:,:,k+1))**2 + &

         if (partial_bottom_cells) then
            FRI = FRI/(p5*(DZU(:,:,k  ,bid) + DZU(:,:,k+1,bid)))**2

         call ugrid_to_tgrid(VSHEAR,FRI,bid)


         VSHEAR = c0


!     compute local richardson number
!     use visc array as temporary Ri storage to be smoothed

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         if (k < km) then
            RI_LOC = DBLOC(:,:,k)/                              &
                     (VSHEAR + eps/(p5*(DZT(:,:,k  ,bid) +      &
                                        DZT(:,:,k+1,bid)))**2)/ &
                     (p5*(DZT(:,:,k,bid) + DZT(:,:,k+1,bid)))
            RI_LOC = DBLOC(:,:,k)/(VSHEAR +              &
         end if
         RI_LOC = DBLOC(:,:,k)*(zgrid(k)-zgrid(k+1))/(VSHEAR + eps)
      end if

      VISC(:,:,k)   = merge(RI_LOC, VISC(:,:,k-1), k <= KMT(:,:,bid))

!  vertically smooth Ri num_v_smooth_Ri times with 1-2-1 weighting
!  result again stored temporarily in VISC and use RI_LOC and FRI
!  as temps
   do n = 1,num_v_smooth_Ri
      FRI            =  p25 * VISC(:,:,1)
      VISC(:,:,km+1) =        VISC(:,:,km)
      do k=1,km
         !DIR$ NODEP
         do j=1,ny_block
         !DIR$ NODEP
         do i=1,nx_block
            RI_LOC(i,j) = VISC(i,j,k)
            if (KMT(i,j,bid) >= 3) then
               VISC(i,j,k) = FRI(i,j) + p5*RI_LOC(i,j) + p25*VISC(i,j,k+1)
            FRI(i,j) = p25*RI_LOC(i,j)


!  now that we have a smoothed Ri field, finish computing coeffs
!  at each level

   if ( ltidal_mixing )  TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,:,bid) = c0

   do k = 1,km

!     if Ri-number mixing requested,
!     evaluate function of Ri for shear instability:
!       for 0 < Ri < Riinfty, function = (1 - (Ri/Riinfty)**2)**3
!       for     Ri > Riinfty, function = 0
!       for     Ri < 0      , function = 1
!     compute contribution due to shear instability
!     VISC holds smoothed Ri at k, but replaced by real VISC
!     otherwise only use iw
!     convection is added later

      if ( ltidal_mixing ) then

!  consider the internal wave mixing first. rich_mix is used as the
!  upper limit for internal wave mixing coefficient. bckgrnd_vvc
!  was already multiplied by Prandtl.
!  NOTE: no partial_bottom_cell implementation at this time 

        WORK1 = DBLOC(:,:,k)/(zgrid(k) - zgrid(k+1))

        where (WORK1 > c0)
          TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k,bid) = TIDAL_COEF(:,:,k,bid)/WORK1
        if (.not. lccsm_control_compatible) then   ! this step breaks backwards compatibility
        where ( k > 2  .and.  ( k == KMT(:,:,bid)-1  .or.  k == KMT(:,:,bid)-2 ) )
          TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k,bid) = max( TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k,  bid),  &
                                       TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k-1,bid) )

        WORK1 = Prandtl*min(bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,bid)/Prandtl  &
                            + TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k,bid), tidal_mix_max)
        if ( k < km ) then
          KVMIX_M(:,:) = WORK1(:,:)

        if ( k < km ) then
          VDC(:,:,k,2) = min(bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,bid) + TIDAL_DIFF(:,:,k,bid),  &
          KVMIX(:,:) = VDC(:,:,k,2)

        if (lrich) then
          FRI    = min((max(VISC(:,:,k),c0))/Riinfty, c1)

          VISC(:,:,k) = WORK1 + rich_mix*(c1 - FRI*FRI)**3

          if ( k < km ) then
            VDC(:,:,k,2) = VDC(:,:,k,2) + rich_mix*(c1 - FRI*FRI)**3
            VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,2)
          VISC(:,:,k) = WORK1 

          if ( k < km ) then
            VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,2)

      else ! .not. ltidal_mixing

        if ( k < km ) then
          KVMIX(:,:) = bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,bid)
          KVMIX_M(:,:) = bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,bid)

        if (lrich) then
           FRI    = min((max(VISC(:,:,k),c0))/Riinfty, c1)

           VISC(:,:,k  ) = bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,bid) + &
                           rich_mix*(c1 - FRI*FRI)**3

           if ( k < km ) then
              VDC (:,:,k,2) = bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,bid) + &
                              rich_mix*(c1 - FRI*FRI)**3
              VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,2)
           VISC(:,:,k  ) = bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,bid)

           if ( k < km ) then
              VDC (:,:,k,2) = bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,bid)
              VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,2)

      endif ! ltidal_mixing

!     set seafloor values to zero

      !DIR$ NODEP
      do j=1,ny_block
      !DIR$ NODEP
      do i=1,nx_block
         if ( k >= KMT(i,j,bid) ) then
            VISC(i,j,k  ) = c0
            VDC (i,j,k,1) = c0 
            VDC (i,j,k,2) = c0 
      end do
      end do

      if (tavg_requested(tavg_KVMIX)) then
         ! k index shifted because KVMIX is at cell bottom
         ! while output axis is at cell top
         call accumulate_tavg_field(KVMIX,tavg_KVMIX,bid,k)
      if (tavg_requested(tavg_KVMIX_M)) then
         ! k index shifted because KVMIX_M is at cell bottom
         ! while output axis is at cell top
         call accumulate_tavg_field(KVMIX_M,tavg_KVMIX_M,bid,k)

      if (tavg_requested(tavg_VDC_BCK)) then
         ! k index shifted because bckgrnd_vdc is at cell bottom
         ! while output axis is at cell top
         call accumulate_tavg_field(bckgrnd_vdc(:,:,k,bid),tavg_VDC_BCK,bid,k)

      if (tavg_requested(tavg_VVC_BCK)) then
         ! k index shifted because bckgrnd_vdc is at cell bottom
         ! while output axis is at cell top
         call accumulate_tavg_field(bckgrnd_vvc(:,:,k,bid),tavg_VVC_BCK,bid,k)

      if (tavg_requested(tavg_TPOWER)) then
         WORK1(:,:) = KVMIX(:,:)*RHOMIX(:,:,k)*DBLOC(:,:,k)/ &
            (zgrid(k) - zgrid(k+1))
         call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK1,tavg_TPOWER,bid,k)

