module clm_driver 2,51
! !MODULE: clm_driver
! This module provides the main CLM driver physics calling sequence. Most
! computations occurs over ``clumps'' of gridcells (and associated subgrid
! scale entities) assigned to each MPI process. Computation is further
! parallelized by looping over clumps on each process using shared memory OpenMP.
! The main CLM driver physics calling sequence for clm_driver1 is as follows:
! \begin{verbatim}
! + interpMonthlyVeg interpolate monthly vegetation data [! CN or ! CNDV]
! + readMonthlyVegetation read vegetation data for two months [! CN or ! CNDV]
! ==== Begin Loop over clumps ====
! -> dynland_hwcontent Get initial heat, water content
! + pftdyn_interp [pftdyn]
! + dynland_hwcontent Get new heat, water content [pftdyn]
! ==== Begin Loop over clumps ====
! -> clm_driverInit save of variables from previous time step
! -> Hydrology1 canopy interception and precip on ground
! -> FracWet fraction of wet vegetated surface and dry elai
! -> SurfaceRadiation surface solar radiation
! -> UrbanRadiation surface solar and longwave radiation for Urban landunits
! -> Biogeophysics1 leaf temperature and surface fluxes
! -> BareGroundFluxes surface fluxes for bare soil or snow-covered
! vegetation patches
! -> UrbanFluxes surface fluxes for urban landunits
! -> MoninObukIni first-guess Monin-Obukhov length and wind speed
! -> FrictionVelocity friction velocity and potential temperature and
! humidity profiles
! -> CanopyFluxes leaf temperature and surface fluxes for vegetated
! patches
! -> QSat saturated vapor pressure, specific humidity, &
! derivatives at leaf surface
! -> MoninObukIni first-guess Monin-Obukhov length and wind speed
! -> FrictionVelocity friction velocity and potential temperature and
! humidity profiles
! -> Stomata stomatal resistance and photosynthesis for
! sunlit leaves
! -> Stomata stomatal resistance and photosynthesis for
! shaded leaves
! -> QSat recalculation of saturated vapor pressure,
! specific humidity, & derivatives at leaf surface
! + DustEmission Dust mobilization [DUST]
! + DustDryDep Dust dry deposition [DUST]
! -> Biogeophysics_Lake lake temperature and surface fluxes
! + VOCEmission compute VOC emission [VOC]
! -> Biogeophysics2 soil/snow & ground temp and update surface fluxes
! -> pft2col Average from PFT level to column level
! -> Hydrology2 surface and soil hydrology
! -> Hydrology_Lake lake hydrology
! -> SnowAge_grain update snow effective grain size for snow radiative transfer
! + CNEcosystemDyn Carbon Nitrogen model ecosystem dynamics: [CN]
! vegetation phenology and soil carbon
! + casa_ecosystemDyn CASA Prime Carbon model ecosystem dynamics: [CASA]
! vegetation phenology and soil carbon
! + EcosystemDyn "static" ecosystem dynamics: [! CN or ! CASA]
! vegetation phenology and soil carbon
! -> BalanceCheck check for errors in energy and water balances
! -> SurfaceAlbedo albedos for next time step
! -> UrbanAlbedo Urban landunit albedos for next time step
! ==== End Loop over clumps ====
! \end{verbatim}
! Optional subroutines are denoted by an plus (+) with the associated
! CPP token or variable in brackets at the end of the line.
