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Up: 1. Introduction
Previous: 1.1 Brief History
The CAM 3.0 is the fifth generation of the NCAR atmospheric GCM. The
name of the model series has been changed from Community Climate Model
to Community Atmosphere Model to reflect the role of CAM 3.0 in the
fully coupled climate system. In contrast to previous generations of
the atmospheric model, CAM 3.0 has been designed through a
collaborative process with users and developers in the Atmospheric
Model Working Group (AMWG). The AMWG includes scientists from NCAR,
the university community, and government laboratories. For CAM 3.0,
the AMWG proposed testing a variety of dynamical cores and convective
parameterizations. The data from these experiments has been freely
shared among the AMWG, particularly with member organizations (e.g.
PCMDI) with methods for comparing modeled climates against
observations. The proposed model configurations have also been
extensively evaluated using a new diagnostics package developed by
M. Stevens and J. Hack (CMS). The consensus of the AMWG is to retain
the spectral Eulerian dynamical core for the first official release of
CAM 3.0, although the code includes the option to run with
semi-Lagrange dynamics (section 3.2) or with
finite-volume dynamics (FV; section 3.3). The
addition of FV is a major extension to the model provided through a
collaboration between NCAR and NASA Goddard's Data Assimilation Office
(DAO). The AMWG also has decided to retain the Zhang and McFarlane [199]
parameterization for deep convection
(section 4.1) in CAM 3.0.
The major changes in the physics include:
- Treatment of cloud condensed water using a prognostic treatment
(section 4.5): The original formulation is
introduced in Rasch and Kristjánsson [144]. Revisions to the parameterization to
deal more realistically with the treatment of the condensation and
evaporation under forcing by large scale processes and changing cloud
fraction are described in Zhang et al. [200].The parameterization has two
components: 1) a macroscale component that describes the exchange of
water substance between the condensate and the vapor phase and the
associated temperature change arising from that phase change
[200]; and 2) a bulk microphysical component that controls
the conversion from condensate to precipitate [144].
- A new thermodynamic package for sea ice
(chapter 6): The philosophy behind the design of the
sea ice formulation of CAM 3.0 is to use the same physics, where
possible, as in the sea ice model within CCSM, which is known as CSIM
for Community Sea Ice Model. In the absence of an ocean model,
uncoupled simulations with CAM 3.0 require sea ice thickness and
concentration to be specified. Hence the primary function of the sea
ice formulation in CAM 3.0 is to compute surface fluxes. The new sea
ice formulation in CAM 3.0 uses parameterizations from CSIM for
predicting snow depth, brine pockets, internal shortwave radiative
transfer, surface albedo, ice-atmosphere drag, and surface exchange
- Explicit representation of fractional land and sea-ice coverage
(section 7.2): Earlier versions of the global
atmospheric model (the CCM series) included a simple land-ocean-sea
ice mask to define the underlying surface of the model. It is well
known that fluxes of fresh water, heat, and momentum between the
atmosphere and underlying surface are strongly affected by surface
type. The CAM 3.0 provides a much more accurate representation of flux
exchanges from coastal boundaries, island regions, and ice edges by
including a fractional specification for land, ice, and ocean. That
is, the area occupied by these surface types is described as a
fractional portion of the atmospheric grid box. This fractional
specification provides a mechanism to account for flux differences due
to sub-grid inhomogeneity of surface types.
- A new, general, and flexible treatment of geometrical cloud
overlap in the radiation calculations
(section 4.8.5): The new parameterizations compute
the shortwave and longwave fluxes and heating rates for random
overlap, maximum overlap, or an arbitrary combination of maximum and
random overlap. The specification of the type of overlap is identical
for the two bands, and it is completely separated from the radiative
parameterizations. In CAM 3.0, adjacent cloud layers are maximally
overlapped and groups of clouds separated by cloud-free layers are
randomly overlapped. The introduction of the generalized overlap
assumptions permits more realistic treatments of cloud-radiative
interactions. The parameterizations are based upon representations of
the radiative transfer equations which are more accurate than previous
approximations in the literature. The methodology has been designed
and validated against calculations based upon the independent column
approximation (ICA).
- A new parameterization for the longwave absorptivity and
emissivity of water vapor (section 4.9.2): This
updated treatment preserves the formulation of the radiative transfer
equations using the absorptivity/emissivity method. However, the
components of the absorptivity and emissivity related to water vapor
have been replaced with new terms calculated with the General
Line-by-line Atmospheric Transmittance and Radiance Model (GENLN3).
Mean absolute differences between the cooling rates from the original
method and GENLN3 are typically 0.2 K/day. These differences are
reduced by at least a factor of 3 using the updated parameterization.
The mean absolute errors in the surface and top-of-atmosphere
clear-sky longwave fluxes for standard atmospheres are reduced to less
than 1 W/m
. The updated parameterization increases the longwave
cooling at 300 mb by 0.3 to 0.6 K/day, and it decreases the cooling
near 800 mb by 0.1 to 0.5 K/day. The increased cooling is caused by
line absorption and the foreign continuum in the rotation band, and
the decreased cooling is caused by the self continuum in the rotation
- The near-infrared absorption by water vapor has been updated
(section 4.8.2). In the original shortwave
parameterization for CAM [27], the absorption by water
vapor is derived from the LBL calculations by Ramaswamy and Freidenreich [140].
In turn, these LBL calculations are based upon the 1983 AFGL line
data [152]. The original parameterization did not
include the effects of the water-vapor continuum in the visible and
near-infrared. In the new version of CAM, the parameterization is
based upon the HITRAN2k line database [153], and it
incorporates the CKD 2.4 prescription for the continuum. The
magnitude of errors in flux divergences and heating rates relative
to modern LBL calculations have been reduced by approximately seven
times compared to the old CAM parameterization.
- The uniform background aerosol has been replaced with a
present-day climatology of sulfate, sea-salt, carbonaceous, and
soil-dust aerosols (section 4.8.3). The climatology is
obtained from a chemical transport model forced with meteorological
analysis and constrained by assimilation of satellite aerosol
retrievals. These aerosols affect the shortwave energy budget of the
atmosphere. CAM 3.0 also includes a mechanism for treating the
shortwave and longwave effects of volcanic aerosols. A time history
for the mass of stratospheric sulfuric acid for volcanic eruptions in
the recent past is included with the standard model.
- Evaporation of convective precipitation
(section 4.1) following Sundqvist [169]:
The enhancement of atmospheric moisture through this mechanism offsets
the drying introduced by changes in the longwave absorptivity and
- A careful formulation of vertical diffusion of dry static energy
(section 4.11).
Other major enhancements include:
- A new, extensible sea-surface temperature boundary data set
(section 7.2): This dataset prescribes analyzed
monthly mid-point mean values of SST and ice concentration for the
period 1950 through 2001. The dataset is a blended product, using the
global HadISST OI dataset prior to 1981 and the Smith/Reynolds EOF
dataset post-1981. In addition to the analyzed time series, a
composite of the annual cycle for the period 1981-2001 is also
available in the form of a mean ``climatological'' dataset.
- Clean separation between the physics and dynamics
(chapter 2): The dynamical core can be coupled to
the parameterization suite in a purely time split manner or in a
purely process split one. The distinction is that in the process
split approximation the physics and dynamics are both calculated from
the same past state, while in the time split approximations the
dynamics and physics are calculated sequentially, each based on the
state produced by the other.
Next: 2. Coupling of Dynamical
Up: 1. Introduction
Previous: 1.1 Brief History
Jim McCaa