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1.2 Overview of CAM 3.0

The CAM 3.0 is the fifth generation of the NCAR atmospheric GCM. The name of the model series has been changed from Community Climate Model to Community Atmosphere Model to reflect the role of CAM 3.0 in the fully coupled climate system. In contrast to previous generations of the atmospheric model, CAM 3.0 has been designed through a collaborative process with users and developers in the Atmospheric Model Working Group (AMWG). The AMWG includes scientists from NCAR, the university community, and government laboratories. For CAM 3.0, the AMWG proposed testing a variety of dynamical cores and convective parameterizations. The data from these experiments has been freely shared among the AMWG, particularly with member organizations (e.g. PCMDI) with methods for comparing modeled climates against observations. The proposed model configurations have also been extensively evaluated using a new diagnostics package developed by M. Stevens and J. Hack (CMS). The consensus of the AMWG is to retain the spectral Eulerian dynamical core for the first official release of CAM 3.0, although the code includes the option to run with semi-Lagrange dynamics (section 3.2) or with finite-volume dynamics (FV; section 3.3). The addition of FV is a major extension to the model provided through a collaboration between NCAR and NASA Goddard's Data Assimilation Office (DAO). The AMWG also has decided to retain the Zhang and McFarlane [199] parameterization for deep convection (section 4.1) in CAM 3.0.

The major changes in the physics include:

Other major enhancements include:

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Jim McCaa 2004-06-22