! !USES:
use shr_kind_mod
, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
use clmtype
use clm_varctl
, only : wrtdia, fpftdyn
use clm_varctl
, only : iulog
use spmdMod
, only : masterproc,mpicom
use decompMod
, only : get_proc_clumps, get_clump_bounds
use filterMod
, only : filter, setFilters
#if (defined CNDV)
use CNDVMod
, only : dv, histCNDV
use pftdynMod
, only : pftwt_interp
use pftdynMod
, only : pftdyn_interp, pftdyn_wbal_init, pftdyn_wbal
#ifdef CN
use pftdynMod
, only : pftdyn_cnbal
use clm_varctl
, only : fndepdyn, use_ndepstream
use dynlandMod
, only : dynland_hwcontent
use clm_varcon
, only : zlnd, isturb
use clm_time_manager
, only : get_step_size, get_curr_calday, &
get_curr_date, get_ref_date, get_nstep, is_perpetual
use histFileMod
, only : hist_update_hbuf, hist_htapes_wrapup
use restFileMod
, only : restFile_write, restFile_write_binary, restFile_filename
use inicFileMod
, only : inicfile_perp
use accFldsMod
, only : updateAccFlds
use clm_driverInitMod
, only : clm_driverInit
use BalanceCheckMod
, only : BeginWaterBalance, BalanceCheck
use SurfaceRadiationMod
, only : SurfaceRadiation
use Hydrology1Mod
, only : Hydrology1
use Hydrology2Mod
, only : Hydrology2
use HydrologyLakeMod
, only : HydrologyLake
use Biogeophysics1Mod
, only : Biogeophysics1
use BareGroundFluxesMod
, only : BareGroundFluxes
use CanopyFluxesMod
, only : CanopyFluxes
use Biogeophysics2Mod
, only : Biogeophysics2
use BiogeophysicsLakeMod
, only : BiogeophysicsLake
use SurfaceAlbedoMod
, only : SurfaceAlbedo
use pft2colMod
, only : pft2col
#if (defined CN)
use CNSetValueMod
, only : CNZeroFluxes_dwt
use CNEcosystemDynMod
, only : CNEcosystemDyn
use CNAnnualUpdateMod
, only : CNAnnualUpdate
use CNBalanceCheckMod
, only : BeginCBalance, BeginNBalance, &
CBalanceCheck, NBalanceCheck
use ndepFileMod
, only : ndepdyn_interp
use ndepStreamMod
, only : ndep_interp, &
stream_year_first_ndep, stream_year_last_ndep
use STATICEcosysDynMod
, only : EcosystemDyn
#if (defined DUST)
use DUSTMod
, only : DustDryDep, DustEmission
use VOCEmissionMod
, only : VOCEmission
use seq_drydep_mod
, only : n_drydep, drydep_method, DD_XLND
use STATICEcosysDynMod
, only : interpMonthlyVeg
use DryDepVelocity
, only : depvel_compute
#if (defined CASA)
use CASAMod
, only : casa_ecosystemDyn
#if (defined RTM)
use RtmMod
, only : Rtmriverflux
use abortutils
, only : endrun
use UrbanMod
, only : UrbanAlbedo, UrbanRadiation, UrbanFluxes
use perf_mod
, only : SnowAge_grain
use aerdepMod
, only : interpMonthlyAerdep
use clm_varctl
, only : set_caerdep_from_file, set_dustdep_from_file
implicit none
public :: clm_driver1 ! Phase one of the clm driver (clm physics)
public :: clm_driver2 ! Phase two of the clm driver (history, restart writes updates etc.)
private :: write_diagnostic ! Write diagnostic information to log file
private :: do_inicwrite ! If time to write an initial condition file
! !ROUTINE: clm_driver1
subroutine clm_driver1 (doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin) 1,55
! First phase of the clm driver calling the clm physics. An outline of
! the calling tree is given in the description of this module.
! !USES:
implicit none
logical , intent(in) :: doalb ! true if time for surface albedo calc
real(r8), intent(in) :: nextsw_cday ! calendar day for nstep+1
real(r8), intent(in) :: declinp1 ! declination angle for next time step
real(r8), intent(in) :: declin ! declination angle for current time step
! 2002.10.01 Mariana Vertenstein latest update to new data structures
! 11/26/03, Peter Thornton: Added new call for SurfaceRadiationSunShade when
! cpp directive SUNSHA is set, for sunlit/shaded canopy radiation.
! 4/25/05, Peter Thornton: Made the sun/shade routine the default, no longer
! need to have SUNSHA defined.