!     move to next level.

   end do

!  fill extra coefficients for blmix

   VISC(:,:,0  ) = c0
   VDC (:,:,0,:) = c0
   VISC(:,:,km+1  ) = c0 
   VDC (:,:,km+1,:) = c0 

 end subroutine ri_iwmix

! !IROUTINE: bldepth

 subroutine bldepth (DBLOC, DBSFC, TRCR, UUU, VVV, STF, SHF_QSW,  & 2,16
                     HBLT, USTAR, BFSFC, STABLE, KBL,             &
                     this_block, SMF, SMFT)

!  This routine computes the ocean boundary layer depth defined as
!  the shallowest depth where the bulk Richardson number is equal to
!  a critical value, Ricr.
!  NOTE: bulk richardson numbers are evaluated by computing 
!        differences between values at zgrid(kl) $< 0$ and surface
!        reference values. currently, the reference values are equal 
!        to the values in the surface layer.  when using higher 
!        vertical grid resolution, these reference values should be 
!        computed as the vertical averages from the surface down to 
!        epssfc*zgrid(kl).
!  This routine also computes where surface forcing is stable 
!  or unstable (STABLE)
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
      TRCR                ! tracers at current time

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(in) :: &
      UUU,VVV,       &! velocities at current time
      DBLOC,         &! buoyancy difference between adjacent levels
      DBSFC           ! buoyancy difference between level and surface

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(in) :: &
      STF                 ! surface forcing for all tracers

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
      SHF_QSW             ! short-wave forcing

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2), intent(in), optional :: &
      SMF,               &! surface momentum forcing at U points
      SMFT                ! surface momentum forcing at T points
                         ! *** either one or the other (not
                         ! *** both) should be passed

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: &
      KBL                    ! index of first lvl below hbl

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: &
      HBLT,               &! boundary layer depth
      BFSFC,              &! Bo+radiation absorbed to d
      STABLE,             &! =1 stable forcing; =0 unstab
      USTAR                ! surface friction velocity

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i,j,               &! loop indices
      bid,               &! local block index
      kupper, kup, kdn, ktmp, kl  ! vertical level indices

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      VSHEAR,            &! (velocity shear re sfc)^2
      SIGMA,             &! d/hbl
      WM, WS,            &! turb vel scale functions
      BO,                &! surface buoyancy forcing
      BOSOL,             &! radiative buoyancy forcing
      TALPHA,            &! temperature expansion coeff
      SBETA,             &! salinity    expansion coeff
      RHO1,              &! density at the surface
      WORK,              &! temp array
      ZKL,               &! depth at current z level
      B_FRQNCY,          &! buoyancy frequency
      RSH_HBLT,          &! resolved shear contribution to HBLT (fraction)
      HLANGM,            &! Langmuir depth
      HEKMAN,            &! Eckman depth limit
      HLIMIT              ! limit to mixed-layer depth
                          ! (= min(HEKMAN,HMONOB))

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,3) :: &
      RI_BULK,           &! Bulk Ri number at 3 lvls
      HMONOB              ! Monin-Obukhov depth limit

   real (r8) ::          &
      absorb_frac,       &! shortwave absorption frac
      sqrt_arg,          &! dummy sqrt argument
      z_upper, z_up       ! upper depths for RI_BULK interpolation

   real (r8) :: &
      a_co, b_co, c_co    ! coefficients of the quadratic equation
                          ! $(a_{co}z^2+b_{co}|z|+c_{co}=Ri_b) used to 
                          ! find the boundary layer depth. when
                          ! finding the roots, c_co = c_co - Ricr

   real (r8) :: &
      slope_up            ! slope of the above quadratic equation
                          ! at zup. this is used as a boundary
                          ! condition to determine the coefficients.

!  compute friction velocity USTAR.  compute on U-grid and average
!  to T-grid.

   bid = this_block%local_id

   if (present(SMFT)) then
      USTAR = sqrt(sqrt(SMFT(:,:,1)**2 + SMFT(:,:,2)**2))
      WORK = sqrt(sqrt(SMF(:,:,1)**2 + SMF(:,:,2)**2))
      call ugrid_to_tgrid(USTAR,WORK,bid)

!  compute density and expansion coefficients at surface

   WORK = merge(-c2,TRCR(:,:,1,1),TRCR(:,:,1,1) < -c2)

   call state(1,1,WORK,TRCR(:,:,1,2),this_block, &

!  compute turbulent and radiative sfc buoyancy forcing

   do j=1,ny_block
   do i=1,nx_block
      if (RHO1(i,j) /= c0) then
         BO   (i,j) = grav*(-TALPHA(i,j)*STF(i,j,1) - &
                             SBETA (i,j)*STF(i,j,2))/RHO1(i,j)

         BOSOL(i,j) = -grav*TALPHA(i,j)*SHF_QSW(i,j)/RHO1(i,j)
         BO   (i,j) = c0
         BOSOL(i,j) = c0
   end do
   end do

!  Find bulk Richardson number at every grid level until > Ricr
!  max values when Ricr never satisfied are KBL = KMT and
!  HBLT = -zgrid(KMT)
!  NOTE: the reference depth is -epssfc/2.*zgrid(i,k), but the 
!        reference u,v,t,s values are simply the surface layer 
!        values and not the averaged values from 0 to 2*ref.depth,
!        which is necessary for very fine grids(top layer < 2m 
!        thickness)
!  Initialize hbl and kbl to bottomed out values
!  Initialize HEKMAN and HLIMIT (= HMONOB until reset) to model bottom
!  Initialize Monin Obukhov depth to value at z_up
!  Set HMONOB=-zgrid(km) if unstable

   kupper = 1
   kup = 2
   kdn = 3
   z_upper = c0
   z_up    = zgrid(1)

   RI_BULK(:,:,kupper) = c0
   RI_BULK(:,:,kup) = c0 
   KBL = merge(KMT(:,:,bid), 1, (KMT(:,:,bid) > 1))

