AMWG Diagnostics Package | Specialized Plots
Taylor Diagrams
Taylor diagrams provide a way of graphically summarizing how closely a pattern (or a set of patterns) matches observations. The similarity between two patterns is quantified in terms of their correlation, their centered root-mean-square difference and the amplitude of their variations (represented by their standard deviations).More info about the technique at:
Top 10 variables in the AMWG diags package
Variable | CAM name | Dataset | Lat | Lon | Mask | Level |
Sea Level Pressure | PSL | ERAI | -90,90 | 0-360 | None | - |
SW Cloud Forcing | SWCF | CERES-EBAF | -90:90 | 0-360 | None | - |
LW Cloud Forcing | LWCF | CERES-EBAF | -90,90 | 0-360 | None | - |
Land Rainfall | PRECT | GPCP | -30,30 | 0-360 | Land only | - |
Ocean Rainfall | PRECT | GPCP | -30,30 | 0-360 | Ocean only | - |
Land 2-m Temperature | TREFHT | WILLMOTT | -90,90 | 0-360 | Land only | - |
Pacific Surface Stress | STRESS | ERS | -5,5 | 135-270 | Ocean only | - |
Zonal Wind (300mb) | U | ERAI | -90,90 | 0-360 | None | 300mb |
Relative Humidity | RELHUM | ERAI | -90,90 | 0-360 | None | pressure-thickness weighted average between 0-1100mb |
Temperature | T | ERAI | -90,90 | 0-360 | None | pressure-thickness weighted average between 0-1100mb |