! 10/05 & 07/07 Sam Levis: Starting dates of CNDV work
! 2/29/08, Dave Lawrence: Revised snow cover fraction according to Niu and Yang, 2007
! 3/6/09, Peter Thornton: Added declin as new argument, for daylength control on Vcmax
! 2008.11.12 B. Kauffman: morph routine casa() in casa_ecosytemDyn(), so casa
! is more similar to CN & DGVM
! local pointers to implicit in arguments
integer , pointer :: clandunit(:) ! landunit index associated with each column
integer , pointer :: itypelun(:) ! landunit type
real(r8) :: dtime ! land model time step (sec)
real(r8) :: t1, t2, t3 ! temporary for mass balance checks
integer :: nc, fc, c, fp, p, l, g ! indices
integer :: nclumps ! number of clumps on this processor
integer :: nstep ! time step number
integer :: begp, endp ! clump beginning and ending pft indices
integer :: begc, endc ! clump beginning and ending column indices
integer :: begl, endl ! clump beginning and ending landunit indices
integer :: begg, endg ! clump beginning and ending gridcell indices
type(column_type) , pointer :: cptr ! pointer to column derived subtype
! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (landunit-level)
itypelun => clm3%g%l%itype
! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (column-level)
clandunit => clm3%g%l%c%landunit
! Set pointers into derived type
cptr => clm3%g%l%c
#ifdef CN
! For dry-deposition need to call CLMSP so that mlaidiff is obtained
if ( n_drydep > 0 .and. drydep_method == DD_XLND ) then
call t_startf('interpMonthlyVeg')
call interpMonthlyVeg
call t_stopf('interpMonthlyVeg')
! ============================================================================
! Determine weights for time interpolation of monthly vegetation data.
! This also determines whether it is time to read new monthly vegetation and
! obtain updated leaf area index [mlai1,mlai2], stem area index [msai1,msai2],
! vegetation top [mhvt1,mhvt2] and vegetation bottom [mhvb1,mhvb2]. The
! weights obtained here are used in subroutine ecosystemdyn to obtain time
! interpolated values.
! ============================================================================
if (doalb .or. ( n_drydep > 0 .and. drydep_method == DD_XLND )) then
call t_startf('interpMonthlyVeg')
call interpMonthlyVeg
call t_stopf('interpMonthlyVeg')
end if
! ============================================================================
! interpolate aerosol deposition data, and read in new monthly data if need be.
! ============================================================================
if ( (set_caerdep_from_file) .or. (set_dustdep_from_file) ) then
call interpMonthlyAerdep
! ============================================================================
! Loop over clumps
! ============================================================================
nclumps = get_proc_clumps
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (nc,g,begg,endg,begl,endl,begc,endc,begp,endp)
do nc = 1,nclumps
! ============================================================================
! Determine clump boundaries
! ============================================================================
call get_clump_bounds
(nc, begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
! ============================================================================
! change pft weights and compute associated heat & water fluxes
! ============================================================================
! initialize heat and water content and dynamic balance fields to zero
do g = begg,endg
clm3%g%gwf%qflx_liq_dynbal(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gws%gc_liq2(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gws%gc_liq1(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gwf%qflx_ice_dynbal(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gws%gc_ice2(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gws%gc_ice1(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%gef%eflx_dynbal(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%ges%gc_heat2(g) = 0._r8
clm3%g%ges%gc_heat1(g) = 0._r8
!--- get initial heat,water content ---
call dynland_hwcontent
( begg, endg, clm3%g%gws%gc_liq1(begg:endg), &
clm3%g%gws%gc_ice1(begg:endg), clm3%g%ges%gc_heat1(begg:endg) )
end do
#if (!defined CNDV)
if (fpftdyn /= ' ') then
call pftdyn_interp
! change the pft weights
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (nc,g,begg,endg,begl,endl,begc,endc,begp,endp)
do nc = 1,nclumps
call get_clump_bounds
(nc, begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
!--- get new heat,water content: (new-old)/dt = flux into lnd model ---
call dynland_hwcontent
( begg, endg, clm3%g%gws%gc_liq2(begg:endg), &
clm3%g%gws%gc_ice2(begg:endg), clm3%g%ges%gc_heat2(begg:endg) )
dtime = get_step_size
do g = begg,endg