   HLANGM = c0

   do kl=1,km
      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
      	 if (kl > 1) then
      	 	  ZKL = -zgrid(kl-1) + p5*(DZT(:,:,kl  ,bid) + &
            ZKL = -zgrid(1)
         ZKL = -zgrid(kl)

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (kl == KBL(i,j)) HBLT(i,j) = ZKL(i,j)
      end do
      end do

   if ( lcheckekmo ) then

      HEKMAN = -zgrid(km) + eps
      HLIMIT = -zgrid(km) + eps

      if ( lshort_wave ) then
         select case (sw_absorption_type)

         case ('top-layer')

            BFSFC = BO + BOSOL
         case ('jerlov')

            call sw_absorb_frac(-z_up,absorb_frac)
            BFSFC = BO + BOSOL * (c1 - absorb_frac)

         case ('chlorophyll')

            call sw_trans_chl(1,this_block)
            BFSFC = BO + BOSOL*(c1-TRANS(:,:,bid))

         end select

         BFSFC = BO

      STABLE = merge(c1, c0, BFSFC >= c0)

      BFSFC  = BFSFC + STABLE*eps

      WORK =   STABLE * cmonob*USTAR*USTAR*USTAR/vonkar/BFSFC &
            + (STABLE -c1)*zgrid(km)
      HMONOB(:,:,kup) = merge( -z_up+eps, WORK, WORK <= -z_up )

   RSH_HBLT = c0

!  compute velocity shear squared on U-grid and use the maximum
!  of the four surrounding U-grid values for the T-grid.

   do kl = 2,km
      WORK = (UUU(:,:,1)-UUU(:,:,kl))**2 + &

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         WORK = WORK/(-zgrid(kl-1) + & 
                      p5*(DZU(:,:,kl  ,bid) + &
                          DZU(:,:,kl-1,bid) - &
                          DZU(:,:,1   ,bid)))**2

      	 ZKL = -zgrid(kl-1) + p5*(DZT(:,:,kl  ,bid) + &
         ZKL = -zgrid(kl)

      VSHEAR(:,1) = c0
      do j=2,ny_block
         VSHEAR(1,j) = c0
         do i=2,nx_block
            VSHEAR(i,j) = max(WORK(i,j  ), WORK(i-1,j  ),   &
                              WORK(i,j-1), WORK(i-1,j-1))

!     compute bfsfc= Bo + radiative contribution down to hbf * hbl
!     add epsilon to BFSFC to ensure never = 0

      if (lshort_wave) then

         select case (sw_absorption_type)

         case ('top-layer')

           BFSFC = BO + BOSOL

         case ('jerlov')

           do j=1,ny_block
           do i=1,nx_block
              call sw_absorb_frac(ZKL(i,j), absorb_frac)
              BFSFC(i,j) = BO(i,j) + BOSOL(i,j)*(c1 - absorb_frac) 

         case ('chlorophyll')

           call sw_trans_chl(2*kl-1,this_block)
           BFSFC = BO + BOSOL*(c1-TRANS(:,:,bid))

         end select

         BFSFC = BO

      STABLE = MERGE(c1, c0, BFSFC >= c0)

      BFSFC  = BFSFC + STABLE*eps

!     compute the Ekman and Monin Obukhov depths using above stability

      if (lcheckekmo) then

         !DIR$ COLLAPSE
         do j=1,ny_block
         do i=1,nx_block
            if ( STABLE(i,j) > p5 .and. HEKMAN(i,j) >= -zgrid(km) ) then
               HEKMAN(i,j) = max(ZKL(i,j), &
         end do
         end do

         HMONOB(:,:,kdn) = STABLE*cmonob*USTAR*USTAR*USTAR/vonkar/BFSFC + &

         !DIR$ COLLAPSE
         do j=1,ny_block
         do i=1,nx_block
            if (HMONOB(i,j,kdn) <= ZKL(i,j) .and. &
                HMONOB(i,j,kup) >  -z_up) then
               WORK(i,j) = (HMONOB(i,j,kdn) - HMONOB(i,j,kup))/ &
                           (z_up + ZKL(i,j))
               HLIMIT(i,j) = (HMONOB(i,j,kdn) - WORK(i,j)*ZKL(i,j))/ &
                             (c1 - WORK(i,j))

         end do
         end do

!     compute velocity scales at sigma, for hbl = -zgrid(kl)

      SIGMA = epssfc

      call wscale(SIGMA, ZKL, USTAR, BFSFC, 2, WM, WS)

!     compute the turbulent shear contribution to RI_BULK and store
!     in WM.

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         if (kl < km) then
            B_FRQNCY = sqrt( &
                       p5*(DBLOC(:,:,kl) + abs(DBLOC(:,:,kl)) + eps2)/  &
                      (p5*(DZT(:,:,kl,bid) + DZT(:,:,kl+1,bid))) )
            B_FRQNCY = sqrt( &
                       p5*(DBLOC(:,:,kl) + abs(DBLOC(:,:,kl)) + eps2)/  &
                       DZT(:,:,kl,bid) )
         end if
         B_FRQNCY = sqrt( &
                    p5*(DBLOC(:,:,kl) + abs(DBLOC(:,:,kl)) + eps2)/  &
                    (zgrid(kl)-zgrid(kl+1)) )

      WM = ZKL*WS*B_FRQNCY* &
          ( (Vtc/Ricr(kl))*max(2.1_r8 - 200.0_r8*B_FRQNCY,concv) )

!     compute bulk Richardson number at new level

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         WORK = merge( DBSFC(:,:,kl)/(-zgrid(kl-1)+            &
                                      p5*(DZT(:,:,kl-1,bid) +  &
                                          DZT(:,:,kl  ,bid) -  &
                                          DZT(:,:,1   ,bid))), & 
                       c0, KMT(:,:,bid) >= kl)
         WM = WM/(-zgrid(kl-1) +          &
                  p5*(DZT(:,:,kl-1,bid) + &
                      DZT(:,:,kl  ,bid) - &
                      DZT(:,:,1   ,bid)))**2
         RI_BULK(:,:,kdn) = WORK/(VSHEAR+WM+eps/(-zgrid(kl-1)+   &
                                   p5*(DZU(:,:,kl,bid) +         &
                                       DZU(:,:,kl-1,bid) -       &
         WORK = MERGE( (zgrid(1)-zgrid(kl))*DBSFC(:,:,kl), &
                      c0, KMT(:,:,bid) >= kl)
         if ( linertial ) then
           RI_BULK(:,:,kdn) = WORK/(VSHEAR+WM+USTAR*BOLUS_SP(:,:,bid)+eps)
           RI_BULK(:,:,kdn) = WORK/(VSHEAR+WM+eps)

