2016 Winter WG Meeting Presentations | WAWG

The State of WACCM
Andrew Gettelman

WACCM4 CCMI status and science highlights
Doug Kinnison

WACCM-X update
Joe McInerney

WACCM studies at CU
L. Harvey / J. Pettit

WACCM studies at FMI
Monika Andersson

WACCM development at Leeds University
Wuhu Feng

Thermosphere-ionosphere integration work with WACCM-X at the NRL
Fabrizio Sassi

Reduced climate sensitivity to solar forcing due to stratospheric ozone feedback: A study contrasting WACCM and SC-WACCM
Gabriel Chiodo

Spurious reflection of atmospheric waves by model tops: A real problem?
Curt Covey

A global electric circuit model within WACCM
Greg Lucas

Total storm conduction current parameterization in a global climate model
Christina Kalb

The surface impacts of energetic particle precipitations as simulated in WACCM
Ethan Peck

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups
CAM dynamics update
Peter Lauritzen

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups
New CAM-chem developments, prognostic fire injection and SOA schemes
Louisa Emmons / Simone Tilmes

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups
New prescribed and prognostic volcanic and stratospheric aerosol options in CESM
Mike Mills

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups
Comparing QBO and ENSO impacts on stratospheric transport in WACCM-SD and -FR
Sasha Glanville

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups

WAWG Discussion

Comparing simulated PSC optical properties with CALIPSO observations during the 2010 Antarctic Winter
Yunqian Zhu

Data assimilation in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
Nick Pedatella

Joint Whole Atmosphere, Atmosphere Model, and Chemistry-Climate Working Groups
Nudging timescales and vertical transport in CAMChem-SD and WACCM-SD
Jessica Neu