clm3%g%gwf%qflx_liq_dynbal(g) = (clm3%g%gws%gc_liq2 (g) - clm3%g%gws%gc_liq1 (g))/dtime
clm3%g%gwf%qflx_ice_dynbal(g) = (clm3%g%gws%gc_ice2 (g) - clm3%g%gws%gc_ice1 (g))/dtime
clm3%g%gef%eflx_dynbal (g) = (clm3%g%ges%gc_heat2(g) - clm3%g%ges%gc_heat1(g))/dtime
end do
end if
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (nc,g,begg,endg,begl,endl,begc,endc,begp,endp)
do nc = 1,nclumps
call get_clump_bounds
(nc, begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
! ============================================================================
! Initialize the mass balance checks: water, carbon, and nitrogen
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('begwbal')
call BeginWaterBalance
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, filter(nc)%num_lakec, filter(nc)%lakec, &
filter(nc)%num_hydrologyc, filter(nc)%hydrologyc)
call t_stopf('begwbal')
#if (defined CN)
call t_startf('begcnbal')
call BeginCBalance
(begc, endc, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc)
call BeginNBalance
(begc, endc, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc)
call t_stopf('begcnbal')
end do
! ============================================================================
! Initialize h2ocan_loss to zero
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('pftdynwts')
call pftdyn_wbal_init
#if (defined CNDV)
! if (doalb) then ! Currently CNDV and fpftdyn /= ' ' are incompatible
call CNZeroFluxes_dwt
call pftwt_interp
call pftdyn_wbal
( begg, endg, begc, endc, begp, endp )
call pftdyn_cnbal
call setFilters
! end if
! ============================================================================
! Update weights and reset filters if dynamic land use
! This needs to be done outside the clumps loop, but after BeginWaterBalance()
! The call to CNZeroFluxes_dwt() is needed regardless of fpftdyn
! ============================================================================
#if (defined CN)
call CNZeroFluxes_dwt
if (fpftdyn /= ' ') then
#if (defined CN)
call pftdyn_cnbal
call setFilters
end if
#if (defined CN)
! ============================================================================
! Update dynamic N deposition field, on albedo timestep
! currently being done outside clumps loop, but no reason why it couldn't be
! re-written to go inside.
! ============================================================================
! PET: switching CN timestep
if (use_ndepstream) then
if (stream_year_first_ndep /= stream_year_last_ndep) then
call ndep_interp
end if
if (fndepdyn /= ' ') then
call ndepdyn_interp
end if
end if
call t_stopf('pftdynwts')
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (nc,l,c,begg,endg,begl,endl,begc,endc,begp,endp)
do nc = 1,nclumps
! ============================================================================
! Determine clump boundaries
! ============================================================================
call get_clump_bounds
(nc, begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
! ============================================================================
! Initialize variables from previous time step and
! Determine canopy interception and precipitation onto ground surface.
! Determine the fraction of foliage covered by water and the fraction
! of foliage that is dry and transpiring. Initialize snow layer if the
! snow accumulation exceeds 10 mm.
! ============================================================================
! initialize declination for current timestep
do c = begc,endc
clm3%g%l%c%cps%decl(c) = declin
end do
call t_startf('drvinit')
call clm_driverInit
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, filter(nc)%num_lakec, filter(nc)%lakec)
call t_stopf('drvinit')
! ============================================================================
! Hydrology1
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('hydro1')
call Hydrology1
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep)
call t_stopf('hydro1')
! ============================================================================
! Surface Radiation
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('surfrad')
! Surface Radiation for non-urban columns
call SurfaceRadiation
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nourbanp, filter(nc)%nourbanp)
! Surface Radiation for urban columns
call UrbanRadiation
(nc, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nourbanl, filter(nc)%nourbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanl, filter(nc)%urbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanc, filter(nc)%urbanc, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanp, filter(nc)%urbanp)
call t_stopf('surfrad')
! ============================================================================
! Determine leaf temperature and surface fluxes based on ground
! temperature from previous time step.