!       find hbl where Rib = Ricr. if possible, use a quadratic
!       interpolation. if not, linearly interpolate. the quadratic
!       equation coefficients are determined using the slope and
!       Ri_bulk at z_up and Ri_bulk at zgrid(kl). the slope at
!       z_up is computed linearly between z_upper and z_up.
!       compute Langmuir depth always 

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if ( KBL(i,j) == KMT(i,j,bid) .and.  &
              RI_BULK(i,j,kdn) > Ricr(kl) ) then

            slope_up =  (RI_BULK(i,j,kupper) - RI_BULK(i,j,kup))/ &
                        (z_up - z_upper)
            a_co = (RI_BULK(i,j,kdn) - RI_BULK(i,j,kup) -         &
                    slope_up*(ZKL(i,j) + z_up) )/(z_up + ZKL(i,j))**2
            b_co = slope_up + c2 * a_co * z_up
            c_co = RI_BULK(i,j,kup) + &
                   z_up*(a_co*z_up + slope_up) - Ricr(kl)
            sqrt_arg = b_co**2 - c4*a_co*c_co

            if ( ( abs(b_co) > eps .and. abs(a_co)/abs(b_co) <= eps ) &
                 .or. sqrt_arg <= c0 ) then
               HBLT(i,j) = -z_up + (z_up + ZKL(i,j)) *               &
                           (Ricr(kl)         - RI_BULK(i,j,kup))/    &
                           (RI_BULK(i,j,kdn) - RI_BULK(i,j,kup))
               HBLT(i,j) = (-b_co + sqrt(sqrt_arg)) / (c2*a_co)
            KBL(i,j) = kl
            RSH_HBLT(i,j) =  (VSHEAR(i,j)*Ricr(kl)/ &

            HLANGM(i,j) = USTAR(i,j) * SQRT( FSTOKES(i,j,bid)*ZKL(i,j)/(DBSFC(i,j,kl)+eps) ) &
                          / 0.9_r8


!     swap klevel indices and move to next level

      ktmp   = kupper
      kupper = kup
      kup    = kdn
      kdn    = ktmp
      z_upper = z_up
      z_up    = zgrid(kl)

   end do

!     apply Langmuir parameterization if requested 

   if ( llangmuir ) then
     do kl = km,2,-1
        where ( HLANGM > HBLT          .and.   &
                HLANGM >  -zgrid(kl-1) .and.   &
                HLANGM <= ZKL                  )
           HBLT  = HLANGM
           KBL   = kl
        end where

!  first combine Ekman and Monin-Obukhov depth limits. then apply
!  these restrictions to HBLT. note that HLIMIT is set to -zgrid(km)
!  in unstable forcing.

   if ( lcheckekmo ) then

      where ( HEKMAN < HLIMIT )  HLIMIT = HEKMAN

      do kl = 2,km
         where ( HLIMIT < HBLT          .and.   &
                 HLIMIT >  -zgrid(kl-1) .and.   &
                 HLIMIT <= ZKL                  )
            HBLT = HLIMIT
            KBL = kl
         end where


!  apply a Gaussian filter

   call smooth_hblt (.true., .false., bid, HBLT=HBLT, KBL=KBL)

!  correct stability and buoyancy forcing for SW up to boundary layer

   if (lshort_wave) then
      select case (sw_absorption_type)

      case ('top-layer')

        BFSFC   = BO + BOSOL
!       QSW_HBL = SHF_QSW
        if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_HBL)) then
           WORK = SHF_QSW/hflux_factor
           call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_QSW_HBL,bid,1)

      case ('jerlov')

         do j = 1,ny_block
         do i = 1,nx_block
            call sw_absorb_frac(HBLT(i,j),absorb_frac)
            BFSFC(i,j)  = BO(i,j) + BOSOL(i,j)*(c1 - absorb_frac) 

         if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_HBL)) then
           !QSW_HBL(i,j) = SHF_QSW(i,j)*(c1-absorb_frac)  ! boundary layer sw
            WORK = SHF_QSW*(c1-absorb_frac)/hflux_factor
            call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_QSW_HBL,bid,1)

      case ('chlorophyll')

         ZTRANS(:,:,bid) = HBLT(:,:)
         call sw_trans_chl(0,this_block)
         BFSFC   = BO + BOSOL*(c1-TRANS(:,:,bid))

         if (tavg_requested(tavg_QSW_HBL)) then
           !QSW_HBL = SHF_QSW   *(c1-TRANS(:,:,bid)) ! boundary layer sw heating
            WORK = SHF_QSW*(c1-TRANS(:,:,bid))/hflux_factor
            call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_QSW_HBL,bid,1)

      end select


   STABLE = MERGE(c1, c0, BFSFC >= c0)

   BFSFC  = BFSFC + STABLE * eps ! ensures bfsfc never=0


 end subroutine bldepth

! !IROUTINE: blmix

 subroutine blmix(VISC, VDC, HBLT, USTAR, BFSFC, STABLE, & 1,3
                  KBL, GHAT, this_block) 

!  This routine computes mixing coefficients within boundary layer 
!  which depend on surface forcing and the magnitude and gradient 
!  of interior mixing below the boundary layer (matching).  These
!  quantities have been computed in other routines.
!  Caution: if mixing bottoms out at hbl = -zgrid(km) then
!  fictitious layer at km+1 is needed with small but finite width 
!  hwide(km+1).
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1), intent(inout) :: & 
      VISC               ! interior mixing coeff on input
                         ! combined interior/bndy layer coeff output

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,2),intent(inout) :: &
      VDC        ! diffusivity for tracer diffusion


   integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) ::  &
      KBL                    ! index of first lvl below hbl

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) ::  &
      HBLT,                 & ! boundary layer depth
      BFSFC,                & ! surface buoyancy forcing
      STABLE,               & ! =1 stable forcing; =0 unstab
      USTAR                   ! surface friction velocity

