2011 LMWG Workshop Presentations Diffuse Radiation and Physiological Response in a Tropical Forest Ian Baker, CSU Evaluate Offline CLM4 Skin Temperature Simulation Using ARM Oklahoma Observations Menglin Jin Direct Climate Effects of Managing Terrestrial Carbon Andrew Jones, Berkeley CLM: Update on Progress, Plans, and Results from CCSM4 Simulations David Lawrence, NCAR-CGD Development of River Routing and Groundwater Models in CLM L. Ruby Leung, PNNL An Intermediate Process-based Fire Parameterization in Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) Fang Li Remote Sensing evaluation of CLM4 Jiafu Mao, ORNL Expansion of Loblolly Pines for Bioenergy feedback in the Southeastern US: Climate model insights Lisa Murphy, Berkely Lab Some Ideas for Land Surface Model Diagnostics Rafael Rosolem, U of Arizona Effects of High-Latitude Surface Forcing on the Tropics and Southern Hemisphere Zack Subin Evaluating modeled carbon state and flux variables against multiple NACP observational datasets Peter Thornton, ORNL Snow Cover Fraction and Frozen Soil Distribution Simulated by CLM3 and Some Updated Schemes Weiping Li CLM in China: Past, Present, and Future Zong-Liang Yang