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('bgp1')
call Biogeophysics1
(begg, endg, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep)
call t_stopf('bgp1')
! ============================================================================
! Determine bare soil or snow-covered vegetation surface temperature and fluxes
! Calculate Ground fluxes (frac_veg_nosno is either 1 or 0)
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('bgflux')
! BareGroundFluxes for all pfts except lakes and urban landunits
call BareGroundFluxes
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakeurbanp, filter(nc)%nolakeurbanp)
call t_stopf('bgflux')
! Fluxes for all Urban landunits
call t_startf('uflux')
call UrbanFluxes
(nc, begp, endp, begl, endl, begc, endc, &
filter(nc)%num_nourbanl, filter(nc)%nourbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanl, filter(nc)%urbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanc, filter(nc)%urbanc, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanp, filter(nc)%urbanp)
call t_stopf('uflux')
! ============================================================================
! Determine non snow-covered vegetation surface temperature and fluxes
! Calculate canopy temperature, latent and sensible fluxes from the canopy,
! and leaf water change by evapotranspiration
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('canflux')
call CanopyFluxes
(begg, endg, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep)
call t_stopf('canflux')
! ============================================================================
! Determine lake temperature and surface fluxes
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('bgplake')
call BiogeophysicsLake
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_lakec, filter(nc)%lakec, &
filter(nc)%num_lakep, filter(nc)%lakep)
call t_stopf('bgplake')
! ============================================================================
! DUST and VOC emissions (if defined)
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('bgc')
#if (defined DUST)
! Dust mobilization (C. Zender's modified codes)
call DustEmission
(begp, endp, begc, endc, begl, endl, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep)
! Dust dry deposition (C. Zender's modified codes)
call DustDryDep
(begp, endp)
! VOC emission (A. Guenther's MEGAN (2006) model)
call VOCEmission
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp)
call t_stopf('bgc')
! ============================================================================
! Determine soil/snow temperatures including ground temperature and
! update surface fluxes for new ground temperature.
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('bgp2')
call Biogeophysics2
(begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanl, filter(nc)%urbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep)
call t_stopf('bgp2')
! ============================================================================
! Perform averaging from PFT level to column level
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('pft2col')
call pft2col
(begc, endc, filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec)
call t_stopf('pft2col')
! ============================================================================
! Vertical (column) soil and surface hydrology
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('hydro2')
call Hydrology2
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakec, filter(nc)%nolakec, &
filter(nc)%num_hydrologyc, filter(nc)%hydrologyc, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanc, filter(nc)%urbanc, &
filter(nc)%num_snowc, filter(nc)%snowc, &
filter(nc)%num_nosnowc, filter(nc)%nosnowc)
call t_stopf('hydro2')
! ============================================================================
! Lake hydrology
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('hylake')
call HydrologyLake
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_lakep, filter(nc)%lakep)
call t_stopf('hylake')
! ============================================================================
! ! Fraction of soil covered by snow (Z.-L. Yang U. Texas)
! ============================================================================
do c = begc,endc
l = clandunit(c)
if (itypelun(l) == isturb) then
! Urban landunit use Bonan 1996 (LSM Technical Note)
cptr%cps%frac_sno(c) = min( cptr%cps%snowdp(c)/0.05_r8, 1._r8)
! snow cover fraction in Niu et al. 2007
cptr%cps%frac_sno(c) = 0.0_r8
if(cptr%cps%snowdp(c) .gt. 0.0_r8) then
cptr%cps%frac_sno(c) = tanh(cptr%cps%snowdp(c)/(2.5_r8*zlnd* &
(min(800._r8,cptr%cws%h2osno(c)/cptr%cps%snowdp(c))/100._r8)**1._r8) )
end if
end do
! ============================================================================
! Snow aging routine based on Flanner and Zender (2006), Linking snowpack
! microphysics and albedo evolution, JGR, and Brun (1989), Investigation of
! wet-snow metamorphism in respect of liquid-water content, Ann. Glaciol.