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km),intent(out) :: &
      GHAT                ! non-local mixing coefficient

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      k,kp1,             &! dummy k level index
      i,j,               &! horizontal indices
      bid                 ! local block index

   integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      KN                  ! klvl closest to HBLT

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,3) :: &
      BLMC                ! bndy layer mixing coefs

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,3) :: &
      GAT1,              &! shape function at sigma=1
      DAT1,              &! derivative of shape function 
      DKM1                ! bndy layer difs at kbl-1 lvl

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      WM,WS,             &! turbulent velocity scales
      CASEA,             &! =1 in case A, =0 in case B     
      SIGMA,             &! normalized depth (d/hbl)
      VISCH,             &! viscosity at hbl
      DIFTH,             &! temp diffusivity at hbl
      DIFSH,             &! tracer diffusivity at hbl
      VISCP, DIFTP, DIFSP, F1, &

!  compute velocity scales at hbl

   bid = this_block%local_id

   SIGMA = epssfc

   call wscale(SIGMA, HBLT, USTAR, BFSFC, 3, WM, WS)

!  determine caseA = 0 if closer to KBL than KBL-1
!  KN is then the closest klevel to HBLT

   if (partial_bottom_cells) then
      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         k = KBL(i,j)
         if (k == 1) then
            CASEA(i,j)  = p5 + SIGN(p5, -zgrid(0)-HBLT(i,j))
            CASEA(i,j)  = p5 + SIGN(p5, &
      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         k = KBL(i,j)
         CASEA(i,j)  = p5 + SIGN(p5, -zgrid(k)-p5*hwide(k)-HBLT(i,j))


!  find the interior viscosities and derivatives at hbl by 
!  interpolating derivative values at vertical interfaces.  compute
!  matching conditions for shape function.  

   F1 = STABLE*c5*BFSFC/(USTAR**4+eps)

   do k=1,km

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then

         if (k == 1) then
            WORK1 = c0
            WORK1 = DZT(:,:,k-1,bid)
         end if
         if (k == km) then
            WORK2 = eps
            WORK2 = DZT(:,:,k+1,bid)
         end if

         !DIR$ COLLAPSE
         do j=1,ny_block
         do i=1,nx_block
            if (k == KN(i,j)) then

            DELHAT(i,j) = - zgrid(k-1) + DZT(i,j,k,bid) + &
                            p5*WORK1(i,j) - HBLT(i,j)  
            R     (i,j) = c1 - DELHAT(i,j) /DZT(i,j,k,bid)

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VISC(i,j,k-1) - VISC(i,j,k  ))/DZT(i,j,k,bid)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VISC(i,j,k  ) - VISC(i,j,k+1))/WORK2(i,j)
            VISCP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k-1,2) - VDC(i,j,k  ,2))/DZT(i,j,k,bid)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k  ,2) - VDC(i,j,k+1,2))/WORK2(i,j)
            DIFSP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k-1,1) - VDC(i,j,k  ,1))/DZT(i,j,k,bid)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k  ,1) - VDC(i,j,k+1,1))/WORK2(i,j)
            DIFTP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )

            VISCH(i,j) = VISC(i,j,k)  + VISCP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)
            DIFSH(i,j) = VDC(i,j,k,2) + DIFSP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)
            DIFTH(i,j) = VDC(i,j,k,1) + DIFTP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)

            GAT1(i,j,1) = VISCH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WM(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,1) = -VISCP(i,j)/(WM(i,j)+eps) + F1(i,j)*VISCH(i,j)

            GAT1(i,j,2) = DIFSH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WS(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,2) = -DIFSP(i,j)/(WS(i,j)+eps) + F1(i,j)*DIFSH(i,j)

            GAT1(i,j,3) = DIFTH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WS(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,3) = -DIFTP(i,j)/(WS(i,j)+eps) + F1(i,j)*DIFTH(i,j)

         end do
         end do


         !DIR$ COLLAPSE
         do j=1,ny_block
         do i=1,nx_block
            if (k == KN(i,j)) then

            DELHAT(i,j) = p5*hwide(k) - zgrid(k) - HBLT(i,j)        
            R     (i,j) = c1 - DELHAT(i,j) / hwide(k)

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VISC(i,j,k-1) - VISC(i,j,k  ))/hwide(k)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VISC(i,j,k  ) - VISC(i,j,k+1))/hwide(k+1)
            VISCP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k-1,2) - VDC(i,j,k  ,2))/hwide(k)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k  ,2) - VDC(i,j,k+1,2))/hwide(k+1)
            DIFSP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )

            DVDZUP(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k-1,1) - VDC(i,j,k  ,1))/hwide(k)
            DVDZDN(i,j) = (VDC(i,j,k  ,1) - VDC(i,j,k+1,1))/hwide(k+1)
            DIFTP (i,j) = p5*( (c1-R(i,j))* &
                               (DVDZUP(i,j) + abs(DVDZUP(i,j))) + &
                                   R(i,j) * &
                               (DVDZDN(i,j) + abs(DVDZDN(i,j))) )
            VISCH(i,j) = VISC(i,j,k)  + VISCP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)
            DIFSH(i,j) = VDC(i,j,k,2) + DIFSP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)
            DIFTH(i,j) = VDC(i,j,k,1) + DIFTP(i,j)*DELHAT(i,j)

            GAT1(i,j,1) = VISCH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WM(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,1) = -VISCP(i,j)/(WM(i,j)+eps) + &

            GAT1(i,j,2) = DIFSH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WS(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,2) = -DIFSP(i,j)/(WS(i,j)+eps) + &

            GAT1(i,j,3) = DIFTH(i,j) / HBLT(i,j) /(WS(i,j)+eps)
            DAT1(i,j,3) = -DIFTP(i,j)/(WS(i,j)+eps) + &

         end do
         end do

      endif                   ! pbc


   DAT1 = min(DAT1,c0)

!  compute the dimensionless shape functions and diffusivities
!  at the grid interfaces.  also compute function for non-local
!  transport term (GHAT).

   do k = 1,km       

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         if (k > 1) then
            SIGMA = (-zgrid(k-1) + p5*DZT(:,:,k-1,bid) +  &
                     DZT(:,:,k,bid)) / HBLT 
            SIGMA = (-zgrid(k) + p5*hwide(k)) / HBLT     
         end if
         SIGMA = (-zgrid(k) + p5*hwide(k)) / HBLT     
      F1 = min(SIGMA,epssfc)

      call wscale(F1, HBLT, USTAR, BFSFC, 3, WM, WS)

