2014 CLM Tutorial

Lecture 1: Overview, biosphere-atmosphere interactions

Speaker: Gordon Bonan, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 2: CLM overview

Speaker: Dave Lawrence, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 3: Plant canopies

Speaker: Gordon Bonan, NCAR-CGD

Practical 1: Configure & Run CLM

Speakers: Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD, Bill Sacks, NCAR-CGD, Erik Kluzek, NCAR-CGD, Keith Oleson, NCAR-CGD, Stefan Muszala, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 4: Hydrology

Speaker: Sean Swenson, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 5: Permafrost

Speaker: Dave Lawrence, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 6: Arctic Ecosystems

Speaker: Hanna Lee, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 7: Urban Model

Speaker: Keith Oleson, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 8: Land-use datasets

Speaker: Peter Lawrence, NCAR-CGD

Practical 2, 2a, 2b

Speakers: Danica Lombardozzi, NCAR-CGD, Erik Kluzek, NCAR-CGD, Keith Oleson, NCAR-CGD, Peter Lawrence, NCAR-CGD, Rosie Fisher, NCAR-CGD, Stefan Muszala, NCAR-CGD
[Practical 2: PTCLM; other configuration options] [Practical 2a: Configuration options] [Practical 2b: PT CLM]

Lecture 9: Competition, co-existence and diversity in vegetation models; community dynamics and climate

Speaker: Rosie Fisher, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 10: Crop model; wildfire

Speaker: Sam Levis, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 11: Phenology

Speaker: Kyla Dahlin, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 12: MEGAN BVOCs

Speaker: Ahmed Tawfik

Practical 3

Speakers: Sanjiv Kumar, Peter Lawrence, NCAR-CGD (NCL), Kyla Dahlin, NCAR-CGD, (R), Rosie Fisher, NCAR-CGD, (Matlab), Sam Levis, NCAR-CGD (Matlab), Danica Lombardozzi, NCAR-CGD (CLM Diagnostics), Keith Oleson, NCAR-CGD (CLM Diagnostics)
[Practical 3: Analyze output] [Practical 3: Analysis scripts]

Lecture 13: Soil decomposition

Speaker: Will Wieder, NCAR-CGD

Lecture 14: Nitrogen biogeochemistry

Speaker: Quinn Thomas

Lecture 15: Ozone and stomata

Speaker: Danica Lombardozzi, NCAR-CGD

Practical 4: Making source code modifications

Speakers: Sam Levis, NCAR-CGD, Ahmed Tawfik, Quinn Thomas, Danica Lombardozzi, NCAR-CGD