! ============================================================================
call SnowAge_grain
(begc, endc, &
filter(nc)%num_snowc, filter(nc)%snowc, &
filter(nc)%num_nosnowc, filter(nc)%nosnowc)
! ============================================================================
! Ecosystem dynamics: Uses CN, CNDV, or static parameterizations
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('ecosysdyn')
#if (defined CN)
! fully prognostic canopy structure and C-N biogeochemistry
! - CNDV defined: prognostic biogeography; else prescribed
call CNEcosystemDyn
filter(nc)%soilc, filter(nc)%num_soilp, &
filter(nc)%soilp, doalb)
call CNAnnualUpdate
filter(nc)%soilc, filter(nc)%num_soilp, &
#elif (defined CASA)
! Prescribed biogeography,
! prescribed canopy structure, some prognostic carbon fluxes
call casa_ecosystemDyn
(begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc, &
filter(nc)%num_soilp, filter(nc)%soilp, doalb)
call EcosystemDyn
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep, &
! Prescribed biogeography,
! prescribed canopy structure, some prognostic carbon fluxes
call EcosystemDyn
(begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nolakep, filter(nc)%nolakep, &
call t_stopf('ecosysdyn')
! Dry Deposition of chemical tracers (Wesely (1998) parameterizaion)
call depvel_compute
! ============================================================================
! Check the energy and water balance, also carbon and nitrogen balance
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('balchk')
call BalanceCheck
(begp, endp, begc, endc, begl, endl, begg, endg)
call t_stopf('balchk')
#if (defined EXIT_SPINUP)
! skip calls to C and N balance checking during EXIT_SPINUP
! because the system is (intentionally) not conserving mass
! on the first EXIT_SPINUP doalb timestep
#elif (defined CN)
nstep = get_nstep
if (nstep > 2) then
call t_startf('cnbalchk')
call CBalanceCheck
(begc, endc, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc)
call NBalanceCheck
(begc, endc, filter(nc)%num_soilc, filter(nc)%soilc)
call t_stopf('cnbalchk')
end if
! ============================================================================
! Determine albedos for next time step
! ============================================================================
if (doalb) then
call t_startf('surfalb')
! Albedos for non-urban columns
call SurfaceAlbedo
(begg, endg, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_nourbanc, filter(nc)%nourbanc, &
filter(nc)%num_nourbanp, filter(nc)%nourbanp, &
nextsw_cday, declinp1)
call t_stopf('surfalb')
! Albedos for urban columns
call t_startf('urbsurfalb')
if (filter(nc)%num_urbanl > 0) then
call UrbanAlbedo
(nc, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanl, filter(nc)%urbanl, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanc, filter(nc)%urbanc, &
filter(nc)%num_urbanp, filter(nc)%urbanp)
end if
call t_stopf('urbsurfalb')
end if
end do
end subroutine clm_driver1
! !ROUTINE: clm_driver2
subroutine clm_driver2(nextsw_cday, declinp1, rstwr, nlend, rdate) 1,24
! Second phase of the clm main driver, for handling history and restart file output.
! The main CLM driver calling sequence is as follows:
! \begin{verbatim}
! -> write_diagnostic output diagnostic if appropriate
! + Rtmriverflux calls RTM river routing model [RTM]
! + inicfile_perp initial snow and soil moisture [is_perpetual]
! -> updateAccFlds update accumulated fields
! -> hist_update_hbuf accumulate history fields for time interval
! -> htapes_wrapup write history tapes if appropriate
! -> restFile_write write restart file if appropriate
! -> restFile_write write initial file if appropriate
! \end{verbatim}
implicit none
real(r8), intent(in) :: nextsw_cday ! calendar day for nstep+1
real(r8), intent(in) :: declinp1 ! declination angle for next time step
logical, intent(in) :: rstwr ! true => write restart file this step
logical, intent(in) :: nlend ! true => end of run on this step
character(len=*), intent(in) :: rdate ! restart file time stamp for name
! 2005.05.22 Mariana Vertenstein creation
integer :: nstep ! time step number
real(r8) :: dtime ! land model time step (sec)
#if (defined CNDV)
integer :: nc, c ! indices
integer :: nclumps ! number of clumps on this processor
integer :: yrp1 ! year (0, ...) for nstep+1
integer :: monp1 ! month (1, ..., 12) for nstep+1
integer :: dayp1 ! day of month (1, ..., 31) for nstep+1
integer :: secp1 ! seconds into current date for nstep+1
integer :: yr ! year (0, ...)