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         BLMC(i,j,k,1) = HBLT(i,j)*WM(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*       &
                         (c1 + SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &
                         (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,1) +    &
         BLMC(i,j,k,2) = HBLT(i,j)*WS(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*       &
                         (c1 + SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &
                         (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,2) +    &
         BLMC(i,j,k,3) = HBLT(i,j)*WS(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*       &
                         (c1 + SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &    
                         (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,3) +    &

         GHAT(i,j,k) = (c1-STABLE(i,j))* cg/(WS(i,j)*HBLT(i,j) +eps)
      end do
      end do

   end do

!  find diffusivities at kbl-1 grid level

   do j=1,ny_block
   do i=1,nx_block
      k = KBL(i,j) - 1
      SIGMA(i,j) = -zgrid(k)/HBLT(i,j)          

   F1 = min(SIGMA,epssfc)        
   call wscale(F1, HBLT, USTAR, BFSFC, 3, WM, WS)

   do j=1,ny_block
   do i=1,nx_block
      DKM1(i,j,1) = HBLT(i,j)*WM(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*     &
                    (c1+SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &
                    (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,1) +  &
      DKM1(i,j,2) = HBLT(i,j)*WS(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*     &
                    (c1+SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &
                    (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,2) +  &
      DKM1(i,j,3) = HBLT(i,j)*WS(i,j)*SIGMA(i,j)*     &
                    (c1+SIGMA(i,j)*((SIGMA(i,j)-c2) + &       
                    (c3-c2*SIGMA(i,j))*GAT1(i,j,3) +  &
   end do
   end do

!  compute the enhanced mixing

   do k=1,km-1

      if (partial_bottom_cells) then
         if (k == 1) then 
            WORK1 = -p5*DZT(:,:,k,bid)
            WORK1 = zgrid(k-1) - p5*(DZT(:,:,k-1,bid) + &
                                     DZT(:,:,k  ,bid))
         end if
         where (k == (KBL - 1)) &
            DELHAT = (HBLT + WORK1)/(p5*(DZT(:,:,k  ,bid) + &
         where (k == (KBL - 1)) &
            DELHAT = (HBLT + zgrid(k))/(zgrid(k)-zgrid(k+1))

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (k == (KBL(i,j) - 1)) then

            BLMC(i,j,k,1) = (c1-DELHAT(i,j))*VISC(i,j,k) +             &
                        DELHAT(i,j) *(                                 &
                        (c1-DELHAT(i,j))**2 *DKM1(i,j,1) +             &
                            DELHAT(i,j)**2  *(CASEA(i,j)*VISC(i,j,k) + &

            BLMC(i,j,k,2) = (c1-DELHAT(i,j))*VDC(i,j,k,2) +            &
                        DELHAT(i,j)*(                                  &
                        (c1-DELHAT(i,j))**2 *DKM1(i,j,2) +             &
                            DELHAT(i,j)**2 *(CASEA(i,j)*VDC(i,j,k,2) + &

            BLMC(i,j,k,3) = (c1-DELHAT(i,j))*VDC(i,j,k,1) +            &
                        DELHAT(i,j) *(                                 &
                        (c1-DELHAT(i,j))**2 *DKM1(i,j,3) +             &
                            DELHAT(i,j)**2 *(CASEA(i,j)*VDC(i,j,k,1) + &

            GHAT(i,j,k) = (c1-CASEA(i,j)) * GHAT(i,j,k)

      end do
      end do
   end do

!  combine interior and boundary layer coefficients and nonlocal term

   do k=1,km
      !DIR$ NODEP
      do j=1,ny_block
      !DIR$ NODEP
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (k < KBL(i,j)) then 
            VISC(i,j,k)  = BLMC(i,j,k,1)
            VDC(i,j,k,2) = BLMC(i,j,k,2)
            VDC(i,j,k,1) = BLMC(i,j,k,3)
            GHAT(i,j,k) = c0
      end do
      end do


 end subroutine blmix

! !IROUTINE: wscale

 subroutine wscale(SIGMA, HBL, USTAR, BFSFC, m_or_s, WM, WS) 4

!  Computes turbulent velocity scales.
!  For $\zeta \geq 0, 
!    w_m = w_s = \kappa U^\star/(1+5\zeta)$
!  For $\zeta_m \leq \zeta < 0, 
!    w_m = \kappa U^\star (1-16\zeta)^{1\over 4}$
!  For $\zeta_s \leq \zeta < 0, 
!    w_s = \kappa U^\star (1-16\zeta)^{1\over 2}$
!  For $\zeta < \zeta_m, 
!    w_m = \kappa U^\star (a_m - c_m\zeta)^{1\over 3}$
!  For $\zeta < \zeta_s, 
!    w_s = \kappa U^\star (a_s - c_s\zeta)^{1\over 3}$
!  where $\kappa$ is the von Karman constant.
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
      m_or_s              ! flag =1 for wm only, 2 for ws, 3 for both

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(in) :: &
      SIGMA,             &! normalized depth (d/hbl)
      HBL,               &! boundary layer depth
      BFSFC,             &! surface buoyancy forcing
      USTAR               ! surface friction velocity


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), intent(out) :: &
      WM,                &! turb velocity scales: momentum
      WS                  ! turb velocity scales: tracer

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: i,j  ! dummy loop indices

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      ZETA,           &! d/L or sigma*hbl/L(monin-obk)
      ZETAH            ! sigma*hbl*vonkar*BFSFC or ZETA = ZETAH/USTAR**3

!  compute zetah and zeta - surface layer is special case

   ZETA  = ZETAH/(USTAR**3 + eps)

!  compute velocity scales for momentum

   if (m_or_s == 1 .or. m_or_s == 3) then
      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (ZETA(i,j) >= c0) then ! stable region
            WM(i,j) = vonkar*USTAR(i,j)/(c1 + c5*ZETA(i,j))
         else if (ZETA(i,j) >= zeta_m) then
            WM(i,j) = vonkar*USTAR(i,j)*(c1 - c16*ZETA(i,j))**p25
            WM(i,j) = vonkar*(a_m*(USTAR(i,j)**3)-c_m*ZETAH(i,j))**p33
      end do
      end do

