2014 CESM Tutorial

Welcome, Intro, Logistics

Speaker: Adam Phillips

Lecture 1: Introduction to the coupled system

Speaker: Jean Francois Lamarque, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 2: Atmosphere Modeling I: Intro & Dynamics

Speaker: Peter Lauritzen, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Practical Session 1 Intro: Introduction to NCAR computing environment

Speaker: Rory Kelly, NCAR-CISL
[Video] [Presentation]

Practical Session 1 Intro: Run CESM

Speaker: Sean Santos, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 3: Atmosphere Modeling II: Physics

Speaker: Rich Neale, NCAR-CGDGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 4: Atmosphere Modeling III: Chemistry, Aerosols and WACCM

Speaker: Simone Tilmes, NCAR-CGD-ACD, Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM
[Video Tilmes] [Video Mills] [Presentation]

Lecture 5: Land Modeling I: Biogeophysics

Speaker: Peter Lawrence, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Practical Session 2 Intro: Run CESM: Simple Modifications

Speaker: Christine Shields, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation] [Practical Session 2: Lab Exercises #5-#6 Answers]

Lecture 6: Land Modeling II: CROP modeling in the Community Land Model

Speaker: Sam Levis, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 7: Ocean Modeling I

Speaker: Steve Yeager, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Applications 1: CESM Research Reports High resolution climate simulations with CESM: What does the high resolution buy us?

Speaker: Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD

Applications 1: CESM Research Reports Towards Consistent Land Use Distribution in IAM and CLM

Speaker: Xiaolin Ren, NCAR-CGD

Applications 1: CESM Research Reports Uncertainty in Climate Modeling

Speaker: Ben Sanderson, NCAR-CGD

Applications 1: CESM Research Reports “Megadrought” in the CESM Last Millennium Ensemble

Speaker: Samantha Stevenson, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Applications 1: CESM Research Reports Zonal-mean atmospheric response to future Arctic sea ice loss: The role of ocean-atmosphere coupling

Speaker: Bob Tomas, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Porting Session

Speaker: Jim Edwards, NCAR-CGD

Practical Session 3 Intro: Diagnostics and Output

Speaker: Adam Phillips, NCAR-CGD
[Video ][Presentation]

Lecture 8: Ocean Modeling II

Speaker: Steve Yeager, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 9: Ocean Biogeochemistry

Speaker: Keith Lindsay, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Lecture 10: Sea Ice Modeling

Speaker: Dave Bailey, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Practical Session 4 Intro: Namelist and Code Modifications

Speaker: Cecile Hannay, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation] [Practical Session 4: Lab Exercises #1-#3 Answers]

Lecture 11: Land Ice Modeling

Speaker: Jeremy Fyke, LANL
[Video] [Presentation]

Applications 2: Climate Predictions and Projections in the Coming Decades: Uncertainty due to Natural Variability

Speaker: James Hurrell, NCAR-CGD
[Video] [Presentation]

Breakouts: Ocean/Sea Ice

Speaker: David Bailey, Michael Levy

Breakouts: Land Ice Lecture: Land Ice

Speaker: Bill Sacks, NCAR-CGD
[Presentation] [Lab: Land Ice]

Breakouts: Land

Speakers: Sam Levis, NCAR-CGD, Erik Kluzek, NCAR-CGD

Breakouts: BGC

Speaker: Keith Lindsay, NCAR-CGD

Breakouts: Atmosphere

Speaker: Dani Coleman, NCAR-CGD
[Presentation] [Lab Presentation]

Breakouts: WACCM/Chemistry

Speakers: Mike Mills, NCAR-ACOM, Simone Tilmes, NCAR-ACOM/CGD