integer :: mon ! month (1, ..., 12)
integer :: day ! day of month (1, ..., 31)
integer :: sec ! seconds of the day
integer :: ncdate ! current date
integer :: nbdate ! base date (reference date)
integer :: kyr ! thousand years, equals 2 at end of first year
integer :: begp, endp ! clump beginning and ending pft indices
integer :: begc, endc ! clump beginning and ending column indices
integer :: begl, endl ! clump beginning and ending landunit indices
integer :: begg, endg ! clump beginning and ending gridcell indices
character(len=256) :: filer ! restart file name
integer :: ier ! error code
logical :: write_restart ! flag if should write restart files
! ============================================================================
! Write global average diagnostics to standard output
! ============================================================================
nstep = get_nstep
if (wrtdia) call mpi_barrier(mpicom,ier)
call t_startf('wrtdiag')
call write_diagnostic
(wrtdia, nstep)
call t_stopf('wrtdiag')
#if (defined RTM)
! ============================================================================
! Route surface and subsurface runoff into rivers
! ============================================================================
call mpi_barrier(mpicom,ier)
call t_startf('clmrtm')
call Rtmriverflux
call t_stopf('clmrtm')
! ============================================================================
! Read initial snow and soil moisture data at each time step
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('inicperp')
if (is_perpetual
()) then
call inicfile_perp
end if
call t_stopf('inicperp')
! ============================================================================
! Update accumulators
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('accum')
call updateAccFlds
call t_stopf('accum')
! ============================================================================
! Update history buffer
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('hbuf')
call hist_update_hbuf
call t_stopf('hbuf')
! ============================================================================
! Call dv (dynamic vegetation) at last time step of year
! NOTE: monp1, dayp1, and secp1 correspond to nstep+1
! ============================================================================
#if (defined CNDV)
call t_startf('d2dgvm')
dtime = get_step_size
call get_curr_date
(yrp1, monp1, dayp1, secp1, offset=int(dtime))
if (monp1==1 .and. dayp1==1 .and. secp1==dtime .and. nstep>0) then
! Get date info. kyr is used in lpj(). At end of first year, kyr = 2.
call get_curr_date
(yr, mon, day, sec)
ncdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day
call get_ref_date
(yr, mon, day, sec)
nbdate = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day
kyr = ncdate/10000 - nbdate/10000 + 1
if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'End of year. CNDV called now: ncdate=', &
ncdate,' nbdate=',nbdate,' kyr=',kyr,' nstep=', nstep
nclumps = get_proc_clumps
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (nc,begg,endg,begl,endl,begc,endc,begp,endp)
do nc = 1,nclumps
call get_clump_bounds
(nc, begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
call dv
(begg, endg, begp, endp, &
filter(nc)%num_natvegp, filter(nc)%natvegp, kyr)
end do
end if
call t_stopf('d2dgvm')
! ============================================================================
! Create history and write history tapes if appropriate
! ============================================================================
call t_startf('clm_driver_io')
#ifndef _NOIO
call t_startf('clm_driver_io_htapes')
call hist_htapes_wrapup
( rstwr, nlend )
call t_stopf('clm_driver_io_htapes')
! ============================================================================
! Write to CNDV history buffer if appropriate
! ============================================================================
#if (defined CNDV)
if (monp1==1 .and. dayp1==1 .and. secp1==dtime .and. nstep>0) then
call t_startf('clm_driver_io_hdgvm')
call histCNDV
if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'Annual CNDV calculations are complete'
call t_stopf('clm_driver_io_hdgvm')
end if
! ============================================================================
! Write restart/initial files if appropriate
! ============================================================================
write_restart = rstwr
if (write_restart) then
call t_startf('clm_driver_io_wrest')
filer = restFile_filename
(type='netcdf', rdate=rdate)
call restFile_write
( filer, nlend )
filer = restFile_filename
(type='binary', rdate=rdate )
call restFile_write_binary
( filer, nlend )
call t_stopf('clm_driver_io_wrest')
else if (do_inicwrite
()) then
call t_startf('clm_driver_io_wrest')
dtime = get_step_size
filer = restFile_filename
(type='netcdf', offset=int(dtime))
call restFile_write
( filer, nlend, noptr=.true. )
call t_stopf('clm_driver_io_wrest')
end if
call t_stopf('clm_driver_io')
end subroutine clm_driver2
! !IROUTINE: write_diagnostic
subroutine write_diagnostic (wrtdia, nstep) 1,12
! Write diagnostic surface temperature output each timestep. Written to
! be fast but not bit-for-bit because order of summations can change each
! timestep.