!  compute velocity scales for tracers

   if (m_or_s == 2 .or. m_or_s == 3) then
      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (ZETA(i,j) >= c0) then
            WS(i,j) = vonkar*USTAR(i,j)/(c1 + c5*ZETA(i,j))
         else if (ZETA(i,j) >= zeta_s) then
            WS(i,j) = vonkar*USTAR(i,j)*SQRT(c1 - c16*ZETA(i,j))
            WS(i,j) = vonkar*(a_s*(USTAR(i,j)**3)-c_s*ZETAH(i,j))**p33
      end do
      end do


 end subroutine wscale

! !IROUTINE: ddmix

 subroutine ddmix(VDC, TRCR, this_block) 1,2

!  $R_\rho$ dependent interior flux parameterization.
!  Add double-diffusion diffusivities to Ri-mix values at blending
!  interface and below.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
      TRCR                ! tracers at current time

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,0:km+1,2),intent(inout) :: &
      VDC        ! diffusivity for tracer diffusion

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) ::  k,kup,knxt

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      ALPHADT,           &! alpha*DT  across interfaces
      BETADS,            &! beta *DS  across interfaces
      RRHO,              &! dd density ratio
      DIFFDD,            &! dd diffusivity scale
      PRANDTL             ! prandtl number

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2) :: &
      TALPHA,            &! temperature expansion coeff
      SBETA               ! salinity    expansion coeff

!  compute alpha*DT and beta*DS at interfaces.  use RRHO and
!  PRANDTL for temporary storage for call to state

   kup  = 1
   knxt = 2

   PRANDTL = merge(-c2,TRCR(:,:,1,1),TRCR(:,:,1,1) < -c2)

   call state(1, 1, PRANDTL, TRCR(:,:,1,2), this_block, &
                    RHOFULL=RRHO, &
                    DRHODT=TALPHA(:,:,kup), DRHODS=SBETA(:,:,kup))

   do k=1,km

      if ( k < km ) then

         PRANDTL = merge(-c2,TRCR(:,:,k+1,1),TRCR(:,:,k+1,1) < -c2)

         call state(k+1, k+1, PRANDTL, TRCR(:,:,k+1,2),              &
                              this_block,                            &
                              RHOFULL=RRHO, DRHODT=TALPHA(:,:,knxt), &
                                            DRHODS= SBETA(:,:,knxt))

         ALPHADT = -p5*(TALPHA(:,:,kup) + TALPHA(:,:,knxt)) &
                      *(TRCR(:,:,k,1) - TRCR(:,:,k+1,1))

         BETADS  = p5*( SBETA(:,:,kup) +  SBETA(:,:,knxt)) &
                     *(TRCR(:,:,k,2) - TRCR(:,:,k+1,2))

         kup  = knxt
         knxt = 3 - kup


         ALPHADT = c0
         BETADS  = c0


!     salt fingering case

      where ( ALPHADT > BETADS .and. BETADS > c0 )

         RRHO       = MIN(ALPHADT/BETADS, Rrho0)
         DIFFDD     = dsfmax*(c1-(RRHO-c1)/(Rrho0-c1))**3
         VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,1) + 0.7_r8*DIFFDD
         VDC(:,:,k,2) = VDC(:,:,k,2) + DIFFDD


!     diffusive convection

      where ( ALPHADT < c0 .and. BETADS < c0 .and. ALPHADT > BETADS )
         RRHO    = ALPHADT / BETADS
         DIFFDD  = 1.5e-2_r8*0.909_r8* &
         PRANDTL = 0.15_r8*RRHO
         RRHO    = c0
         DIFFDD  = c0
         PRANDTL = c0

      where (RRHO > p5) PRANDTL = (1.85_r8 - 0.85_r8/RRHO)*RRHO

      VDC(:,:,k,1) = VDC(:,:,k,1) + DIFFDD
      VDC(:,:,k,2) = VDC(:,:,k,2) + PRANDTL*DIFFDD

   end do


 end subroutine ddmix

! !IROUTINE: buoydiff

 subroutine buoydiff(DBLOC, DBSFC, TRCR, this_block) 1,3

!  This routine calculates the buoyancy differences at model levels.
!  same as module


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km,nt), intent(in) :: &
      TRCR                ! tracers at current time

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,km), intent(out) :: & 
      DBLOC,         &! buoyancy difference between adjacent levels
      DBSFC           ! buoyancy difference between level and surface

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      k,                 &! vertical level index
      i,j,               &! horizontal indices
      kprev, klvl, ktmp, &! indices for 2-level TEMPK array
      bid                 ! local block index

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) :: &
      RHO1,              &! density of sfc t,s displaced to k
      RHOKM,             &! density of t(k-1),s(k-1) displaced to k
      RHOK,              &! density at level k
      TEMPSFC,           &! adjusted temperature at surface
      TALPHA,            &! temperature expansion coefficient
      SBETA               ! salinity    expansion coefficient

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,2) :: &
      TEMPK               ! temp adjusted for freeze at levels k,k-1

!  calculate density and buoyancy differences at surface

   TEMPSFC = merge(-c2,TRCR(:,:,1,1),TRCR(:,:,1,1) < -c2)

   bid = this_block%local_id

   klvl  = 2
   kprev = 1

   TEMPK(:,:,kprev) = TEMPSFC
   DBSFC(:,:,1) = c0

!  calculate DBLOC and DBSFC for all other levels

   do k = 2,km

      TEMPK(:,:,klvl) = merge(-c2,TRCR(:,:,k,1),TRCR(:,:,k,1) < -c2)

      call state(k, k, TEMPSFC,          TRCR(:,:,1  ,2), &
                       this_block, RHOFULL=RHO1)
      call state(k, k, TEMPK(:,:,kprev), TRCR(:,:,k-1,2), &
                       this_block, RHOFULL=RHOKM)
      call state(k, k, TEMPK(:,:,klvl),  TRCR(:,:,k  ,2), &
                       this_block, RHOFULL=RHOK)

      do j=1,ny_block
      do i=1,nx_block
         if (RHOK(i,j) /= c0) then
            DBSFC(i,j,k)   = grav*(c1 - RHO1 (i,j)/RHOK(i,j))
            DBLOC(i,j,k-1) = grav*(c1 - RHOKM(i,j)/RHOK(i,j))
            DBSFC(i,j,k)   = c0
            DBLOC(i,j,k-1) = c0

         if (k-1 >= KMT(i,j,bid)) DBLOC(i,j,k-1) = c0
      end do
      end do

      ktmp  = klvl
      klvl  = kprev
      kprev = ktmp


   DBLOC(:,:,km) = c0


 end subroutine buoydiff

! !IROUTINE: add_kpp_sources

 subroutine add_kpp_sources(SRCARRAY, k, this_block) 1,2

!  This routine adds KPP non local mixing term to the tracer source 
!  tendencies.
!  same as module


   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
      k                   ! vertical level index

   type (block), intent(in) :: &
      this_block          ! block information for current block


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block,nt), intent(inout) :: &
      SRCARRAY                ! array of tracer sources

!  local variables

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      n,                 &! local dummy index for tracer
      bid                 ! local block address

!  if KPP not chosen, return

   if (.not. allocated(KPP_SRC)) return

!  determine location and add sources

   bid = this_block%local_id

   SRCARRAY = SRCARRAY + KPP_SRC(:,:,k,:,bid)

   if (mix_pass /= 1) then
      do n=1,nt
         if (tavg_requested(tavg_KPP_SRC(n))) &
            call accumulate_tavg_field(KPP_SRC(:,:,k,n,bid),tavg_KPP_SRC(n),bid,k)


 end subroutine add_kpp_sources

! !IROUTINE: smooth_hblt

 subroutine smooth_hblt (overwrite_hblt, use_hmxl, & 2,4
                         bid, HBLT, KBL, SMOOTH_OUT)

!  This subroutine uses a 1-1-4-1-1 Laplacian filter one time
!  on HBLT or HMXL to reduce any horizontal two-grid-point noise.
!  If HBLT is overwritten, KBL is adjusted after smoothing.
!  same as module


   logical (log_kind), intent(in) :: &
      overwrite_hblt,   &    ! if .true.,  HBLT is overwritten
                             ! if .false., the result is returned in
                             !  a dummy array
      use_hmxl               ! if .true., smooth HMXL
                             ! if .false., smooth HBLT

   integer (int_kind), intent(in) :: &
      bid                    ! local block address


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), optional, intent(inout) :: &
      HBLT                   ! boundary layer depth

   integer (int_kind), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), optional, intent(inout) :: &
      KBL                    ! index of first lvl below hbl


   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block), optional, intent(out) ::  &
      SMOOTH_OUT              ! optional output array containing the
                              !  smoothened field if overwrite_hblt is false

!     local variables
   character (char_len) ::  &

   integer (int_kind) :: &
      i, j,              &  ! horizontal loop indices
      k                     ! vertical level index

   real (r8), dimension(nx_block,ny_block) ::  &
      WORK1, WORK2

   real (r8) ::  &
     cc, cw, ce, cn, cs, &  ! averaging weights
     ztmp                   ! temp for level depth

!     consistency checks 

   if ( overwrite_hblt  .and.  ( .not.present(KBL)  .or.        &
                                 .not.present(HBLT) ) ) then      
     message = 'incorrect subroutine arguments for smooth_hblt, error # 1'
     call exit_POP (sigAbort, trim(message))

   if ( .not.overwrite_hblt  .and.  .not.present(SMOOTH_OUT) ) then 
     message = 'incorrect subroutine arguments for smooth_hblt, error # 2'
     call exit_POP (sigAbort, trim(message))

   if ( use_hmxl .and. .not.present(SMOOTH_OUT) ) then          
     message = 'incorrect subroutine arguments for smooth_hblt, error # 3'
     call exit_POP (sigAbort, trim(message))

   if ( overwrite_hblt  .and.  use_hmxl ) then                  
     message = 'incorrect subroutine arguments for smooth_hblt, error # 4'
     call exit_POP (sigAbort, trim(message))

!     perform one smoothing pass since we cannot do the necessary 
!     boundary updates for multiple passes.

   if ( use_hmxl ) then
     WORK2 = HMXL(:,:,bid)
     WORK2 = HBLT

   WORK1 = WORK2
   do j=2,ny_block-1
     do i=2,nx_block-1
       if ( KMT(i,j,bid) /= 0 ) then
         cw = p125
         ce = p125
         cn = p125
         cs = p125
         cc = p5
         if ( KMT(i-1,j,bid) == 0 ) then
           cc = cc + cw
           cw = c0
         if ( KMT(i+1,j,bid) == 0 ) then
           cc = cc + ce
           ce = c0
         if ( KMT(i,j-1,bid) == 0 ) then
           cc = cc + cs
           cs = c0
         if ( KMT(i,j+1,bid) == 0 ) then
           cc = cc + cn
           cn = c0
         WORK2(i,j) =  cw * WORK1(i-1,j)   &
                     + ce * WORK1(i+1,j)   &
                     + cs * WORK1(i,j-1)   &
                     + cn * WORK1(i,j+1)   &
                     + cc * WORK1(i,j)

   do k=1,km
     do j=2,ny_block-1
       do i=2,nx_block-1

         if (partial_bottom_cells) then
           ztmp = -zgrid(k-1) + p5*(DZT(i,j,k-1,bid) + &
                                    DZT(i,j,k  ,bid))
           ztmp = -zgrid(k)

         if ( k == KMT(i,j,bid)  .and.  WORK2(i,j) > ztmp ) then
           WORK2(i,j) = ztmp


   if ( overwrite_hblt  .and.  .not.use_hmxl ) then

     HBLT = WORK2

     do k=1,km
       do j=2,ny_block-1
         do i=2,nx_block-1

           if (partial_bottom_cells) then
             ztmp = -zgrid(k-1) + p5*(DZT(i,j,k-1,bid) + &
                                      DZT(i,j,k  ,bid))
             ztmp = -zgrid(k)

           if ( KMT(i,j,bid) /= 0            .and.  &
                ( HBLT(i,j) >  -zgrid(k-1) ) .and.  &
                ( HBLT(i,j) <= ztmp        ) ) KBL(i,j) = k





 end subroutine smooth_hblt


 end module vmix_kpp