! !USES:
use clm_atmlnd
, only : clm_l2a
use decompMod
, only : get_proc_bounds, get_proc_global
use spmdMod
, only : masterproc, npes, MPI_REAL8, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, &
use shr_sys_mod
, only : shr_sys_flush
use abortutils
, only : endrun
implicit none
logical, intent(in) :: wrtdia !true => write diagnostic
integer, intent(in) :: nstep !model time step
! Created by Mariana Vertenstein
integer :: p ! loop index
integer :: begp, endp ! per-proc beginning and ending pft indices
integer :: begc, endc ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices
integer :: begl, endl ! per-proc beginning and ending landunit indices
integer :: begg, endg ! per-proc gridcell ending gridcell indices
integer :: numg ! total number of gridcells across all processors
integer :: numl ! total number of landunits across all processors
integer :: numc ! total number of columns across all processors
integer :: nump ! total number of pfts across all processors
integer :: ier ! error status
real(r8):: psum ! partial sum of ts
real(r8):: tsum ! sum of ts
real(r8):: tsxyav ! average ts for diagnostic output
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) ! mpi status
logical,parameter :: old_sendrecv = .false. ! Flag if should use old send/receive method rather than MPI reduce
call get_proc_bounds
(begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
call get_proc_global
(numg, numl, numc, nump)
if (wrtdia) then
call t_barrierf('sync_write_diag', mpicom)
psum = sum(clm_l2a%t_rad(begg:endg))
if (old_sendrecv) then
if (masterproc) then
tsum = psum
do p = 1, npes-1
call mpi_recv(psum, 1, MPI_REAL8, p, 999, mpicom, status, ier)
if (ier/=0) then
write(iulog,*) 'write_diagnostic: Error in mpi_recv()'
call endrun
end if
tsum = tsum + psum
end do
call mpi_send(psum, 1, MPI_REAL8, 0, 999, mpicom, ier)
if (ier/=0) then
write(iulog,*) 'write_diagnostic: Error in mpi_send()'
call endrun
end if
end if
call mpi_reduce(psum, tsum, 1, MPI_REAL8, MPI_SUM, 0, mpicom, ier)
if (ier/=0) then
write(iulog,*) 'write_diagnostic: Error in mpi_reduce()'
call endrun
end if
if (masterproc) then
tsxyav = tsum / numg
write(iulog,1000) nstep, tsxyav
call shr_sys_flush
end if
if (masterproc) then
write(iulog,*)'clm2: completed timestep ',nstep
call shr_sys_flush
end if
1000 format (1x,'nstep = ',i10,' TS = ',f21.15)
end subroutine write_diagnostic
! !IROUTINE: do_inicwrite
logical function do_inicwrite() 1,6
! Determine if initial dataset is to be written at this time step
! True implies that the initial file will be written one time step
! before the date contained in the filename.
! !USES:
use clm_time_manager
, only : get_curr_date, get_prev_date, get_step_size
use clm_varctl
, only : hist_crtinic
implicit none
! Created by Mariana Vertenstein
integer :: yr !nstep year (0 -> ...)
integer :: yrm1 !nstep-1 year (0 -> ...)
integer :: daym1 !nstep-1 day (1 -> 31)
integer :: day !nstep day (1 -> 31)
integer :: mon !nstep month (1 -> 12)
integer :: monm1 !nstep-1 month (1 -> 12)
integer :: mcsec !nstep time of day [seconds]
integer :: mcsecm1 !nstep-1 time of day [seconds]
integer :: mcsecp1 !nstep+1 time of day [seconds]
integer :: dayp1 !nstep+1 day (1 -> 31)
integer :: monp1 !nstep+1 month (1 -> 12)
integer :: yrp1 !nstep+1 year (0 -> ...)
integer :: dtime !timestep size [seconds]
! Set calendar for current, previous, and next time steps
dtime = get_step_size
call get_curr_date
(yr , mon , day , mcsec )
call get_prev_date
(yrm1, monm1, daym1, mcsecm1)
call get_curr_date
(yrp1, monp1, dayp1, mcsecp1, offset=dtime)
! Determine if time to write out initial dataset
do_inicwrite = .false.
if (hist_crtinic /= 'NONE') then
if (hist_crtinic == '6-HOURLY') then
if (mod(mcsecp1,21600) == 0) do_inicwrite = .true.
elseif (hist_crtinic == 'DAILY') then
if (day /= dayp1) do_inicwrite = .true.
else if (hist_crtinic == 'MONTHLY') then
if (mon /= monp1) do_inicwrite = .true.
else if (hist_crtinic == 'YEARLY') then
if (mon == 12 .and. monp1 == 1) do_inicwrite = .true.
end function do_inicwrite
end module clm_driver